
Chapter 1082: Devil's Rules

Mao Baer thought for a while and shook his head. At this moment, the black demonic energy was completely restrained, and it was no different from usual, except for the addition of a small devil wing. It's only as big as a palm and is inconspicuous at all.

"Who knows, anyway, I felt very hungry, so I took a sip on them. In my eyes, these are all delicious food."

Xu Yangyi and Wangchen looked at each other. Earth's civilization has developed for so long, and they have basically understood some of the demon's systems.

"Devil's furnace, high-level cannibalization." Wangchen muttered: "According to the known occult knowledge, lower-level demons will serve as food for higher-level demons. The demon world is a naked cannibalism of the weak. And according to Western mythology, all demons actually They all come from a cosmic artifact called the 'Devil's Forge'."

"It is located at the center of the universe, the most chaotic singularity, erupting demons all the time and never stopping."

"In the beginning, all demons were evil demons. With the killing and evolution, the weak became food for the strong, and they developed systems such as demon gods, demon kings, and demon kings."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly and said solemnly: "This is not the point."

"The point is, why is the devil here?"

"Woof!" Mao Baer raised his hand excitedly, but no one wanted him to speak.

Everyone was deep in thought, ignoring the dog paw.

"Hey... shouldn't you listen to what I think after just having a big meal?" The bitch is unhappy, has a little mood, and can't be coaxed.

Wangchen sneered and said: "Has the World Tree that grew in Silithus been corrupted to form the demon world? If you dare to say so... we must do something today."

"Am I that superficial?!" Mao Baer was furious.

Everyone's eyes acquiesced.

"Humph!" Mao Baer turned around proudly: "Since you are begging me sincerely, I will tell you with great mercy." one wants to know what you think.

"It's very simple, because the devil's world is called Tiragandis. It is not a world at all, but a plane. I know that your poor IQ can't think of this... Woof! Potato! I'm warning you! I am now But the man who is a one-winged devil! If you grab my tail again, I will fight you!”

Xu Yangyi didn't care about its threat at all, but turned it over and said with blazing eyes: "Say it again?"

In my mind, many unconnected places were finally connected.

A terrible guess formed in his mind, shining brightly, and was about to be put together.

"I said, the devil's world is a plane! A very, very powerful plane! Do you understand? Let go of my noble tail!" Mao Baer was angry.


This is it!

No one thought that the world of demons was not a world, but a plane!

He immediately asked: "How does the devil appear? Please tell me carefully."

"Now do you know how important my opinion is?" Cat Baer snorted, lying lazily on the ground and raising a paw.

? ? ? Everyone was confused.

"Xiao Yangzi~~ help me up, shit shoveler." Mao Baer glared at Xu Yangyi fiercely, Wangchen's face turned blue, he really wanted to destroy this dog... What should I do?

"You have no eyesight..." Seeing Xu Yangyi's unkind smile, it coughed lightly and said with a smile: "I don't know why, but after swallowing those pastries just now, I have a lot more memories. Tiragandis, this That's the name of the demon plane. They are also in a separated space rift, but they are very huge. No upper world has ever found them."

"I saw a huge furnace, maybe Ironforge... No! What, what kind of furnace is it? These pastries jumped out of the candy machine, endless. The memories of each of them are very fragmented, I It took me so much to fully understand it.”

"There are only two memories, which are particularly clear, as if they are innately known and engraved in the blood of the soul. The first is their promotion method, devouring desire, or devouring each other. The stronger the desire, the more powerful they can be. enhance their advancement.”

"The second is the way they come. There are three ways. One is called coming, the second is called whispering, and the third is called transaction."

"Advent is also used by powerful demons to descend on a specific target. However, you must first make sure that the target has a strong desire. Otherwise, the descendant will be devoured by the other party's body and cultivation, and will be destroyed by the laws of the plane. Whispering is the best It is safe to feel a strong desire, then trace the source, find the person who issued the desire, and seduce the other person in the dream. "

"As for the transaction, it is to find that the other party is too strong, or has a firm mind, and to protect the other party with the laws of the plane. But no matter which one, any way the devil comes, requires extremely strong desire. When infinite desire is condensed At this time, it can even open the door to Tiragandis." After saying so much in one breath, it stuck out its tongue: "My mouth is so dry... That's it, damn, so many pastries and so little memory. , no wonder it’s called a demon.”

Everyone listened carefully, and Yuchang pondered: "So this a summons?"

Mao Baeryi patted the dog's head: "No, he came by himself... Oh, by the way, I forgot, there is a gap below, they jumped out from it, and a desire that can span the universe opened it. ……etc……"

It itself was startled, and its hair stood on end: "Crack?! Devil's crack? There is a devil's crack down here!?"

Everyone was speechless.

Can you forget this kind of thing? Really worthy of the reputation of Husky...

But then, they only felt a chill.

I see……

It turns out that this is why so many demons appear here...

No wonder the powerful demon would find this place! No wonder the other party would say this is their home!

Mao Baer jumped up suddenly, biting Xu Yangyi's clothes desperately and dragging him out: "Let's go... dear! Let's go quickly, mahjong is missing one of four! Fight until dawn! It's too dangerous here! Devil! This is real Devil! Oh my god! If I had known better, I wouldn’t have eaten these things! Ignorance is bliss..."

"There is no way to retreat." Yuchang sighed and spoke quietly.

"Why is there no way out? I don't care whether it lives or not! Can we handle this thing? If you want to die, don't get involved with me!" Mao Baer was angry.

"Retreat?" Xu Yangyi sneered: "Let me ask you, when these demon strong men found that the passage was open and rushed over with joy, they suddenly found that there was also a strong man on the other side of the passage, and his desire was extremely strong. What do you think... …What will the devil’s higher-ups do?”

"Advent... Coming?" Cat Baer was unsure, but even with his IQ, he could faintly feel the extreme danger.

"That's right." Xu Yangyi was like a teacher, smiling and persuading: "But this desire is fake, just provoked by the desire talisman. The person itself does not have any desire, because it has no feelings. According to your memory, once the advent fails, ,what happens?"

Mao Baer thought for a moment, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"Anti, anti-devour?! He...he...he wants to plot the body of a high-level demon?!" It almost screamed: "Who! Is this, is this life-threatening?!"

too crazy!

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Su! Xing! Yao!"

"It's really audacious... I thought I was the only one who could be so crazy. It's really impossible to live without being crazy..."

Mao Baer opened his mouth wide. At this moment, he couldn't connect the bitch girl with this madman.

"It's her, and only her." Yuchang also sighed: "The courage is really big enough. Regardless of courage, perseverance, and means, everything is the best choice. The strongest desire in the world is currently only hers that can touch it. . Only she can open this rift."

Mao Baer swallowed: "Then... let her go. I have seen that woman, cold and heartless... just like ice, it must be cold when you hold her... Do you want to be a scumbag, potato?"

"Can you please stop saying a few words!" Wangchen understood completely and gritted his teeth and said: "Don't you have any sense of crisis?!"

"Look around us! Think about it...a space that refuses entry to all saints. In other words...she is absolutely confident that she will kill everyone here after merging with the Desire Talisman! Run? Where to run?! Run and wait. Die!"

"Maybe she will be merciful... I'm so cute..." Mao Baer murmured while scratching the air.

"Never rely on your opponent to be merciful. Your own path is only in your own hands." Xu Yangyi looked at the deep honeycomb below and said calmly: "She will not show mercy."

"Because, I'm here."

"The immortal road is full of competition, there is no retreat, the road reaches the sky, and each side never goes to one side." Yuchang looked at the heart with emotion, and said with emotion: "One general's achievements will last forever, and one is too weak, even at the feet of Duobu, They are stepping on the corpses of countless monks who competed together at that time. The throne they sit on is made of skeletons and blood. This is a narrow road. Only the brave and wise can reach the top. "

Everyone, including those in Angsu, was savoring these words. Xu Yangyi continued: "Second, think about it, even if we get out safely, when the great war comes hundreds of years later, Su Xingyao has become a complete demon, and may even be a high-level demon."

"When the time comes for the world to fight, who will be able to stop it? I'm afraid it will be her who once again shines like a twin star, one who can equal a thousand, right?"

"To seek the present for oneself and the future for the great road, this is the true monk, who is worthy of being the saint of the Zhenwu Immortal Realm. Compared to the reincarnated saint, there is a world of difference between the same saint."

"It's not on the same level at all."

All opportunities that belong to them will be taken away, and all their hopes will be cut off. If she is not stopped today, the subsequent chain reaction will be unimaginable!

This is a battle message from Su Xingyao, a challenge from the talisman holder with the same status. He will never retreat, let alone retreat!

Everyone has his own persistence and his own way. Wherever the road goes, no matter how many thousands of people go there, I will go there.

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