
Chapter 1106: Seven Lords of Hell (Part 2)

Black light surged, flames filled the ground. Deskadri Bogu, one of the incarnations of the Seven Lords of Hell, was ferocious and majestic. After a second of silence, his huge head burst into a piercing laugh, shaking the surrounding space.

"My true body has exterminated more planes than you have killed. Every day, every hour, every moment, I don't know how many people disappeared because of my will. Whether you are angry or not has nothing to do with me. It's just the cry of a defeated dog."

But his voice suddenly paused.

A very obscure spell was chanted from Mao Baer's mouth. As its voice became faster and faster, the same voice seemed to sound from all directions. It shook the void, like the whispers of thousands of demons, causing people's hearts to tremble.

"Eastern Demon Genealogy... Ten Thousand Demons Pilgrimage Spell?" It turned its head in shock and looked at Mao Baer in disbelief: "Materialize the Demon Order Chain... How could you, an ant... possibly have such a forbidden spell?!"

"Ant?" Mao Baer's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he was getting faster and faster in the embers of the terrifying breath, and all his fur was flattened: "Look at me..."

"Look at me carefully... Look at these hands, do you still remember them?"

Descardi Bogu glanced at him contemptuously, and was about to turn his head, but suddenly stopped.

Then, it was a little bit unbelievable, slowly turned its head, and stared at the hand.

The originally calm face slowly began to be surprised, and finally turned into shock, and the two golden eyes were wide open.

"You...are you the man from tens of thousands of years ago?"

"You...are you Xing Tian?!"

"It's Xing Tian, ​​the marshal under the command of the military lord Chi You!!" Before he finished speaking, Mao Ba Er had already rushed forward like crazy, his whole body emitting a blood-red glow, and a magnificent figure emerged from the glow.

Headless and naked, with nipples as eyes and navels as mouths, an axe in his left hand and a shield in his right hand, the huge human face roared, chopped down with an axe, and split Huashan with force.

Boom! ! A huge crack immediately appeared on the ground, more than ten thousand meters long and a thousand meters deep. The void on both sides collapsed, and the entire tens of thousands of meters of giant tree continent, the land supporting the Forgotten Immortal City above, let out a mournful cry and was almost split in two.

"How could you still be alive?! How could you be here!" Descardi Bogu screamed in extreme fear, and the next second, a huge breath spurted out from his head, and no grass grew in a radius of tens of thousands of meters, covering the giant trees behind him.

Burning, annihilation, this place has completely become a dead place under the battle of demons.

"Hahaha... Are you scared? Are you worried?" Xing Tian's voice was like thunder, and he laughed loudly: "Yes... You tried your best to kill me, but the Heaven Court couldn't kill me back then, not to mention that we are from different genealogies!"

"My soul has been wandering in hell, just near the opened crack. I came here earlier than you, and I really waited for you... In the battle of the Blood Soul Rift, the three great lords surrounded the Lord of Soldiers, and how many brothers died there, finally... Today I finally saw you!!"


The axe of the sky!

Tens of thousands of years of anger erupted in an instant, and the suppressed volcano was completely awakened. The two demons who did not belong to the same genealogy fought a shocking battle. This axe was full of thunder and lightning, and no one within a radius of thousands of miles was spared.

Descadripo Valley was just stunned for a moment, and then its head quickly retracted, and a ten-meter-long black magic hand stretched out.

The speed of the axe was indescribably fast, but it still caught it. Green blood splashed all over the sky, and an extremely unpleasant hissing sound came from the crack, but then, there was a thunderous laugh.

"Hehehe... Xingtian... You can't fool me... Tens of thousands of years have passed, how much power do you still have? Are you still the Marshal Xingtian who was fearless of death?"

"Sure enough, you are in urgent need of a body... I understand, you originally planned to choose to possess this poor creature when I opened the channel and the plane rules came down. You took advantage of that moment to kill my soul? Hehehe... Thank you so much for that little human just now!"

"As a gift, I will give you a reward."

"A reward for a happy death."

The voice echoed in the space like thunder, and in the thousands of flames, the big tree behind him collapsed. This giant tree, which had stood for tens of thousands of years and witnessed the destruction of the trapped dragon world, was not destroyed in the explosion of the galaxy, but was destroyed by the arrival of the devil.

The huge tree canopy had been burned out by the flames of hell, and it collapsed like a skyscraper. With a bang, the entire ground shook and flames rose up.

In the flames, Xing Tian gritted his teeth, and his heart was filled with hatred!

What a good opportunity...

Because of trust, the other party did not trust him at all, and let Mammon's clone survive!

"Damn... Damn!" It roared to the sky, and two red rays shot out of its eyes. The sound was like crying blood. Deskadri Bogu laughed wildly to the sky: "Accept your fate, this is your fate! The Eastern Demon System will always be suppressed by the West! We have seven monarchs, and you only have three masters! Sooner or later... the entire Tiragangdis will be ours!"

"And you, these lowly Eastern maggots, can only survive by licking our feet! Hehehehe!!"

"Really?" At this moment, a calm voice appeared at the scene, and both of them were stunned.

Fifteen seconds passed.

The Devouring Talisman came back, and the black ball in Xu Yangyi's hand suddenly appeared above the giant hand like a black hole.

"I don't care about hell."

"But I don't like your face."

The next second, he pressed the Devouring Talisman towards the crack with all his strength!

Time seemed to stop.

At this moment, Ou Fangyu, who was coughing up blood in the distance, wiped the blood and looked at Xu Yangyi. Wang Chen opened his eyes that were almost closed and looked at this scene. Xing Tian opened his mouth wide. In the crack, the three small eyes of Deskadri Bogu looked at the ant in astonishment.

Time turned again.

Boom! ! ! !

The extraordinary loud noise, that was the cry of spiritual energy, the wail of the storm! The huge crack that had been torn to 50 meters trembled wildly, and then rushed towards Xu Yangyi's palm quickly!

Swallowing the sky and the earth, nothing is not swallowed!

"This is..." Deskadri Bogu was stunned, and then he let out an unbelievable roar: "Bastard! You... You can actually swallow the plane crack?!"

The extremely angry roar pulled Xing Tian's mind back. It suddenly realized what happened.

At this moment, Deskadri Bogu's hand was outside and his body was inside the crack. If the crack disappeared... its hand would be left here!

This is not an ordinary cut. The demon's body is flawless. The broken limbs regenerate. The immortal body is something that too many demon kings of the Saint level can possess. But this is different. If its hands are left in other planes, no matter how powerful the immortal body is, it will never regenerate!

This is the rule of the plane!

"Reincarnation will eventually pay..." It took a deep breath, its eyes red, and closed its four hands. When it opened again, a bloody light appeared, and a three-meter-long axe with a strange shape appeared in it.

Desolate and simple, with two big characters on it, Gan Qi.

The so-called Gan Qi, it turns out not to be a shield and an axe, but the name of this axe, called Gan Qi.

"Devil Dance Three Thousand!!" It roared and chopped down with an axe. This time, there was no hell and heaven at the same time, but...

Eighteen levels of hell appeared at the same time!

Guang Juju, Juxu Jianlue, Sang Judu, Lou, Fangzu, Caowu Beici... Layers of hell pagodas are reincarnated in the air, countless Shura Eight Divisions of Heavenly Dragons, hell dances, nine days are shocked, the void is based on it, and it is completely broken into glass!

This axe is not chopped off the hand, but rushes straight into the crack and chops the body!

"Quick!!" It raised its head and roared at Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, the spiritual power of the whole body has been stretched to the extreme, and the endless spiritual power is all poured into the swallowing talisman. The meridians of the body have already felt full. But... the crack is only ten meters smaller!

Not enough... Not enough! !

Now it is a life-and-death moment. Inside the crack, a painful scream and thunder sounded, and the giant hand has been trying to retract!

"Can't let it escape! My strength can only be restored this time! If you don't completely close this crack, it will come again in less than a few months!!" Xing Tian shouted.

Damn it!

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and the next second, infinite light flashed in his body, his skin cracked, countless green leaves and branches stretched in the black light, shining in the silence.

Xing Tian took a breath and looked at the sky with shock. The sky where the light was originally cast was blocked by layers of dense branches. I don’t know how big it is, I don’t know how wide it is... In less than ten seconds, a huge tree that is even bigger than the giant tree here stands proudly in the void.

Wolf Poison’s original form!

Boom! ! Swallowing the talisman is like taking a shot of chicken blood. In just an instant, the crack disappears ten meters in an instant!

"Is this... Wolf Poison?" Xing Tian looked back in disbelief: "Sure enough... It is the descendant of Yahweh!"

"No!!!" A terrified voice sounded in the crack: "Let me go... Otherwise... You will regret it! I swear! You will regret offending the majesty of Lord Mammon!!"

Its hands have been entangled by countless branches, and the black talismans are endless. It has no way to retract them at all, and it... knows better than anyone the consequences of leaving its hands here!

No answer.

There is only endless swallowing.

Rumble... The void is trembling, the wolf poison body is blessed, and the talismans are swallowed bigger and bigger. After three seconds, it has become a huge black hole with a radius of 100 meters!

Endless black spiritual energy gathers into its body from all directions. All spiritual energy is composed of talismans. It is majestic and boundless. It swallows everything, even the void.

"Scum... ants!!" Descardi Bogu's voice was filled with endless hatred: "How dare you do this to me... How dare you challenge Yahweh's majesty!"


"Swish!!!" Endless black light flashed, and the wolf poison body was so huge. With the last word, the demon rift was completely swallowed up. The roar of Mammon's clone was isolated to another plane.

Xing Tian stood there in a daze.

It still couldn't believe it.

He did it...

This mortal, this human, actually did it!

It knew how powerful the guy on the opposite side was. When the other side's body began to tear the void, this person could actually close the demon rift?

"That humble race... When did this kind of monster appear?"

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