
Chapter 1116: Will

These four words were like a ground-breaking shock, and both Xu Yangyi and Yuchang's eyes lit up.

Yahweh is dead?

So...what is mammon?

What is Chaos?

Aren't they immortal? Why die?

"This is the 'price,' they use their lives as the 'price,' to change the path of a star field."

"From the moment they paid the 'price', that star field could no longer ascend to immortality. However, one of the forty-nine Heavenly Dao escaped, and they left behind the last key."

"Only if you fully comply with the conditions set by them can you finally knock on the fairy door. Remember..."

Su Xingyao's voice had almost disappeared, and neither Xu Yangyi nor Yuchang said a word, capturing Su Xingyao's last message.

"The first requirement is the holder of the talisman. This is the 'qualification.' The first qualification of the Knocking Immortal Sect."

"In other words, the tens of billions of creatures in this star field are actually destined from the beginning. They are just our foils. Without the talisman in hand, they will never be able to reach the true peak. They are just whetstones. This is Guanghan The ultimate secret of the two great saints, Gong and Bulaoshan, who have been unable to make any progress until now."

Xu Yangyi's face was as dark as water and he listened carefully.

"Second, you can look up the origins of the World of Great Conflict. Its origins will definitely surprise you. Because... what you can't find is the same as the Avenue of Immortals. They originated from the existence of the Seven Realms. At the beginning, it appeared in this plane. No one would be surprised, because this is the avenue changed by Yahweh.”

"Just like people need to breathe and monks need to practice, it is the instinct of this star field."

"And the introduction to the World of Great Controversy is definitely not what you think. Look carefully at the records of the Seven Realms, taste each word between the lines, and use the measurement method I just told you to read..."

Brush... Her figure finally completely disappeared, and in the air, her last words remained.

"Only the final winner can knock on the Immortal Gate. Remember, there is only one person... Go to the River of Flowing Fire... That is the place with the largest collection of books in the Seven Realms, and it is also the place where the Immortals are located. All historical records... including... Secret... hidden..."

Su Xingyao's last bit of spiritual consciousness also drifted away to heaven and earth.

No one spoke.

The first talisman holder completely perished.

Of the seven swords from the age of great strife, there are still six left. Among the six people, only one can knock on the Immortal Gate.

Xu Yangyi said nothing. At this moment, he even felt a rare hesitation.

"Think before you act, think about danger, think about retreat, and think about change." He stretched out his hand quietly, as if to touch the void in front of him, with thousands of thoughts in his heart.

Su Xingyao was like herself, walking away freely and without telling anything, but she left behind a dilemma!

He couldn't forget the weird spiritual consciousness just now. It was too sudden and broke through everything, as if time and space did not exist in front of the other party. He knew very well that this was a reminder... a warning! A warning that even the Seven Star Gods cannot deduce! Warn's best not to get more involved in this matter. Only if you don't fight or ask, the invisible consciousness will not pay attention to you again.

His actions had already touched some unspeakable taboos.

I don’t know what it is, but it is definitely an extremely terrifying existence.

But... there is a crucial paradox.

"According to what Su Xingyao said, if you don't enter the world of great struggle, you will never be able to challenge the Immortal Sect. Only when three elements come together can you have hope of opening the Immortal Sect?" He slowly gathered his thoughts and spoke slowly: "The Great Controversy The world seems to be completely different from what I imagined. It is not full of smoke and smoke everywhere, and the last one will achieve eternal results. "

"There should be records in the River of Flowing Fire." Yuchang understood Xu Yangyi's current dilemma very well, but did not dissuade him. He said in a deep voice: "If you want to go see it."

Xu Yangyi paused with his fingers in the void and did not answer.

This is the crux of the paradox. When you get involved in the world of great conflict, you are likely to touch that taboo again, and the eyes of that unspeakable existence will be cast on you for the second time!

The first time, maybe I thought it was unintentional. But again…

Don’t fight: If you stay where you are and make no further progress, you will never have a chance to succeed in life.

Argument: It is very possible to be involved in this taboo secret and attract the second attention of that unspeakable thing!

Yuchang didn't urge him, he just waited for his decision.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and smiled: "Why have I thought about it for so long and still feel that if I die without a trace... it is not as good as living a brilliant life?"

"Meteors are always worthy of being remembered, and even if a spider has lived a complete life, he is still a spider."

Yuchang raised his head, his eyes sparkling: "You will indeed make this choice."

Xu Yangyi looked around with some emotion: "Not for the blooming flowers, not for the great road to the sky, but for my own thirst for knowledge and endless exploration. This is the purpose of my practice, my Taoist heart."

"There are forty-nine ways of heaven. One of them escapes, and I have already grasped this one. How can I destroy my Taoist mind?"

"There are only seven competitors from the beginning. The others, no matter how dangerous, are the curtain of our glorious background. This road is too narrow. Instead of letting others go, I hesitate to move forward. , why don’t I take a walk first and leave them with no way to go.”

Yuchang nodded. In cultivation, what you should cultivate is to follow your heart and keep your original intention. If you can overthrow your ultimate goal, then what else is there to cultivate?

"I'll accompany you."

Just three words, no need to say much.

"That's natural, but you have to be more careful." Xu Yangyi smiled up to the sky, then lowered his head and said calmly: "Since it was left here on purpose, there is no need to be afraid. This place is thousands of miles away from the Seven Realms, even if there is Even if I sense some indescribable existence, I can’t stretch my hand this far.”

Once the decision is made, there will be no changes. As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand and pulled it out of the sea of ​​his consciousness.

The familiar animal head, the carpet appeared in the eyes, the sunshine outside the house was like spring, and the mood was unexpectedly peaceful.

Outside the house, at some point, three old men were already lying on the ground, wearing linen clothes and not daring to raise their heads.

They feel weird, very weird.

The house is clearly in front of you, but you can't enter it at all, as if it's blocked by an invisible wall. Until Xu Yangyi waved his hand, the restriction in front of him collapsed. Then he walked in cautiously.

Red Thread kept looking at these people with interest. It wanted to see if its illusion had weakened. It's a pity... these people don't even understand what's going on with the ban.

"I've seen angels." As soon as they entered the door, the three of them didn't care whether Xu Yangyi understood or not. They immediately bowed to the ground and touched their foreheads to the ground, not daring to be disrespectful at all.


From the moment they entered, it was as if they had entered a huge beast's nest, and this man was a peerless ferocious beast in the beast's nest. He was sitting cross-legged on the bed, but they didn't dare to look down upon him at all.

Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and the three of them stood up respectfully with their hands in front of them. An old man clapped his hands. Suddenly, a group of strong women wearing animal skins and tattoos appeared. Their steps were not very uniform, but their faces were full of smiles. With a stiff smile, they filed in holding wooden trays.

The best bone vessels, cups, plates, lamps... were placed around respectfully, and all kinds of tables and chairs that they thought were the most exquisite were also moved in. The hearts of the three old men in sackcloth were beating wildly. They didn't dare to raise their heads. They only dared to look at each other's attitudes with the corners of their eyes.

There was no answer, and the more words there were, the more frightened they felt. Was it because the other person didn't like what they had? Probably! Looking at the material of the other party's clothes that I have never seen before, it is absolutely extraordinary. He... he doesn't like it? But...the tools they sent were all made by famous craftsmen! And it is the latest style.

However, no one spoke. The sound of beads of sweat falling on the ground could even be heard in the room. They didn't see that Xu Yangyi was just stroking the animal skin that was sent to him with interest, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"Fire spirit root attribute." Yuchang said with some surprise: "It has been peeled off for at least a few months, but the spiritual power lasts for a long time? This is much better than those cups and plates."

"Specialty." Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief: "Their cultivation is low, but... this is a plane."

"There is no Wugen Jiuqu Water in Xu Kunlun, so there is no panacea. My spiritual power is three or eight levels higher than theirs. This is a specialty. I don't think such a large plane would have no specialty. Especially..." He lifted it. Lifting his chin, he said calmly: "At this stage of their cultivation, I'm afraid the side sect has not developed at all. There are treasures everywhere waiting for me. If I don't take what God gives me, I will suffer the consequences."

He looked at the three old men kneeling on the ground as if they were looking at gold mines. They had no business, but it was wonderful to do it.

What? Rob? What a joke! Scholars... No, what happened to the monks, can it be called robbing?

That's called borrowing!

Smiling and waving, he was about to speak when suddenly, the whole sky turned red.

Rays of blood-colored light suddenly appeared and shot into the room from the window. Suddenly, the entire ground was blood-red, carrying a heart-stopping killing intent.

"This is..." An old man suddenly raised his head and looked at each other in shock. Then he didn't care about Xu Yangyi and ran out like crazy, staring at the sky.

The women in the room were stunned for a moment, and then they all exclaimed, but they did not panic. They just closed the doors and windows immediately and tried their best to explain something to Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi sighed and slowly raised his hand: "I understand your good intentions."

"But it's too noisy."

With a snap of his fingers, all these Qi-training monks fell asleep. He did not hide, but opened the window leisurely and raised his eyebrows: "Interesting."

In the sky, the sun has disappeared. A huge blood-colored crack runs across the sky, a thousand meters long, and endless black shadows, like vultures seeing carrion, screaming and circling madly in the sky.

"Woooooo!!" On the altar where he woke up, a huge horn, as big as two people, had been placed. A shirtless man was blowing the horn desperately. In an instant, pieces of spiritual energy from the foundation-building stage rose from the ground, war drums sounded like thunder, and countless flags rose from the ground with a brush.

Amidst the brilliance, thousands of magic weapons soared into the sky, and the Qi-training monks who could not fly were waiting in formation, some were old, some were young, and most were middle-aged. Finally, twenty streams of light suddenly rushed into the air, and the power of foundation building enveloped the tribe.

"Interesting." He finally stood up and walked out slowly.

This is very close to Tiragandes.

A plane discovered by demons has not been destroyed, and the realm of these people is so low. Why on earth?

"There is only one answer." He hid his spiritual energy and strolled to the back of the crowd with his hands behind his back, without attracting any attention: "Your Yahweh is very strong... making the seven kings of hell a little afraid."

"But...if Su Xingyao hadn't lied to me, wouldn't dead?"

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