
Chapter 1102: The Winning Hand (Part 3)

In these few tenths of a second when his life was hanging by a thread, Xu Yangyi did not give up.

Is there any other way to block it? It’s too late to mobilize the spiritual energy! He could feel the opponent's killing intention with this move. He had experimented with the swallowing talisman and could only use it on himself.

"Self?" His eyes suddenly lit up. Most people would have quick wits in a life-and-death crisis. Without hesitation, his spiritual power continued to flow towards the talisman. The next second, a bright purple light spread across the sky, engulfing him completely.

"Ha..." Su Xingyao's heart was beating wildly and her hands were trembling slightly. This move also placed a huge burden on her. But if you miss the opportunity just now, it will be too difficult next time. The desire talisman is not a head-on fighting talisman. It cannot be attacked or defended like the swallowing talisman. This is the only killing move in the record of Desire Talisman, and it is also the strongest move.

It destroys human relations and cuts off the seven emotions and six desires. As long as it hits, the opponent will be a complete wooden person, without thoughts, and completely turned into a heartless person.

No one is an exception.

With only a few tenths of a second just now, he had no possibility of mobilizing his spiritual power. And she had also calculated that the opponent's swallowing talisman would never be able to cover his whole body. After all, he had abused his spiritual power like a mad man just now, and he was seriously injured, so it would be good to cover half of it.

The purple light slowly dissipated, but she did not relax. Her eyes were fixed on the center of the purple tide, getting thinner and thinner... Suddenly, her pupils jumped slightly.

A black figure, blood stained the skirt of his clothes, and his clothes were almost torn, but... he was still standing there!

There is no sign of transformation!

A long golden river surrounds the left and right. It is obviously a soul guard with a radius of 100 meters, but at this moment it is just like a ribbon.

"How is that possible?" She gasped and looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief.


"! No!!" Yan Wangsun had completely fallen to the ground, trembling all over, and infinite demonic energy erupted from his body. Ou Fangyu gritted his teeth, and a golden light shield, the size of a person, flew in front of him.

Unknown...too unknown! The black aura erupting from the opponent's body formed a black space with a radius of fifty meters around it. Blood-red eyes were tightly closed and appeared in the black hole-like space.

It was an evil he had never felt before, as if all the evils in the world were not as strong as one ten thousandth of it.

Desolation, ancientness, and a long-lasting sense of terror spread from the other party. On the ground where it lay, a huge black talisman was appearing vaguely.

Wangchen was right next to Ou Fangyu, and his voice was trembling: "What, what on earth is this?"

"I don't know..." Ou Fangyu's hand holding the spear trembled slightly and slipped badly. He swallowed, tightened his grip, took a deep breath, and rushed forward.

The spear was like a dragon, shining with golden light, piercing the head of Yan Wangsun's head.

Whatever it is, it disappears when you die. He couldn't let go of such a good opportunity!

Just when the spear was about to hit the top of his head, there was a clang, and a giant ax suddenly blocked the spear. A black and white figure walked leisurely and stopped in front of Yan Wangsun.

"What are you going to do?!" Wangchen, of course knowing that this was not Mao Baer, ​​said sternly.

"What are you going to do?" Mao Baer's body rose and fell sharply, as if he was suppressing his excitement: "This scene should be remembered in the history books... Let me watch carefully and don't interrupt!"

"Otherwise... I will kill you on the spot!"

"Just you?" Ou Fangyu stepped back ten meters and gasped.

"It's up to me." Mao Baer's eyes narrowed: "Go away before I get angry. Here, even in my current form, except for those two people, you are no match for me."

After saying that, it ignored the two of them, looked deeply at the trembling Yan Wangsun, and licked its lips: "The channel of demonic intention... it's really you... it's really you!"

"Be so cautious and flee immediately if you are interrupted here. Mammon... As a Yahweh, don't you feel too embarrassed?"

"Come on... I have been waiting for you for tens of thousands of years... I don't care if I wait for this moment..."

Everything outside is unknown to anyone in the realm. Although the field has shrunk to 500 meters in size due to Xu Yangyi's serious injury. Inside and outside the field, two worlds, two scenes of drama.

The soul guards were like ribbons, flying around Xu Yangyi, protecting him, but he covered his arms without saying a word.

His tongue is silent and his eyes are blind, he cannot speak or see. However, he immediately recognized that the sword on his left arm was fish intestine.

I’ve held it countless times and looked at it countless times, it’s so clear.

"Thank you..." He opened his lips and said silently.

"I don't have to kill you. As long as you hand over the talisman, hand over your soul, serve me as your master, and always be under me, I can never kill you." Su Xingyao's voice came uncertainly.

"Ah... I forgot, you seem to be unable to speak or see." She said calmly: "There is only one minute left in the next ten minutes. Your state is simply unable to mobilize the Devouring Talisman. Your peak is expected to be around eight Minutes later. But if you don’t agree, you’ll never wait.”

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Even if his five senses are blocked, no one can make him surrender.

"I knew that it was impossible for a man like you to surrender to anyone. We are the same person..." She suddenly felt a little emotional, looked around at the void, and even said sadly: "The seven of us... are all the same……"

"I am the only one who rules the world."

"We will not submit to anyone, so I just asked casually."

This is not nonsense, it is a bloody race against time, and every word has its meaning. Su Xingyao is waiting, waiting for her next peak to come, and she is absolutely sure to kill Xu Yangyi.

She doesn't want possibilities, for such an opponent, she can only have "absolutely," and only "absolutely."

Only by taking action at the most appropriate time and the most appropriate place can she grasp this absolute. Even though Xu Yangyi is seriously injured now, she has never underestimated him.

So, she would rather wait.

Xu Yangyi smiled silently, raised his right hand silently, and gave her a middle finger.

"Provocation is meaningless." Su Xingyao was unmoved: "I just need to wait quietly for 180 seconds, that is your death."

Xu Yangyi sneered and retracted his hand. He couldn't speak, which was really unpleasant...

Let's do it...

I don't know what the consequences will be, I don't know if it is feasible, but... This should be the last resort.

I hope my previous knowledge didn't deceive me...

Su Xingyao looked at him in amazement as Xu Yangyi's fingertips condensed a black talisman, and then... sank into her brain!

The next second, Xu Yangyi suddenly hugged his head and let out a silent cry.

There were bloodshot in his eyes, and even blood was flowing out of his seven orifices. One hand pressed his forehead tightly, his mouth opened wide, and his teeth were clenched.

"Are you crazy?" Su Xingyao was stunned for a second, and then said calmly: "You can't destroy the talisman. It was born from heaven and earth. Even Taixu can't do it, and Dubu can't do it."

"It's better to die in glory than to live in disgrace. Unfortunately, it's useless."

"Time's up."

Boom! ! A thousand feet of purple light rose from the ground. Among the shadows of millions of faces, Su Xingyao stood proudly in the void. When this moment really came, she felt... a little lonely.

"The world will lose its color without you." She sighed softly, her whole body glowed, and endless purple talismans rose into the sky.

"But it will not cease to be the world because of someone's absence."

Endless, silver bell-like laughter floated in the air.


Extreme joy.

This was her mercy, letting Xu Yangyi die in joy. The other party didn't know what he had done, and at this moment he had hugged his head and cried silently.

"Great joy after great sorrow and anger, it can be considered euthanasia..." She retracted her gaze, calmed her mind, and punched with only a residual image, piercing Xu Yangyi's heart.

No shadow can be seen.

Only sonic boom can be heard.

No spiritual power can be felt.

Because it has condensed into a point at the fingertips.

Swish! The fist was like thunder, and blood splashed everywhere.

Her eyes suddenly widened, and she looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief, because... the other party... actually grabbed her hand.

Her fingers had already pierced one centimeter into her chest, and she could even feel the heart beating vigorously under the muscle, but she could not go any further!

"How is this possible?" She took a breath of cold air. Now, the other party's spiritual consciousness and eyes were all sealed, and it was impossible for him to see her move!

Then, she saw the other party's eyes.

Blood red, trapped beast.

It was not an expression, but it was really filled with blood. The hand he grabbed her was trembling slightly, and the veins were bursting, as if he had used up all his strength, but he still grabbed it.

"Ha...ha..." Xu Yangyi trembled, not looking at her at all, his eyes narrowed because of some kind of severe pain, and drops of cold sweat made the other party's hair wet. Then, a burst of fist wind with severe pain rushed straight to her right rib.

The edge of running away.

Use all your strength, and don't leave any spare strength. The severe pain made him unreserved.

The elbow and armpit, the right hand was caught, and she couldn't defend at all. In a critical situation, she moved all her spiritual energy to the right rib, but almost at the same time, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She clearly heard the sound of several broken bones, and flew backwards for hundreds of meters with unbelievable eyes, spitting blood.

"You... got rid of the Desire Talisman?" She asked, staring at Xu Yangyi, as if she didn't feel anything, even though she was spitting blood.

"Strange...?" Xu Yangyi's lips trembled, and he spoke with difficulty. Su Xingyao was seriously injured, and the seal of her five senses had begun to weaken.

He didn't even know how heavy the punch was just now.

"Ah!!!!" He raised his head and roared, blood gushed from his chest, and half of his black clothes had been stained red, but he was like crazy, not caring about other pains at all, like a lion driven crazy, wanting to vent, roar, and tear. This sound shook the space, and then... the space exploded, and the figure had turned into a flash of lightning and rushed up.

Just like the previous rage, the reckless explosion, the tiger came out of the deep mountains, the dragon's energy was in the sea, and this punch, just the momentum, made thousands of people retreat.

Wan Zhan claimed that he didn't raise a blade, and he was born with eyes to see the crowd!

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