
Chapter 1089: Blood Ancestor

/p\u003e        The other six people all surrounded Liu He, looking at the void around them like frightened birds.

"What the hell is this field!" A masked monk gritted his teeth, but even so, he could hear his teeth trembling slightly: "This True Lord... has been fighting for more than 400 years... and has entered the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and has never seen this kind of... this kind of evil!"

"No fluctuations, no signs, this fucking... This fucking is scarier than the god of death!" "He... How on earth did he do it!!"

"Don't fucking lose your composure!!" Liu He suddenly shouted, holding a snow-white long sword in his hand, pointing diagonally at the sky: "Ben Lei... If you have the ability, come out! Have a good competition with our Northland heroes! You are worthy of being called a monk when you hide your head and show your tail?!"

A sneer sounded: "Hero?"

"Just you?"

A huge insult...

Everyone's lips were almost bleeding from biting, but they couldn't refute it at all.

In front of this person, the family members who used to bow and call him a genius in awe, and the various honors he had won were not qualified to be mentioned at all.

"Stop playing tricks!" Liu He gritted his teeth: "Get out... I don't accept it!"

Xu Yangyi's voice sounded from all directions like a god, with a hint of surprise in his calmness: "You don't accept it?"

Before he answered, a sentence that almost made him vomit blood rang out again: "I don't care."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge vortex twisted in the sky opposite the remaining six people, hundreds of white dragons roared and then twisted into a spiritual energy gathering hundreds of meters in size, rushing towards the six people.


Liu He's eyes flashed, this field was too beyond imagination, they didn't even know how the other party attacked, and what killed Gongsun Wu and Fairy Feng.

Can't delay!

"Originally... I was going to use this magic treasure on the day of the Northern Competition..." He gritted his teeth and did not give in to Jinglong's finger. The strong wind blew his clothes and his spiritual power crushed the void. He clasped his hands together and said fiercely: "But even if I win the Northern Competition... the gains are not as great as killing you..."

"What virtue do you have... You are just a scumbag from a second-class sect, but you have gathered the good fortune of heaven and earth in one body. How can it be justified if a person like you does not die, does not pave the way for me, and does not submit to us?!"

With his earth-shattering roar, a palm-sized blood-red dagger appeared when he pulled his hands apart. It seemed to have condensed countless grievances. As soon as it appeared, the surrounding void shattered layer by layer, and an extremely ominous breath emanated from it, turning into an inconspicuous red light, which flashed and disappeared into the void.

At this moment, his body suddenly stopped.

He was stunned, and then his teeth clattered and his whole body shook like a shiver.

This is impossible... this really still a domain?

This is the kingdom of God!

Because...he felt Xu Yangyi's aura for the first time after entering the domain.

But the position is wrong, just behind them.

"I am really disappointed." Xu Yangyi said slowly with a somewhat dissatisfied voice: "Testing the sword is a process of supplementation. But you don't even have the qualifications to verify it."

"Am I too strong, or are you too weak?"

Five sounds behind him, some water droplets splashed on his body, he touched it tremblingly, and his hand was full of blood.

It is obvious that now, he is the only one.

A little more than an incense stick of time...

The so-called heroes of the North were wiped out, leaving only him who was humiliated.

With a plop, he was no longer able to hold on, and had no intention of taking action. His legs were already trembling and kneeling on the ground, his hands supporting the ground, panting like a cow. He didn't even dare to turn around.

"Monster..." He spoke in a hoarse voice: "Monster... You are not a human... You are not a human!"

"You are just a monster... A lower-level sect... The chief Taoist is comparable to the appointed successor of the five kings and two queens... You... You are not a human! I don't believe it!!"

"Whether you believe it or not, I don't care." With a faint voice, a surge of murderous aura rushed straight to Liu He. At the critical moment of life and death, all the hope for life was awakened. He suddenly raised his head and shouted hoarsely with his back to Xu Yangyi: "No! You can't kill me! The Liu family is a big family in the north! If you kill me..."

Boom! !

At this moment, there was a chill behind him, followed by a loud bang, and the pale light was overwhelming. This moment seemed to have passed for ten thousand years, and Liu He finally turned his head tremblingly.

Just behind him, a huge ice shield, burning with pale flames, a thousand meters in radius, actually blocked this attack for him!

"You..." He was stunned. His weakness was relative. In the family and in the entire Northland, there were not many people who dared not look at his face. At this moment, he immediately understood and said hoarsely: "Save me..."

The human-shaped flame burned the entire space at this moment, and he finally saw the devil-like figure.

Sure enough... There was no corpse left behind except a bloody mess. And the death god, still in black clothes, with black hair flying, hands behind his back, cold and indifferent eyes, and no blood on his body.

Passing through the flowers, not a single leaf was stained.

Elegant harvest, indifferent killing.

"Monster..." He suppressed the fear in his heart. His Taoism had been greatly damaged, but he had no idea of ​​revenge.

Too strong... so strong that he could not have such a desire at all, and trembled: "Save me... and save you!"

"You are no match for him alone!"

The Refining Spirit Holy Flame ignored him and blocked him behind him. Liu He breathed a sigh of relief and took the pill to regulate his breath.

"What on earth are you?" Xu Yangyi didn't even look at Liu He, but looked directly at the Refining Spirit Holy Flame and said lightly.

Without answering, Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes and looked at the burning human-shaped flame in front of him. Just now, he touched the substance.

Substantial things, this is definitely not something that a spirit like the Refining Spirit Holy Flame can have. The other party is just beginning to develop his spiritual wisdom and has not cultivated into a human form at all. In other words, it is just a ball of fire essence.

But just now, when he attacked, the other party also punched him. Under the flames, he actually felt that there was something else under this layer of fire.

Very hard.

The Refining Spirit Holy Flame cautiously stepped back a few steps. As an acquired spiritual treasure, its power is definitely not comparable to these eight cultivators, but even so, its not-so-high spiritual wisdom feels... It seems that there is a prehistoric beast in front of it, opening its mouth. In just a few words, it seems to be in the roar of this beast, with divine power.

"You don't accept my previous proposal?" Its voice was vague, and it immediately warned: "I remind you that if we fight, it may be earth-shattering. There is no benefit in fighting between you and me. How about... we make a deal?"

"Deal?" Xu Yangyi looked at the other party curiously. He had already taken the inner elixir, so what else could he trade.

"Don't you want to know why I suddenly opened my spiritual wisdom?" The Refining Spirit Holy Flame was shining with light, and said in a deep voice.

After a long silence, Xu Yangyi took a step forward. The Holy Flame of Refining Spirits immediately grabbed Liu He and retreated a hundred meters, with anger in his voice: "You don't agree?"

Xu Yangyi sighed slightly: "I am not a very good person, but I think I am good in two aspects."

"One, keep your promise. Two, repay your kindness."

"Unfortunately, there is an old man in Tianjian Villa who treats me very well."

Before he finished speaking, his figure had already shot over, and the speed was indescribable. The Holy Flame of Refining Spirits shouted, and all the seas of fire in all directions rumbled and vibrated. Fire dragons gathered on its body from all directions. In an instant, a cocoon of flames was formed, trembling rapidly.

"Boom!!" Just when Xu Yangyi rushed to a hundred meters in front of it, a burst of blazing white light exploded, like a rising sun. Xu Yangyi frowned and retreated a thousand meters away. In the center of the white light, a complete figure finally flashed.

It was an old man.

Although the Holy Flame of Refining Spirits was pale, the old man was lifelike, with wide robes and extremely thin. The moment this appearance appeared, the whole space began to tremble wildly!

Buzz... Buzz... Circles of ripples were generated from the old man's feet, and the void on all sides seemed to be unable to withstand its pressure and began to collapse wildly. This was not because the other party used magical powers, but this appearance, the simple appearance, had already made the heaven and earth resonate!

"This is..." Liu He was stunned and screamed: "Taixu!"

"And it's the top Taixu!!"

"This, how is this possible! I have never seen this person's appearance!"

Any image of Taixu is recorded, and the seven realms must remember it. Liu He swears that this person has never seen it, and what's even more strange is that the Holy Flame of Refining Spirits has just opened its spiritual wisdom and is hidden under the nine lands. How could it have seen Taixu?

But it couldn't happen right in front of him.

Taixu's appearance, body and Tao are combined. Once it appears, it is a resonance between heaven and earth.

"Hmm..." Almost at the same time, Xu Yangyi suddenly pressed his eyebrows.

Severe pain...

The photographic memory reminded him frantically, I have seen it, I have seen it! He has seen this person!

At the same time, countless memories were mixed in his mind, and a strange idea came to his mind inexplicably, this person... is the root of everything here!

Who is it?

Why... when I want to remember it, I am always interrupted? Is this the power of Taixu? Even thoughts are forbidden. Even if it is just an appearance.

"Boom!!" Before he could finish thinking, two blood lights suddenly rushed out from his neck! Soaring into the sky!

That... is Angel's mark.

The first embrace of a pure-blooded vampire.

An even more bizarre scene happened. At the same time, the Holy Flame of Refining Spirits exclaimed in disbelief, and the flames all over his body burst, and in the flames, a bloody skeleton appeared!

Not a human form...

but...a bat!

The huge bat has almost turned into a human form, except for the legs, the rest is exactly the same as a human form. The whole body is blood red, and it seems that blood has been flowing for many years.

At this moment, a ray of light finally flashed in Xu Yangyi's mind.

"It's him!" He suddenly raised his head. Without relying on Dan Ling's photographic memory, he finally knew who this person was.

"You... relied on the bones of the seventh generation blood ancestor of the source blood world... to open up your spiritual wisdom?"

He looked around in shock, and a voice in his heart shouted wildly, this is the reason... This is the purpose of Quetzalcoatl! This is what the other party really wants him to see!

What he thought was the end is not the end, and the beginning that he once believed in is just reincarnation.

The trapped dragon world... the blood ancestor of the source blood world... the place where the desire talisman was produced... He finally felt that there was a hazy line that was about to connect.

(End of this chapter)

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