
Chapter 1090: Swallowing the Holy Flame

The last scene in the dream was that the seventh-generation blood ancestor of the Origin Blood Realm discovered the little dragon man and took him away.

However...the corpse of the Blood Ancestor appeared here.

Angel's mark resonated with the other party, and the other party himself had seen it was Taixu again...he had never seen a Taixu since he came to the Seven Realms! Except for seeing the Blood Ancestor in the dream left by Quetzalcoatl.

It can only be him.

"He didn't bring the little dragon people back to the Origin Blood Realm, but he ended up in Kunlun, the ruins?"

The blood-red bones and the mark on his neck erupted into two pieces of red light at the same time, intertwining with each other in the air. After a while, the red color on the blood-red bones faded away and turned into a deep black.

Like black gold.

Where the two red lights rotated, they twisted crazily. After a few seconds, a palm-sized blood-red token slowly appeared.

It is like a drop of blood, extremely bright, exuding dazzling brilliance.

"Origin Blood Token?!" Liu He exclaimed in disbelief: "The Origin Blood World, which opens only once in five hundred years... Entry depends on the Origin Blood Token... Every one is priceless! This, this is actually happening. Origin Blood Order?”

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and at this moment, something buried in his heart quietly exploded.

Angel, he never mentioned it, he just kept the other person in his heart. When he inherited the seed of Chaos from Quetzalcoatl, his life was hanging by a thread. Angel abandoned his own life to save him.

She is not my favorite personality, she is a bit arrogant, a bit out of tune, and a bit princess, but she is someone with whom she can spend a lifetime together.

He keeps his promise to the other party in his heart. There are still hundreds of years before the Origin Blood Realm is opened. He is waiting silently and lurking. No matter how much the Origin Blood Realm has to pay to wake Angel up, he will do it, just like the other person is saving himself. At that time, I gave up everything.

Now, this opportunity is right in front of us.

Without a trace of hesitation, his figure turned into a bolt of lightning, rushing towards the Origin Blood Order.

"Seeking death!!" The Spiritual Refining Holy Flame shouted loudly, and in his little spiritual wisdom, he was also calling it deeply. This token will be of great benefit to himself in the future. Natural selection, it has already been unable to dismount, and it shouted Roaring, the giant flaming fist slammed down. Before the wind of the fist arrived, countless snowflakes had condensed in the space, and the layers of ice cracked crazily.

"Get out!!" Xu Yangyi's murderous intent was fierce, and he punched out like a dragon without leaving any force behind. The Frightening Dragon's finger surged out like a mighty river. The two fists collided, and the pale fire on the bones of the Spirit Refining Holy Flame almost left the body, but in the end, it was firmly blocked.

There was only a skeleton left in the right hand of the Spirit Refining Holy Flame, and all the pale flames outside were dispersed by the spiritual power, but in the blink of an eye, more flames condensed from the vast sea of ​​fire, and in an instant, a flaming skeleton was formed again.

"I was born according to the creation of heaven and earth, and grew by swallowing the essence of the sun and moon. In my native place, I am an immortal existence!" The black flame skeleton let out a sharp scream, and instead of retreating, it advanced, and countless flames twisted into a handful. The ice spear with a radius of thousands of meters stirred up the wind and clouds thousands of miles away.

"You can break me, defeat me, but you can't kill me! Never!!"

The spear broke through the air, and all the fragmented void was actually frozen into ice fragments visible to the naked eye as it fell. The pale sea of ​​fire below instantly set off thousands of feet of waves, and the vast sea was covered with hundreds of feet of ice. Xu Yangyi, who was pointed at the tip of the spear, turned his breath into A little snowflake. The layers of frost actually broke through his body-protecting spiritual energy, causing his clothes to be covered with a thin layer of ice.

The power of a single shot can freeze thousands of miles.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and the thirty-two acupuncture points in his body shone in sequence. The next second, all the spiritual energy in the body was activated, and with a loud bang, the thin ice covering the body completely shattered. At the same time, Baihui above his head spurted out thousands of meters of blue light, and within three seconds, a hazy blue giant silhouette formed behind him.

Brutal killing intent flashed through his eyes, whoever stops this thing will die!

"Void Spirit Immortal Body?" Liu He gasped and stepped back a thousand meters again.

boom! ! Attacking with all his strength, without any reservation, a loud noise erupted in the air due to his forward momentum, and countless spider web patterns spread densely on the spot. The tip of the needle faced the wheat awn, and no one gave in. With an earth-shattering roar, patches of white light shone brightly in the mid-air, illuminating the heaven and earth.

One person and one gun, completely out of contrast. As soon as they made contact, a crisp sound filled the air instantly, and a crack spread from the tip of the gun. It was just a trace at first, and then like a giant dragon coiling pillars, it instantly covered the gun body, just a dozen or so. Seconds later, with an earth-shaking loud noise, the thousand-meter ice gun turned into layers of fragments and scattered in the air.

Countless ice flowers fell, and the fists faced each other, reflecting the open mouth of the black skeleton of the Holy Flame of Soul Refining. All the flames in the body were extinguished, leaving only two points of soul in the eyes that were beating desperately because of the excessive shock.

So strong...

Really strong! This is even stronger than when the opponent just kills those people by chopping melons and vegetables! At least twice as strong!

With this kind of strength... I'm afraid even the false saint is no match for him! Only a true saint can suppress him! And I'm afraid the other party can escape in the early stage!

Are there really such monsters on the ground?

"This thing is far more meaningful to me than it is to you." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, eyes filled with murderous intent, staring at the frightened skeleton in front of him, grinding his teeth and said: "You should be lucky, because you really made me furious. , so you will die more happily."

"Because it's always difficult to stop when you're too angry."

As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely weird power came out of his fist, and at the same time, a talisman between his eyebrows suddenly shone. It's like opening a third eye.

An unspeakable panic rushed into the heart of the Spirit Refining Holy Flame. I don't know why, this is just a talisman, but... it seemed to be facing the black hole of the universe at this moment, with endless pressure.

"You can't kill me..." it gritted its teeth. However, at this moment, it suddenly realized... something was wrong!

"What, what is this?!" Its voice suddenly rose, and a fact that it had never discovered before appeared in front of it.

Devour...endless devouring! It’s not “as if!” but “certainly!”

A ten-meter-sized vortex appeared silently behind Xu Yangyi. Where his fists came into contact, all the flames were sucked into the black vortex almost instantly. And...the suction power is getting stronger and stronger! It even spreads throughout its body! It can't get away at all!


"No...this, what on earth is this! It, it's actually devouring me?!" If we say it, the Holy Flame of Spiritual Refining only knew that it would be defeated at first, but it didn't panic, because it was immortal here. But now, it is really panicking, and it feels "death."

There was no answer, and with the sound of a brush, the endless flames left the body again. The shoulder bones and right half of the body were sucked out of all the flames in an instant amidst its incredible screams. Lifeless black bones were exposed.

will die……

Really gonna die!

Even innate spiritual treasures will not be like this! Facing the innate spiritual fire, it can still fight and devour! It depends on who has the stronger will! But in the face of this strange whirlpool, all resistance is futile! It's... almost like "the rules."

Devouring rules. The so-called origin of the plane is nothing more than this.

Extreme fear instantly occupied the brain of the Spirit Refining Holy Flame. It had no time to think about what it was, and screamed. The entire damaged plane's sea of ​​​​fire boiled!

Ten meters, a hundred meters...thousands of meters! It went higher and higher, and at the end, there was a loud bang, and the flames of nearly a million meters in the entire plane formed a fiery sunset in the sky, and a curtain of flowing fire, rushing towards Xu Yangyi crazily!

"Oh my God!!" Below, Liu He suddenly jumped up, and at the same time, another figure appeared in the sky, Ou Fangyu, looking at this scene with the same dumbfounded eyes.

"I want to see how much you can swallow!!" As the Spirit Refining Holy Flame screamed, its body was once again covered with flames. These fires are its true body. The pale fire will never disappear unless it disappears. This is the acquired spiritual treasure.

Xu Yangyi smiled coldly, and the next second, the scream of the Spirit Refining Holy Flame suddenly stopped. Not knowing who it was, everyone stared at Xu Yangyi in shock.

The black vortex behind him suddenly expanded a hundred times in the face of the endless river of flames! Reaching the terrifying range of one kilometer!

The demon named Taotie opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the world.

boom! The violent attraction is like the first formation of a black hole. This time the black hole is like a black sun, and the twisted light filaments rotate and spread to a space of millions of meters! One by one, the void talismans slowly emerged from the void, and more and more, turned into pure black, and gathered into the sea. A looming, mysterious black talisman was looming in the center of the black hole.

Swallow the talisman and fully appear!

Not only the flames... but the entire ground began to roar. The already dilapidated Dragon Realm, endless rubble and boulders, actually broke away from the planetary belt, screaming and joining the ranks of being devoured.

A true black hole, the devil's maw.

On the opposite shore, Wangchen and Mao Baer stared blankly at the space where flames instantly shot through the sky, and the ground rumbled like an earthquake. They all looked at each other in astonishment, not understanding why.

"Boy... do you want to destroy this place?" Yuchang also took a deep breath and looked at everything in front of him. This scene was too grand. One person swallowed one world... The planetary belt and the plane itself began to collapse. This... …This talisman is so terrifying!

One can imagine how powerful the other six are!

The Spirit Refining Holy Flame screamed repeatedly, and all its trump cards were completely broken by this unreasonable black hole. What it said was born from the sky and the earth, and what it swallowed the sun and the moon to grow, it was completely a joke at this moment. Not long after, one-tenth of its body was swallowed up!

"Stop...stop!!" It couldn't help but scream in terror, and its mind began to become confused.

"Stop it." Yuchang frowned slightly: "You will completely ruin this place."

"Do you think I don't want to?" Xu Yangyi's wry smile came: "But... I can't stop!"

Yuchang was stunned, and then immediately rushed to Xu Yangyi. After taking a closer look, he realized that his breath was filled with snowflakes! There is a thin layer of ice on the skin, and it is getting thicker and thicker, as if it is in danger of being frozen at any time!

"What's going on?" He was also anxious.

"Spirit Refining Holy Flame..." Xu Yangyi opened his mouth and tried his best to say this. He couldn't figure it out. He used the Devouring Talisman to directly erase the corpses of those people before, but the Holy Flame of Soul Refining did not enter his body instead! It's not being erased, on the contrary it's merging!

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