
Chapter 1087: Old Place (Part 3)

The bone ship started slowly, and its speed was not fast. So Xu Yangyi could see the surroundings very clearly.

There was nothing in the first 10,000 or 20,000 meters, but the further in, the more huge debris under the sea of ​​fire.

It seemed that he saw huge pillars and some other things. But he couldn't see clearly at all. The Holy Flame of Refining Spirits was getting thicker and thicker. As he got closer to the center, it almost turned into real sea water.

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, and the familiar strange feeling in his heart lingered.

Looking forward, there were still tens of thousands of meters away from the center, and 10,000 meters away from the center, there were many huge shadows that could not be submerged by the Holy Flame of Refining Spirits, and they were a hundred meters higher than the sea of ​​fire.

"What are you looking at?" Yu Chang asked.

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "I am worried about the Holy Flame of Refining Spirits. This is its kingdom. Its inner elixir has been taken away, and it is planning to seduce us. Why won't it show up?"

"If you want, this is the best ambush site."

"Let it be. It is definitely not the one we should worry about now." Yu Chang sighed: "Compared with is really too is just an acquired spiritual treasure of one plane, while a true demon god that coexists with the universe and has existed since the beginning of the spiritual intelligence of living things."

He did not speak again. Too many tents do not worry, too many lice do not bite. At this time, he had no time to take care of these things.

It was getting closer and closer, and there was no obstruction all the way. Just when they entered the outer 20,000 meters of the island, the first huge mountain finally appeared in front of them.

Xu Yangyi did not fly over immediately. Although he had cultivated for ten years to cross the same boat, these people who crossed the same boat were not necessarily good people.

The moment they drove into the giant mountain for 5,000 meters, Xu Yangyi seemed to feel the space vibrate slightly, as if they had stepped over an invisible line of rules, and then countless white mists surged up. In the dark void, it seemed to lead to death.

"Fog?" Liu He frowned, and exchanged glances with Fairy Feng calmly: "Why is there fog here?"

"It's very strange." A masked black monk also frowned, and was waiting attentively, and suddenly froze: "Wait... what did you hear?"

No one spoke, the fog became thicker and thicker, and soon it was so dark that you couldn't see your hand in front of you, and all this happened in just a few seconds. At the same time... a very subtle sound came from the fog.

Fairy Feng listened carefully, her hair stood on end, and she trembled: "Someone...someone... is crying?"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. He and Yuchang's five senses had been opened to the maximum, and their ears trembled slightly, and their spiritual consciousness couldn't penetrate the fog at all. He also heard it.

"It's not a woman." He said in a deep voice, looking around with a serious look. Without waiting for others to speak, the next sentence made everyone tremble: "It's a group of women."

As if answering his words, as the bone ship continued to move forward, the sound became louder and louder! Five minutes, ten minutes... Fifteen minutes later, screams, shouts, at this moment, the closer they got to the island, as if they had stepped over a line, and finally broke out!

"Woo woo..." "How could this happen... Aren't you invincible? Aren't you omnipotent?" "Where are you now? Save us..." "Woo woo woo! I don't want to die... I don't want to die."

Endless, overwhelming. In the dark void, the devil's bone ship slowly moved forward, and there seemed to be countless dead cries from all directions, which made people have goose bumps.

"Ah!!!" Fairy Feng suddenly screamed, and the three magic weapons swirled around wildly, and the treasure light rushed into the sky. It raged for a full ten seconds before stopping, and she was already trembling slightly, and her plump breasts rose and fell sharply.

"Save me... I don't want to die..." Countless mists condensed into human figures, covering the sky and the earth, and they were in the dead soul passage composed of this thick fog. Countless phantoms stretched out their hands, as if to drag them in madly. In an instant, the thick fog was full of waving hands, filled with heart-wrenching shouts and cries, which was simply heart-breaking!

"Ghost..." Mao Baer's hair exploded all over his body. In the void where he couldn't see his hand in front of his face, it seemed that there were souls floating around their ship, crying. But when he saw his demon wings, he immediately stood up straight with his legs proudly.

"What the hell... What the hell is this!" Gao Fangrong gritted his teeth and trembled as he looked at the void around him. The horror that grabbed his heart made him tremble in his voice.

"Is it really a ghost..." Liu He felt his legs cold and his throat dry.

"Don't panic." Xu Yangyi shouted, and everyone was silent. The black figure stood on the bow like a javelin, with eyes like an eagle, ignoring everything around him, and only looking forward: "There is no aggression. This... I'm afraid it's also desire! To be precise, it should be a spirit, an obsession. Only here can it be expressed in this form."

In this place where the desire talisman is produced.

"Knock..." At this moment, the hull was slightly real. As if it touched something. Xu Yangyi waved his hand lightly, and the red line whizzed up without saying a word, turning into colorful butterflies all over the sky. Behind him, several cultivators including Fairy Feng had a flash of eyes, but immediately suppressed them.

The colorful butterflies flew by, and the thick fog gradually thinned, but it did not dissipate after all. Everyone finally saw clearly what was in front of them.

At some point, they had already driven under the giant mountain.

"Look!" Wu Kui pointed to the top of his head in surprise, and everyone looked in the direction of his finger, and their pupils shrank.


These giant mountains can vaguely be seen with their huge shapes hidden by thick fog. They are pure round and have countless talismans carved on them, but they are definitely not the style of Xu Kunlun.

"Immortal?" The characters that are dozens of meters in size are very clear. Yu Chang frowned and looked at them, then raised his head: "There are more, as if there are two words on it."

"Immortal?" Everyone saw it. A flash of heat flashed in the eyes of the heroes in the north. Liu He said with a smile: "Could it be... there is actually a fairy fate hidden here? After the Tianjian Patriarch ascended 30,000 years ago, there are no more fairies."

Xu Yangyi did not speak. As they got closer and closer, they saw more and more clearly. Ten seconds later, they finally saw the word on it.

At a glance, his pupils suddenly contracted, his hands suddenly clenched the railing of the bone boat, and he gasped: "This... How is this possible?"

"This is impossible!!" Yu Chang almost exclaimed. Even he could not believe what he saw: "Isn't that a dream! How is it possible!"

Only one word on the fairy.


Forget, fairy.

Forget the fairy city!

Mother Butterfly breaks through the boundary, Dragon King stretches out his claws. Quetzalcoatl left behind a dream for him to see!


"This... is Forgotten Immortal City?!" Xu Yangyi shook his head slightly, opening his mouth. Even he could not hide the shock in his heart at this moment.

He immediately turned back and looked at the coast. He looked at the island in front of him in disbelief.

Impossible... This is too sci-fi, Forgotten Immortal City... That is the legend left by Quetzalcoatl, something for them to see.

The message left 30,000 years ago, specially for them to see. Now... It has become real and appeared in front of them! Moreover... This is also the place where Mammon of Greed left his mark, and it is also the place where the Desire Talisman was produced.

"Forget the Immortal... Forget the Immortal..." He took a few steps back with his chest heaving, looking at everything around him in shock. Finally, a clear line was drawn in his mind.

"Everything has a reason..." He closed his eyes gently and gritted his teeth, "So that's it... So that's it! When I went there for the first time with Wang Quandao, the mirage that appeared was not an illusion at all, but a scene of the destruction of the trapped dragon world."

"No wonder... No wonder Su Xingyao said it wasn't her. Her desire talisman can't do this... I didn't even notice it at the time."

Yu Chang sighed, and now he completely understood it. His voice trembled slightly and he said, "Because Song Ziyu summoned the Holy Flame of Refining Spirits... Something was broken here, maybe the seal..."

Xu Yangyi looked at the intertwined scenes of light and shadow around him and reality, his Adam's apple moved, and he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "So, the mirage appeared, so... the world spirit of the trapped dragon world also appeared... The cause of everything was just the killing intention of Song Ziyu, an ant, towards me? I'm afraid it moved the corpse of the world spirit, a Taixu corpse, with an immortal inner elixir, and was discovered by the newly awakened Holy Flame of Refining Spirits..."

Yu Chang said with great emotion: "Then, Su Xingyao came and opened the door of Tiragangdis with the help of the power of the Desire Talisman. She had no power and influence. If she wanted to enter the world of great struggle, she could only rely on her own strength. Devouring the will and body of a high-level demon was her way to the end of the south..."

"But the power of Tiragangdis was too strong, and the cracks opened accidentally polluted this ownerless inner pill. The Refining Spirit Holy Flame was afraid that the inner pill would be completely corroded, and was afraid of Su Xingyao, so it came to the ground in its true form, wanting to refine it before the inner pill was completely corroded. Su Xingyao had no time to deal with the Refining Spirit Holy Flame, because we entered this nine lands at the same time, and there was no coincidence, but it was a bargain for us..."

So that's it... All things were completely drawn into a line here. The flash of inspiration in my mind has illuminated every corner, and pieces of puzzles, seemingly trivial things, are now intertwined to form a dreamlike, but undoubted picture.

The word "Forget the Immortal" filled in the last puzzle.

No one expected that a simple sect A-level mission would actually involve one of the seven keys to the immortal road and the greedy lord Mammon.

Time flies like a bird, and the world is like a new chess game.

"These omens have appeared a long time ago, but we didn't connect them together." Yu Chang looked at the ruins around him with some bitterness: "Fate plays tricks on us... The old world spirit died in the battle, and the new world spirit could not protect the trapped dragon world. This is the origin of everything we saw in the dream left by Quetzalcoatl. And the destruction of the trapped dragon world... Isn't it the bones all over the ground now?"

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