
Chapter 1110: Becoming a Saint! (IV)

From the moment Xu Yangyi entered the Sainthood, what happened was not important. Even the Sea King would not ask.

Four Daozi?

It doesn't matter. As long as the Nine True Nine Difficulties Sect said that it lacked a Daozi, the elite monks of the entire Xu Kunlun would flock to it! Even if this position can only be obtained by those below the Venerable Saint, even if it has to go through the strict assessment of the Sea King and the Dharma King.

No one is willing to ask a Venerable Saint, and a Yang Saint, about these past events. They will just pretend not to see it, drink and talk happily, and then at some point, pretend not to care about mentioning the existence of Yan Wangsun, and finally everyone will laugh it off as a joke. From then on, Ben Lei inherited the Sea King's love, and the Sea King also gained a bit of loyalty from a promising Yang Saint.

Stepping stone.

Her heart was cold, she was stunned for several minutes, and kowtowed heavily: "Greetings to the Saint..."

Yan Wangsun was wrong, she couldn't make the same mistake again! The other party should be dead, and she didn't want to die again... and she didn't want to be buried with the dead Yan Wangsun...

After the tumultuous sea tide, there was dead silence again.

This night, there was too much dead silence, too much shock, and too many emotional ups and downs. The so-called situation of changing clouds and rain is nothing more than this.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. The king has come out, and those who haven't come out are naturally the bandits.

There was silence on the six flying boats.

They were the six most gorgeous flying boats, with carved beams and painted rafters, and magnificent gold and jade. Six of them did not kneel, and they were the six saints who came with them.

The master of Xuenan Peak opened her beautiful eyes and lips slightly, and the majestic spiritual energy that burst out of Shuiyunjian made her frightened, and she had no doubts.

This is Yang Sheng, the real Yang Sheng, without any water.

The masters of the nine true nine difficult eighteen peaks, six of them came at once this time, and the result... the result was to watch others become saints.

If it was just like that, it would be nothing. The problem was that the four Daozi who went in together were not even a fart. Instead, it was Ben... Lei who they wanted to kill to establish their prestige that day? I think that's what it's called? Did the other party become a saint?

She lowered her eyes and looked at the millions of heroes below. It felt so ridiculous at this moment. She could feel the surging mood below.

Even her face was burning, let alone these ordinary cultivators?

The spiritual consciousness of the six peak masters had long been open to each other and remained silent. Finally, a voice that sounded young but full of vicissitudes spoke: "What should we do?"

"The four Daozi is missing... Forget it, his whereabouts are no longer important. The thirty Yang Saints have become the thirty-first Yang Saints... The people from Bu Lao Mountain and Guanghan Palace will be here soon, and the left and right Dharma Kings of Lord Jie Hai Wang may come in person, but we... have created this trouble."

It was the master of Fu Sheng Peak.

"What else can we do..." The voice of Jianxin Peak Master was somewhat indifferent, and he sighed: "Apologize, this is not Yin Zun, this is Yang Sheng!"

"Prepare the gift, let the other party see our sincerity."

No one refuted, but no one answered, because the most important person did not speak.

Xuanzhen Peak Master.

At the beginning, it was him who wanted to kill in front of thousands of people, and finally Sidaozi was induced and slapped him in the face. Now...Benlei came for the second slap.

The dark night was silent, but loud enough. It seemed that he didn't know he was here at all, but it was just a range AOE, hitting the faces of the monks of the entire Anlin City, but slapping the other party red in the face.

The entire Anlin City is silent now. There were all kinds of things said that day, but at this moment, there was nothing to say.

The same is true for Xuanzhen Peak Master.

"I... suddenly remembered that there is still something important in the sect, so I will leave first." The old voice of Xuanzhen Peak Master finally sounded, as if he had aged dozens of years in an instant, and then he closed his spiritual consciousness.

No one spoke, they understood, weren't they the same?

A cultivator who was a golden elixir seven days ago, became a saint seven days later by stepping on the name of Yan Wangsun. Who wouldn't be confused when he made such an unexpected enemy for no reason?

We may meet again in the Seven Realms Chain a hundred years later, and then... I'm afraid he will be embarrassed.

"He... should have gone back to Xuanzhen Peak to find his good stuff, and try to meet Benlei privately when no one is watching, so as to resolve this feud." Everyone knew this idea, but no one said it.

Surrounding Anlin City, there was a group of people who were already cheering.

"It's the eldest brother!! The eldest brother actually became a saint!" "Quick! Give me a slap! See if I'm awake!" "This time... This time, the Seven Realms Chain will rotate in two hundred years, and our sect's points will definitely be able to kill the A-level sect!!" "The sect's revitalization is coming soon! I won't leave! Hahaha! A-level sect! How many A-level forces are there in Xu Kunlun? Fifty or not?!"

The monks who were originally covering the special mission of the Holy Flame of the Spirit Refining at Tianjian Villa saw this scene and jumped up excitedly!

Two Yang Saints!

Who dares to say that such a body refining sect is not the number one body refining sect in Xu Kunlun? No! Even in the seven realms, it is second to none!

There are a total of thirty-one Yang Saints, and they have two of them. If this is not the first, what is the first?

They can imagine that the sect's future will be brilliant, and countless disciples will enter Tianjian Villa, and the gate will be crowded... Even... hundreds of years later, it won't be a big problem to be in the A-level... right?

Moreover, it is said that the eldest brother has only practiced for three hundred years. If...if the eldest brother reaches that realm one day...

A-level power!

The prospect is too good, they dare not even think about it.

In Shuiyun Gorge, the five demon kings looked at each other in bewilderment.

Someone became a saint in front of them...

Although the two races of humans and demons have fought each other, the external enemy is too powerful. If they kill a Yuanying, it's nothing, but they dare not act rashly against a Yangsheng.

"Let's go." Lanruo Demon King rolled up his huge tentacles and said in his spiritual consciousness: "Report to the ancestors, this is a big deal, we can't stay here, and don't think about doing anything. Look at those desperate cultivators around, Anlin City is not far away. Do you really want to fall out with the King of Jiehai? The ancestors don't mean that, let's not add unnecessary trouble here."

"The things below..." The White Water Demon King swung his huge fish tail, a little reluctant.

"Don't get involved in the matter of becoming a saint. There are only eight of us left in Xu Kunlun. Do you want to be slapped to death by the King of Jiehai? Do you dare to provoke? This king will not accompany you."

After speaking, it raised its huge root system, and countless plant demon cultivators followed behind it, crawling towards Tengleize.

The Demon King Kongming and the Demon King Heishan looked at each other for a few seconds and sighed. The demon cultivators in the pits and valleys finally began the great migration.

In the sky, countless flying swords stood in a forest, and all the cultivators were ready. Outside Anlin City, tens of thousands of spiritual lights flashed, as if it was daytime.

Reinforcements arrived.

At this moment, suddenly, the huge shadow of Benlei turned into a magnificent spiritual energy, rolled up the spiritual light in the sky, and rushed into the cave with a bang.

"Spirit Eye..." In the distance, the deputy city lord sighed and was extremely envious: "The flesh becomes holy, the spiritual energy feeds back to itself, forming a spiritual eye, and after the spiritual eye, it completely enters the holy..."

Everyone watched this scene in fascination.

Xu Yangyi didn't know everything on the ground. Now, he was sitting cross-legged in the void, with thousands of rays of light sprinkled down, and the rootless lotus bloomed around him, with a solemn appearance.

The broken appearance was completely shattered, revealing his true appearance inside. It was still full of wildness, but the skin was a little whiter, as if he was born again.

In the seven orifices and outside the pores, countless lights flickered, merging into one with the light pillars hanging from the sky. In all directions, there were bursts of Sanskrit sounds, as if the world was cheering and encouraging a new cultivator of the middle third realm.

The spiritual energy in the body was changing rapidly. It was originally in the form of gas, but now it has turned into something like a light band, like a galaxy, with stars in it. Every joint and every vital point has starlight flickering.

The human body is like the universe, breaking through the limit and opening the mystery.

In the Dantian, the Yuanying has already pointed to the sky with one hand and the earth with the other, and the state of supremacy of heaven and earth has been completed. At the same time, in all directions, the surging spiritual clouds finally rioted.

Add the last fire for Xu Yangyi to cross this big hurdle.

Rumble... In Yuchang's eyes full of emotion, the white clouds in the four fields gathered to form a world of spiritual clouds, surrounding Xu Yangyi and calling happily, wrapping him in the center of the cloud cave. Then, a thunderous sound came from above. The next second, a stream of extremely refined spiritual energy fell from the sky and rushed straight to the Baihui on Xu Yangyi's head.


A piece of broken jade, the sound of waves hitting the shore, all the spiritual energy was like a funnel, with a radius of ten thousand meters, but the tip was less than one meter, forming a terrifying tornado, wrapping Xu Yangyi inside.

The star-like nodes on his body slowly lit up. A kind of majesty that the Nascent Soul did not have at all permeated from his body.

It is indescribable and indescribable. The void was originally broken by him, but now, it is like an invisible beast, lying down obediently in front of him.

This is the majesty of a high-level cultivator who swept across the universe and swallowed up all directions.

This is the magnificent power of heaven that can be a law for a world with just one word.

The spiritual energy fed back to the top, and it was unknown how long it took. When everything dissipated, a black figure stood proudly in the wind and clouds.

"What do you feel?" Yuchang wanted to laugh, wanted to laugh out loud, now, he is the Holy Spirit Treasure again, that move of killing everyone can be used freely, completely unlocked. However, he did not laugh, just smiled and asked.

Xu Yangyi also smiled and closed his eyes. The next second, with an invisible loud noise, something burst out from his body!

That is the spiritual consciousness.

It can't be seen or touched, but now it has been promoted to the Saint, it seems to be real.

Not only Yuchang, but also Wangxian City tens of thousands of meters away, also felt a gust of wind sweeping over! The people's clothes were fluttering, and everyone looked at each other in amazement. Only six large ships came from six sighs.

Heaven hears and earth sees... The spiritual consciousness of the Saint is so huge that when you see it, you will be there.

10,000 meters, 20,000 meters... 30,000 meters, 40,000 meters, 50,000 meters... 90,000 meters... 100,000 meters!

Still extending!

12, 13, 14... Finally, it stopped at 160,000 meters!

The six saints did not test the scope of the other party's spiritual consciousness, otherwise they would be shocked again. It is very impolite to invade the other party's spiritual consciousness now. It is already impolite first, and they want to be very polite now.

"Really see in all directions and listen to the earth." Underground, Xu Yangyi was excited, and his smile was light, but very hot: "Within the range of 160,000 meters, everything is under control. Is this the origin of the saint guarding one city and one area?"

"It's too early, you will rise after you stabilize your realm." Yu Chang smiled with relief: "What else? For example... Nascent Soul?"

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