
Chapter 1088: Testing the Knife

Xu Yangyi didn't answer, looking at the broken dragon world around him, he was a little confused.

What exactly did Quetzalcoatl want them to see?

Originally, he thought he had understood that the other party had left a chance for the monks on Earth. In a time of great strife, there is an opportunity to fight for the path to immortality. He did his duty, no one else would do it but me.

This glimmer of opportunity is waiting for the destined person, appearing in the form of a dream. Who would have thought that this story has no end, and even the end he thought was just the beginning. Now, Wangxian City has truly appeared before our eyes, maybe... this is the real beginning.

Here, a crucial question arises.


Everything seems to be revealed, but more questions arise.

Who left the Talisman of Desire here?

Who sealed the trapped dragon world here? No! Why was the Dragon Realm sealed under the Nine Lands of Kunlun?

Why does Mammon’s token appear? And why is it related to Tian Lingzi and the Legend of the Seven Realms?

"Unable to answer." After a long time, Xu Yangyi smiled slightly: "But why should I care?"

"It won't harm me, otherwise on earth, when I saw its true form, I would have been stunned. Since it doesn't want me to see it, why should I go to Yuanmu to ask for fish?"

Yuchang nodded: "Yes, maybe the answer lies in the center of the island? We just didn't get there."

Xu Yangyi looked at the endless void around him and murmured: "'s a variable that the other party can't even calculate."

Others did not hear their conversation. The others looked around in shock at the scene composed of countless mist. Countless people knelt on the seaside, praying for the world spirit to take action. Countless monks, everyone's face was filled with tears. With unclear sadness, they kowtowed and cried. In the sky, red, black, flames and void turbulence continued to erupt. In the distance, the ground began to collapse and cracks reached the center of the plane.

The white fog is getting thicker and thicker, even reaching the point where you can't see beyond two meters. They walked in destruction and watched death. Even though thousands or tens of thousands of years had passed, they still felt the indescribable sadness in it.

There was no response. No matter how the people in the mirage shouted, there was no response from the sea. Those desperate faces surrounded this bone ship thousands of years later and moved forward silently.

Xu Yangyi sighed softly and closed his eyes.

"Rest in peace." He whispered: "The trapped dragon lineage is endless, and some of you are still alive. And they are very powerful. As an outsider, let me tell you for comfort."

At the same time, a strong wind hit from both sides, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Can you finally bear it no longer?

Boom boom! The aura exploded, and before he could take action, the fish intestines swayed slightly, and the two auras immediately shattered.

The next second, eight rays of spiritual energy soared into the sky. In the midst of countless desperate scenes, they cut through the wind and waves and rushed towards his vital points without saying a word!

"Do you know..." Xu Yangyi didn't move. Yuchang hadn't killed anyone for a long time, but his soul was guarding his whole body. Yuchang had turned into black light all over the sky, dancing like a huge black ball of light. Outside the ball of light, there were pieces of The spiritual light exploded.

"You guys are too impatient." Xu Yangyi spoke slowly, as if telling a story that had nothing to do with him: "First of all, I admit that you guys have a trick. I didn't even notice that you were following me. Just like now, I didn't even notice that you were gone. That’s what happened on the boat.”

"Boom!" A spiritual light flew up on the left side, making his clothes dance wildly. He didn't even look at it, and continued to speak: "After that, as soon as we came down, you came down. You were in such a hurry that you didn't even save your own lives. , but you still covet the unknown treasures here. This is a way to die."

"If you just stay up there, maybe I'll forget about it."

"You are so shameless!" Sixty-seven angry shouts sounded at the same time. Six magic weapons pierced through the layers of fog and rushed from all angles, sweeping across the wasteland, up and down, left and right, southeast and northwest, and were divided into eight spiritual tide kingdoms by the sudden burst of spiritual energy. . There is a Buddha reaching out and holding the Buddha's kingdom in his palm. There are peach blossom shadows falling and divine swords flying. There was also a sword coming from the west, a flying fairy from outside the sky... aimed directly at him.

In the midst of the 10,000-meter strange phenomenon caused by the eight pieces of spiritual energy, like a sea wave hitting a rock, the headband and black hair danced like crazy. He glanced around him indifferently. Infinite black light burst out behind him, and in the majestic black tide, the figure of an ancient swordsman in a bamboo hat stood with his sword, dancing in the wind and sand.


One sword flies to the immortal, and thousands of points of cold light appear.

Endless wind and lightning, indescribable thunder, cold light like rain, black clouds like falling, after eight groans, a hoarse man's voice gritted his teeth and said: "Be careful! The spiritual treasure in this guy's hand is absolutely extraordinary! The weapon spirit should be It’s been going on for thousands of years!”

Xu Yangyi glanced around casually. The white mist had almost been completely blown away by the violent wind and waves, revealing eight blurry figures surrounding the air. He said calmly: "Second, Fairy Feng, you were so scared at that time that you still dared to board the ship. What did you want? You could have survived by staying on the shore and hugging each other for warmth among the weak. You still came up."

"'s okay." He slowly raised his hand, and illusory dragon shadows condensed behind him, spinning rapidly, and his voice was cold and bone-chilling: "Now that you have left, there is no need to come. Since you are here, why bother to leave."

Before he finished speaking, he punched out.

The dense fog that had not been broken by the eight magical powers just now was instantly broken by this punch. Wanlong went out to sea, and Yunlong probed his claws. The surroundings are clear and clear.

Outside the hole, seven magic weapons were all aimed at him, surrounding him tightly in the center. Fairy Feng, the red-shirted woman from the Gongsun family, the alchemist from the Lanling family, and everyone else all looked at him seriously.

"Knowing that you are full of treasures, why don't you let yourself be killed?" Liu He was panting slightly because of excessive excitement, and gritted his teeth.

Xu Yangyi licked his lips, grabbed the fish intestines, and gently wiped them: "Sometimes, people always need a reason to feel at ease."

"Since my debut, only Taixu disciples dare to be so arrogant. You are not Taixu disciples, and you are not peerless geniuses. You dare to touch the tiger's butt. I really admire you."

He said loudly to the people around: "Come out."

Is there a helper?

Everyone immediately thought of the person who killed the reincarnated saint in the dark, and their eyes immediately looked around cautiously, but there was no movement.

"Don't be afraid!" Liu He shouted, "It's just bewitching people! On the ground, we are no match for him, but here, we have a chance!"

"The road of cultivation is just a struggle! This damaged plane must hide a great secret! We must not lose our composure!"

Xu Yangyi ignored him and looked around and said lightly, "Aren't you coming out?"

"You have been waiting for a long time, right? It is indeed difficult for cultivators to find the acquired spiritual treasure to hide its body. But..." He smiled slightly, clenched and loosened his hands, and a bright flame danced on his hands.

As soon as the flame came out, all the fogs around that could not be cracked before screamed, and then retreated tens of thousands of meters as if avoiding ghosts. The sky was clear, and only the light of the flame remained.

"But, I have something better than you."

Innate spiritual treasure!

These four words rushed into everyone's mind like hormones. The innate spiritual treasure is too useful. Xu Yangyi's current super-speed cultivation is inseparable from it. It's not that there are no innate spiritual treasures in the Seven Realms, and there are definitely quite a few, but each one... is the lifeblood of a family's prosperity!

"You deserve to die." Fairy Feng almost trembled as she looked at the flame, the Luotian Fantasy Butterfly, the innate spiritual treasure... The greed in her heart rose like a flame, and she screamed: "Kill him! He must die here!"

But at the moment when the last word fell, a huge buzzing sounded in the whole sea of ​​fire, and then, a majestic figure finally slowly appeared from under the bone ship.

Fish demon... Refining Spirit Holy Flame!

It... has been following under the bone ship! The sea of ​​fire has become its best barrier.

The whole flame shook violently, and before everyone could react, an extremely excited roar came out from the bottom of the sea. The next second, the sea of ​​fire was surging with thousands of feet of fire waves, and a huge figure jumped out of it like crazy. The huge mouth bit towards Xu Yangyi like a black hole.

Crash! At the moment when its big mouth touched Xu Yangyi, all the pictures actually made a glass-like crisp sound, and then collapsed together.

The Holy Spirit Refining Flame was stunned for a moment, and then the entire huge fish body exploded. A human-shaped flame, about 1.67 meters tall, flew out of it with a whistling sound. It was pale and had blurred features. With a terrifying scream, it flew around frantically, trembling all over to find Xu Yangyi.

Innate spiritual fire... Just swallow it! One's own spiritual wisdom will be 100% complete!

"Acquired spiritual fire?" The eyes of the eight people above flashed. There are so many treasures here, how can that lonely kid be monopolized!

"Gongsun Wu!" Liu He turned his head suddenly and shouted to a place: "Do it!"

In the air, Xu Yangyi's figure has completely disappeared. This is an illusion. They don't have the ability to walk out of the illusion of Luotian Huandie, but they dare to get on the boat and have already made a plan.

The redwood woman of the Gongsun family walked out slowly with a frost mask on her face, and there were two figures behind her. A cone-shaped magic weapon pressed against the necks of Wangchen and Mao Baer, ​​and with red eyes, he looked around and shouted: "Commit suicide, right now! Right in front of us! Don't worry, we will strangle your Nascent Soul immediately and won't let you suffer."

Showing the Luotian Fantasy Butterfly, and then showing the innate spiritual treasure...

No one will tolerate the other to live.

"If you say no..." Her magic weapon pierced into the necks of the two people half a centimeter, and blood gushed out like a spring: "Then, kill your friends first, and then kill you!"

"The illusion has nodes, the eye of the formation, here, it's not difficult to find it."

As soon as the voice fell, a series of green lights rushed straight into the sky from all directions. Endless black clouds rose from the ground, and the red line in the air had already spread infinite brilliance. A circle of black domain suddenly expanded from under his feet.

"Are you so cruel? Don't care about your friends?" Gongsun Wu gritted his teeth. But before the voice fell, several exclamations in the air sounded at the same time: "Go!" "Leave!" "That's not..."

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