
Chapter 1109: Becoming a Saint! (Part 3)

All it takes is one more final punch.

One burst of strength, then decline, and... three times, exhaustion.

Swish, brush, brush... Endless spiritual power was desperately absorbed by Golden Apple, but it was a drop in the bucket for Xu Yangyi's majestic spiritual power reserves. However, he didn't panic, he just let out a long sigh of relief: "With the Arrancar, we are on the verge of collapse."

"It's harder than I thought. Unfortunately, it's not as difficult as climbing to the sky."

"Boy... do you know that if 99% of people hear this, they will want to kick you to death." Yuchang's face was not kind. He used all his strength to break the barrier, but fell to the ground after breaking the barrier. , it took a whole day to adjust the breath before recovering. It's clear that the other party's spiritual power has been exhausted, but you're not worried?

"I'm afraid they have no intention of kicking me to death." Xu Yangyi turned his head and grinned: "Because, they will consider calling me Holy Lord."

The next second, the Holy Spirit Pill erupted with a golden light and turned into a sky full of blue spiritual energy. He took a deep breath, and the spiritual energy turned into two green dragons and sank into his chest.

The whole body was slightly shaken, and the tired spiritual consciousness was restored. In the veins that were almost exhausted and dried up, the spiritual energy was filled again. The muscles that were so painful due to concentration burst out with vitality again, and the speed was extremely fast. !

This elixir... is more advanced than any elixir he has ever taken!

Brush... He opened his eyes slightly, looked at the wall of talismans in front of him that was recovering more slowly than before, and punched for the third time!

boom! ! ! Amidst the loud noises throughout the day, golden light shone everywhere, and the wall of talismans all over the sky let out a broken cry, turning into infinite golden light and sinking into the void.

Infinite golden light points surrounded him, wrapping him in the center. On the wall of talismans in front of him, a terrifying crack fifty meters wide lay across it. From the crack, a magnificent and gentle white light spurted out, surrounding him.

At the same time, the Nascent Soul in his body opened its eyes for the second time, slowly raised his left hand, and hung his right foot.

The fat fingers slowly pointed to the sky in the bath of white light, and the pink feet slowly stepped towards the earth.

In heaven and on earth, I am the only one who is supreme!

Kara... Kara... A little bit of broken sound came from around the crack. The crack became bigger and bigger, and the space was roaring. In the end, it turned into a loud noise like a sea wave. From the horizon, endless white spiritual energy swarmed in. Even forming terrifying stacks of clouds.

In the center of the sea of ​​spiritual energy, Xu Yangyi smiled and opened his hands, welcoming this honor in the golden light of the sky.

The glory of the saint shines on the nine heavens and ten earths.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

Under the Nine Earths, the flying golden talismans are like golden butterflies dancing wildly, and they are magnificent in front of the sky barrier.

Above the Nine Grounds, the entire light column trembled slightly. Then... the craziness unfolds!

"This is..." The silver-white kingdom bloomed in the sky, countless rootless green lotuses swayed in the sky, and the aurora projected the sky and the earth, making it bright.

"It's done..." Above the sky, the deputy city lord of Anlin City stared at Shuiyun Stream. When the aurora filled the sky, his whole body was trembling and his voice was hoarse.

He wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything. In the end, he knelt down with great piety.

However, no one listened to what he said, because everyone saw a towering figure rising slowly from the horizon in the aurora sky.

It was a young monk with clear facial features, as if the spirit of the earth was awakening. The calm appearance was not too surprising, but at this moment, it enveloped the entire Shuiyun Stream with majesty.

Anlin City and other surrounding towns all witnessed this scene at this moment. Starting from the city lord in the sky, the black crowd below knelt down like the sea and the tide.

On the city tower, all the city guards opened their mouths and shook their heads gently, building foundations and practicing Qi... Countless people, the entire Anlin City, lost all defenses at this moment, every city guard I was captivated by the majestic curtain that I could barely see. Immediately afterwards, the city guards wearing treasured armor knelt down one by one, and the entire Anlin city wall erupted with the clanging sound of iron armor.

"Yang Sheng...Yang Sheng..." In a large town, in a large mansion covering a vast area, an old man with a withered appearance was supported by several people. He was wearing a long black robe and his white hair was supported by a wooden stick. Pinned up the hairpin, he stood tremblingly in the yard, with tears streaming down his face: "I finally got to see Yang Sheng one day... I, the Chen family, can be so close to be imbued with the joy of a Yang Sheng..."

"Ancestor." The person supporting him looked at his heaving chest and worriedly suggested: "You... should go back and rest?"

"Why rest? Such a big event is rare in a lifetime! Just let me here... I want to see it clearly!"

The surrounding area of ​​100,000 miles fell silent in this second. Immediately afterwards, overwhelming cheers sounded like thunder.

"Greetings to Yang Sheng!!!"

This voice penetrated the entire Anlin City, flying in all directions with extreme joy.

It’s not the realm of kneeling alone to worship the saints, but the human race has another level of protection! It is precisely because of these people that they can sit here safely. Most people do not know the bloody battle ahead in the Chain of Seven Realms.

They don't know, but it doesn't mean they don't understand or understand.

It is an unwritten rule that those who respect the saints must join the chain of the seven realms.

This is to worship a saint who will make great contributions to the human race.

"Greetings to Yang Sheng!!" A Qi Practitioner's face turned red with excitement. A Holy Lord was right in front of him. He kept looking up and looking...just to remember this scene in his heart, but The more he looked, the bigger his eyes got.

The clan uncle next to him excitedly paid homage again and again. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. The other party didn't look, but he did, so...he gently pulled the clan uncle's sleeve.

"Uncle Five..."

"Shut up!" The usually steady Fifth Uncle's face turned red at this moment, and his voice trembled slightly: "Stop talking, feel it well! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! There are only five thousand saints in the Seven Realms! Thirty Yang Saints! The status of Yang Saints is far away. Above the Yin Lord! A Yang Saint becomes a saint in front of us. This kind of opportunity is rare!"

"But..." The young man hesitated for a long time and said in a low voice: "This, isn't this the one who was scolded by the Fourth Daozi in public at that time... that Ben Lei?"

"As long as you feel it with your heart, you will gain something. Look, this is the physical body of Saint Yang becoming a saint, and the sky is full of flowers... What did you say?!!" Uncle Wu's voice suddenly became louder, and everyone around him was startled. He didn't care at all, and couldn't care less at this moment. He stared at the sky for a long time. He suddenly wanted to stand up, but his legs gave out and he knelt down.

The people around him all looked at him angrily, showing disrespect to a Yang Sage. Could it be that you are a spy from Taichu?

The cold sweat on Uncle Wu's forehead fell drop by drop, as if he was talking to himself, but his voice was not quiet, and he said hoarsely: "Run Lei...Run Lei!"

"He is Ben Lei!!"

One word, one stone stirs up a thousand waves.

"Ben Lei?" An old man was stunned and immediately looked over. The people around him also hurriedly raised their heads and looked into the sky.

The dark tide on the ground raised its head, spreading from one to ten, to ten to hundreds, to hundreds of millions... In a moment, after a dead silence, the discussion below quietly sounded, and in less than ten seconds, it gathered into a sea tide!

"City Guards..." In the air, the deputy city lord's eyes were red with anger. Being disrespectful to Yang Sheng... word spread that he, the deputy city lord, must be blamed!

He gritted his teeth and said: "Arrest all these people who disrespect Yang Sheng! Strictly interrogate them..."

Before he finished speaking, he was stunned.

The voices below have gathered into a huge frenzy, sweeping through the entire Anlin City! He heard it clearly.

"Ben Lei?! It's really Ben Lei!!" "Oh my god... Ben Lei advanced to become a sage! Still a Yang Sage!" "This... how is this possible?!" "God... I, I, I, at that time, also saw a joke about Yang Sheng? ""He, could he have bloodbathed Anlin City?" "It's really Yang Sheng... It's not Si! Taozi, it is to become a saint by running through thunder!”


The deputy city lord's mind suddenly exploded.

The scene that day, Si Daozi came with great power and reprimanded Ben Lei in front of the whole city. It was so clear. Who doesn't remember the two parties involved?

Who would have thought that in just seven days, he would become a saint through lightning!

Where is Sidaozi?

No news!

Everyone can guess that Ben Lei must be hiding his cultivation, but that's not important! This is like giving Jiuzhenjiunanmen a slap in the face, in front of hundreds of millions of people in this important northern town, telling everyone that the so-called Sidaozi is worse than a savage!

What do Sidaozi count? Now it is Ben Lei who has become a saint! He was the one who was reprimanded by Sidaozi!

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Today, he has no intention of inserting himself into the past. From now on, from this second, the embarrassment of Ben Lei that day will be erased from everyone's mind. The four disciples who came with great power will no longer exist in their brains. , all that is left is the majesty of Ben Lei being sanctified in front of everyone today!

In a gorgeous inn, Mr. Jiang had a gloomy face and was in a bad mood. At this moment, he suddenly stood up and looked at the sky in astonishment.

"Hongchen..." it trembled: "I, did I see it wrong?"

"From now on... I can no longer punish this evildoer? I, I still want to call him fellow Taoist?!"

This unscientific! !

I haven't been showing off my power for a few days, but the other party has become a saint? !

You’ve calculated everything, you’ve only been in the upper world for a few years, what kind of fucking talent is this! Is it a monster?

"You read that right..." Hongchen also looked out the window blankly: "I fucking thought I saw it wrong..."


"Thunder?!" In the sky above the city lord's palace, the boundless flying boat is still there, and below, the million-strong army of the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Sect is still standing proudly. Sidaozi didn't come back, and no one dared to leave without giving orders. But at this moment, everyone, these well-trained Northland monks, all opened their eyes and looked at the sky in disbelief.

Among the people who were half-kneeling on the ground, a woman suddenly raised her head, her mouth wide open, her face full of shock.

The saint looks beautiful.


Why is it him! !

Where is the grandson of King Yan!

If you want to become a saint, you must also become a saint, the grandson of King Yan! How could it be Ben Lei! This is simply unrealistic! !

A monk in the Lower Fourth Realm who was manipulated at will by the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Sect is now standing above them! Only seven days!

In shock, countless thoughts passed through, such as, how is Yan Wangsun? what happened? How did this brat Jin Dan, who was reprimanded in front of hundreds of millions of people that day, become a saint? Is Yan Wangsun dead?

But, it doesn't matter anymore.

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