
Chapter 1094: Birth and Destruction (Part 2)

"Bugui Immortal Realm...destroyed Kunlong Realm?" Yuchang closed his eyes and asked in a trembling voice.

"To be was Chaos who destroyed Kunlong Realm...and people from Zhenwu Immortal Realm participated..." Xu Yangyi's Adam's apple moved, and he said with some difficulty: "The appearance of Quetzalcoatl was after the battle between the two immortal realms. But...why did it do this?"

"Did it create the seven talismans?"

The picture paused for a moment, and the next second, it quickly turned to Huangxing, and the anxious voice of the Blood Ancestor sounded immediately: "Go!"

"Leave here immediately! Things that can destroy the upper realm are definitely not our enemies! I'm afraid we have seen a higher level of struggle...leave now!"

But...this storm has not subsided!

Xu Yangyi and Yuchang thought that this was everything, the peak of this memory, the creation of Quetzalcoatl and the Desire Talisman, which was enough for the Blood Ancestor to pass it down in this way. But, it's not.

This is not the peak! Because...just after this, the entire galaxy lit up.

Every star burst out with unprecedented brilliance, as if the light of the gods illuminated this star field. The perspective in the picture switched rapidly, but nothing could be seen.

Even across the picture, they could feel the panic of the heavenly power.

"Could this be..." Yu Chang pursed his dry lips: "No... Impossible..."

"Possible..." Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly: "This... is Chaos..."

"The last god on earth... is here..."

Before the voice fell, a magnificent voice, male or female, echoed in the picture. This voice is so profound that even after countless tens of thousands of years, it can be clearly heard in this memory scene.

"I was born in chaos and grew up in chaos."

"I am the beginning of all things and the end of all things."

"My life is so long that I can't see the end. I thought I would do nothing wrong."

With its voice, all the stars flickered together, regardless of stars or planets.

"But... I still did it. In this life, I have only done seven wrong things. But... I had to do it."

"I'm sorry."

"Yahweh..." The old voice of the Blood Ancestor was filled with unspeakable fear, and he knelt down in the air with a plop: "The trace of a Yahweh... Oh my God... What is recorded in the book is actually true! In this world... there are actually other Yahwehs!"

"It, it is not the Yahweh of this sky!"

In the starry sky, it trembled desperately, and then an eye appeared quietly.

It is very big, indescribable, inexpressible.

It is very majestic, inexplicable, and indescribable.

Its eyes are pure black, as if it is pregnant with chaos, with extremely complex emotions, looking deeply at this side.

"You are the son of the world spirit... and the final key..."

"The key to fight against 'it'..."

"We sacrificed too much... Until the last moment, the two great immortal realms fought for this and perished because of it..."

"Don't blame me..."

A beam of chaotic light shot out from the original extreme point, passed the blood ancestor, and rushed straight to the people behind. Only the little dragon man exclaimed, and then the whole picture trembled.

"I...will definitely kill you..." The little dragon gnashed his teeth and shouted in a childish voice, with chilling murderous intent in his childishness: "What does the destruction of your plane have to do with me!!"

"Why should I be responsible for you!!"

"I swear...I must, must find you! Kill you!"

The huge eyes were silent for a long time before they sighed: "I will wait for you with my life, and I also hope...there are seven people like me...who will find me..."

"Maybe, you will have different ideas when you reach my level."

Then, another beam of light swept away everything this time, whether it was the surrounding stars or the Huangxing giant ship, and they all cried out in an instant. Only the Blood Ancestor was left. But he was obviously seriously injured.

"No!!" The desperate voice of the little dragon sounded. He had just witnessed the destruction of the plane, and his hope was extinguished in the next second. If it was someone else, his mind would probably have collapsed.

"No..." The voice of the Blood Ancestor also sounded, and at this moment, he quickly formed seals with both hands. The Eye of Chaos saw it clearly, but turned a blind eye.

"Go, you shouldn't know him, let alone accept him as your apprentice. This is fate. I promise you that I will let you return to your space before you die. Your descendants will forever occupy the plane you are in. As long as I exist, it will not perish, and the sovereignty will never change."

"This is my promise..."

The hand that was making the seal paused, and the next second, all the images shook together and then disappeared.

"Only when faced with a situation where they had to fight, those immortals would make such a decision..." Xu Yangyi looked at the trembling red in all directions. This memory ended here and had collapsed. Too many mysteries had been revealed, but more were left. It also left a heavy regret and the viewers' complicated and chaotic emotions.

Su Xingyao's secret, the secret of the two immortal realms, the secret of the desire talisman... These secrets hide the "truth." They seem fragmented, but once they are combined, you can taste the heart-pounding truth in the center.

For example, what exactly is the "it" that Chaos said? People? Disaster? The things that make immortals afraid are mentioned in many of the novels he has read, such as the Yuanjie that occurs once every million years, etc.

The most important "motive" is missing, so the "purpose" cannot be speculated. What they know now is not enough to support the true appearance of the 100,000-year blank.

He shook his head. These were still far away from him, although they were closely related to his hometown.

"The Quetzalcoatl kept these behind specially. Is he also repenting?" He looked at the space in all directions, which was already full of cracks, and said with a bitter smile.

"You're confused." Yuchang suddenly spoke, and his voice was extremely clear: "Having past speculations overturned will inevitably cause cognitive impairment. However, we are going to enter the Tao, so you only need to remember one thing clearly."

It looked deeply into Xu Yangyi's eyes and said word by word as the space collapsed: "You are you."

"Wolfsbane, speaking of which, you are also one of the products of Chaos. However, you have your will and knowledge, and you are an independent individual. You have no need or obligation to bear anything for the predecessors."

"You are you and you are just you."

"You are a monk from Earth, not Chaos or Quetzalcoatl."

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly brightened, and the haze in his heart cleared instantly. After a few seconds of silence, he looked up to the sky and laughed.


"I am who I am, unique. I am not who I am, and no one is me."

"I follow my own path, and it has nothing to do with others. No matter what it leaves behind, what I want, or what I want to do, I just stride forward. I am alone and admiring myself."

Boom boom boom... The space collapsed in his sudden realization. At the last moment of collapse, he lowered his head and bowed sincerely to the fish intestine: "Thank you."

Blood red splattered everywhere, and the two figures completely disappeared from this space.

The next second, he appeared again on the ruins of the Trapped Dragon Realm.

Clang! The sword roared like a dragon's roar, and the fish intestines were firmly held in Xu Yangyi's hand. He gently stroked it with two fingers and said lightly: "Then, now I should go my way."

"Every piece of talisman, according to current speculation, carries a memory. The memory of the Blood Ancestor is an unexpected surprise. I also want to know what happened."

"And..." He took a deep breath, feeling an indescribably heroic mood in his heart. He looked at the deep void and said slowly, "I have a hunch that sooner or later, I will interact with these."

Yuchang frowned deeply: "You don't understand? This is not your business."

"No." Xu Yangyi gently blew on the sword's edge, which was radiating cold light, and said calmly but resolutely: "This is a responsibility."

"The responsibility to my hometown, the responsibility I can fulfill to the homeland where I was born and raised. This is also the 'truth' that I want to know most." Where is my Taoist heart? I can step through the starry sky for thousands of years and see the truth that has never been easy to change."

"I don't care about Quetzalcoatl. I just want to know why there is this battle. Let the earth fall from the peak of cultivation to the present world. Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion."

Yuchang was silent. It had lived much longer than Xu Yangyi and had seen too many monks involved in things that should not have been involved, so it was at a loss before it died.

However, Xu Yangyi's words came from his Taoist heart. Any monk’s practice has a purpose and a method to achieve this purpose. This is the so-called Taoist mind, which is also the foundation of all practice. Once the foundation collapses, the cultivation is just a castle in the air and disappears in an instant.

It finally understood what Xu Yangyi meant by thanking him. He was not thanking him for giving up his thoughts, but thanking him for strengthening his thoughts.

He still wanted to explore the truth of the war in his homeland in this blank hundred thousand years, but it was not for Chaos, let alone Quetzalcoatl. No matter how heavy the impression left by the other party is, how important it is to him.

Just for yourself.

For his Taoist heart, his persistence, his Tao, and the truth he pursues.

The moment he got the Desire Talisman, he would also know this, and it suddenly occurred to him that the two were inseparable. No matter what, the forbidden truth will be touched upon.

"I can only say that the purpose of your practice is different from that of 99% of people. But...monks with your purpose can often reach the end." Feeling relieved, it smiled and said: "You are welcome to seek knowledge. The flowers, strength, desire, and power will wither. Only it will bloom undefeated.”

"It seems you have figured out what to do."

"Su Xingyao." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: "She... was the only insider of the war between Earth and Zhenwu Realm. Even... this is the truth why she was sealed in the coffin of life and death. She is everything. After the battle between the two immortal worlds, is it possible that the one who sealed her memory was Chaos himself? "

"Emotions drive thoughts, and thoughts reveal the truth. I'm afraid there are some incredible things hidden in her memory."

Yuchang thought thoughtfully: "For example...what role does she play in this hidden history?"

Xu Yangyi continued: "Also, why did the two immortal worlds first fight and then join forces, and she used her body as a weapon to create the Talisman of Desire. Everything is related to her, and it is in her missing memory!"

All traces of the secret from 100,000 years ago have been erased, and Su Xingyao is the last insider from 100,000 years ago.

There are too many clues about her, including Quetzalcoatl, the Dragonite, and even... Chaos.

And she, tens of thousands of meters away in Wangxian City, the core of the Trapped Dragon Realm that she had forcibly transferred away with the Space God Rule, opened the rift to summon Mammon.

Far away, yet so close.

"Practice brings true knowledge." After a long silence, Yuchang finally opened his mouth and said in a deep voice: "Keep a good grasp of the scale and let us see which door this key left by the immortals can open for us. "

"Creation, knowledge, or destruction."

"I will always stay with you."

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