
Chapter 1115: What you get and what you don’t get

It was very strange. Su Xingyao was only a remnant of spiritual consciousness, but she seemed to see Xu Yangyi. She looked straight in his direction and said, "What do you want to see?"

Xu Yangyi also laughed. Some people will not be at peace after death, such as the woman in front of him.

They are phoenixes in the sky. Phoenixes will not perish after death, but will only be nirvana.

"I think you must be laughing." As if seeing through his mind, Su Xingyao's spiritual consciousness slowly said: "But you will not be able to laugh soon."

"Because you can't get anything."

Xu Yangyi really couldn't laugh.

He was wrong... Some people are a disaster. They harm people when they are alive and will not let you go even after they die.

"You look calm and hard-hearted, but you are guarding a line in your heart. When there is no one, you laugh, scold, and do whatever you want. So, I guess you must be in a bad mood now."

This dead woman!

Xu Yangyi changed his hand grip several times, and suddenly smiled: "What kind of air do I have with a spiritual consciousness?"

Su Xingyao fell silent. Even the spiritual consciousness was like the snow on the mountain.

Her white hands combed her hair and adjusted her long skirt before she slowly said, "I have nothing to hide, but you can't open it now."

"I said, I am a chaotic immortal. If you can't solve this puzzle, you will never be able to open my memory."

"There are too many things hidden in my memory, which have been sealed up long ago. If it weren't for the yin and yang sides of the talisman, even if you are a few levels higher, you can't open it."

"But I can give you some small hints."

She is not a talkative person, and she continued to talk without caring whether the other party heard it or not: "You should know that before us, there was a tragic war in the immortal world. In fact, the history of the plane is much longer than you think. Perhaps, you call it the first era of cultivation. But have you ever thought about it before the first era of cultivation?"

Xu Yangyi was silent. No one has ever thought about this question. Maybe? Darwin?

"Did you think of Darwin?"

This damn woman!

Xu Yangyi began to clench his fists again, and Yu Chang sighed: "She really understands you... What a bad fate..."

"I'm talking about before... According to the differentiation of the earth, humans are divided into three stages: Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and Homo sapiens. Have you ever thought about what was there before Homo habilis?"

"Suppose, there is a hypothesis. In the realm of the Venerable Saint, you can already destroy a city with one palm. If you are given time, it is not difficult to sink a small island. What if the so-called meteor annihilation and the Great Ice Age were the work of high-level cultivators?"

Xu Yangyi looked at Su Xingyao in astonishment.


He didn't know that Homo habilis appeared 1.5 million years ago, and the meteor impact was 65 million years ago. At that time, let alone the current Earth, the two major fairy worlds were probably embryos.

But Su Xingyao would be aimless? Why did she have to say all this?

"This universe is much larger and longer than you can imagine. Even tens of millions of years are just a blink of an eye in the eyes of some beings." Su Xingyao looked a little disappointed, and said lightly: "Fifty thousand years ago, it was called the recent ancient times. Five hundred thousand years, it was called the ancient times. One million years, it was called the ancient times. Tens of millions of years or more, it was called the ancient times."

"And one hundred million years, it was called the primordial times."

"Ah...Are you wondering what these things are for?" Su Xingyao smiled: "Don't worry, you will understand...I can't tell you what's in the talisman, because there are some things that I can't say. For example..."

Her lips moved quickly, but Xu Yangyi found that there was no sound, but from the rise and fall of her throat and chest, she made a sound.

"This is the rule of the avenue, the avenue does not allow me to say it. Because... I am the only person who knows about a great change a hundred thousand years ago. Now, it has become you."

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but carefully recalled Su Xingyao's lips and read her lips, but as soon as he recalled it, his mind was in chaos, and then...

The scene disappeared from his mind!

He raised his eyebrows suddenly, this feeling was too weird, as if someone was watching him invisibly and erased all his memories just now!

"So, I can only tell you some ways to watch this story. Don't worry, this is a very long story, so long that it makes the era and civilization pale. I can tell you the beginning, and the rest depends on whether you have the ability." Su Xingyao smiled.

"This woman." Xu Yangyi suddenly smiled, "She should smile more. She is like a flower on a mountain every day. It's annoying to look at her."

"She looks beautiful when she smiles." Yu Chang sighed slightly, "If it weren't for your hostile relationship, you should have been a good couple."

Su Xingyao restrained her smile and said, "Our current civilization era has experienced countless Hongmeng periods. Tens of millions of years... are too short. The formation period of the earth is more than 14 billion years. The short tens of millions of years is only one thousandth. What you want to know, you must first master the spatial quantification of the entire universe."

"The units for calculating the years, months, and days in the Hongmeng period can also be calculated in units of one, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, billion, trillion. But what about after Hongmeng?"

As if she didn't want to wait for Xu Yangyi to consider, she continued, "After Hongmeng... is the Chaos Period, and its calculation units are Jing, Gai (gai), Rang (rang), Gou, Zheng, Zai, Ji."

"After that, there are two more units, which are Ganges sand, and... Infinite."

Xu Yangyi frowned deeply.

If it were an ordinary person, he wouldn't understand what was wrong, but he understood that it was not only wrong... but very wrong! It could even be said to be weird!

If, after a trillion years, Yahweh would probably turn into ash, right? In other words, even Yahweh would not need to calculate the units after trillions, let alone infer any period after the ancient times, because it was useless. People can't classify useless things so detailed, just call them the ancient times. And now the classification is so detailed.

This shows that it is useful.

Some people need to use such a huge unit.

"What is it for?" Yu Chang also thought of it and said in a deep voice.

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips: "Su Xingyao specifically said that this is a unit for calculating time. What do you think?"

Yu Chang thought about it and took a breath: "Daily... schedule?"

"Just right, I thought of this too." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "The time of the infinite level... this unit is so huge that I don't want to think about it at all. It's not shocking, because it's too huge, so it's unimaginable, there is no reference. Naturally, there are no waves."

For cultivators, the units after ten thousand are just numbers. It has nothing to do with me anymore.

Su Xingyao was unusually excited. It was clear that she was trying hard to control herself. After a long time, she opened her mouth and her eyes fluctuated violently. However, there was no sound from the first word she spoke.

Her lips moved very quickly, visible to the naked eye. Circles of ripples lit up beside her. The moment these ripples appeared, Xu Yangyi trembled suddenly.

A terrifying feeling rushed into his heart. It was not Su Xingyao, but the infinite avenue around her that imprisoned her. It was obviously ordinary, but he just felt that once he entered, he would immediately turn into dust.

This is the secret she has kept in her heart forever, and only the world can hear it.

"Damn..." He turned his fingers into seven stars and immediately started to calculate. However, just as the fingers moved, a sharp pain came from the fingers!

Kakaka! Five crisp sounds, all his fingers were broken!

At the same time, a sharp edge like a sword tip came from the sky, with no origin and no end. He had a premonition that if he continued to deduce, it might not be as simple as a broken finger!

The avenue is invisible, as if some invisible existence is paying attention to him.

With the circulation of spiritual power, his fingers returned to their original state. He gritted his teeth, feeling extremely depressed.

"Don't guess anymore." Yu Chang saw the scene just now and looked around solemnly: "Don't touch this matter. If you get involved too much, I'm afraid... it will turn into ashes in the next second."

"I know!" Xu Yangyi spat fiercely and rubbed his fingers: "Who the hell cares about this matter... I only care about the earth that gave birth to me and raised me... my hometown, what happened to the battle 100,000 years ago!"

"How glorious the earth was back then! But now it has to act according to the faces of the seven realms! It's okay to ascend to the opposite, but I have to hide my identity!"

He has been holding back this anger for too long, starting from the moment he set foot on Xu Kunlun. It has been hidden deep in his heart, and finally broke out at this moment.

Yuchang's eyes were extremely alert. Just now, just for a moment, it also felt... an indescribable feeling, very slight, but extremely dangerous, piercing through the space and reaching Xu Yangyi's sea of ​​consciousness, as if his body did not exist at all, and the distance did not exist at all. It spoke cautiously: "I think... these two things are likely to be one and the same."

Xu Yangyi shook his hands and sighed: "So, I think it's hateful."

Su Xingyao didn't mean to say nothing. On the contrary, she was talking, and she was just talking, talking about everything hidden in her heart when she was about to die. It was like confession, and there was no regret.

After a long time, Su Xingyao's voice paused, and she sighed to the sky, which was rare.

"It's much more comfortable..."

"Even if no one hears, I have no burden anymore."

"Looking back, my life is actually meaningless. But I can say it out loud before I die, so... it's okay."

Silence, after a few seconds, she slowly said: "You didn't hear it, it's your luck, secrets are also burdens, carrying too many things, you will be tired, death may not be a relief."

"I have said everything I can remind you, so goodbye..." Her figure began to blur slowly: "Never see you again."

Xu Yangyi sighed silently, suppressing the anxiety in his heart, some things can't be asked for.

The momentary urgency just now was put back into the cage by him.

Not leaving, this is the last trace of Su Xingyao as a person in this world. As his biggest opponent at present, he is willing to give her a little respect.

Silently, Su Xingyao's figure disappeared from her feet, turned into a stream of spiritual energy, and then dissipated into her abdomen, chest...

Xu Yangyi watched silently. Just when the other party was left with only his head, he suddenly spoke again.

"If you are still here, it means you really respect me, not pity. I don't need pity either."

"As the price of respect, I will tell you a story. You must remember it. If you want to see the 'truth' of everything."

"Yahweh is dead."

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