
Chapter 1101: The Winning Hand (Part 2)

/p\u003e        Tens of purple lights illuminated the sky, but Xu Yangyi could not feel it... There was a sharp pain in his back. The meridians in this area had been broken, but there was only an endless sadness in his heart, which overwhelmed everything, even the severe pain in his body. He knew that this was caused by the Desire Talisman, but it could not be reversed at all.

The pain in his body was far less than the pain in his heart. His most precious picture was seen by others, and he felt sad at first, and then an uncontrollable rage suddenly rushed to his head.

Kill her!

Dare to covet his memory!

Kill without mercy!

He flew straight into the sky, endured the severe pain and turned around suddenly, and his whole body of spiritual energy suddenly burst out. This anger was so wild that even his sword-holding hand was shaking.

"Don't fall for it!" Yuchang shouted at the side: "This is caused by the Desire Talisman! Embrace the Yuan and keep the One, and don't be distracted, you..."

"Get out!!" Before he finished speaking, a stream of spiritual energy swept over, Yuchang was stunned and immediately dodged.

This is the first time that Xu Yangyi has attacked Yuchang...

Yuchang was not angry, the seven emotions and six desires have no effect on the spirit of the weapon, but he knew that the current situation has reached the most dangerous edge.

Sadness made Xu Yangyi almost want to die just now, and anger made him completely confused. The Desire Talisman was too strange, rising in silence and falling invisibly. He didn't even dare to think that when Su Xingyao's realm was high, the people of the whole world could only be her captives.

This is the Galaxy Supreme Treasure that was created at the cost of the blood sacrifice of all the lives in a world, and with the complete explosion of their desires at the moment of their death as the fuse.

It was such a treasure, plus the body of the True Demon, plus the Zhenwu Baijie Immortal Method, which did not kill Xu Yangyi. However, if it continues like this, it will be no different from death!

At this moment, the sky was red and black, the black demonic energy and the flames of hell were the same color, a red body with phoenix wings flying in the sky, demon wings spread out, and the devil came to kill Xu Yangyi like a demon god.

Su Xingyao stared at Xu Yangyi, the heat, the killing intent was enough to make the flames cold. Silent, but with a strong will to kill.

Even she felt a supreme sense of accomplishment in her heart to be able to kill such a man.

These senses of accomplishment were brewing and piling up, and when this man fell, they would turn into a frenzy and burst out.

"This is the way to practice." She took a deep breath, and the flames on her body became even more intense: "Don't be a cultivator in the next life."

Suddenly, her pupils suddenly became sharp, and just in front of her, a terrifying and magnificent spiritual power suddenly erupted!

Strong, extremely strong! Mixed with boundless tyranny! This twisted storm of spiritual power came to Xu Yangyi, but she did not underestimate how the other party would attack.

"Bitch." In the center of the spiritual storm, Xu Yangyi's voice was like a god descending, and the sound of Huang Zhong Da Lu resounded through the world. In the raging wind, his sealed eyes looked straight into the void, without any defense. A furious person could not think of anything else, nor did he have any magical powers, because when he was furious, he only had one thought, which was to kill the other party.

"You deserve to die." He said it very calmly, but it made people feel like the sea before a storm. This was anger that language almost disappeared, and it could only be expressed in the simplest mentality.

Three words, killing intent. As soon as the voice fell, with a roar, Jinglong Hand swung out with a bang, attacking with all his strength, without considering the time to retract the move, without considering what to do if he missed a point, there was only a flame burning in his mind, burning him so that he could not think of anything else.


Kill the whole world!

Kill that damn woman!

There was no increase in magical powers, just a complete explosion of spiritual power. The surrounding void was broken layer by layer, and the power was so great that the shock wave blew the crowns of the giant trees and made them buzz. It was more than tens of thousands of meters... It was approaching the limit of 100,000 meters! Su Xingyao's eyes flashed, and she retreated a thousand meters away, and breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear.

"Is this his true strength when he fully exploded?" She did not step forward. This move killed in a wide range, without any enemy or friend, whoever went would die: "It's just... a monster..."

She pursed her lips, took a step forward, and looked at the void that was completely torn apart by one move, the turbulence of spiritual energy, and the kingdom of storms with cold murderous intent: "But, the desire talisman can magnify a certain desire in a person's heart dozens or hundreds of times, and the strongest fortress will always be broken from the inside."

She didn't believe that people would always be like this when they were furious. As the anger attacked the heart, time passed, and then there would be loopholes. At that time, she would use the most elegant sword to wipe the opponent's throat... At this moment, her eyes suddenly flashed, and she was stunned for a second. After taking a breath, she rushed over without hesitation!

Jinglong's hand brought up a sea of ​​light all over the sky. Whoever dared to enter would pay an extremely heavy price. But... a black light actually rushed over without hesitation!

Fairy from the sky!


An extremely ominous premonition appeared in her heart. She knew very well that no matter what seven emotions, as long as one thing overwhelmed this emotion in an instant, even if it was a fraction of a second, this perfect cycle would be broken.

"Stop." Her figure was as fast as thunder, and her eyes were extremely solemn. This was the peak of her peak period. Seeing that this terrible man was about to disappear forever, she would not allow anyone to disturb!

"I promise, if you stop, I will treat you like a treasure, and you don't need to recognize me as your master. Even... based on my knowledge, I have a way to upgrade your equipment!"

But, there was no answer.

A sword flashed, and the two of them chased the stars and the moon, one in front and one behind. When entering the ten thousand meters of Xu Yangyi's magical power, Yu Chang groaned, and at this moment he fully felt how terrifying the strength of this holder was. This was a complete explosion... an explosion without regard for the consequences, no cultivator would do this... unless it was like this, with anger rising.

Kakaka... the whole black sword was shaking rapidly, like a huge explosion of spiritual energy in a twelve-level typhoon, and this was still the edge... but it did not stop, because it had seen it. Just behind it, a red stream of fire rushed over like lightning, faster than it.

The violent spiritual energy rolled up an endless storm and hit Su Xingyao, the flames flickered, and the demon wings trembled. The other party was also uncomfortable, but... the other party did not stop!

Life and death speed, no one can stop.

The desire talisman provoked all of Xu Yangyi's anger, making him completely unconscious at this moment, with only one thought left, which was to vent. At the same time, his spiritual consciousness and eyes were blocked. He had completely gone berserk and was on the verge of a rampage. He had no mercy and was killing people in a wide range. He didn't care about each other at all.

It was the same for it and Su Xingyao.

Every move was a full-strength bombardment. Su Xingyao was in great pain even though she was a real demon.

Zila... her wings made a whine of being overwhelmed, and her speed did not decrease at all. She spoke again: "Stop, if you don't want to die. I promise that if you go another hundred meters, I will give up my previous idea and extract your soul and refine your spirit to become a mortal."

"Hehehe..." The spiritual energy storm in front was even more terrifying. The phantom of Yuchang appeared. In this storm, it seemed to be flying away, flying on a sword, and the appearance of the weapon spirit actually changed from old to young.

Burning life span!

Su Xingyao's pupils shrank. Not only cultivators can do this, but weapon spirits can also do this. To be precise, weapon spirits are burning their carriers.

Every weapon spirit has a carrier, a weapon spirit, a weapon spirit, and once the carrier is destroyed, the weapon spirit disappears. She couldn't figure it out. This sword seemed to have been with the other party for only a hundred years. Why would it be willing to burn itself for the other party?

People in a rage are very sensitive to hostility, so both of them suppressed their spiritual energy. She was fine, but Yuchang was just a spirit weapon. A spiritual treasure without spiritual protection, how many layers of power would be left to enter the center of such a terrifying storm?

"Why?" Yuchang's speed was not slow at all. After burning his life span, he was almost on par with Su Xingyao. Su Xingyao suppressed the incomparable anxiety in her heart and said in a deep voice.

"People like you who have no feelings will not understand..." Yuchang answered without looking back. At this moment, from a middle-aged man with black hair, he turned into a young man! The burning was more intense, and its speed really reached the speed of a flying fairy.

Going deeper and deeper, with a click, a crack finally appeared on Yuchang.

In front of it was the center of the eye of the storm. He had seen a black figure attacking crazily. The void in all directions could not heal for a long time, and everything turned to ashes, like a tyrannical demon.

"Although my mind is in disarray, I can't recall the past when I look at the scenery. I can't remember the two flying swallows anymore. I sigh that the spring dream is too short..." Yuchang took a deep look at Su Xingyao behind him, laughed, and rushed forward.

Su Xingyao's eyes suddenly became sharp, she gritted her teeth, hesitated for a second, took a deep breath, and a platinum door opened.

Yuchang dared to do this, there must be a way to wake up Xu Yangyi.

But... the moment when the spiritual wisdom just came back to the spirit is always the most unprepared time.

"Even if I am seriously injured, it's worth it in exchange for your life."

Since I can't stop it, I will give it my all.

The platinum door opened and closed, and she and Yuchang appeared beside Xu Yangyi almost at the same time. Only a hundred meters away, Su Xingyao's whole body of spiritual power exploded! The surrounding space twisted rapidly, and her hands formed a weird seal.

"Destroy human ethics."

Boom! ! The purple light was overwhelming, and the sudden killing intent made Xu Yangyi, who was on the verge of running away, turn back suddenly, roared, and punched without hesitation.

At this moment, the young spirit of Yuchang looked deeply at Xu Yangyi, gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and stabbed with a sword.

Straight through his left hand, blood was all over the sky.

Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth. He had no defense now. As long as he came to the center of the storm, he would be a mortal. The severe pain made his mind clear instantly and pulled his heart back to this world.

His thoughts completely returned to his brain, and he was sweating coldly. There were only four words in his mind: What's wrong with me?

At the same time, the alarm bells in his mind suddenly rang, and a sense of extreme danger came. Without any hesitation, the soul guarding river spread out reflexively, tightly protecting the body, and the violent aura was completely withdrawn. The next second, the soul guarding obviously touched something, but it could not stop the opponent from rushing in.

Unable to see with the eyes and unable to feel with the spiritual consciousness, Xu Yangyi's mind cooled down in an instant. Immediately mobilized the swallowing talisman to protect the whole body.

But as soon as he mobilized, an unspeakable pain came from all his limbs.

The meridians hurt, it was not a bloating pain, but a dry pain, as if he had just abused his spiritual power without caring about his body. He was seriously injured in two places on his back, and the pain was deep in his bones.

The swallowing talisman moved, but it could not cover his body at all. The thing that the soul guard slowed down was less than ten meters away from him! The magnificent spiritual energy, the ominous demonic energy, and the scorching flames made the hair on his body curl up.

What to do?


Sorry, it's a little late

(End of this chapter)

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