
Chapter 1084: Mass Burial

/p\u003e No one said anything. After a long time, Xu Yangyi smiled casually and said: "No matter what it is or where it is, you will know when you get down."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light, and his soul guard turned into a long golden river, rushing straight into the black clouds.

The strength of the physical cultivator was extremely powerful, and the broken crystal wall system could not stop his forced entry. With a bang, the crystal wall system was immediately rushed out of a 100-meter gap. Wangchen and others immediately followed, Wu Kui and others gritted their teeth, their protective magic weapons exploded, and they also rushed over.

Since it is a plane, there must be indigenous people. No biological crystal wall system can be generated. In other words, they are in the third type of contact. Everyone knows this truth. No one let down their vigilance. Spiritual energy spread throughout their bodies, and the magic weapon was already activated to the point of buzzing. If anything unusual happened, they would be greeted by a shocking blow from several Nascent Souls.

Swish, brush, brush! Six spiritual lights pulled out six cloud arrows in the black clouds, but the moment they passed through, they were greeted only by endless wind.

"Oh..." "Oh my god...where have we been?" "What on earth is this place?"

Even Xu Yangyi and Yuchang were stunned.

There are no imagined natives of this plane, and there are no signs of any cultivation civilization. Just below them, a continent with a radius of at least hundreds of thousands of meters lay lonely in the void. It was covered with countless cracks and formed a sudden cliff at the end visible to the naked eye. Endless void power surged up from the gap, carrying fragments of the broken continent slowly floating in the void. Forming a broken starry sky plane map.

The ground is littered with boulders ranging from several meters to dozens of meters tall. These landforms can still vaguely see what they looked like back then, as if they were a huge basin, and in the central depression... endless pale flames were raging throughout the center of the basin!

The holy flame of soul refining shatters the plane.

" a damaged plane?" Wu Kui looked down at the bottom with dumbfounded eyes: " could it break through the plane power of Xu Kunlun? A damaged plane is more powerful than Xu Kunlun?"

Gao Fangrong opened his mouth wide, shook his head and looked down. They couldn't believe this answer. It was full of mysteries, and the layers of fog made him almost feel suffocated.

Xu Yangyi glanced around and immediately focused on the center of the broken continent.

The soul-refining holy flame, as pale as the sea, seemed to surround a small island.

"There are no traces of hell rifts outside. This kind of thing cannot be placed in a conspicuous place. It must be at the core of this place." Yuchang narrowed his eyes and looked at the island, feeling it slightly: "Spiritual consciousness can be used ”

Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness has been spread out a long time ago, and Nascent Soul's spiritual consciousness can easily reach thousands of meters. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the sage to see an entire city by himself. Their spiritual consciousness has reached hundreds of thousands of meters, and Taixu has reached millions of meters. Under the eyes of the gods, there is nowhere to escape.

He frowned slightly, he couldn't reach it at all, it was too far away.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, and their flight slowly lowered. But it’s not that they slow down their spiritual energy on their own.

"Forbidden Sky." Gao Fangrong exclaimed: "And it is far more powerful than above."

As soon as the words fell, everyone's spiritual power reached its peak. The restriction means that there are monks here. And if there are monks here, the most likely possibility is...


Where no one could see, the space outside Xu Yangyi's body seemed to fluctuate slightly, and the red line flew out quietly.

Gorgeous colorful butterflies that were invisible to the naked eye flew out of the opponent's body, densely covering the entire space. Wherever they landed, endless talisman silk threads were derived, forming an invisible talisman network that was densely spread tens of thousands of meters.

Any formation or illusion, as long as it does not surpass the Saint, will be inescapable in the eyes of the red line.

The falling speed was not fast, ten minutes, but only 12/10 of it had fallen. The news from the red line had already been fed back: "Dad, this is not a restriction, there is no trace of the formation. And the sea of ​​​​fire in the center... I can't get through, and I was swept away by a wave of fire. A strange force blocked it... I have never felt this kind of force before, they don't seem to belong to any system at all."

Xu Yangyi nodded and said no more.

The falling speed was getting faster and faster, and the distance was getting closer and closer. Half an hour later, the picture below was extremely clear. His pupils shrank suddenly, and thirty seconds later, a gasp of cold air could be heard.

"Oh my God..." Wangchen looked down with dumbfounded eyes: "What the this place?"

"Hell..." Gao Fangrong's lips were dry, he opened his mouth wide, looked around with trembling eyes, and murmured hoarsely: "This is hell... the real hell..."

He immediately walked over, and the others immediately followed. Just after taking a look, they all felt cold sweat on their backs.

Human bones…

The overwhelming human bones... I can't even count how many there are! A hundred meters in front of them was the endless sea of ​​soul-refining holy flames. All these human bones were scattered on the ground in strange postures.

As far as the eye can see, human bones form a white ocean as far as the eye can see, like granite, with no head visible at all, as if the crowd watching the tide at the beach suddenly died!

The underground world, the devil's rift, the endless sea of ​​human bones... This weird scene sent chills down everyone's spine!

Even an old man like Yuchang was extremely shocked by the scene in front of him. He gasped and said, "It's really...unbelievable..."

At this moment, they felt a slight relaxation, and the air ban was completely ended. They were still 20 meters away from the ground. Xu Yangyi flew in the opposite direction of the Holy Flame Sea of ​​Refining Spirits like lightning - he wanted to see how big this sea of ​​human bones was.

Five minutes... ten minutes... a full half an hour, he had flown to the edge of this plane fragment and finally got the answer.

Endless... overwhelming!

This is the ocean of death, the paradise of extinction.

Not far in front of them, because of the planetary belt formed by the plane shattering, those endless rubbles were actually inlaid with dense human bones!

These bones have become fossils and merged with the plane.

"It's about a million meters away... this... there are more than a million people..." Yu Chang followed him and looked at the broken plane behind him in shock. Even the spirit of the weapon, without the feeling of the flesh, felt a chill in his heart at this moment.

Too many...

It's vast and boundless. At least millions of people died here! In terms of the unit of the earth, people from several counties died here!

And this... is just a corner of this damaged plane.

They flew back in silence. Gao Fangrong didn't need him to speak. He suppressed the fear in his heart and detected the surroundings. Wu Kui's lips were dry, but he didn't dare to sit down at all. He gritted his teeth and said nothing with a pale face. Angsu's Jindan had already sat on the ground of bones with weak legs.

"My lord." Gao Fangrong's voice was a little trembling and very low. In such a place, a high voice seemed to wake up the dead spirits on the ground. Anytime and anywhere... Those incomplete human bones always felt densely packed, and the black holes looked straight at them.

"These people... all died on their knees." He swallowed dryly, suppressed his pounding heart and pointed at the white bones around him, and said affirmatively: "All the bones have leg bones close to the ground, which means that they all knelt when they died. Now they are so scattered because it has been too long, their flesh has decayed, and their bones have scattered."

"Beheaded?" Wang Chen also asked softly. The sky was covered with darkness, and the fields were covered with white bones. This scene made him feel creepy.

Wu Kui finally spoke, his voice dry and hoarse: "No... not... these... these people... the millions of people around... are all monks!!"

He shouted the last sentence almost crazily, and his voice was like a crow crossing the lonely night. It was extremely shrill.

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had already punched the ground, and a big pit appeared. There were piles of white bones, almost integrated with the ground. He carefully dug out one and looked at it solemnly.

Any monk, because the spiritual energy has been running in his body for a long time, his bones must be as white as jade, almost transparent. And now... the bone in his hand is just like this.

No one spoke, and the darkness around him seemed to be about to jump out of some monster at any time. Wang Chen and Mao Baer couldn't help but move closer. After a long time, Xu Yangyi put down the bone and looked around solemnly: "You mean... millions of cultivators, without any signs before death, all gathered here, knelt on the ground, and then died at the same time?"

No one answered.

This answer is too weird, this... is really beyond the imagination of the Seven Realms!

Gao Fangrong took several deep breaths, his hands trembling a little, and said hoarsely: "Although it is hard to believe... but... it seems to be the case now..."

"Are there any similar records?"

"Absolutely not. If such a strange thing happens in the lower realm of the Seven Realms, I am afraid that even the Yang Saints will be alarmed. It is not a fake saint, but the thirty Yang Saints who are truly recorded!"

Yu Chang pondered for a moment, and murmured: "Really... too weird, they don't know what is here at all. One of the seven legends, Tian Lingzi, is on par with Tyrannosaurus Rex and Chongming Bird. The Seven Realms' broken road to immortality... two unique immortal roads that have been pursued for thousands of years... one of the seven keys... is not in the Seven Realms?"

"Let's go!" After a long time, Xu Yangyi turned his head and looked at the black building in the center of the basin. He said in a deep voice: "Don't think about it if you can't figure it out. In any case, the center should be the place where all the mysteries gather."

Just as the voice fell, eight rays of light broke through the black clouds in the sky, and dozens of shining magic weapons surrounded them. Then, there was a cry of surprise.

The remnants of the Four Daoists...

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly. Su Xingyao didn't make a move?

The eight rays of light immediately saw them below, but they all chose not to approach cautiously, but drifted to a place not far away.

"Want to go together?" Yu Chang asked, squinting his eyes and looking at the sky.

"Of course." Xu Yangyi smiled slightly: "No one can keep a secret better than being with the dead... and they are eight dead people with strong strength."

"You have to be careful." Yu Chang said meaningfully: "We didn't realize that there were people following us before. They followed us less than ten minutes after we came down. These people are not so simple-minded."

Xu Yangyi licked his lips: "It depends on whether their appetite is good enough. It's better to be honest, otherwise... I don't mind helping Su Xingyao."

(End of this chapter)

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