
Chapter 1100: The Winning Hand (I)

Boom! ! Before he could think for a second, the next punch came crashing down. Before the fist wind arrived, a scorching wave of fire surrounded his whole body crazily. Each wave carried a strong force. He was like a small boat on the crest of the wave, being hit by several huge waves in turn.

The so-called defense, for example, when the opponent punches at the throat, it must be defended by the hand. This is a process of "seeing", "judging" and "reacting". The power is concentrated in a certain part to block the next blow. The more top cultivators, the richer the fighting skills are, and the faster the reaction.

Now all the functions of "seeing" are deprived, and this step is skipped directly. He doesn't even know where the opponent's spiritual power is hitting. He can only defend with his whole body.

At the moment when his spiritual power was just mobilized, his mind suddenly became blurred, and an unreasonable grief spread from his heart.

That was his memory hidden in the deepest corner. In the Earth era, he didn't even know what cultivation was. He was eight years old, just in elementary school.

Surrounded by tall buildings, he turned back unconsciously.

He didn't know whether it was the grief of traveling through hundreds of years and looking back at the lost sorrow, or the scene he was about to face, that made his heart suddenly beat wildly.

He knew exactly what this was... This was a forbidden area in his memory, a scene he never wanted to be touched by anyone. Now, his heart was cut open and blood was in front of him.

"No..." His lips trembled slightly. Even if his heart was as hard as iron, this scene that he treasured in his heart made his heart tremble.

He wanted to stop this sudden imagination, but he couldn't do it at all.

"There is one thing that cannot be swallowed by the swallowing talisman, and that is the feelings from the heart." "Seven emotions and six desires, biological instincts, without form and shape."

Su Xingyao's words emerged again, flashing like lightning, but he remembered it deeply. He ground his teeth and saw himself in his memory humming a tuneless song upstairs, seeing the childish self opening the door, and then... seeing a huge crow, and a room full of bloody body parts.

"Stop!!!!" He cried out to the sky, once again... No matter how many times, he couldn't bear to relive this scene. This sound was so sad that even Yuchang's shouting for him to get out of the way was drowned out.

Boom! ! A pain like never before came from his back. It can be said that he had never suffered such an injury since he came to the Seventh Realm. His bones were crackling. Su Xingyao's terrifying power penetrated his internal organs. Behind him, a red figure had nailed into his skin like a nail, an inch into the flesh, and blood flowed out without resistance.

"Life, death, ears, eyes, mouth, and nose are called the six desires. Unfortunately, I can't determine the nose of life and death. However, I have sealed your ears, mouth, and eyes. With me now, you have no hope at all." Su Xingyao's expression finally became more anxious. This was her peak, and she couldn't lose! Although she had only got the Desire Talisman for more than ten minutes, but... she had the confidence.

Her figure was already accentuated, and it was hard to tell whether she was a man or a woman, as if it was no longer her voice: "Let me use all my trump cards to kill you, you should be honored."

After the last word fell, two horns suddenly arched on her head, her skin turned black, traces of flames surged out from her seven orifices, and two broken demon wings suddenly grew out from her back. The sky was full of demonic energy, swallowing the world.

In the torrent of thousands of flames and demonic energy, a slender and exquisite body slowly appeared. Except for the two horns on her head, her whole body was covered with flames, and she had a hook-shaped tail. She was no different from an ordinary person, but every step she took, the surrounding void was trembling, and then the surging hellfire spewed out from the terrifying cracks.

The body of a succubus, the body of a true demon.

The flame goddess of hell, reigning over the world.

Every demon, like a monster, has a very strong body. Succubi are the best at playing with emotions and have a very strong body. It is precisely because of this, coupled with the fact that Xu Yangyi lost his mind just now and swallowed the talisman without protection, that she punched into his body.

"Even so... it only penetrated an inch..." She took a deep breath, staring at Xu Yangyi with eyes full of flames: "In hundreds of thousands of years... you are still the first person who makes me so afraid... Even if the Zhenwu Immortal Realm was full of geniuses and evildoers, none of them could catch up with you."

"It is my honor to kill you."

She squatted down gently, and the next second, there was a violent sonic boom, and the void on the spot shattered into pieces. A red arrow with flames all over the sky, the Phoenix Nirvana smiled proudly in the sky, and the demon wings brought up flames all over the sky. Every slender muscle was tightened to a graceful and deadly arc, and a punch was thrown.

Boom! ! The punch was like a dragon, and no image could be seen, only countless sonic booms could be heard. With one punch, Xu Yangyi's unprotected aura shield exploded and hit his wide vest fiercely.

The strong wind blew her flaming hair, and she said in a deep voice: "Immortal Law, Seventh Heavenly Dao, Primordial Halberd."

With one punch, black aura and blue-black aura bloomed at the same time, followed by the infinite fire waves that made the entire killing field tremble wildly. A red flame bow covered Xu Yangyi's entire body, with a gushing blood rain, forming a magnificent light column between heaven and earth.

The field shrank crazily again, and the owner of the field was severely injured and it was difficult to maintain it again.

Outside the field, Mao Baer also looked at the crack with a burning gaze, and suddenly stopped, took a breath and looked at the rapidly surging killing field.

"Such a strong demonic energy... She... She is a human, but she has a real demon body? How did she do it?! No... Is she really a human?"

Its golden pupils stood up, and it looked intently, but it could only see a surging human face, with joy, anger, sorrow and happiness gathered in it. Even if it didn't look like a human, it was definitely not a demon.

"What on earth is this?" Even it was stunned.

But the next second, it suddenly turned its head back, because... at this moment, the crack actually jumped, and then, it began to expand silently!

"The devil's will is connected to the gods?" Mao Baer's hair stood up, and his fat body rose and fell sharply: "It's coming... It's coming! It can't help it... This woman is its best carrier! The changes are too fast... The changes here are really dazzling. This woman thought it was okay to close the rift by one meter, and then this kid arrived."

"They didn't have time to close the rift at all... A fallen person tempted by hell, a collection of desires... It finally couldn't help it!"

"Boom!!" It was shaking all over, not knowing whether it was fear, expectation, or strong fighting spirit. It stepped out with a claw, and the broken demon wings behind it began to melt quickly, and finally became a pool of blood, and a thick green arm grew from the demon wings.

Desolate, covered with scars, simple, engraved with countless green talismans, a ghost head axe, held in this hand, an unconcealable blood and demonic energy, spinning wildly with it as the base point.

It did not explode into a shock wave. It did not dare to attract the attention of anyone on the other side of the crack. It used a method that no one at the scene could imagine, and stimulated all its spiritual power, and condensed it into a point at the same time.

The ground around it began to break up within ten meters.

"Come on..." Mao Baer's teeth were grinding and clacking: "It's been tens of thousands of years... I didn't submit to the Heavenly Court back then, but now... how can I submit to you, the Yahweh of another faction!!"

At the same time, the Yan Wangsun on the other side roared and punched like rain. The long spear of Ou Fangyu on the opposite side was bent, his armor was broken, a lot of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his hair was scattered.

"Ants... Ants!" Yan Wangsun roared to the sky: "Just you... and the thunder in that field, maggots... are all maggots!!"

"Die!!" It punched down, and this punch was already carrying countless flames. Its body was about to die like lightning. Ou Fangyu raised his gun to block it, and suddenly, this spiritual treasure made an unbearable whine. Although the weapon spirit boy did not speak, countless spiritual energy in his body had turned into mist and rose towards the sky.

Is he going to die here?

Ou Fangyu gritted his teeth, and the spear seemed to be broken at any time, and then he fell to the ground seriously injured.

The gap is too big... Even if there are countless magic weapons flying around Yan Wangsun, Wang Chen's realm is not even a tickle for Yan Wangsun at this moment. The other party has become a real demon except for a wisp of spiritual wisdom. He feels that his meridians are a little broken.

However, at this moment, Yan Wangsun suddenly burst into a scream, flew back hundreds of meters, and after three seconds of being stunned, he hugged his head in extreme fear.

Ou Fangyu took a deep breath, immediately retreated a thousand meters, tremblingly took out the pill and swallowed it, looking at Yan Wangsun in confusion.

The other party seemed to be afraid of something. At first, he was still holding his head and whispering, but after a few seconds, it turned into a heart-wrenching roar.

"It's coming..."

"It's coming! It's really coming!!"

"No... Don't look at me... I don't want to die... I don't know you! I don't want to be your channel!!"

It screamed at the top of its lungs with the last word. As it finished, the eyes in its body suddenly opened, a black vertical pupil was horizontal in the center, and thousands of black rays burst out.

Everything that happened here was completely unknown in the field.

Boom... The violent beam of light pierced Xu Yangyi's entire body. With the layers of explosions, Xu Yangyi's body was directly hundreds of meters away. The clothes on his back were completely blown apart. A huge blood hole, even deep enough to see the bone, had appeared on his bloody back.

Su Xingyao stood below, and she suddenly felt that as Xu Yangyi was knocked away, some liquid fell from the air.

Warm, but not blood.

"Tears?" Su Xingyao stretched out her finger, her expression indifferent: "Can a man like you cry?"

She slowly raised her hand and aimed at Xu Yangyi in the distance. Countless eyes in the sky, all with their pupils nailed to him, Su Xingyao slowly said: "Tongue is silent."

Swish! The purple sea is surging, smooth and brilliant, bliss and sorrow dancing together, anger and joy are the same color.

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