
Chapter 1107: Becoming a Saint! (I)

"Hmm!!" It suddenly covered its head, and an inappropriate voice came out of its body: "Huh? Who am I? Where am I? Who is hitting me?"

"Damn..." It took a deep look at Xu Yangyi, and a black and white brilliance appeared. Mao Baer's eyes couldn't close together, and he staggered to the spot, turned twice, shook his head, and fell down.

With a thud, as the crack was completely closed, a huge hand was broken off at the level of the arm, about thirty meters thick, and crashed to the ground, with spider web patterns spreading rapidly.

Swipe, swipe, swipe... Endless black brilliance shines in the void. Wangchen sighed and closed his eyes. The injury was too serious and he could no longer stay awake.

Ou Fangyu leaned on his spear and tried to stand up tremblingly. In the distance, Gao Fangrong and Wu Kui were flying towards them in the form of streams of light.

It's over... He smiled miserably and spurted out mouthfuls of blood.

It's finally over... Fang Jue woke up from the nightmare and was covered in cold sweat.

No one could have imagined that what was supposed to be an investigation into the Holy Flame of Spiritual Refining... No, it was just a little murderous intention of a small person named Song Ziyu, and in the end it actually set off a huge craze.

The Holy Flame of Soul Refining is a foil. The wings of this butterfly flap more and more fiercely. Because the Holy Flame of Soul Refining is activated, it sees everything and gets the inner elixir, thus causing changes in the surroundings. And then... this change was considered by Anlin City as a threat to the beast tide, and the surrounding area was sealed off. Afterwards, Sidaozi was ordered to come, Xu Yangyi changed the situation, and finally, they entered here.

The giant fish, the holy flame, Yahweh, and now the seven kings of hell... This huge arc started from insignificant people and finally formed a circle.

The black light gathered from the sky, like the reverse flow of time. Return to a human form. Ou Fangyu walked over tremblingly. Xu Yangyi turned to look at him and suddenly smiled: "Fourth Junior Brother, I'll leave the rest to you."

"What about you?" Ou Fangyu asked breathlessly.

Xu Yangyi shook his head. Once the demon body was used, he had already felt that all the cells in the body were closing themselves, and he would soon fall into a deep sleep at the cost of five years of sleep.

The price of five years... just to seal this crack... He shook his head and smiled bitterly. This price was really too high.

Just when he felt that his lower body was beginning to lose consciousness, he suddenly froze and turned his head to look.

His left hand...has not recovered yet!

Under the broken clothes, a branch grew out, and on the opposite side of the branch...

It was wrapped tightly around Desca Deripogu's right arm!

The hand of the devil incarnate!

This is not the most terrifying thing. What is terrifying is that the swallowing talisman is still running at this moment! Right on top of the branches! And...that hand is completely boiling! Countless demonic energy escaped and was sucked in by the swallowing talisman. Even... that weird hand began to be absorbed quickly!

"What's going on?" Yuchang was stunned.

"I can't stop!" Xu Yangyi was also stunned. At this moment, the swallowing talisman was completely instinctive and did not obey the command at all!

As the hand became smaller and smaller, only one person was left in the giant mountain-like hand, and the spiritual power in his body also boiled.

Swipe, swipe, swipe... rays of brilliance burst out from his body. The cracks left on the surface of his body before entering the Holy Gate still existed. At this moment, it was like broken porcelain, with thousands of rays of brilliance.

"This..." Xu Yangyi looked at his body absentmindedly. What he absorbed was pure spiritual energy. This spiritual energy was so abundant and carried a power that he had never come into contact with before. Now...he would not step into the Holy Spirit. The door doesn’t work either!

"It should be like this..." He closed his eyes and allowed the wild spiritual energy in his body to surge. In an instant, a magnificent beam of light shot straight into the sky, breaking through the void, breaking through the debris of the brilliant star, breaking through countless underground, and under the water. Above the clouds, a bright light curtain stretched out.

At this moment, it is night, the stars are like stars, and the night sky is like washing.

This white brilliance is so dazzling, so majestic, like the tide of the sea, the moon and the river, the huge range of thousands of meters, like a bright light with a radius of thousands of miles, extremely dazzling.

In Anlin City, the deputy city lord was sitting in the tower worriedly. Sidaozi has lost contact for several days. Once the Jiuzhen Jiunanmen is traced, this sin... he cannot afford it!

Anlin City is extremely lively at night. Although all entry and exit are prohibited, this is the northern gathering place for monsters. Even at this time, various training workshops and markets are full of people. A wide variety of lighting magic weapons turn this place into a magical place. It was brightly lit.

But at this moment, far away, a bright brilliance, brighter than the moon and brighter than lights, suddenly shot up into the sky. The deputy city lord was just stunned for a second, and then rushed up to the tower like crazy.

Wherever he looked, a magnificent beam of light reached straight into the sky. Even after such a distance, he seemed to be able to feel the terrifying power there.

"This is..." He took a few steps back sluggishly, then opened his mouth wide, his eyes were red, and shouted hoarsely: "Advanced Yang Sage!!"

Before he could finish speaking, the next second, tens of thousands of blue lights burst out from the light pillar. It was a visualization that too many people were familiar with, and a huge blue figure appeared in and out of it, rising and falling uncertainly.

If there were still people who didn't notice it before, at this moment, the earth was covered with a layer of cyan, and no one could ignore it anymore.

One person raised his head, and then came the second, third, and countless others!

Within ten minutes, the entire Anlin City, with hundreds of millions of people, was silent, staring in the same direction.

Their gazes were so hot that they almost burned the sky. Their hearts were beating so fast that almost the entire city could hear the pounding of their hearts.

"Grandpa, what is this?" A qi-training monk pulled on the sleeves of his grandfather, who was a Foundation-Building Dzogchen. The other party did not answer the question about his favorite grandson. Instead, his lips trembled, his face flushed, and then he knelt down with a plop.

"Grandpa! What's wrong with you?!" The grandson was startled. Before he could finish speaking, all the monks around him, thump, thump, almost all of them half-knelt on the ground of their own accord, looking at that place like a pilgrim.

"Kneel down!" Grandpa hissed: "Don't be rude!"

When...the clock struck midnight, a melodious bell sounded throughout Anlin City.

"Ruyi Bell?" At this moment, on the tall city wall opposite Shuiyun Stream in Anlin City, countless monks from the city guard were waiting with their crossbows ready. Hearing the sound, a captain frowned: "Why? What’s going on?”

"I don't know." The team leader said solemnly: "No one reported the news, and the bell cannot be rang unless it is a big event. Could it be..."

He glanced at the boundless darkness ahead and trembled: "Could it be that... the beast tide broke out? Aren't the Four Daozi already gone?"

When... there was another sound, a commotion suddenly broke out behind them. The captain kept his eyes on the darkness in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Look, what exactly happened?"

The team leader also gave the order in confusion, but... during this period, the discussion behind them became louder and louder, and in the end, it turned into a sea of ​​screaming. The seven realms shouted excitedly, resounding throughout the entire tower!

"Yang Sheng!! Yang Sheng!!" "Oh my God! This is the first time I have seen this scene in my life!" "Fuck! Someone actually attacked Yang Sheng!?" "Which senior is this! I wish him success! I will definitely Be successful!"

Yang Sheng?

The two captains looked at each other, then turned their heads in confusion. As soon as they took one look, they were immediately stunned.

In the sky, a cyan sun, including a hazy fairy body, was spinning in the night, with the sky-reaching light pillars escorting it. Let the moon be eclipsed, let the stars be dimmed! This scene is enough to be remembered for a lifetime!

"Yang Sheng..." His heart paused for a moment, then started beating wildly.

Yang Sage... The difficulty of the thirty-man Yang Sage is so high! Not to mention Yang Sheng, there are only 5,000 people in the Seven Realms of Zun Sheng!

What is the concept of five thousand people?

Anlin City has a total of 242 million people! As a city guard, he knew this number very well.

What about the Seven Realms?

He didn't dare to think that, however, this scene that all monks dreamed of happened right in front of everyone.

"Kneel down!!" He shouted loudly, and suddenly, on the tower, the iron armor reflected cyan, and everyone knelt down silently.

The entire Anlin City is peaceful, but the enthusiasm, envy, jealousy, etc. in everyone's heart are more violent than the tsunami.

When...the third Ruyi bell rings. At the south gate, all the city guards knelt on the wall, and suddenly a stream of light shot quickly from the sky.

Before anyone arrived, a hoarse and excited voice had already resounded through the entire door: "Wang Yongsheng, Minister of Dan Department! Pass the city lord's order! Pass the law of the seven realms! Everyone listens to the order!"

"Anyone who attacks the Saint! Anyone within a radius of ten thousand miles must respect him! Once anyone attacks the Saint, all forces must fully support him! Once anyone attacks the Saint, he will be blocked for thousands of miles!"

"No one is allowed to interfere with the attackers! No force is allowed to interfere with the attackers! All enemies, if they attack at this moment, they will kill the nine tribes! If any force turns a blind eye, they will be demoted two levels in a row! The forces under Yi will not be promoted for a thousand years!"

"Yes!!" Everyone in the city responded in unison.

The figure in the stream of light shouted: "Immediately...immediately mobilize the tiger army to surround Shuiyun Stream! No monsters can be allowed to invade! The city lord has reported to Kai Haiwang! He will definitely come to negotiate with the ancestors in person!"

"Keep each other at all costs!"

"Here!!" Following the steel-like voice, a moment later, tens of thousands of flying swords came out of the city, shining in the sky, and rushing straight into the Shuiyun Stream like a sea wave!

Outside Shuiyun Stream, all the monks who were responsible for observing this scene were stunned.

They were also half-kneeling on the ground, their faces flushed, sluggish and filled with the madness of admiration.

Yang Sheng... is so close to me!

Within reach, five thousand honors, thirty peaks. After taking this step, the lower four realms and the middle three realms are completely separated. After that, this person will become the real power of the seven realms, sitting on one side, with countless big cities under his command, and countless Class A forces are willing to cooperate with one Yang Sheng. Talk and laugh with ru, no contacts STOMATOLOGY.


At this moment, the aura behind him was overwhelming, tens of thousands of auras were boiling in the sky, countless flying swords were pulling the aura across the sky, and the swords were falling like rain, rushing straight into the water and cloud stream.

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