
Chapter 1093: Birth and Destruction (I)

/p\u003e        Ten thousand meters in front of the island, Ou Fangyu, Liu He, Xu Yangyi, and Yu Chang all looked at this in disbelief. The earth was in spring, and the broken plane began to have a hint of life... This was beyond all expectations!

Xu Yangyi looked at his hand in astonishment. His hand was already green. In the center of his palm, a green seed emerged by itself and touched the bones before him.

The Seed of Chaos!

"Miracle..." Liu He's legs softened. No matter how big his heart was, he would collapse when he saw this scene. This was something that Du Bu could not do, subverting all common sense.

Ou Fangyu was about to speak when a stream of spiritual energy hit his neck. He took a last look at Xu Yangyi before he fainted and closed his eyes.

"I don't want to kill you." Xu Yangyi sighed, and he and Yu Chang looked at the Seed of Chaos solemnly.

At this moment, pieces of black, liquid, were desperately absorbed by the Seed of Chaos from the bones, and a familiar smell rushed into their nasal cavities.

"Blood?" Yuchang was stunned and said in disbelief: "The black on its body... is it blood?"

"Alive." Xu Yangyi's heart was also beating violently: "He... the seventh generation blood ancestor of the Source Blood Realm left his blood and engraved it on his bones, why?"


No one can answer. Everything now seems to have been answered, but in fact it is completely a fog.

Why is the trapped dragon world inside the seven realms?

Why did the desire talisman appear here?

Why is the blood ancestor of the Source Blood Realm here?

These questions seem to have nothing to do with him, but the person who links these questions is Quetzalcoatl.

They guessed what is here, but they don't know why. Everything turned from a dream into reality. He had a hunch that this was the beginning of all things.

The real reason why Quetzalcoatl left all this.

Yuchang also looked at all this with great caution. The blood left by Taixu who died tens of thousands of years ago and the resonance formed by the seed of Chaos were by no means so simple.

In silence, the two suddenly raised their heads and said almost at the same time: "Blood inheritance!"

"That's right! It must be like this!" Yu Chang pondered for a moment and said affirmatively: "At that time... I'm afraid the situation was too urgent, and the blood ancestor could not record everything, but this memory is extremely precious, and he has even been seriously injured, so he had to use this method! To pass down his memory!"

"This is also the most solid way to record!"

As soon as the voice fell, it seemed to confirm that all the blood gathered into a thumb-sized blood drop in front of the Chaos Seed, followed by a red light. It instantly swallowed the two people.

Xu Yangyi couldn't help but close his eyes. When he opened them again, there was already a red world in all directions, as if it was pulsating rhythmically in the body of something.

"This is the spiritual world of the seventh generation blood ancestor, and it is also the world in this drop of blood." Yu Chang was right beside him, looking around and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid this thing can only be activated once. It's too old and extremely damaged."

At this moment, the red on all sides quickly condensed and entangled desperately. In less than ten seconds, a group of extremely blurred pictures appeared.

That was a plane that was being damaged. Everyone on it had countless emotions, despair, anger, hope, and all these people's emotions gathered together. In the endless earthquakes, thunder, and volcanic eruptions, this plane finally began to walk the final journey.

"This should be the trapped dragon world..." Yu Chang sighed: "In the universe, there are such upper worlds destroyed every day, and new upper worlds are born."

There was a clear sobbing sound in the picture. Both of them knew that it should be the voice of the little dragon man.

"Ah..." An old sigh sounded in the picture. This should be the seventh generation blood ancestor of the source blood world. He turned his sight. Behind him, a huge plane shuttle stopped there, like an ancient Chinese warship. The two words "Huang Xing" were engraved on it, magnificent and golden.

"Could it be a record of the follow-up of the collapse of the trapped dragon world?" Yu Chang frowned.

Xu Yangyi shook his head solemnly: "First, the corpse of the Blood Ancestor of the Source Blood Realm is here. Something must have happened here, which prevented them from reaching the Source Blood Realm. Second, the birth and death of planes. For a realm like him, he has probably seen a lot of them, so there is no need to record them in this way."

"What do you think..."

Xu Yangyi's eyes were like fire, and he said in a deep voice: "I don't know..."

"But I have a feeling... These memories may contain the truth of the 'immortal'."

The picture is very calm, and the plane shuttle is getting closer and closer. If the perspective of the Blood Ancestor is brought in, it should be the other party leading the little dragon man towards the plane shuttle.

It is so calm that it makes people irritable... So calm that only the beating hearts of the two people can be heard.

"Hmm?" At this moment, the Blood Ancestor suddenly turned his head, and the picture blurred. He seemed to look at the trapped dragon world in great surprise.

Swish! The two stood up together, and the calm sea surface was finally broken. In the collapsed trapped dragon world, all the desires of the people, those on the verge of despair, burst out, joy, anger, sorrow, worry, fear, and turned into purple airflows, rushing madly into the center of the trapped dragon world!

Desire Talisman!

This is the origin of the Desire Talisman!

"Wait..." Xu Yangyi suddenly pointed to the center of the picture: "Look there!"

The center of the trapped dragon world, Wangxian City, is right there... A ball of golden light is extremely dazzling, absorbing these desires crazily. Endless talismans that should not exist at all, unspeakably mysterious, quietly flickering around, and finally... forming a purple vortex with a radius of one million meters!

In the center, countless desires rushed away and gathered into an extremely blurry purple talisman.

Its brilliance makes the stars dim.

Its magic makes the sun and the moon pale.

A talisman comparable to a star! Beyond the plane!

Dead silence, no one wants to let go of this picture, and the blood ancestor seems to be stunned. On the screen, the purple vortex quickly approaches and becomes clearer and clearer. This is Taixu's strength. His spiritual consciousness has reached tens of millions of meters, and one person guards one domain.

Closer... Closer... In less than ten seconds, Xu Yangyi took a breath of cold air, stepped back a few steps, and shook his head and said, "How could this be possible..."

"Unbelievable..." Yu Chang was also extremely shocked, and his voice trembled slightly.

In the center of the talisman, emitting golden light, was a transparent coffin.

There was a person lying inside.

A woman.

Very beautiful, cold as a fairy, wearing a white dress, they had seen it before.

Su Xingyao.

She... existed since 100,000 years ago, existed in the Zhenwu Realm, and now... appeared in the Kunlong Realm tens of thousands of years ago. The coffin outside her body was definitely not an ordinary item, and it even seemed to surpass all the spiritual treasures that Xu Yangyi and Yu Chang knew.

The shock in the hearts of the two was not just because of Su Xingyao.

"The Desire Talisman... is it man-made?" Xu Yangyi's mouth was a little dry. Even he couldn't do such a thing: "Destroy a plane... just to practice a talisman... This is the upper world! There is the upper world of Taixu! Who has such a big hand? Is my Devouring Talisman... the same?"

Does every talisman user carry the lives of billions of creatures in the upper world?

Too heavy.

Before the voice fell, the coffin burst into golden light, and countless platinum doors opened around. The next second, the entire Forgotten Immortal City was forcibly taken away from the Trapped Dragon Realm and disappeared.

Space God Rule!

Su Xingyao's Domain!


Both of them felt a chill in their backs.

"Too unbelievable..." Endless fog rushed into their hearts.

Su Xingyao actually joined forces with Quetzalcoatl, one is the Saint of Zhenwu Immortal Realm, and the other is the guardian of the earth. There was a devastating battle before, and then they chose to join forces again?

"The stargazer felt that the war between the two immortal realms a hundred thousand years ago was too abrupt, so he returned to the Seven Realms to find the truth. But he never expected that his words would come true..." Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, and countless thoughts boiled in his mind: "The war between the immortal realms... Now that it has developed to this point, how could it be possible for the war to start suddenly?"

"Resources?" Yu Chang's expression was also solemn, and he tried to speak.

"Sitting on countless upper realms, the upper realms sit on countless great worlds, and there are countless small worlds under the great worlds. Being at the top of the pyramid, is it really lacking?" Xu Yangyi opened his eyes and asked himself: "Manpower?"

Yu Chang shook his head: "Talents have aggregation, as long as the earth opens its doors, is it really lacking people?"

The two people's questions and answers seemed to have no clues, but in fact they were exhausting their wisdom to dig out the truth of a hundred thousand years ago, although the clues in their hands were pitifully few.

"Su Xingyao's appearance adds the best footnote." Xu Yangyi looked deeply at the light curtain and said, "With her identity and status, there is no possibility for her to join forces with Quetzalcoatl, but all this happened."

"The Desire Talisman that destroys a world was born, using her as a carrier. In this blank period of history, what role did she play? Was it her who proposed this move? Suggested? But in the end, she implemented it."

"Is she a chess player? Or a chess piece? How much of the cause and effect does she know? I feel... everything about her is probably completely sealed because of this terrible truth."

Exhaling a hot breath, he clenched his fists fiercely, wishing he could rush into Wangxian City immediately and catch Su Xingyao to ask clearly.

This "reality," the heavy "reality," made his adventurous and curious heart restless, almost unable to restrain himself.

Suddenly, a suppressed, murderous childish voice rang out: "Master! It's it!!"

"It's it that killed my father!!"

The scene quickly switched, and Xu Yangyi and Yu Chang looked over immediately. After just one glance, they felt their throats blocked and closed their eyes together.


Because the scene was too familiar, they had all speculated that a terrible star beast destroyed the trapped dragon world, and the trapped dragon spirit was defeated. Although the plane collapsed after the enemy was defeated. Nanhua Butterfly Mother had invaded this dream and almost replayed this scene, but the star beast was replaced by Butterfly Mother. I didn't see the appearance of the star beast.

Black scales, across the galaxy, on each scale, countless talismans flashed, naturally generated.

A circle of feathers on the head, and feathers on the back from head to tail. A giant snake that was enough to surround the plane appeared silently around the destroyed trapped dragon world, looking at this damaged plane without emotion.


(End of this chapter)

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