
Chapter 1083: Weird Crystal Wall System

"We can't let her succeed!" Wangchen took a deep breath and looked resolutely: "Master, you will enter a world of great struggle in three hundred years. Such an opponent is too terrifying. Her threat... once she grows up Get up, and it’s still higher than the others!”

No one answered, and after a long while, Yuchang sighed: "We've still come this far."

Xu Yangyi smiled and shook his head, his fighting spirit burning in the calm: "It's not what I want."

Yuchang's eyes were a little sad: "The seven legends have selected seven supreme geniuses. The great struggle in the world is only the first step. Later, in the fight for immortality, the seven legends will gather together and open the gate of immortality. Now... You are in a full-scale war with one of them. She is still the weakest, and the strength of the others is unimaginable. Aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid?" Xu Yangyi laughed loudly and licked his lips that were a little dry due to excitement: "That's wrong, I'm very excited and looking forward to it!"

"The great road leads to the sky, and thousands of people are fighting to cross it. On the road of cultivating immortality, isn't it precisely because of these true geniuses that the reality we see in the end is even more valuable?"

A talisman holder who can communicate with demons, possesses the divine code of space, and has the body of a high-level demon...

This is the true destiny's daughter.

Maybe a thousand years later, the history of the entire Seven Realms will be rewritten!

No wonder the Spiritual Refining Holy Flame said she was a monster. This is scarier than a monster, a real demon.

It's been too long... It's been too long since there's been such a peerless figure at the same level. His character and strength are on par with him. Only such an opponent has the desire to completely burn him.

"The world of great struggle is only the first step on the road to immortality." He suppressed the emotions in his heart and said calmly: "Let's go."

"Let me go and meet the empress for a while."

Although several people in Angsu did not understand their conversation, many key conversations were blocked by Xu Yangyi. However, from Xu Yangyi's face, they were slightly aware of the seriousness of the matter. Just as they were about to speak, Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Don't ask."

"It's not good for you to know too much. As long as you know that there is another plane opening a passage below, that's enough."

This short sentence made everyone's hair stand on end. Gao Fangrong shuddered and immediately asked: "What are we going to do?"

"Go down!" Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "In any case, Su Xingyao, the Holy Flame of Soul Refining, the Talisman of Desire, and the Fissure of Hell, these four are intertwined. As long as one of them is removed, this nine-link chain will be solved!"

"How to go down?" Mao Baer stretched his neck, looked at the endless thousand-meter hole, and trembled all over: "Free fall like a meat pie?"

"There is a way!" Wu Kui already had his feet on his chest and pointed at the lotus flowers around him: "These lotus flowers all grow from below. If you fly down along them, you will definitely reach the center."

"It's so dirty!" Mao Baer was disgusted.

Everyone looked at it with weird expressions. How dare you think it's dirty?

Maybe the poison in the shit can kill you!

"There is no time for us to delay. One more second here will make the situation below more dangerous." Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and the fish intestines had already flown to his feet. No more nonsense, it turned into a stream of light and went straight to the ground.

Everyone else followed.

The underground world is pitch black, and the brilliance of the magic weapon can see those huge lotus root systems, forming a waterfall of plants, all the way down.

It flew down along the root system, and after flying for who knows how long, the big moist hole twisted and twisted, and finally, a black mist appeared below.

Bottomless, it is a kind of pure darkness, the ultimate nothingness, with pieces of gravel suspended in it strangely, drifting slowly, like an endless planetary belt.

Before Xu Yangyi could speak, Gao Fangrong had already flicked his finger, and several firebirds roared away. However, as soon as they entered the black below, they immediately seemed to be trapped in a quagmire. In less than ten seconds, they turned into a pile of sparks and disappeared. Immediately afterwards, countless muffled thunders rolled through the black clouds, illuminating the surrounding kilometers into a sea of ​​thunder. The blue-white light boiled the entire passage, and the sound of thunder could be heard endlessly.

"What is this?" Xu Yangyi was also curious. Below them was like a real sky, and they were stepping on top of the sky.

Wu Kui and Gao Fangrong looked at each other, Wu Kui frowned and said: "If we just talk about the appearance... this may be a plane space."

"Plane space?" Wangchen was stunned: "You mean... there is another plane inside Kunlun? Is it still a thousand meters below the ground?"

"Little friend, this is just a joke." Gao Fangrong smiled and said: "This is unrealistic. The spiritual power of Xukunlun has gathered for hundreds of thousands of years. Every piece of soil here has spirituality. Any plane is exclusive, only Bixu Kunlun’s stronger plane can form a second space in Kunlun without being rejected.”

He said proudly: "Within a million light-years radius, there is no plane stronger than the Seven Realms... Sir! You are..."

Xu Yangyi's body turned slightly sideways, his waist and abdominal muscles stretched into a straight line, and infinite spiritual power crazily gathered on his fist from all directions. In an instant, the entire passage began to roar, like a dragon roaring.

Pieces of gravel fell down desperately, forming scattered rain curtains. Wu Kui and Gao Fangrong swallowed their saliva, and Jin Dan beside them trembled and almost retreated to the corner. Even Wangchen looked at the other party with his clothes flying in the air waves in astonishment.

So strong... They knew that the opponent was very strong, but they didn't expect that a full punch without using magical powers could achieve such a power that the trees are still and the wind is not stopping, and there is also a grand master's bearing that stands thousands of meters high and embraces all rivers.

"Practice brings true knowledge." Xu Yangyi looked indifferent: "Whether it is a plane barrier or not, you will know if you try it."

"This is simply impossible..." Wu Kui and Gao Fangrong wiped away their cold sweat and laughed. A million light years... how majestic! It took a hundred thousand years for the elite heroes of the true martial arts world to open up and expand the territory, and this led to the current situation where the king and his ministers were on the edge of the land. How could there be such a strong plane that could open cracks in Kunlun?

Before the thought came to an end, there was a loud bang! His right fist suddenly swung out, turning into a bolt of lightning that shot straight into the black mist. The next second, the voices of the two people who were laughing suddenly rose in pitch, their pupils sharpened, and they stared at each other, unable to believe it.

The black cloud suddenly burst out with thousands of golden lights, and then, hexagonal patterns ten meters in size appeared crazily under the light curtain, and strands of golden threads rushed out of the black cloud, dyeing the entire passage. Jinxia.

But then it shattered.

"Crystal wall system?!" Gao Fangrong rushed over with a whoosh, looking at the black clouds below like crazy: "How is this possible?! It is really a plane! A brand new plane... I have never known to explore it. A different plane! It was actually generated inside Kunlun!"

"Oh my god..." Wu Kui did the same, rushing forward suddenly and looking down with dumbfounded eyes: "Impossible... This, this is simply impossible!"

"Only outside the plane can the crystal wall system appear! Could it be...could it be said...that there is a plane more powerful than the Seven Realms that has opened up here?" "What kind of plane can do this? This... …This is unbelievable!”

No one spoke, Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, and Yuchang looked down thoughtfully. Wangchen and Mao Baer's eyes met, and there was only one answer in their eyes.


The gate of Tiragandis...has been opened in front of them! This is probably the real hell plane in countless legends on the earth! Countless lemures, succubi, demons, great demons, high-level demons... as well as the superior demon kings, demon lords, and the seven demon gods of hell... are all under this black cloud!

It was as quiet as death. After a few seconds, Gao Fangrong suddenly came back to his senses, his voice trembling: "Everyone... we, we can't go down! Is this the hell plane you just talked about? This is definitely not a rift. ! This is a hole that can accommodate monks from all four realms!"

"We must report it!" Wu Kui's voice was shrill, and his face was pale and covered with cold sweat: "We can't go down! There might be something below! A brand new plane appears... If it's not handled well, it will be a plane war!"

"No." Xu Yangyi finally said: "This...may not be the hell plane.'s very possible that this plane is not strong at all."

"The crystal wall system and the planetary belt have both appeared. This, this is the plane! The plane that can appear in Kunlun is by no means an easy thing!" Wu Kui gritted his teeth.

"No." Xu Yangyi shook his head and looked deeply below: "Hell...don't doubt it. If they could, they would definitely be a super plane comparable to the fairy world! You don't understand the terror of the demon god at all..."

He glanced at the other party and waved his hand, cutting off the sound. Pointing downward, he said: "If it is Tiragandes, will its crystal wall system be broken by me?"

"I estimate that if you don't have Taixu, no... or even Doppo, it's impossible to destroy the periphery of the crystal wall system of hell! The crystal wall system is equivalent to the protective layer of this plane. There are demon gods and demon kings in the plane. , it can never be broken so easily!”

"That's right!" Yuchang pondered and nodded. He also judged this way. Wangchen and Mao Baer also flashed their eyes. They believed Xu Yangyi's judgment, but... their doubts did not decrease, but became more and more!

If this isn't hell, then... where is it down here?

The hexagonal grid that is the symbol of the crystal wall system is unmistakable. This is a powerful force attacking the plane. The plane's own protective measures will be seen by all creatures in the entire plane. The next moment is when the entire plane works together to resist the attack of foreign enemies, just like when the Butterfly Mother broke through the world.

The rift in hell has opened, but it's not him?

What are those demon kings and demon gods doing? With such a God-given opportunity, they would actually allow other planes to serve as a buffer between Kunlun and Hell? Are the Seven Lords of Hell so kind?

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