
Chapter 1114: Wolf Chief Plane (Part 2)

/p\u003e        He took a step forward, and suddenly, the people around him all stepped back, with strong curiosity, uneasiness, and anxiety in everyone's eyes. The magic weapons around him flickered even more. One of them was the most outstanding, a snake-shaped shadow, which should have reached the level of the middle stage of foundation building.

He picked up the magic weapon casually. He was very curious about the difference between it and the magic weapons of the seven realms. At the moment when he slowly stretched out his hand, an old man in hemp clothes had a flash of eyes and immediately waved his hand, as if to signal him not to move, and at the same time, he immediately asked the magic weapon to return.

But, how could it be faster than the hand of the saint.

In just a blink of an eye, the magic weapon was pinched into Xu Yangyi's hands, but in the next second, the magic weapon broke with a bang, the old man spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the sky. Suddenly, people from all directions retreated again as if they had seen a ghost. Several big men in the front were covered with cold sweat, their chests rose and fell sharply, and there was only shock in their eyes.

Several people immediately ran to the old man, as if calling each other's name, and Xu Yangyi realized that the language was not intelligible.

"You don't have to crush other people's magic weapons directly to show your power, right?" Yuchang coughed dryly.

"... What if I say I didn't control the strength well?" Xu Yangyi also sighed. It's not his fault. This magic weapon is too fragile. With the plane developing like this, how high can their cultivation civilization be?

The technology of refining instruments is far superior to that of the Seven Realms.

Facing more than a dozen magic weapons, he asked calmly: "Do you have a book?"

Everyone looked at each other. The old man who had just fallen to the ground had a bright look in his eyes. He climbed up despite vomiting blood, kowtowed several times, and shouted. Everyone was stunned. After a long time, he knelt down hesitantly.

The old man kowtowed loudly, Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and a pill flew in front of the old man and pointed at his mouth.

Suddenly, countless eyes around him all became solemn. Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that this was a situation where the other party would eat the intestinal poison and plant the life and death talisman... However, he was too lazy to explain.

With a hook of his finger, the old man's lips opened involuntarily, and there was a cry of surprise all around. The man who was sweating just now suddenly stood up, with red eyes and wanted to rush over, but before they could act, the pill had already flown into the old man's mouth.

The old man's eyes were full of despair. Only he knew how terrible this man was. He was simply a devil! The legendary demon who threatened this place! His magic weapon was the strongest in the area of ​​​​10,000 miles. Only those legendary city lords could beat it away, but it was definitely not crushed like twisting a wick like this man.

He saw it clearly. When the magic weapon was broken, the other party was also stunned. What does this mean? This means that the other party did not expect it! They are too weak in front of the other party! Weak to the point that the strongest thing will only end up in ashes!

Now the other party wants to use him to establish his power, what can he do? This is a visitor from outer space, a god in the prophecy. He only hopes that after his death... he can spare the women and children of the tribe, as well as the strong men. If he doesn't want to... their Golden Wolf tribe will probably be expelled...

The pill fell into his stomach, but the death he was waiting for did not appear. Then, a heat current burst out from his dantian and instantly filled his whole body!

Boom! As a wave of air rolled back, the old man's white hair stood up, and he suddenly climbed up as if he was not injured. His face was red. Before everyone said anything, the next second, a spiritual power that made them tremble suddenly filled the square!

Late stage of foundation building...

Raised a small realm... Xu Yangyi curled his lips. His alchemy skills were still not good enough. If it was the master's pill, it was possible to form a pill on the spot.

Pieces of white waves were like tides. After the white spiritual energy dissipated, the old man looked at his hands in astonishment, then looked at the other party, and then looked at himself. This time, he knelt down with a plop, shouted something, and all the magic weapons were taken back. Everyone knelt on the ground respectfully.

Xu Yangyi waved his hand, pointed at the houses around him, then pointed at his mouth, pointed at the sky, and finally pointed at them, then turned and left. The old man thought for dozens of seconds, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. Someone immediately followed Xu Yangyi and took him to the best house tremblingly.

"Great witch, why are you doing this?" Not long after leaving, a man with white facial lines on his face said in a way that Xu Yangyi couldn't understand at all: "Don't you want to ask clearly?"

"It's Zuo Shurong..." The old man glanced at him and smiled bitterly: "What to ask?"

"Others are so many times stronger than the city lord... They can wipe us out with a raise of their hands, even if our Golden Wolf tribe is the strongest tribe in a radius of thousands of miles... He pointed to his mouth, which means he wants to speak, but he can't understand what we say. He pointed to the sky, which means he came from the sky. We, let us teach him to speak. Pointing to the house, it means where he will live. How dare you not be satisfied? "

"Didn't you see that my snake-swallowing staff was accidentally crushed by someone else's hands?"

Zuo Shurong was stunned for a long time, and then he looked at the direction where Xu Yangyi left with lingering fear, and said in a trembling voice: "He... is too scary, I know... He is as scary as a hunting unicorn, no, much scarier than that... I can't feel the spiritual energy, but just looking at it makes me feel like I'm facing a god, a great witch... Should we notify Lord Yahweh?"

"Presumptuous!!" The great witch's voice suddenly became stern: "Can you mention Lord Yahwei's name? Zuo Shurong, you are just the acting patriarch! If it weren't for Lord Yahwei, we would have been eaten by demons from outside the world. Clean! How many good men go out singing war songs every year, but none of them come back! How can we bother you with such a trivial matter?"

Zuo Shurong immediately became frightened: "Zuo Shurong was wrong."

"You are also unintentional." The great witch sighed: "What a troubled time... I hope... we can live well... never see the river of flames representing the devil..."

"We have been living in the cracks...for too long that we have forgotten peace..."

Xu Yangyi, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped. Go back with the fish intestines.

Yuchang didn't show his figure. He looked behind him intently for a long time, then raised his chin to the child leading the way, indicating to continue.

"Did you hear that?" Xu Yangyi asked in his consciousness.

Yuchang nodded solemnly: "Yahweh..."

“I clearly heard them mention the word Yahweh, more than once!”

"The divine guide?" Xu Yangyi asked with a frown.

"I don't know. If you want to know, you must first learn the characters here before you can read their books and understand their words."

Xu Yangyi nodded. He also noticed two points. First, his identity was rejected by heaven. He couldn't see or hear clearly when looking at the human form and hearing the words. However, the word Yahweh just now was extremely clear.

This shows that all the heavens and all realms have the same name for the Supreme God and Lord. In addition, even the law of heaven cannot prevent some people from praising the name of Yahweh.

Second...if it is a divine guide, there must be an altar. He...maybe able to know the location of the remaining two talismans here!

"Calm down..." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "I'll bite off more than I can chew. I'll master the Desire Talisman first."

"What kind of memory does it carry? As the last insider from a hundred thousand years ago, Su Xingyao, as well as the correct way to use it, I think it is not just as simple as awakening desire. Su Xingyao's time to get the desire talisman was too short. A She is so difficult to deal with. She has defeated the Tyrannosaurus King, the others of Chongming Bird, and there are five kings and two queens behind her. If I am not fully prepared, I will be in trouble when the time of great struggle comes. "

When he made the decision, the visitor had already taken him to the best house - the walls were covered with many animal heads and huge beast teeth as decorations, and the floor was covered with thick carpets. Pure black with no trace of impurities. Xu Yangyi was very satisfied.

He waved his hand and signaled the other party to leave. He waved his hand and created a ban, wrapping the house so that it was not visible. This place seemed safe, but as Yahweh was mentioned, no matter how safe the place was, it was not safe.

It's better to be careful.

Look inside your body again, this time very carefully, not missing any detail. An hour later, he put aside the last worries in his heart. This body was indeed in its best condition.

He closed his eyes and meditated. After another hour, he finally opened his eyes. His expression was solemn.

After taking a few deep breaths, a purple light flickered, and a thumb-sized talisman floated out. Like a purple butterfly, it flickered in front of him.

Talisman of Desire.

Seeing this thing, he couldn't help but think of Su Xingyao. He sighed slightly, waved his hand gently, and the red line finally came out. After hugging Xu Yangyi and coquettishly for a while, he obediently set up the magic formation. and prohibition form a double protection. Its body gradually becomes transparent, suspended in the air, and sits in the center of the formation.

When walking across the galaxy, Hongxian fell into a slumber without spiritual support. Not long after he woke up, he was already suffocated.

The defense was tight, Xu Yangyi no longer hesitated, and his spiritual power rushed in!


The first step is to erase all traces of Su Xingyao. Let the desire talisman fully recognize its owner.

Surprisingly, Su Xingyao didn't leave many restrictions, maybe because she didn't have the time. His spiritual power was like overwhelming force, and he quickly came to the center of the Desire Talisman.

There is a purple ocean.

The purple aura formed a vast sea of ​​clouds, and circled around. He once entered the center of the Devouring Talisman and saw that there was only a black hole there and nothing else.

It’s different here. Each circle has the faces of countless creatures, some human and others. The first circle is laughing, which represents joy, and the second circle is howling, which represents sorrow... There are countless seven levels of hell. Ten thousand meters in size, his transformed spiritual consciousness is just like a drop in the ocean.

However, there is no trace of anyone here. It was as if Su Xingyao had never been here.

"So simple?" He was a little confused. He only needs to fuse his own essence and blood into it, and the Desire Talisman will be his.

At this moment, in the center of the seven-layer purple sea, a ray of white light rose up, like the beginning of the world, straight up to the clouds, illuminating everything around it. After a long time, a slim figure slowly walked out of the white light in the sky.

Su Xingyao.

But it's not a physical body, but a touch of spiritual consciousness.

"Wolfsbane, Xu Yangyi." The spiritual sense cannot see or feel, and only acts with the master's will. However, she seems to have insight into everything, and slowly said: "If there is one person who can come here, it is you."

"The fact that you are here means that I gave you the Talisman of Desire, or I am dead. Among the monks of the same realm that I have seen, you are the only one who is worthy of taking away my things."

(End of chapter)

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