
Chapter 1086: Old Place (II)

"Mammon..." Wang Chen's face turned pale: "Seven Demon Kings of Hell... Mammon of Greed..."

"Cut!" Xu Yangyi clenched his palms tightly, and the silver coin was squeezed into a piece of waste.

Someone is already supervising here...

Not a high-level demon...nor a demon king.

But one of the real Seven Lords of Hell...the second demon he saw, Mammon of Greed!

No wonder...No wonder you have to pay silver coins to summon the ship, greed, original sin, desire, at this moment, everything is connected together!

It is impossible for Su Xingyao to take over Mammon's level. But...even if she devours an insignificant incarnation of the other party, her strength will expand to an unimaginable level!

He feels that definitely above Taixu, even above Dubu, and it is even more likely to be above!

Demon, a demon who dares to call himself a god.

This really too courageous. Dancing on the blade, she can still remain calm now, just like the Holy Flame of Refining Spirits here, crazy in the cold.

"Where the hell did you get this silver coin from!" He walked towards the almost frightened Fairy Feng step by step, and asked with gritted teeth.

"No, I don't know, I don't know!!" Fairy Feng looked panicked, and the next second she held her head and screamed: "Don't ask me! This was given by the elders of the family! Never... never happened like this! I, I really don't know!"

"Forget it." Yu Chang looked at this stupid woman with hatred. It was useless to get angry now. The appearance of Mammon's silver coin here only represented an ending.

"The demon Mammon is here..." It took a deep breath and gritted its teeth, saying, "It may be just a wisp of consciousness looking at this place, or even just a clone's consciousness, and the most inconspicuous clone... But even so, we can never move it!"

"Any demon, to establish a channel or projection, must have consciousness, catalyst, and carrier, three parts. Needless to say, the consciousness, the catalyst is something that must have a fixed point here, and the carrier is where it projects. This is what Su Xingyao is planning! And this silver coin is the catalyst."

"I'm only worried about one thing." Xu Yangyi snorted coldly and said, "Can that lunatic Su Xingyao withstand a wisp of consciousness from Mammon's clone? I'm afraid she doesn't even know who is coming! Who is watching here! Once she can't bear it..."

Without saying anything else, Wang Chen and the others knew the result.

The demon clone descended... Maybe it only has a Nascent Soul, but... it can definitely make the main body of the demon descend! Even if it takes thousands or tens of thousands of years!

They are still in the Seven Realms! There is no other place to go!

He didn't care about the life and death of the Seven Realms, but he never wanted to be in the Seven Realms with the beginning of the universe in front and hell behind. These damn days are really like grass, and people don't know how to die!

"But I am more worried about one thing now. Who spread this legend? Even Mammon's token knows it... This is so many times more advanced than my Seven Star Divination! The prophecy is just like this. What is it for?"

At this moment, the eyes in the sky slowly opened.

It is impossible to describe it. The part that should be the white of the eye is black, and the eyeball in the center is blood red.

Black is deeper than the night, and red is richer than blood.

Dazzling red light was projected from the eyes, and the entire basin that was originally the sea began to roar. Endless skeletons of marine creatures floated from the seabed and quickly organized into a huge ship.

Bone ship!

With an extremely evil smell, when it rose, the holy flames of refining spirits on both sides swirled wildly, but it could not hurt at all. There was even a loud horn sound on the ship, and then it slowly rotated in the air and came towards them majestically.

Swish, swish, swish... The strong wind blew, and a gloomy chill of decay stunned everyone. Until the ship stopped in front of everyone. It was like a dream.

At the same time, the silver coin in Xu Yangyi's hand flashed a black light, broke free from his grasp, and returned to the extremely unwilling hands of Fairy Feng. He frowned slightly and didn't say much.

Everything happened silently, but everyone at the scene, except Xu Yangyi and Yuchang, was panting.

Too weird...

This is the power of the devil... The devil handed over its invitation, inviting everyone to travel to hell together.

"Let's go." Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows and turned into a stream of light and flew onto the hull. Wangchen, Mao Baer, ​​and Ou Fangyu were stunned and followed immediately.

"What about you?" He asked coldly, looking at the people below.

"We..." Liu He gritted his teeth and didn't make a decision. Feng Xianzi suddenly said fiercely: "Go!"

"I want to see... what secrets this coin has! The family has kept it for so long, how could it be related to the legend!"

Liu He hesitated and said: "Do you know what you are doing?"

Feng Xianzi seemed to be extremely embarrassed. She made up her mind and sent a spiritual consciousness into her ears: "Don't forget to vote."

"I only want Luo Tian Huan Die, nothing else!! After I go out, my Feng family will give you three Six Ding and Six Jia Heavenly God Talismans! I will never break my promise! I can swear a great oath of Taoism!"

Liu He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. In a moment, six figures in the distance came in a flash. Seeing this 20-meter-long bone ship, they were all stunned.

They didn't experience the scene just now, so they naturally didn't know the fear of Liu He and Feng Xianzi. The other party didn't say much. After a while, everyone got on the boat.

As if the ship was spiritual, with a horn sound coming from an unknown source, the twenty-meter-sized bone ship slowly turned around and sailed toward the deepest part of the sea of ​​fire.


"Why?" Under a huge ancient tree, Su Xingyao slowly raised her eyes and spoke coldly.

This tree is so big... I can't tell how big it is. The tree crown is tens of thousands of meters high, covering the sky. But now they are all withered. And countless huge bones, more than ten meters thick, were piled up around her.

Right in front of her, a fifty-meter space crack was slowly twisting, emitting flames and dark evil energy. And a face that was so distorted that it was impossible to see its complete appearance was slowly rotating in the gap.

"Why are you helping them cross the river? Or why are you here?" Mian Lian's voice was extremely ethereal, without any trace of demonic intent. Instead, he was like a god, majestic and inviolable.

"You are not the only container, why should I take this risk?"

Su Xingyao's expression remained unchanged, the devilish wind blew her hair wildly, and she said calmly: "Are you so confident?"

"Little guy... do you know who you are facing?" A smile came out from the face: "I was born at the same time as the first living being in the universe. When its wisdom opened, we also woke up at the same time. Your knowledge is only mine. Less than one billionth of that.”

"Even if you are just an insignificant clone? And just a ray of spiritual consciousness?" Su Xingyao said calmly.

"Even so." He said with a smile: "You are very smart and ambitious. You should be an excellent container, but... I am not interested in dangerous containers."

His face seemed to be looking upward: "If it were other demons who came, maybe they really didn't notice it. Even I didn't expect which plane of lunatics and immortals actually made such terrible things. When you When you merge with it, the future is limitless, but it's really unfortunate... Only when you are around it can you open the door to Tiragondis."

"What's even more unfortunate is that... you met me, who is the weakest but the most cautious among the seven brothers."

"Let me see who can make it this far. Only survivors are qualified to be my pillars."

Su Xingyao stood up slowly and glanced at her face with pity: "You know what?"

"A monk never respects ghosts and gods."

"Only strength is respected."

"Oh?" He said with a smile: "My strength is not enough for you to respect me?"

"Greedy Mammon." Su Xingyao looked up. There, in the purple light of the sky, a huge talisman like a heart was beating slowly. The canopy covered thousands of meters, all directions, and the infinite space were dyed purple by it.

As if born and nourished by the earth, living together with the universe, dying together with the universe, the endless biological chain is completely outlined by the talisman, gathering from the surrounding void to the center.

"If you were here, blowing on me, I'd be wiped out. However, there are billions of clones of the Demon God, and just one tiny clone that I'm afraid it has never paid attention to dares to speak nonsense, which is ridiculous." She lowered her head, bathed in purple light. Her body is holy and cold: "I said that all I am looking for is myself."

"I will kill anyone who dares to stop me. If anyone in the world stops me, I will kill everyone in the world."

As soon as she finished speaking, a purple light burst out from her seven orifices, and an indescribable aura burst out from her body.

"You..." His face paused, and then he took a deep breath: "You are just like are actually...also a creation of those crazy are not human!"

Su Xingyao's voice was full of emotion for the first time, and the purple light became more and more brilliant, covering her whole body and shaking all directions: "I've been talking nonsense to you for so long, and finally... I can regain control of one-third of its power... …”

His face was distorted, and he looked at the crack with great reluctance, but the next second, infinite black light immediately erupted, and he desperately retracted into the crack. No regrets.

"Brush!" Before it completely disappeared, a big purple hand came out from the sky, covered with talismans, ten meters long, and completely made of spiritual light. Just when the face was about to disappear, it actually stretched into the crack. Caught something.

A shrill scream came from the crack, and the voice of the face sounded in disbelief: "They succeeded? These crazy guys... they... they actually succeeded?!"

"Do you know what you are doing? Lord Mammon will know everything! You... you are provoking the supreme existence!"

"Creation...Creation! You are actually involved in the creation stage! This is God's duty! You have blasphemed..."

Before he finished speaking, there was another scream, and the sound suddenly disappeared. The purple aura hand slowly stretched out, with countless lemures hanging on it. In a flash of light, the lemures turned into ashes.

The big hand of light slowly opened, and in the center, a black crystal was spinning. Strong demonic energy spurted out from above.

Su Xingyao had become a purple light person. She looked at the top of her head and said calmly: "Give me a day."

"I will show you who is the real empress!"

"This generation, the trend is mine."

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