
Chapter 1095: Brilliant Star

/p\u003e Having made up his mind, Xu Yangyi turned his head and looked forward. The skeleton in front of him was still the same, but it was no longer black and gold, but a faint blood color, like rouge.

"Is this the reason why there will always be blood ancestors in the Origin Blood Realm?" Xu Yangyi glanced at the skeleton with a complex look: "Use your own life in exchange for a promise... In principle, I respect you, but in my heart... you are so stupid "

"Don't worry, your Origin Blood Realm is as stable as Mount Tai, and that being has kept its promise."

As if hearing his words, the skeleton that originally had its head held high lowered its head with a snap.

Xu Yangyi put away the bones and retracted the seed of Khaos on his palm. He was thoughtful. It seemed that the existence was also repenting, and it did not shy away from others knowing about it.

Otherwise, given the realm of that being, it would be impossible for anyone to know all of this.

"Yahweh?" He murmured, frowning slightly, and turned his gaze to the place where the soul-refining holy flame disappeared. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly saw a flash of black light below.

That was the place where Fairy Feng fell...

With a slight flick of his finger, a silver coin flew up from the corpse, which was the mark of Mammon.

His hands were slightly cold, and an unrealistic thought suddenly occurred to him, Mammon or Chaos... who is stronger?

They are all beings with the word "god", so they should be about the same...

The sky is high and the sea is vast, it is clear that ahead is Su Xingyao, the saint of the true martial arts world a hundred thousand years ago. She existed the moment the Desire Talisman was born. She poached the entire Wangxian City with the help of the Space God... But it is strange. He only has peace in his heart now. .

Once again, he was determined to pursue what he wanted. Even if getting the Desire Talisman would touch some taboos, he didn't care.

Cultivation is a process of persistence, doubt, seeking verification, and then persistence.

The tip of your toes is a little bit slower, it seems like a dragonfly is touching the water, but the whole space is going crazy for a while! A fragmented space with a radius of 100 meters appeared directly, a sound of breaking through the air was like lightning and thunder, and the figure had disappeared into the sky.

At this moment, he seemed to sense something and looked down.

Liu He fell to the ground, lying on the ground without daring to say a word. His body was trembling. He knew that the time had come to pronounce his fate.

Before Xu Yangyi could speak, he shouted loudly: "The second son of Liujiahe Fang, I am willing to hand over my heart and blood. From now on, my fellow Taoist..."

boom! Before he finished speaking, a strong wind passed over his head. In just a few words, the other party had already far surpassed him.


Liu He's lips trembled and his fists were clenched tightly on the ground. When had he ever been so despised? You have to surrender your heart and blood, only to be ignored by others?

At this moment, he suddenly froze, his face distorted sharply, and he trembled from between his teeth: "Ben Lei..."

"You have to die!!!"

As soon as the last word fell, his body exploded and turned into powder.

Xu Yangyi was already an unknown distance away from him, just a finger in the air.

"It's said that the Liu family is the master of the north?" Yu Chang glanced casually and said with a smile.

"When you raise the butcher's knife, you have to bear the final consequences. Everything in the world is always fair." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "There is no overnight feud here."

Far away, on the coast, Cat Eighter retracted its gaze.

It was completely different from the usual laughter and laughter. There was a rare majesty on the dog's face. Even if several other people stayed next to it, they felt as if they were facing a prehistoric beast.

"The traces disappeared?" It shook its fat body and asked doubtfully: "In this era... Yahweh actually exists? I thought everyone was hiding and fighting against 'it'..."

The pupils in his eyes turned blue, Mao Baer shook his head and stuck out his tongue: "You guys are so stupid!"

"Hiding so far away, do I want to eat people? Come here and stroke my dog's head!"


Under the huge ancient tree, Su Xingyao, dressed like an immortal in white clothes, sat cross-legged on the ground in pain. The demon crack had shrunk to only fifty meters in size, but it had not closed because she had no time to close it.

Like a swan spreading her wings, even though she is in pain, her expression is one that only I can see with pity.

The huge talisman in the sky pulled out endless threads and penetrated into her forehead. Between her eyebrows, a thumb-sized purple talisman that was very similar to Xu Yangyi was slowly condensing.

"So that's it..." After a long time, her voice slowly spoke.

It's not indifference. This sentence brought too many emotions. It seemed that he had mixed feelings for a moment. After a few seconds, he smiled bitterly: "I see..."


Five minutes later, she stood up slowly. She was still the same person, but she gave people a completely different feeling.

Before, it was indifference. Now, it’s nobility.

Distance is caused by nobility, and indifference is caused by distance. It is completely different from being simply cold and rejecting people thousands of miles away.

Noble and self-centered, people can't help but want to be attached to her, but her eyes will not stay on anyone. But it can make people swear loyalty to the death.

"Seven great talismans opened the gate of heaven... From the age of great struggle, we walked step by step on the road of fighting for immortality. In the end, we all reached the same destination through different paths." She glanced around lightly and lowered her graceful head: "Swallowing is approaching me. ...He also wants to know the truth about Fu Lu?"

"Ignorance is bliss... So, you should continue to be ignorant..."

As soon as she finished speaking, the huge talisman in the sky suddenly erupted into thousands of purple lights, which complemented the talisman on her forehead.

"Give me another three hours... I've been here for 100,000 years, and I won't be able to save you any more..."

As the purple light became stronger and stronger, the space on all sides began to vibrate wildly, and faces of people with various expressions gathered in the air, bowing to her.

I don't know how many of them disappeared and appeared around this cycle, and her figure slowly rose into the air and began to merge with the talisman.

In front of the island, Xu Yangyi was as fast as lightning, and Ou Fangyu and Hong Xian followed behind him. After being awakened, Ou Fangyu was smart not to ask. Now they are racing against time. He knows very well that once Su Xingyao merges with the body of the devil, he will never have the chance to get the Desire Talisman again! Therefore... the secret of 100,000 years is out of the question.

Catch her, defeat her! Seize the Desire Talisman! Only then can we touch the taboo.

The huge wreckage of Wangxian City stands on the island, without a trace of spiritual power fluctuation, and at the bottom of the island, there is a huge hole hundreds of meters in size, which is bottomless.

It was very irregular, as if it was hit by something, and the Holy Flame of Refining Spirit had rushed in here before.

They rushed in immediately, and there was an endless layer of ice inside. This should be the core of the birth of the Holy Flame of Refining Spirit. The ice layer inside was more than ten meters thick and would not melt for eternity.

A straight road, the Holy Flame of Refining Spirit probably also had a premonition that today was its real doomsday. There was no resistance, and it had no strength to resist.

There were huge ice pillars blocking the road from time to time in the cave. Xu Yangyi did not hold back at all. He flicked out a finger, and the ice pillars broke and opened a road. Going deeper and deeper, finally, a gate of hundreds of meters appeared in front of them.

The gate was closed and covered with ice. This door was not a stone door, but... a product of refining!      It was a very familiar style. They had just seen it not long ago. Combined with the previous things, Xu Yangyi and Yuchang said almost at the same time: "Huangxing..."

Huangxing giant ship... the plane shuttle of the seventh generation of blood ancestors in the source blood world. He did not return to the source blood world in the end. It might be that he was too seriously injured and fell here with Huangxing.

Stepping through here, you will truly step into a small corner hidden a hundred thousand years ago, blending into it, Huangxing, and completely witness the wreckage of that scene. Xu Yangyi suppressed the throbbing in his heart and said in a deep voice: "Yuchang."

A cold light flashed, a white line opened up the world, and the huge door without spiritual power exploded with a bang. In the splashing ice, three people and a butterfly turned into a residual shadow and rushed in.

In the interior of Huangxing, which has never been set foot in a hundred thousand years, talismans flashed quietly as they entered. In the silence, the lights were bright, and its splendor and wealth could be vaguely seen.

Talismans were everywhere, and there were all kinds of utensils, tilted here and there, and terrible cracks were covered with wreckage. Some withered bones in rotten clothes were crooked, and no one had the heart to watch them. Almost stepping on the talismans that lit up at the same time, they rushed straight to the center.

A little bit of talismans illuminated the darkness, and the closer they got to the center, the stronger the hearts of the two people who knew the truth beat. A relic from tens of thousands of years ago, a twisted little door in a blank history, they... are getting closer and closer to the truth.

Swish! As the talismans flashed in all directions at the same time, a huge door finally appeared a thousand meters ahead of them. Two ladies in palace dresses were carved on it, about 20 meters high, with their hands arched to the moon, and the Holy Flame of Refining Spirits was in the center of the gate.

It was only the size of a thumb, vaguely retaining its spiritual intelligence. Floating there quietly.

The Holy Flame of Refining Spirits was not surprised at their appearance. There was no shelter here, and it had no power to fight. The talismans swallowed up 99% of it. If it wanted to return to its original state, it would take tens of thousands of years.

"I'll make a deal with you." Its voice was filled with deep despair and regret: "I'll send you to that woman in exchange for Tianjian Villa to keep me here."

"Okay." Before Ou Fangyu spoke, Xu Yangyi and Yu Chang answered almost at the same time.

There was no time... Su Xingyao was isolated from the space, no one could find her, and she... now I don't know what she has become.

"Big Brother!" Ou Fangyu was a little anxious.

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "Don't worry, I will explain to you. Did the sect ask you to bring a special magic weapon to seal the Holy Flame of Refining Spirit?"

Ou Fangyu nodded, and a jade bottle flew out. The rich power of the saint on it was overwhelming, and the Holy Flame of Refining Spirit shrank immediately. In its current state, it had no resistance at all.

It didn't want to be a prisoner. Once it went to Tianjian Villa, it meant that it had to serve Tianjian Villa forever! Although the other party would definitely treat it very well when it opened its spiritual wisdom again in the future, how could it be as happy as letting the world be free?

It stared at Xu Yangyi, and saw a red light on the other party's fingertips, which sank into the jade bottle, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a ray of Nanming Lihuo, which was also Xu Yangyi's explanation for him eating up the Holy Flame of Refining Spirit.

It swallowed 99% of itself, and let itself go at the last moment, and it actually felt... strange gratitude?

"I don't have much time." After doing all this, Xu Yangyi looked deeply at the Holy Flame of Refining Spirits.

Holy Flame of Refining Spirits gritted his teeth. Sometimes, a tiny action can make the other party feel good. He was silent for a few seconds before saying, "As a thank you for keeping your promise, I can tell you a secret."

"The owner of the skeleton left a sentence in the room behind this, where he sat and died."

"A sentence that is not written in any language! The words are natural, like the rhyme of Taoism. If you didn't agree to me just now, I would have destroyed that place immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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