
Chapter 1092: Not Entering the Saint Gate

The golden baby in the Dantian has erupted with golden light, there is the sound of Sanskrit singing, lotuses grow on the soles of the feet, and the closed eyes quietly open.

His eyes moved. The Nascent Soul is the most important thing for a monk. If the Nascent Soul's immortal body is destroyed, it can be rebuilt into a new body. However, the Nascent Soul is just a baby and will never open its eyes.

Is this a sign of the coming of the sage?

The spiritual energy he had just swallowed was so pure that his meridians were hurt, but Nascent Soul's right foot sitting cross-legged dropped very slowly, and his left hand slowly raised. As more and more spiritual power exceeds the limit, it seems to begin to revive.

"Little guy, keep going!" The fish intestines rushed into his body again, and his voice was extremely excited: "Keep going... keep going! It's almost... you... are about to touch that line!"

The gate to the Third Realm!

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, it was not enough... This was just for him to see, but not really enter.

Transforming his fist into a claw, he grabbed the skeleton's right fist with one claw, and endless suction flowed in. With another sound, the flames in his arms disappeared, and the screams of the soul-refining holy flames pierced the heaven and earth.

It hasn’t stopped yet!

Swipe, swipe, swipe... Countless sounds rang out, and the swallowing talisman burst out in its final madness. Within a few minutes, the screams of fear pierced the soul. When the swallowing vortex finally stopped three minutes later, the soul-refining holy flame... only There are two points of soul fire left in his eyes.

"No!!!!" It let out a cry of despair. With this little spiritual fire, it would soon enter its true demise, that is, lose its spiritual intelligence again. Even if it doesn't die, even if it has a huge chance to reunite, it will take at least tens of thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.

At the same time, the skin of Xu Yangyi in front of it was like porcelain, covered with cracks. Countless blue lights burst out from the cracks, filling the world.

In the dantian, the baby has completed the entire movement. There is a golden lotus on the sole of the foot, one finger pointing to the sky, one pointing to the ground, and one foot hanging in the air.

In heaven and on earth, I am the only one who is supreme!

The appearance of the saint!

An indescribable power, like overwhelming mountains and seas, like the setting sun over a river, with Xu Yangyi as the base point, the sound of ebb and flow could be heard from all directions, and the space began to shake gently.


A melodious bell tolled, resounding throughout the entire space for millions of meters.

Ou Fangyu and Liu He suddenly jumped up from the ground as if they were pricked by needles. He looked around in disbelief and said in a trembling voice: "Become a saint in the flesh... break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly?"

Everyone has heard about the scene of Yang Sheng's promotion. Now, having it happen in front of them, they still feel extremely shocked.

Green light filled the sky, as if the body belonging to "Xu Yangyi" was about to be completely shattered. With the contribution of the Spirit Refining Holy Flame, he had reached the highest peak that Yuanying could reach in all the worlds.

However, this is not the true sainthood, but the qualification to knock on the door.

brush! Endless black energy spread crazily from under his feet. The domain that had been reduced to a shadow just now due to the swallowing of the Holy Spirit Refining Flame was condensed again in an instant. However, this time the condensation was different from the past, starting from the center of the domain. , a huge plant shadow slowly rose.

"The Code of Wood!" Wangchen gasped, his eyes already extremely fiery, he drew his sword and guarded Xu Yangyi.

Holy Yang...

Once there is one more Yang Saint, Tianjian Villa will definitely become a Grade A force! Senior Brother's promotion is too important!

"Tiandao certification..." Liu He looked at the sky blankly, with countless complicated emotions intertwined in his heart.

Envy, jealousy... A person has reached the qualification to be promoted to Yangsheng right in front of him. That feeling leaves only sadness in his heart.

"Little guy, this is the most important step. Your aura has fully reached the highest standard to challenge the Yang Saint. However, there are only five thousand saints in the seven realms! The first criterion for the advancement of the saint is not aura. It is the domain. "

"The domain is complete, and you can have a glimpse of the higher 'rules.' This is the threshold of respecting the saints. The domain is just to train you how to spy and use the 'rules.' Only if your way of using it is correct, will Heaven recognize it and you will have The qualification is called true sainthood.”

Xu Yangyi could no longer hear it. He was now in a very mysterious atmosphere, surrounded by countless spiritual energy, which was warm and very comfortable.

The picture in his eyes was different from everyone else's. This towering green tree seemed to have become a relief sculpture, imprinted on a huge wall. Then, his gaze rose up and he saw the phoenix on the green tree, the auspicious clouds on the phoenix, the flying birds on the auspicious clouds, and the sun on the flying birds...

Higher and higher...higher to infinity.

It is getting wider and wider, and standing in front of this endless wall, there is only a slight feeling.

By the end, he could no longer see clearly what other reliefs there were, because the top had submerged into the real clouds and connected to the sky.

The green tree emits a green brilliance and throws itself into the clouds, as if looking for something, but in the end nothing is found. After more than ten seconds, Bishu turned into a blue light that filled the sky and disappeared in the eyes of anticipation and jealousy.

"The law of heaven is not certified?" Ou Fangyu opened his mouth in shock: "Why? Even if it doesn't work, the law of heaven will appear. Why not this time?"

"Because this is not the sky of Xu Kunlun. There is no way of heaven here." Xu Yangyi's voice came. He had already opened his eyes and nodded towards him. Although the other party's guard was of no use, it was the starting point, and he appreciated it.

Problems with the practice system.

Each plane has its own practice system, which is very similar. Not to mention that the trapped dragon world has been damaged and the way of heaven does not exist. Even if it is not damaged, he, a foreigner, wants to form the middle three realms of Zunsheng here, looking at millions of light years. They are all in the realm of the strongest, and they are also quite difficult.

He had no intention of entering Zunsheng here, and was not prepared enough. He firmly remembered that there was only one chance to attack Yangsheng. As for the endless wall he vaguely saw just now, he roughly guessed what it was.

physical impairment.

A physical barrier that can only be broken once in a lifetime.

There is only one chance to enter Yangsheng. As for such a magnificent wall, he is not sure yet.

He looked at the Holy Flame of Spirit Refining.

Smiling slightly, this smile made the Spirit Refining Holy Flame tremble crazily. The next second, the last trace of endless devouring power burst out in a radius of one meter!

The target is not the spiritual fire, but the black skeleton.

The remains of Taixu.

He promised the sect that he would leave some seeds, but Taixu's bones were much more precious than this little bit of soul-refining holy flame.

Buzz! The swallowing talisman vibrated with a bang, and the final devouring power exploded. But at the same time, thousands of red lights burst out from the black skeleton, and blood-red talismans appeared strangely one after another, covering the entire skeletal body.

Can't be swallowed!

Xu Yangyi was stunned. This was the first time he encountered something that the swallowing talisman could not swallow. Was it the realm of Taixu? Or is it for other reasons?

At this moment, the Spiritual Refining Holy Flame sought life from death. Although it also knew that it would only be a matter of time before it could return to the acquired spiritual fire without intelligence, but... there was still a chance...

The skeleton slapped the Tianling Cap, and a bit of spiritual fire shot out from his left eye, flying straight to Xu Yangyi. boom! ! The moment this wisp of spiritual fire flew out, it exploded suddenly, turning the whole sky pale, with thousands of miles of snow drifting, and thousands of miles of ice. But it already carried the soul fire in the only remaining eye, and it was extremely frightened. Rushed to the island.

The white light was like a tide, and it dissipated after a few seconds. A piece of cyan armor surrounded Xu Yangyi's body, which was exactly the starry sky in the dense forest.

From the beginning to the end, the Spirit Refining Holy Flame did not cause even a trace of harm to him.

He did not pursue it, because right in front of him, a black skeleton sat cross-legged in the void, shining like black gold. Every bone was like a work of art, and the black was pure and translucent.

"What a treasure." Yuchang praised: "These are the real bones of Taixu. Each one is priceless. If you break them off casually, they are the best magic weapons."

"But... the best way to use it is to incarnate outside the body."

Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up. In his storage ring, there were still two corpses lying there. The corpse was born and the fetus was raised on the ground. However, he always felt that it was of no use, so he left it there.

As if he had read his thoughts, Yuchang said sternly: "It's not what you think, the middle three realms... the upper realm of one side, including all his subordinates, can hold up to the sky 20,000 people. This is a line, dividing The line between high-level and low-level monks. Once you enter the Zunsheng, you will have to take on a completely different task, which is to take over the life and death of subordinate planes. The forces affiliated with you will invite you to sit in and ask for your help. "

"Moreover, truly powerful incarnations outside the body can also be cultivated. They belong to different selves and have the same consciousness. This is the real incarnation. For example, Mammon has existed for a long time, probably hundreds of millions of years. The incarnation has at least become Thousands. Each one is enough to control one side. Secondly, once the main body dies, you can start over from the incarnation, so you have to leave yourself a way out."

Xu Yangyi nodded, he was already looking forward to Zunsheng.

The feeling of breaking through everything and coming to a new world just now... and the majestic feeling of completely opening the star map and ascending to the king's plane. Even he was breathing a little heavier.

Gathering his mind, he stretched out his hand to put the bones into the storage ring, but... the moment he touched the bones, something... moved.

Streams of extremely bright green light shone out from the place where he was in contact with the bones, and with this green light, the soil on the ground...actually started to move, and in less than three seconds, layers of emerald green grew in jaw-dropping ways. .

Boom boom boom... The broken plane made a muffled sound and began to move slowly towards Wangxian City. Although the speed was extremely slow, it was indeed moving!

"Creation!?" On the shore, Mao Baer, ​​Wu Kui, Gao Fangrong, and Wangchen were watching all this in shock. Mao Baer suddenly made a thunderous sound.

That was not its voice at all, and at the same time, its pupils turned into pale gold, and a pitch-black aura suddenly swept across ten thousand meters! A black frenzy formed on the shore.

"This is..." The people around them all backed away and looked at it in surprise, but it seemed not to notice it at all. It walked a few steps, looked at the sky and said solemnly: "Yahweh..."

"A trace of Yahweh..."

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