
Chapter 1104: Pride

Raising his hand, he suddenly stabbed into the opponent's heart. Su Xingyao in succubus form held her head high without flinching.

However... just when the hand was only one foot away from Su Xingyao's heart, both of them were stunned and opened their eyes at the same time.

"Jie Jie Jie..." An extremely strange voice sounded in Su Xingyao's body: "Ant, you want to take action on the human pillar that I like?"

Xu Yangyi's hand couldn't stab it! Blocked by an invisible force.

Not necessarily strong, but unbreakable!

"Come... come to me and see the true face of hell. The door of Tiragandis will always be open for you!"

The sound started out very small, then got louder and grander, and in the end, it was like the whisper of the universe, making people feel extremely small in the face of the majestic galaxy.

"This is..." Su Xingyao was stunned for a moment, and then, the succubus's body trembled with extreme fear.

This is not Su Xingyao's trembling, but a physical one, rooted in blood and soul, and cannot be eliminated.

"This..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath. At this moment, all his spiritual consciousness was screaming, run away! leave here! Too dangerous!

A name, a name that had existed in mythology for too long, suddenly came to his mind.

He suddenly turned around and stared at Su Xingyao: "You didn't fucking close the hell rift?!"

"Only one meter left!" Su Xingyao raised her head tremblingly: "Then you came!"

brush! The entire killing field completely dissipated. This 100,000-meter space began to tremble violently. The giant trees were trembling. Countless red flowers and green leaves were floating. The ground was cracking. A jet-black breath came from the crack that was only ten meters wide. burst out.

Layers upon layers, like black holes in the universe.

Su Xingyao looked deeply at the unfolding black hole, and endless evil energy rushed out like a tide.

Born from the same root as the Desire Talisman, it is completely different. The desire talisman is fair and impartial, but this demonic energy only has killing, destruction, and boundless violence.

"Just you?" Su Xingyao suppressed the instinctive fear in her body, gritted her teeth and looked at the crack: "You also want to take over my body?"

"This is not occupation..." The voice in her body seemed to be carrying the flames of hell, magnificent and heavy: "This is salvation."

"Look, you were about to be killed by this ugly inferior creature just now, but I saved you. Look at your body again, how perfect it is. The succubus is the top race in Tiragandis. As a human, Your transformation into a demon is my gift, mortal!"

"The world often has some misunderstandings about demons. For example, descending is called occupation. There are too many planes. Their patron saints also have descending techniques, but how can they be called occupation? It's just a temporary borrowing."

Its voice is very strange. You can clearly feel that the other person is suppressing his temper when speaking these words. His nature is violent and greedy, but it can make people feel a throbbing from the bottom of his heart, as if what he said is all good words.

"What a pity..." Su Xingyao looked at Xu Yangyi and even smiled slightly. Mamen also smiled: "He feels pity, but we are not pity. It's us, not me, nor you. We are one, and we will always be together. Wire."

Before it finished speaking, Su Xingyao turned her head and looked deeply into the devil's rift: "I mean, it's a pity for you."

"It's too dirty to let something like you occupy my body."

"I couldn't bear it even for a second."

"Go back to hell, Mammon."

Before she finished speaking, her body suddenly erupted into a fiery brilliance. At the same time, all the spiritual energy around him twisted crazily.

Xu Yangyi was stunned. The raised hand was lowered.


The self-destruction of the Yuanying monk.

He didn't expect that Su Xingyao would rather die in his hands. After finding that she couldn't do it, even Mamen couldn't make her bow her head.

Her strength and pride are like a phoenix that has come around the world and is now heading towards nirvana instead of death.

The mark of the true demon's body slowly disappeared from her body. Infinite purple light erupted from her whole body, and she walked towards the devil's rift step by step.

"Perhaps, if there is an afterlife, we will not be enemies when we meet again."

Xu Yangyi smiled: "Being your opponent once is enough."

As Su Xingyao got closer and closer, her skin began to fly like sand, and she had returned to the spotless, proud and immortal woman.

The surrounding space was rapidly collapsing, and the shape of a huge Bana flower enveloped her body. Countless purple lights flew out of her body, forming a hazy talisman the size of a thumb above her head.

"I'm very happy to get your approval." Su Xingyao smiled. This was the first time Xu Yangyi saw her smile.

Cold and deserted. Like the white snow on the mountain, like the snow lotus on the iceberg.

The smile was obviously cold, but at this moment, under the magnificent scene, it had a strange power of warmth.

Suddenly, a spring breeze comes overnight, and thousands of pear trees bloom.

"Take it away... This is the crystallization of the 30 billion monks in the trapped dragon world, and it is also... a trace of 'it' existence." She did not turn her head, and the desire talisman above her head was getting further and further away from her.

Fading away, but no regrets.

"You are qualified to inherit it. Use it and become the Lord of Desire."

"Have a good reincarnation." Xu Yangyi said calmly, with a hint of emotion.

Su Xingyao smiled slightly and walked forward. In front of her, the demon rift suddenly expanded to a size of 100 meters. A cold voice sounded: "Human... do you really want to be my enemy?"

"Your soul will be captured by me, no matter where it floats... I will catch it and imprison it for billions of years, put it in the soul tower, and it will never go to heaven!"

"Do you know who you are against? Even if I am a clone, you don't have the qualifications!"

Su Xingyao looked indifferent, and her steps did not stop.

"I am Su Xingyao, I built my foundation at the age of thirty, and I became a golden elixir at the age of seventy."

"I became a Nascent Soul at the age of one hundred and fifty, and entered the Sainthood at the age of two hundred and seventy. I am known as the first genius in the Zhenwu Immortal Realm."

"No one can compare to me. Looking down, we are all ants. Looking up, we are only a few hundred years older."

"The Divine Rule of Space, with an extraordinary natural appearance, was born in the Immortal Realm and fell into the upper realm."

"No one can touch me, not even Yawei."

Before she finished her words, she finally walked to the front of the crack, the brilliance of her whole body had burst out to the most intense extreme, and her spiritual energy was so unstable that it would explode in the next second. Finally, she took a deep look at this world.

What she missed and what she was obsessed with, all came to an end here.

"I want to ride the wind to go back, but I am afraid that the jade buildings... It is too cold up there... It is not like being in the human world..."


Boom!!! With the last sentence, her ambitions, her goals, everything was burned to ashes with this sound. A brilliant red spider lily exploded in the whole place, and the terrifying spiritual energy directly blew Xu Yangyi and Yuchang out ten thousand meters away. The intense light was like the sun in front of his eyes, mixed with the voice of the unstoppable roar, and completely dissipated in the world.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, and when he opened them, a huge purple red spider lily appeared in the air, and a thumb-sized talisman appeared a hundred meters away from him.

And the demon rift had been blown to only ten meters!

"She is also a character." Yuchang sighed.

"Yeah." Xu Yangyi felt a little complicated in his heart. He took several deep breaths, and suddenly waved his hand, and the desire talisman sank into his hand.

Got it...

Xu Yangyi's heart fell to the ground, everything, everything, all here, the secret of Yahweh, the secret of "it", the secret of the talisman, the gift of Yahweh, the memory of 100,000 years ago... With this grab, all fell into his hands.

There was no time to refine it. Just as Su Xingyao fell, a thunderous roar suddenly came from outside the domain, and a magnificent demonic energy suddenly spread out.

"Are you okay?" Xu Yangyi did not untie the domain, but asked Yuchang with concern.

"It's okay, didn't you feel it a long time ago?" Yuchang smiled weakly: "But, in the future, it's your turn to repair Yuchang. If you don't want me to die young."

"Don't you know what kind of person I am?" Xu Yangyi answered seriously, and then waved his hand, and Yuchang flew into his body to warm up.

At the same time, the demonic energy outside was boiling more and more. It was an evil that had never been felt before, and it was an ocean of desire.

Even the Great Power Demon could not catch up. This... is hell, it is hell!

"Come on..." He took a deep breath: "Mammon... is just a clone. The suppression of the world rules, can you still project a clone of the middle and late stage of the Saint?"

Rumble... The domain collapsed completely, as if it was pressed down by an invisible giant hand. Just outside the black killing, the body of Yan Wangsun floated in the air, tightly connected to the demon rift by a black spiritual line, and the endless demonic energy burst out from it.

"Let me go..." Its mouth corners, saliva flowed down, trembling all over, like a puppet caught by an invisible hand: "I... I will do anything for you..."

"Do anything for you?" A magnificent voice came from all directions: "You seem to have made a mistake."

"My gift, my courtesy, will only be given to true geniuses, just you, an ant?"

"Fortunately... there are two passages here, otherwise... I really can't descend to this clone..."

At this moment, the whole earth was humming, and the broken trapped dragon world began to collapse in the terrifying frenzy of the arrival of the demon god.

With Yan Wangsun's scream, a black light covered the sky. With it, there was power, extremely terrifying power, boundless power!


Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly.

This is the level of the Venerable Saint... the early stage of the Venerable Saint! The real deal!

The magnificent demonic energy swept across the land like a gust of wind. Wang Chen and Ou Fangyu looked at it in amazement. Ou Fangyu blinked, then sighed and sat down on the ground.

Wang Chen gritted his teeth. Even he could feel what kind of power was bred in this sea of ​​demonic energy. It's not that he had never seen a Venerable Saint before, such as Jiang Lao, but this demonic energy... although his realm was obviously lower than Jiang Lao, it made him feel a fear he had never experienced before.

Thousands of miles away from Wangxian City, on the shore, Gao Fangrong and Wu Kui looked in all directions in shock. Countless ground was brought into the air, and then ground into powder by the invisible demonic energy, roaring.

A magnitude 10 earthquake, an unknown magnitude of galaxy storm. The two were covered in cold sweat and looked at each other, with only endless horror in their eyes.

"What happened?" "My God... What, what happened?"

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