
Chapter 1105: Seven Lords of Hell (I)

How to do it?

Xu Yangyi's expression was extremely solemn, and his spiritual power had reached its peak. If he were an ordinary saint, he would have the confidence to give it a try, but this was not the case.

This is Mammon, one of the Seven Lords of Hell! One Yahweh! A GOD! A demon god at the level of a creation god!

Even if they are clones, even if they are both saints, they are definitely not comparable to ordinary saints!

The black light rises like a tide, and then falls like a tide. The violent vibrations cause endless green leaves to fall from the giant trees and roll up in the wind. Tranquility and killing, demons and humans, reach a strange harmony at this moment.

Dead silence, deathly silence. Only black light swept the entire place.

In this silence, six huge shadows appeared in the crack. The next second, six sulfur-covered fingers suddenly appeared. They grabbed the edge of the crack and tore it in both directions. With an earth-shattering burst, There was a clicking sound, and the crack was suddenly expanded while trembling!

Tear apart space!

Ou Fang Yu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and cold sweat poured down from his body. Although he did not see the real body, the moment he saw his fingers, he saw endless karma fire, endless devils, the sky was black, and countless flames spewed out from the ground. This picture immediately appeared in his eyes.

It is hell.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed suddenly, without saying hello at all, he turned into a stream of light, chasing the stars and the moon.

Clang! The broken fish intestine came out of its sheath and pointed straight into the fissure!

"You..." Ou Fangyu was stunned when his elbows and armpits turned raw. His first reaction was to shout: "Elder brother! What are you doing! Are you crazy! This, this thing is too scary! Run away! Let's run away from here! "

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a loud shout: "Help!!!"

Before he could react, Wangchen gritted his teeth and rushed out!

Mao Baer's eyes flickered, but he didn't move.

"Senior, what are you still doing?" Wangchen's last shout echoed around Ou Fangyu: "This is a monster, this is a demon! It is the source of all evil! If it comes over, everyone will die! We can only destroy the rift before it comes over!" Don’t you understand?”

Ou Fangyu bit his lip and cursed: "Damn!!"

The golden light burst out, and a phoenix came to the ceremony, holding a spear as a goddess scattering flowers. A golden phoenix appeared in the shadow, east, west, and south. Three people joined together, and their swords pointed at the incarnation of Mammon.

The strong wind howled past his ears. Facing this incarnation of the source of evil, no one could calm down. Xu Yangyi could only hear the sound of his heart beating wildly. The mighty power of the saint coming from the other side of the rift made him stare at great pressure every inch he stepped forward. During the forward thrust, the dense forest was filled with stars, and asuras appeared at the same time. On the finger, a little white light flashed, and then turned into a magnificent wave, and thousands of dragons roared together.

Shocking Dragon Finger!

At the same time, Ou Fangyu's golden phoenix soared into the sky and turned into a long golden river. The golden light was bright and powerful.

Before anyone arrived, the fingers came first, and thousands of dragons gathered together. Countless white dragons twisted into a huge aura dragon and rushed into the crack. But at this moment, a plump figure suddenly appeared in front of Xu Yangyi.

Cat 82!

"Get out of the way!!" Xu Yangyi's eyes widened suddenly. This was the last chance. Before the crack came, he used all his strength to destroy it. But Mao Baer turned a deaf ear, his chest bulged sharply, and a strong sense of crisis enveloped Xu Yangyi's heart, and he fell straight down without hesitation.

At the same time, a red light flashed in Mao Baer's mouth, and then... a majestic pillar of fire swept across the world.

Devil's breath!

With countless demonic energy, the smell of hell's sulfur, and flames all over the sky, this breath that was a hundred meters thick swept across the sky as soon as it appeared, and a dark burning mark was pulled out of the void, with a red inside. , it is impossible to recover!

Rolling demonic breath swept across the top of his head, and Xu Yangyi's back was completely black. He stood up suddenly. At this time, he could no longer think about his old feelings. This was no longer Mao Baer. The spiritual power in his body gathered crazily on his fingertips, and the remaining four fingers lit up at the same time. .

Shocking Dragon Four Fingers!

"Get out..." Xu Yangyi gasped. At this critical moment, no one could stop him. One step too late, Mammon's clone comes to the world, and the consequences are disastrous!

"Anyone who stops me will die!!"

Suddenly, the entire space trembled, the cracks trembled violently, and a huge horn poked out from inside.

Red, full of magma, like a dinosaur's horns. A bit of green light shone from the tip of the horn, and instantly turned into countless dark chains, shooting in all directions.

At the same time, as if in response to Yan Wangsun's screams, golden chains emerged from its body, completely composed of talismans, intersecting with its black chains and melting.

Wherever you look, the golden heaven and the black hell are intertwined.

"This is the chain of order." Before he could retract his gaze, Mao Baer grinded his teeth: "Tearing apart space is not as simple as you see. To widen the gap in another plane, he must cooperate with the people in this plane. The highest manifestation of the law is the chain of order. These things exist in the natives of each plane. As long as the chain of order is stripped away from the other party and merged with the order of hell, this passage will be truly formed. "

"Make way!" Xu Yangyi remained unmoved, the spiritual light in his four fingers rose to the extreme, like a lighthouse in the dark night.

"Listen, kid, as long as I'm here, it won't be able to get through. Just stay quiet. The only one I like here is you. Listen to me and do whatever you want, and I'll give you a great blessing... Damn it...are you looking for death?"

Before he finished speaking, electricity shot out of Xu Yangyi's body, and in the world of black and gold, another touch of black, an extreme black, a deep black, a pure black, burst out!

The Dragon Finger roared out, thousands of dragons gathered in the sea, and Mao Baer's hair stood up. What really made him feel terrified was not this move, but something else in this move.

What exactly was it?

It could actually make him afraid?

The pupils in his eyes spun rapidly like a wheel, and everything slowed down in his eyes. Then, he saw... In the opponent's hand, under the infinite white dragon, a fist-sized black vortex spun rapidly.

Swish... The flat ground was flooded, and the black and gold two-color order chains in all directions rang wildly, and there was a trend of being controlled by the existence after the rift! The surrounding void was swallowed up madly, and black talismans were drawn out from the void. The small vortex seemed to have no bottom line, forming a miniature black hole!

"This is..." Mao Baer was stunned for a moment, then jumped up instantly: "Yahweh relics?!"

"You actually have Yahweh relics?!"

On the other side of the crack, time seemed to freeze in an instant, and then the huge horns retracted, and three huge green eyes suddenly stuck to the crack, looking at this side in disbelief, and said in shock: "YHWH!?"

Mao Baer was stunned, looked at Xu Yangyi, turned his head to look at the crack, and then his body swelled wildly.

The opponent's target was not the clone at all, but the crack!

"It seems... you don't like the initiative in the hands of others..." Four arms grew out from the side of the body, one holding an axe and the other holding a shield, the body swelled wildly to ten meters tall, stood up, and said with gritted teeth: "Just right... I don't like it either!"

"Since you don't listen to advice, don't blame me for ignoring the incense!!" After a roar, it has expanded to a body more than ten meters tall and rushed over wildly.


The being behind the crack was stunned for a second, and then, endless anger filled his mind.

In hell, strength is everything, and the weak should obey the superiors. Now, an ant actually drew a sword against it?

"Descadripo Valley... Ant... Remember the name of the king who gave you death!!!"

The earth roared, the void trembled, six ugly fingers retracted, and a majestic head rushed out of the crack with flames all over the sky.

Indescribable ugliness.

More than 30 meters in size, the head is like a dinosaur, pure black, cracked from the middle, burning with hot flames, ferocious fangs like two rows of sharp knives, three small green eyes, ears are hole-shaped, and covered with scales. In the bloody mouth opened, a little red light condensed in it. Countless flames burned around.

The devil's breath!

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's body suddenly disappeared!

"Human!!" Mao Baer rushed over like crazy: "Stop your hand! You idiot!! "

Bang!! With one axe, the space shattered, with the devil shadow on one side and the Buddha Kingdom on the other. With one axe, the immortal road was split open. This move actually cut out the power of the saint!

However, there was no trace.

The swallowing of the swallowing talisman was to completely disappear, swallowing the existence of this person in this space.

"Do you know what you are doing..." The axe was fruitless, and Mao Baer's figure was trembling, staring at the surroundings and grinding his teeth. Chaos... Completely messed up! This little reptile actually has such power!

Yahweh's relics... And I can't find it now!

It believes that Deskadribo Valley can't find it either!

Any Yahweh relic is definitely not an ordinary product. The other party dared to use the Yuanying to draw the sword against the saint, and there must be his reasons.

"Damn... Damn!!" After trembling and grinding its teeth for a few seconds, it roared with great reluctance and suddenly rushed towards the suspended Yan Wangsun.

"Get lost!" Deskadripogu roared, and provoked like an angry lion, his spiritual consciousness fully spread out, looking for Xu Yangyi's figure.

No... No! Still no!

"You... humble ant!!" In extreme anger, the devil's breath from his mouth spewed out the whole place, and wherever he passed, the void was charred black, and the inside was red, and it could no longer heal, becoming a terrifying dimension, the ground cracked inch by inch, and all living things were destroyed!

Swish! Just when the breath rushed to a certain place, a circle of blood-red light curtain bounced off the breath, and then a huge figure rushed over frantically.

Cat Baer.

Sniffing with a wrinkled nose, Deskadripogu hummed in confusion: "Demon? No... pure high-level demon?"

Cat Baer's face showed a grim smile: "Yes... I have been waiting for you for tens of thousands of years..."

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