
Chapter 1113: Wolf Chief Plane (I)

/p\u003e "I am the king...I am the true God!"

"What's mine... is all mine! Hahaha! All belongs to me! All belongs to me! Hell is mine, Frost Ridge is mine! The position of Yahweh is also mine! Hahaha..."

Countless demons watched this scene with fear. With these few words, if someone at the level of the Demon Lord heard them, they would throw the river of fire to the dogs... Oh... there are no dogs in hell!

It took a full ten minutes for them to calm down, but before they could breathe a sigh of relief, a voice filled with rage and embarrassment resounded through the air!

"Humble ant!!"

"You...damned scum! Coal in the river of fire! Maggot excrement! You actually fooled the great Fire Lord!!"

"Find...find it for me! Find a human! All over Dasuo! About half a million light years away from Tiragandes! better hope not to be found by us...even if we are both respected Holy, the devil is also a born yang saint! I will make you pay for fooling me!"

No one heard the roar of the Fire Lord who was hundreds or thousands of light years away.

In the passage, the white light becomes more and more magnificent, which is a sign that the passage has been broken.

Yuchang didn't have the slightest worry. A venerable saint, or a Yang saint, had the qualification to survive in the starry sky for hundreds of years. Especially... a pervert like Xu Yangyi can live well wherever he goes.

Their consciousness was broken, and their connection with Tiragandes was completely interrupted. They were still flying to hell, but at least they would not fall into hell.

Swipe, swipe, swipe... The brilliance is endless, the white light completely engulfs the black, and this space is like half-broken glass. Revealing the deep and boundless stars outside.

This is not the first time Yuchang has traveled across the galaxy, but the last time was too long ago. It couldn't help but look at it with fascination.

Planets, red, blue, green, yellow... are colorful, as if they are gems inlaid on the dark jade plate in the night sky, emitting gleaming light. Loneliness, wandering in the stars and the universe forever.

This is a scene that humans cannot see in their lifetime.

This is a feeling that mortals can never imagine.

With the power of one person, one can break the boundaries between heaven and man and advance to the Third Realm. Only then can one be qualified to travel the universe for hundreds of years. Only Taixu can survive in the universe forever and survive the catastrophe.

It suddenly understood what Xu Yangyi meant by "reality".

"Presumably...if you saw it now, you would be very happy..."

"After hundreds of years of hard work, you can now cross the galaxy without dying. This is beyond human imagination. You... are already at the forefront of the entire earth."

"You...are enough to be remembered by the entire planet."

Time flies, day by day passes, and it doesn’t know how long it has been flying. There are only a few people in the galaxy who are civilized, and even fewer people are practicing civilization. It is normal to not see any signs of life after flying for a year.

A year later, it grabbed the tree cocoon and flew to a nearby planet to rest for a month. Spiritual energy is everywhere, and this is also the way to replenish spiritual energy in the sage realm.

It's like a hen guarding its eggs, walking around without a clue. I don’t remember the date very clearly, and it doesn’t have much to do with it anyway. The first thing is to find a place with civilization, and I hope it won’t be a newly developed civilization. If it is a technological plane, it must at least develop to the aerospace stage. That is the earth stage. It would be better if it was a cultivation plane.

It’s funny to say that for a plane that prides itself on technology, when it comes to space flight technology, the plane of cultivation has moved forward.

One by one, they were respected saints, Taixu, or even single-steppers, traveling across the stars and bringing back star maps. Only then did the planes expand wildly.

In the boring days, Yuchang thought about it little by little. If you don't think more about it, this life will be too difficult.

I don't know how long it took for it to stop and go. When it took in enough spiritual energy again and stood up from a blue planet tree, it suddenly raised its brows slightly.

"Summoning?" It looked around in astonishment, a little excited: "The summons of a plane... Only civilized planes in the galaxy can unconsciously attract surrounding creatures. There should be planes nearby?"

It immediately grabbed the tree cocoon and flew up, flying along the summoned place.

One month, two months, three months... I don't know how long it took, but it finally smiled.

In the very distance, a fiery red plane appeared.

It is like a half moon, with a hollow center, and this plane reveals a strong aura. And a... long-lost breath of life.


In the darkness, Xu Yangyi's eyes moved, then slowly opened them.

"You're awake." Yuchang's voice rang loudly: "Ten years... a whole ten years, you have slept for ten years. It is better not to show your complete demonic body in the future. The price is too high."

"Thank you for your hard work." Xu Yangyi said with a smile. For him, these ten years are just a blink of an eye, but for Yuchang, it is more than 3,600 days. The other party will never leave.

Gratitude never needs to be expressed in words, only practical actions are needed. Ever since Yuchang truly recognized his master, they have been a unit that shares weal and woe.

"Where is this? Space?"

The fish intestines were in his consciousness, and both of them could see the transformed figure of the other person in their consciousness. Yuchang's face suddenly became strange: "No... this is a plane, a plane called Wolf Chief..."

"Is there a problem?" Xu Yangyi was about to reach out and break through the cocoon. After thinking about it for a while, I let it go.

Not in Tiragangdis, this is the result he can think of when he runs the Desire Talisman. However, this place must be on the route of Tiragangdis, and it is unknown what the situation outside is. It is better to look inside first.

"There is a problem... a little bit." Yuchang laughed dryly: "This plane... you may feel a little familiar, and your current situation is probably seen on many TVs. Don't worry, you are not in danger at all. On the contrary, when you wake up, the people in this plane are very dangerous."

? ? ? Xu Yangyi was confused, but Yuchang did not say anything weirdly. He stopped thinking about it, this is the guarantee of strength. Where can the Venerable Saint not go?

Looking inside, there is no change, and even because of the essence of the Golden Apple and the Eternal Pill King practicing all the time, his strength has actually improved a little.

It is not that the spiritual power has increased, but that the foundation of the newly promoted emptiness has been consolidated. Without his adjustment, in the past five years, Nanming Lihuo and the Golden Apple have traveled through every corner of his body and completely stabilized his realm.

The only difference is that the Devouring Talisman rotates gently above the head of the Yuanshen. And in the left hand of the Yuanshen, a purple Talisman also rotates, without any rejection.

The Desire Talisman has completely merged with his body.

Now there are two choices, first: to see the "truth" of the Desire Talisman. This truth is really earned with great efforts. It is related to the battle between the two immortal worlds 100,000 years ago. His own homeland is extremely eager. Even when this thought just arose, he couldn't help but extend his consciousness into the Desire Talisman to see what it hides.

"Be patient and patient..." He abruptly stopped the surging desire in his heart, and kept telling himself that what is his is his. Su Xingyao is dead, and the Desire Talisman is in his hands and can't run away.

He chose the second option.

That is to see where it is now. If he doesn't observe it clearly, he will never let it go.

When the tree cocoon merged, it took his aura. It can't be opened unless you are a saint, or even several times more than him.

He took a deep breath, and a green light burst out from his fingers, revealing the tree cocoon, just like splitting an egg, and letting himself out.

Just when the tree cocoon was just split open, there were several exclamations from the outside, and some people even shouted something excitedly, followed by countless people running.

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, his spiritual energy had already tightened his whole body, but he was not nervous. If he was in the realm of the Venerable Saint, he should be able to see that this was a Yang Saint breaking out of the cocoon. The other party was panicked?

That is to say, he couldn't understand it. Since he was not a Venerable Saint, what was there to fear?

Hualala... The talismans formed by the tree cocoon broke open one by one. A minute later, with a click, the long-lost sunlight appeared. He squinted his eyes and looked at everything around him with a smile.

This place seemed to be the earliest time in ancient China. Wearing animal skins and rough linen clothes, his dark-patterned black brocade was simply a fighter among luxury goods here. Everyone had their hair done up, and they didn't look like savages. Some still had braids, and all of them had some unclear tattoos on their bodies.

The reason why it is said that it is not clear is that Xu Yangyi's consciousness here can't reflect the appearance of everyone! Only a vague appearance can be seen, which has never happened in the Seven Realms!

"The civilization circle is different." Yu Chang said in a deep voice; "The Seven Realms are radiated from the culture of the Earth and the Zhenwu Immortal Realm, and they are of the same origin. The Heavenly Dao does not reject you, but... although you interrupted the traction of the Flame Demon Lord, you did break away from the Seven Realms. This place is radiated by other cultures, and the Heavenly Dao is rejecting you."

"Be careful... Although this is not Tiragangdis, it is definitely on the way to Tiragangdis. We don't know how far it is. According to the nature of the devil, it will conquer what it finds. It is unknown whether this is their plane."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly and continued to look at it.

People wearing linen clothes are obviously of high status. Most of them wear animal skin clothes. He deduced that this is a sign of the tribal era, and these people also have spiritual energy. Unfortunately... a large area of ​​Qi training made him feel chilled. One or two foundation building people all wore linen clothes.

There were probably dozens of people. The sound of horns in the distance came one after another. It seemed that more people were coming. More than a dozen magic weapons were aimed at him. For him who had held a spiritual treasure and seen the ten holy swords. It was too crude to bear to look at.

His eyes passed over the crowd and looked further away. There were endless houses there. They knew how to build houses... Not bad, at least he would not live in a cave. He never thought that living in a cave was considered cultivation. Of course, he didn't mind the place like the Taoist Cave House in Tianjian Villa, which was named as a cave but was actually extremely luxurious.

The house also confirmed his guess that the clan stage had just transformed into a feudal society... At least judging by the architectural style and clothing.

This is a square. He was standing on a stone platform that seemed to be used for offering sacrifices to the sky. There were countless huge stones of various sculptures around him, some ten meters short and some twenty meters high.

(End of this chapter)

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