
Chapter 1099: Killing (Part 3)

/p\u003e                                                                                                     The strong wind blew Su Xingyao's hair, and the surrounding spiritual energy was fluctuating wildly, screaming. The next second, her figure suddenly flashed, the door to space opened, and she had disappeared five hundred meters away.

boom! ! Three hundred meters away from her, fish and dragons danced wildly, and the magnificent spiritual power tore terrifying rifts into the ground. Just as he appeared, the raging wind roared again, making the air restless. This was a sign of rapid fluctuations in spiritual energy. Invisible murderous intent eroded the void, her face was calm, but her eyes were extremely solemn, and she opened her red lips lightly: "Fourteen."

As soon as she finished speaking, the door to space opened again, and her body shape changed again, appearing a thousand meters away.

And just as she appeared, there was an explosion behind her. Three thousand meters away, a sea of ​​spiritual light erupted as bright as the sea. Ten thousand dragons were trapped in the nest, claws were explored in the clouds, and the violent spiritual energy shock wave tore through the void. She did not pause at all, and her figure Like lightning, the golden door opened in front of me for the third time in a flash.

The place where the Frightening Dragon Finger fell was completely unrelated to the place where she appeared. They were far apart. But... she didn't take it lightly at all. This was a mystery that only masters of the same level could see. She has the divine law of space and is almost impossible to hit, so...the opponent's attacks are never in front of, behind, or around her, but in the most convenient direction for her body to move before she disappears.


For other immature space god owners, the moment they appeared, what greeted them was not the avenue of light, but the overwhelming weight of thousands of dragons. So, she is also pre-reading. Pre-read the other person's pre-read.

It depends on who can guess what the other person is thinking.

"Terrible insight." Her figure disappeared again: "Thirteen."

"Roar!!" Outside the field, one could not see the big explosions inside, nor the white figure passing through the thousands of flowers, not even a leaf touching it. Yan Wangsun had almost completely lost his mind at this moment, screaming crazily and pounced on him again. Black spiritual energy spurted out from his body, and strange talismans crawled all over his body silently.

"You dare to stop me..." Its eyes were completely red, and it raised its huge fist and smashed it down. Suddenly, countless black demonic energy dissipated from the fist, and the entire space was trembling.

It feels that it should not be excluded. Although its intelligence has almost disappeared, it still has a will.

This is the stage for the strongest, and I should be there. Then he stepped on the heads of these two people and smiled proudly in the world.

"Did you see it? I am strong...very strong! Hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss of it!) It screamed and landed another punch, but at this moment, a sharp pain suddenly came from its tail.

Wangchen woke up at some point, his mouth full of blood, and the trembling short sword magic weapon in his hand was stabbing deeply into its tail.

" turns out to be you maggot." Yan Wangsun turned his head and licked his mouth with his huge tongue: "I originally wanted to break your limbs in front of your master, so that you can see the ugly face of him abandoning you regardless of your life or death. , but you don’t seem to want to give me this chance...hiss..."

Wangchen sneered with blood in his eyes: "You... thought... Master would be someone like you?"

"That's better... hiss..." Yan Wangsun rolled Wangchen in front of him: "If he wants to save you, I will destroy his meridians and let that hateful maggot fall into eternal catastrophe... hiss, hiss!"

"But now, I have changed my mind..." Before he finished speaking, a huge mouth appeared in its body, and it was about to swallow Wangchen in one gulp.

"Dare to hurt my body, this is a sin, a sin that an ant like you can never atone for!"

Wangchen closed his eyes in despair. The other party's spiritual power overwhelmed him to a great extent, and his body was so weird that he had no way to escape. But... in the midst of the flash of lightning, Yan Wangsun suddenly burst out with a cry of pain. The expected severe pain did not come. Wangchen suddenly opened his eyes, with the desire to live in his eyes.

A spear turned into a stream of light and flew towards it, completely piercing it!

The severe pain struck its heart, and it looked up to the sky and roared. At this moment, a black knife fell from the sky and cut its huge tail into two sections. A green lotus appeared at Wangchen's feet, slowly moving him into the distance.

"Ant!!" Yan Wangsun screamed heart-breakingly, pulled out the spear from his body, and his body healed quickly. He stared at the monk in the distance: "You are looking for death!!"

"Get away!" Ou Fangyu tightened his grip, and the scaly black horse roared loudly, and then rushed towards Yan Wangsun at full speed.

Faster and faster, faster and faster! Two seconds later, he seemed to be traveling through the stream of light, surrounded by shadows of brilliance. The golden spear dragged long fire marks on the ground. With a phoenix cry, the scorching sun behind him turned into a fire phoenix, and the spear was like a dragon. , directly took the head of Yan Wangsun.

"You dare to fight me..." Yan Wangsun's whole body trembled, and he roared violently, and the ground around him shook: "Anyone who looks down on me... go to hell!!"

Rumble... The vibrations outside the domain were earth-shattering. Within the domain, there was an upheaval. Su Xingyao avoided the large-scale attacks of the Shocking Dragon Finger again and again. Countless voids burst and grew. The entire domain was already like hell.

"Zero." Su Xingyao appeared for the last time, her red lips opened calmly. The next second, infinite purple light covered the clouds and the sun, and the seven levels of hell emerged layer by layer, stirring up the wind and clouds thousands of miles away.

"Roar!!!" The faces made of purple aura are layered one after another, forming pillars of light reaching the sky. The combination of immortals and demons, the world and hell bloom at the same time.

Su Xingyao, whose figure was snow-white, burst out with thousands of white lights, her three thousand hairs flying, and the eight Asuras guarding her. It was clearly the bliss of hell, but under her cold and unattainable face, there actually appeared a kind of awe-inspiring power of the devil.

The Desire Talisman was fully opened.

"If this is your kingdom of God, you are the god here. But... Gods also have weaknesses." In the purple light, Su Xingyao slowly raised her hand: "With our current realm, the talisman can be controlled for at most sixteen or seventeen seconds. My judgment... is fifteen seconds."

As she said this, endless spiritual energy burst out, sweeping across ten thousand meters, and purple eyes filled the sky. Bursting out infinite brilliance, seeing through the vast void. The next second, there was finally a place where the void twisted silently, and blue-black spiritual energy sprayed out like a white hole. At the moment when the spiritual light dissipated, the sword came out like a dragon, the cold star fell, and a little cold light filled the entire night, and the bright moon rose, shining for thousands of miles.

Fast, accurate, and ruthless, this nameless sword cut out the spirit of a person who fought for three thousand miles and was as powerful as a million soldiers with one sword.

Advance without retreat.

He knew better than Su Xingyao that in fifteen seconds, he had already known the limit of swallowing himself, and then there was a ten-minute breathing period.

In these ten minutes, his own strong period had passed, and the opponent's peak was about to come. The fighting method of the Yuanying period talisman holder was a cycle of long-distance running, sprinting, accumulation, and sprinting again. What was compared was perseverance and strength. Both sides held the world's treasures. The tricks and trump cards had lost their effect. The battle was about who could survive the last breath.

The rapids were like arrows, and the waves were like running. The sword came before the man, how could Su Xingyao not see his thoughts, her space god had no problem dodging this attack, and it was not difficult to drag it out for ten minutes, but after dodging once, she believed that the opponent would never give her a breathing time.

Now is her peak! How can she retreat?

The cold light was like lightning, chasing the stars and the moon. Facing this sword that could be called a master, she neither advanced nor retreated. Under the power of the sword, she formed seals quickly. With every move she made, the purple eyes in the sky opened a little. Faster and faster, more and more opened! In just a few tenths of a second, her hands almost became phantoms.

In an instant, she formed hundreds of seals.

The terrifying speed, and even more terrifying is... With such a complex seal, her counterattack must be overwhelming, the sky will collapse and the earth will collapse.

Rumble... With each eye opening, the void trembled, and an indescribable aura rushed into her heart, becoming more and more dense. Xu Yangyi's figure was as fast as lightning, but he was still too late.

There was still a distance of three hundred meters... His eyes suddenly flashed and he flicked his finger, and the fish intestines turned into a black light that broke through the clouds and waves, and the void on both sides was broken layer by layer, like Moses' water-dividing staff. Shooting out a hundred meters, the speed increased sharply. The old spirit of the weapon turned into a long rainbow and flew on the sword. The figure was as ethereal as the clouds in the sky, and the immortal style was like a sword immortal. Just behind it, thousands of dragons roared together, and the Dragon Finger hit out brazenly.

There was a sword in front of the sky, and a white dragon came out of the sea behind. As the sword broke through the air, the purple sword on the side of Su Xingyao floated made a light sound. The sword danced with the white flowers, and the flowers fell all over the sky. At the moment when the sword was about to break, it blocked the sword.

Ding... Like a huge bell, the black light was suddenly blocked by the purple light curtain. However, Xu Yangyi's strength was so strong that before the spirit of the weapon could relax, the Dragon Finger behind him arrived in an instant, and the white dragon stretched out its claws in the cloud and pressed down hard on Yuchang.

Use the force to fight the force, and hit the cow across the mountain!

Puff! A blood arrow flew up, and with the blessing of two magical powers, Yuchang's speed increased sharply, piercing directly into Su Xingyao's spiritual energy restricted area, piercing through the shoulder blade.

At the same time, Su Xingyao's hands finally stopped. She didn't even look at Yuchang on her shoulder. In her pupils, there was only a figure of a fairy from the sky rushing towards her. The black robe fluttered, and the body was like a swimming dragon. The right hand expanded into the claw of a giant beast. Wherever it passed, the void was crushed into powder like glass. Five hot traces were dragged in the air, and the fierce power was overwhelming.

Shocking Dragon Hand.

In an instant, the two people's hot pupils only reflected each other's voices, and they could only see each other, clearly.

In the purple light, she took a deep breath: "Don't look."

"Swish!" The void in all directions was rippled, and then this space seemed to be boiled, and all the purple eyes opened at the same time. The Shocking Dragon Hand 20 meters in front of her collapsed inch by inch, revealing a black figure wrapped in aura and pointing at the fairy.

Time seemed to stop at this second. The next second, Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly turned black. The sudden darkness made him react instinctively immediately. The spiritual consciousness rushed out like a tide, but...

Still can't see!

Even... the spiritual connection with Yuchang was cut off. Fortunately, the opponent was a spiritual treasure. If the cultivator had no spiritual treasure, he would have been sentenced to death at this moment!

At the same time, Yuchang roared: "Get out of the way!!" In this sudden extreme discomfort, he reacted very quickly, gritted his teeth and flew back a hundred meters, but just after a hundred meters, a magnificent force suddenly descended on him, and the lethality was completely swallowed by the swallowing talisman, but the huge vibration went straight through his internal organs, making him groan and his face flushed.

Such a powerful force...

Su Xingyao's physical strength is so strong!

Yes... The swallowing talisman can make the "lethality" of all spiritual energy disappear on the surface of the body. Only a thin millimeter covers the body, but it is close at hand. But the force is mutual. The swallowing talisman is like an invincible armor, blocking the lethality, but not the shock.

The law of conservation of energy.

This is the only way to kill the holder of the swallowing talisman. And Su Xingyao is doing this.

(End of this chapter)

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