
Chapter 1085: Old Place (I)


Eight streams of light fell to a place thousands of meters away from them. Their spiritual consciousness could sense that they also saw the endless sea of ​​bones below, and their emotions fluctuated greatly.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi and Yu Chang turned back almost at the same time. Just a hundred meters behind them, the space of fifty or sixty meters suddenly twisted, and a series of talismans suddenly filled the air, turning into countless patterns of distorted ink and water aura. In less than five minutes, a gate outlined in ink and water quietly formed in the void.

Wu Kui, Gao Fangrong, and Wang Chen's side several magic weapons whistled out, and the distance of a hundred meters was reached in an instant. The aura on this gate did not belong to anyone they had seen so far.

Under the attention of the crowd, the ink and water gate opened silently, and a handsome monk, with ragged clothes, walked out panting.

"Fellow Daoist Ou?" Xu Yangyi couldn't believe his eyes: "How come you are here?"

"Classic of Mountains and Seas, the secret treasure of the sect." Ou Fangyu answered directly, so directly that everyone almost spurted blood. He wondered: "Isn't this the place where you appear after entering the Classic of Mountains and Seas?"

Xu Yangyi looked behind him with hatred. He was pitting his apprentice! Old Jiang never told him that there was such a thing!

"Could it be..." Ou Fangyu looked a little strange: "You came down from above?"

What else? !

No one wanted to talk to him. Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly: "Well, if you don't go from above, how can you get the inner elixir... The key is that I didn't get the inner elixir either! It's a pity to throw the pearl into the dark!"

I still wanted to comfort myself, but I didn't expect that I wanted to kick this bitch when I persuaded him.

"Hey, plant stem tuber surnamed Xu, please explain clearly! What is a pearl! What is a dark investment! Why does this sound so harsh to this dog god! Are you speaking in a roundabout way?"

Ou Fangyu had an "I see" expression on his face, coughed, and said seriously: "Big Brother, this is the center of the Holy Spirit Refining Flame. After the first riot of the Holy Spirit Refining Flame three months ago, this sea of ​​fire has spread to the shore of 100,000 meters, and the saints cannot enter at the same time."

"Wait." Xu Yangyi raised his hand suddenly, his eyes burning: "You just said... shore? Not a basin?"

Ou Fangyu nodded: "The sect has to send people to take a look every few decades, after all, the Dan Hall is the lifeline of Tianjian Villa. I have been here twice and have seen huge sea beasts hundreds of feet long and various fish fossils in the center, but the water has dried up long ago, so it looks like a basin...Big Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Yangyi frowned deeply.

I misunderstood... Indeed, the ocean is no different from the basin after it withers, but for some reason, he suddenly felt a sense of familiarity. This is the Danling who can remember everything he sees.

Quietly close your eyes, coast? Seabed? Why is it familiar... Is it familiar with this sentence, or...

At this moment, his heart trembled violently, and the familiar feeling coming from all directions seemed to be madly disturbed by a big hand. A sharp pain in his mind made his face pale instantly.

"What's going on?" Yuchang, Wangchen, and Ou Fangyu asked immediately.

His heart was beating wildly in his chest. Xu Yangyi took several deep breaths to suppress the feeling, but his mind was already blank. He covered his chest and panted, his expression was extremely solemn: "Never forget everything he sees."

"Never forget everything he sees?" Yuchang was stunned.

"My memory was erased... Just now, my photographic memory worked, but it seemed to be blocked by some 'rules'. It seemed to want to awaken some scenes in my mind..." The severe pain in his head finally eased, and he looked around solemnly: "Then... my memory was forcibly interrupted."

"Here... is there something I don't want to remember."

Yu Chang was stunned for a moment, then looked around in astonishment: "You mean... have we been here before?"

"That's impossible!"

"Nascent Soul cannot fly across the starry sky! This is obviously a plane that has been damaged for who knows how long! There is no way we have been here!"

"I think so too." Xu Yangyi looked around deeply: "But my photographic memory can never be wrong... Fellow Daoist Ou, what exactly is this place? Have you seen what's on the island?"

Ou Fangyu saw that the other party was so serious, thought about it carefully, and then shook his head and said: "The island cannot be approached, and there are many broken building fragments in the dry sea, but there is no clue at all."

At this moment, two streams of light swept over from a thousand meters away, without any defensive aura.

Fairy Feng and the three-eyed man.

"Hello, fellow Taoist." Facing Xu Yangyi, the two did not put on airs at all. They knew very well that in such a place, the one with the bigger fist was the one who had the most power.

Now, Ben Lei was the most reasonable.

"This True Lord is Liu He, the seventh young master of the Liu family of the Northern Fourth Dao. This is Fairy Feng of the Yinluo Sect, who has been temporarily designated as the next master of the Talisman Hall." Liu He observed Xu Yangyi's expression calmly: "I don't know where this place is. Does fellow Taoist have any clues?"

Xu Yangyi said lightly: "I don't know, but there is a solitary peak in the basin, maybe I can check it out."

"Does fellow Taoist have a way to get there?" Fairy Feng asked with a smile: "Excuse me, the flames here are extremely strange. It is close to absolute zero when it is close to 100 meters, and you don't know what is below. If you fly over there out of thin air, I'm afraid it will be like seeking death."

Xu Yangyi looked at her meaningfully and said calmly: "No."

She knew the size of the words very well. She knew that what she brought out was not good, and what the other party begged for was the best.

Liu He smiled very respectfully: "Nowadays, everyone is in the same boat through thick and thin, supporting each other, and we happen to have some little things here."

After finishing his sentence, Xu Yangyi said nothing more. Instead, he smiled and gave a deep and meaningful oh.

Is there any way he can get through?

Liu He and Feng Xianzi secretly exchanged glances. Feng Xianzi secretly gritted her teeth, raised her head, and smiled like a peach blossom: "I have a small and rare treasure here, called Tian Xingjian. Fellow Taoist, are you interested in playing with it?" ?”


Feng Xianzi made a gentle move with her hand, and a strange coin flew out from her storage ring, half the size of a palm, and seemed to be made of silver. Liu He smiled and said, "Friend Ben Lei, this thing can summon an ark in the void, and you can reach it no matter where you are."

Before he finished speaking, countless red lights bloomed in the void, and a red crack slowly opened in the air. In less than five minutes, a closed eye slowly appeared.

Fairy Feng seemed to be stunned, looked at the coins in astonishment, and murmured: "This is..."

"It wasn't like this before." Liu He also looked at the sky in surprise: "What on earth is this? Did you re-sacrifice Tian Xingjian?"

"No." Fairy Feng frowned. At this moment, Wu Kui, Gao Fangrong, and the golden elixir from Angsu all burst out with screams and fell back hundreds of meters!

Their eyes were as big as brass bells, and they looked at Fairy Feng as if they were seeing a ghost, as if they had seen the most terrifying devil in the world. The screams cut through the night, more miserable than countless skeletons. The hair all over his body stood up, his mouth was wide open, and his body was shaking non-stop. Gao Fangrong pointed his finger at Fairy Feng, which was shaking as if he was having a stroke, and said in a trembling voice: ""

Everyone frowned. It was so rude. Nascent Soul was already at the pinnacle of the Lower Four Realms. What could scare them like this?

Fairy Feng was even more displeased. She looked at her body and saw that there was no abnormality at all, and there was nothing around her. Within ten thousand meters of spiritual consciousness, there was nothing but light clouds and only the sleeping of endless skeletons.

"Are you crazy?" she said coldly, but before she could finish her words, the hoarse screams of Gao Fangrong and the other two people made her hair stand on end.

"White...woman in white!" Wu Kui shouted like crazy. Gao Fangrong almost screamed: "Coins! Coins!!"

Fairy Feng and Liu He were just stunned for a moment, and then Fairy Feng also let out a scream! He threw the coins out like he was holding a soldering iron in his hand.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were burning, and at this moment, he had already remembered a sentence.

"It is said that under the Nine Earths, there is a river of fire, which seals the devils from foreign lands. Every time when the moon is full, the monks have the opportunity to walk through a long darkness and see it. It exists in the sea. Below, three moons are reflected on the sea. A woman in white will come on a big fish, take out a coin, call out a boat, and ask the children who come here if they want to get on..."

Under the Nine Lands... this is it!

The river of flames is right in front of you!

The devil from another land is sealed... That's right, the rift in hell has been opened! The moon is perfectly round, and the moon is surrounded by three rings! They have indeed walked through a long darkness! "The woman in white came stepping on the big fish..." Su Xingyao was dressed in white, as ethereal as a fairy, and competed with Xu Yangyi for the inner elixir.

Finally... take out the coins and call out a boat...

This is Tian Xingjian now! And Fairy Feng!

The two women are not the same person, and the legend... completely comes true!

No mistakes or omissions!

The feelings of Xu Yangyi and other ascended monks may not be deep yet, but these Seventh Realm monks who have grown up listening to this story feel like goosebumps are rising on their backs and souls are rising!

It's like listening to the story of Grandma Tiger and suddenly finding out that when you go home at night, the grandmother next to you really ate your younger brother, and the blood is flowing on the bed, and the other person tells you that your younger brother wet the bed.

"What is this legend called?" Xu Yangyi shouted, bringing everyone back to their senses.

No one answered. Fairy Feng held Liu He's hand tightly in shock. Liu He's face turned pale and his teeth were trembling. After a long time, Gao Fangrong spoke hoarsely: "Tian Lingzi..."

"This called Tianlingzi!"

"At the end of the legend... this woman in white... became a demon and tricked all the children who got on the boat to eat her. Her name was Tian Lingzi... It was originally meant to educate us not to trust others at will. But, how is it possible now? Come true!”

His miserable and frightened screams echoed here, Xu Yangyi and Yuchang looked at each other, their eyes extremely solemn.

Tian Lingzi... one of the seven legends of the Seven Realms... has actually been spread throughout the Seven Realms as a fairy tale since ancient times.

The seven keys that open up the world of great strife and affect the path to immortality are actually right under their noses from beginning to end!

Whose handiwork?

If you want to hide it, you don’t have to spread it. Since it has been circulated, why hide it?

He stretched out his hand, and the coin on the ground suddenly flew into his hand. When he looked carefully, he found that the coin was actually an ordinary silver coin. The front... actually has a hexagon carved on it!

The devil's hexagon, and... can never be possessed by lower devils. It is impossible for lemures, demons, and even high-level demons to draw such a thing!

On the reverse side, there is a string of English words engraved on it.



Arrogant Lucifer, Jealous Leviathan, Angry Samael, Lazy Belphegor, Gluttonous Beelzebub, **Asmodeus, and finally...this is it.

Mammon of Greed.

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