
Chapter 1108: Becoming a Saint! (Part 2)

"This is..." A guarding monk was stunned.

"Protect..." The monk next to him spoke with a burning voice: "For a Venerable Saint, it is not a pity to die tens of thousands of golden elixirs... One day, we can also reach this step!"

In Shuiyunjian and outside the basin, endless monsters flew into the sky. Facing tens of thousands of monks flying on swords, various formations were strictly set up, and the five demon kings were ready.

Just behind them, a sky-high white light rushed out from the ground and shone in the sky.

The five demon kings ignored these people and stared at the ground.

Venerable Saint...

I have lived for so long before I became a Venerable Saint, a mere human race. Now I have been promoted under my nose.

Countless messengers flew out of Anlin City in all directions. In an instant, all major forces were completely boiling.

Venerable Saint...

Once you can establish a relationship with the other party, then for a newly promoted Venerable Saint, you will be a loyal minister!

The premise is that he can successfully promote.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi, who was under the Nine Earths, slowly opened his eyes.

The sky is not the sky, and the earth is not the earth. The universe is not the universe, and chaos does not see chaos.

In front of him, there is nothing, only a wall.

A wall of eternity whose height, length, and size are unknown.

Physical barrier.

White clouds swirl around the endless wall, and he did not act immediately, but adjusted everything about himself. There was a voice in his heart shouting, wait a little longer, there is still a process to be completed.

Reaching into the storage ring, a jade box appeared, unsealed, and a jade-colored pill slowly rose.

Xu Yangyi was very calm at this moment, even though his whole body's spiritual energy was so abundant that he had to impact the Saint. He took a deep breath, and a green lotus phantom actually bloomed on the pill. The pill, which was colorless and tasteless, seemed to be awakened by this breath. A little bit of star-like light shone inside, and after a moment, a phantom of a fairy-like figure was transformed into it.

Holy Spirit Pill, the pill that the Third Elder gave with great reluctance.

"Can you still hold on?" Yu Chang asked, "You didn't faint immediately this time, how long will it take?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and shook his head, "It's hard to say... Just as I stepped into the Venerable Saint, my closed cells opened again. This is the truth of heaven and earth, the rule of the Great Dao. It has surpassed the sleeping instinct of wolf poison. I guess... at least I have to wait until I advance to the Venerable Saint."

Without saying anything else, the two looked at the pill tacitly, but their eyes just stayed and did not go deep.

The heart has been pulled by this long-awaited desire and has been given wings. Everything you see cannot stay in your eyes, color is emptiness, emptiness is color.

The road of cultivation is like the Yangtze River, and hundreds of millions of cultivators are like crucian carp crossing the river. The entire Seven Realms has a population of hundreds of billions, and there are less than 5,000 Venerable Saints. Finally, standing in front of this door, there is no throbbing and excitement as he expected, only calm pride.

In his eyes, all the birds fly high, and the lonely cloud goes away alone. In my heart, there will be a time to ride the wind and waves, and sail across the vast ocean.

After a long time, Yuchang raised his head with emotion, looked at the towering physical barrier in front of him, and said concisely: "Do you have confidence?"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows and smiled: "The road is long and arduous, I will search up and down."

As if in response, just as this sentence was finished, a green mark appeared from the bottom of the giant wall, turning into thousands of green lights, rising up. Wherever it passed, the clouds that blocked the sun dispersed layer by layer, and the entire physical barrier was transparent.

The mist was like a pen, the wall was like paper, the way of heaven was the hand, and the monks were the ink.

The totem of a magnificent tree was outlined on the wall, surpassing them, getting higher and higher, and sinking into the invisible place. I don’t know how long it took, with a low roar, the dissipated white mist gathered from all directions, and then... a cloud cave with a radius of 10,000 meters condensed above his head, magnificent and incomparable.

The green light continued to rise, and finally turned into a stream of extremely refined wood spirit energy, shooting straight into the cloud cave.

Ask the sky.

How powerful is the heaven? Is this domain worthy of entering the Saint Gate?

The wood principle asks the Heaven Gate, and the Heavenly Dao certifies.

"Only after your domain is truly confirmed, this wall will leave you a chance. Otherwise... I'm afraid Taixu can't break it either." Yuchang looked at this scene with a complicated look, and it thought of Zhuan Zhu. At the same time, without a trace of tension, he knew exactly how Xu Yangyi's domain came out. It's impossible not to pass.

"The domain is the end of the lower four realms and the beginning of the middle three realms. From the Nascent Soul, the growth of strength has changed from magical powers and magic weapons to domains. If you don't build your domain well, can you defeat Su Xingyao? I'm afraid you don't understand it so deeply now, after all, you have only used the domain to fight three times. The further you go, the deeper your understanding will be."

Xu Yangyi nodded, and he felt a gaze falling on him, extremely deep, extremely old, with a taste of resting with the heaven and earth, and shining with the sun and the moon.

"Is the Heavenly Dao alive?" he murmured.

"Who knows... maybe we live under the eyes of other powerful beings, and at this moment, that powerful being just cast a ray of eyes on us..." Yu Chang answered slowly.

In the cloud cave, countless talismans flickered for a long time, perhaps two hours, or even longer. Finally, a long bell sounded in the cloud cave, and circles of white ripples spread from it. The cloud cave dissipated, and an indescribable sense of oppression quietly filled the space.

Heavenly Dao approved!

"It's coming." Yu Chang took a deep breath: "Are you ready?"

Xu Yangyi didn't say a word. In the calmness, his spiritual power spread throughout his body, his nerves were tense to the extreme, and the Holy Spirit Pill was suspended aside. There is nothing to prepare in a hurry. The only thing that can be prepared is yourself.

Just after the ringing of the bell was extinguished, a bit of golden light fell from the sky, like golden ink entering water. In an instant, the entire body barrier burst into sky-wide white light, and a golden wall of talismans appeared before his eyes. Connecting heaven and earth, all-encompassing. Can't see the rise, can't see the fall.

Like a pebble falling into a lake, the calm state of mind is broken, and a pool of spring water is stirred, leaving only a heart full of pride.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and then rushed forward!

In front of the huge stone wall, there is a glimpse of Gu Hong, a fairy flying in the daytime.

Kakaka! The figure shook rapidly, one thousand meters away from the stone monument, with four arms and green-faced fangs blasting out, black spiritual energy lingering around, Shura was reincarnated.

Asura phase.

The muscles bulged, and the hill-like figure was as fast as lightning. In one battle, essence, energy, and spirit completely exploded in this moment. The three reached their highest peak in history. He also immediately understood his situation.

Two punches.

A maximum of two punches, with no reservations, two completely explosive punches, one strong burst, and then fade away. After two punches, if it is still not broken, then think of another method.

Cyan brilliance filled the sky, instantly suppressing the black spiritual energy. Just outside the Asura form, a layer of cyan armor, like a tree, instantly enveloped it.

Fighting among the stars in the dense forest!

The spiritual power surged instantly, and at this moment, the distance to the wall was only 500 meters.

Not enough... still not enough... Xu Yangyi's eyes were like fire, and he quickly made a hand seal with his hands. The next second, all thirty-six major acupuncture points in his body lit up, and a magnificent phantom flashed behind him, extremely clear.

Ethereal Immortal Body.

Spiritual power soars again! At this moment, his spiritual energy has soared to an unimaginable level! Far more than ten times or twenty times the ordinary Nascent Soul!

No reservations, give it a try!

Three hundred meters!

"There is one last move..." He looked up to the sky and roared, and the passion for attacking Yang Sheng completely exploded in this sound, and then...his hand burst out with infinite white light. This time, there was no need to use the Five Fingers of the Shocking Dragon first. , Jinglong Hand has begun to condense rapidly.

Four stacks!

The best he can do.

The magnificent spiritual energy from all directions formed a black vortex, lingering crazily until his injury, as if holding the universe, the dark spiritual energy visible to the naked eye coiled around the entire arm, and dragons fought in all directions! However, before the Jinglong Hand appeared, a more powerful aura suddenly condensed into his hand.

Like a mountain or a sea, Jinglongshou disappeared in an instant without any resistance.

Kalara...layers of black scales spread quickly, countless flames boiled in the gaps of the scales, and the arms were covered with red bone spurs. The moment it appeared, the void shook again, and the surging spiritual power was almost crazy, turning the arm into pitch black.

Hands of hell!

He was just stunned for a moment, then roared in the air and punched towards the west.

With the arrow on the string, you are ready to ride a tiger!

The last fifty meters!

"Give me..." He took a deep breath, and his clothes were fluttering in the strong wind. The devil's right arm was raised, the void trembled, and the devil's energy was strong.


Zero meters.

One punch, no regrets.

The spiritual fist poured down three rivers, and the demonic intention swept away thousands of troops alone!

boom! ! There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and wherever the fist landed, a bright halo of light bloomed. The sun and the moon were as if they came out of it, and the stars were brilliant as if they were out of it.'s not broken!

It can be seen with the naked eye that all the talismans are broken, but they are not connected! At the moment of being broken, it healed quickly, and each tiny rune formed a giant skyscraping rune network that spread over a hundred thousand meters in radius, desperately sharing the impact of the punch without breaking.

not enough?

The corners of Xu Yangyi's eyes twitched. He knew how powerful this punch was. This was the pinnacle punch since his practice. Recruitment is not considered, retention is not considered. Do your best. Half of the spiritual power in the body was lost because of this punch!

But it's not enough?

"One punch is not enough, then try again!"

Brush... Lift it gently, and the thunder will fall.

When it is raised, it looks like a wild goose spreading its wings, and when it falls, it looks like the sky is tilted upside down.

The second punch.

It was also the last punch with all his strength, and his energy and spirit climbed to the top. His spiritual power suddenly evaporated like steam with this punch, completely exhausted.

The feeling of dry meridians came from the body, and golden light flashed in front of him, white light like a tide. After a few seconds, the white light dissipated, and golden butterflies danced in front of him, with countless talismans flying.

A half-meter-large crack appeared on the talisman wall of the endless wall.

A unique and majestic power that does not belong to this realm is slowly revealed from this gap. With a gentle breath, the internal organs are cheering and every pore is stretched.

The power of the saint!

All the talismans in the center were shattered, causing the surrounding talismans to tremble. Countless golden streams of light flew near the gap, but... it was still not enough!

Too small...this is not a crack, this is a loophole! This punch can't tear apart the test of heaven!

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