
Chapter 1117: City Lord

This was the first time Xu Yangyi saw a war between different races.

In the sky, there were bat-like demons everywhere, with extremely low realms, and most of them were also practicing Qi. The clouds covered the sun, and the sun could not be cast. The ground was full of flying shadows, and there were screams like the tide in all directions.

Above the nine heavens, demons were dancing wildly.

"The reaction was very fast, and it must be harassed by demons frequently." Yu Chang looked at it calmly: "The highest foundation building is perfect, will you take action?"

"Why?" Xu Yangyi said indifferently: "I am familiar with them?"

"The universe is so vast, and there are too many genocides every day. Should I care about them?"

The red line was flying happily, ignoring the vast demons in the sky: "Dad, can I play?"

"Be good, don't go." Xu Yangyi smiled and patted it: "Don't be nosy, it's not certain how far away from hell it is. It's better to have less trouble than more."

The red line drooped its wings depressedly.

"Hehehe..." An unpleasant shrill laugh came from the crack. The next moment, a demonic energy of the foundation-building perfection surged out from the crack. A bat-shaped demon with flames burning all over his body, ten meters tall, and wearing simple armor turned into a sea of ​​fire and rushed out, roaring to the sky. A circle of dark ripples spread out, and countless Qi-training monks on the ground changed their faces slightly, but did not move an inch.

"Kill!" Needless to say, the two sides have long been a deadly feud. After the demon roared, it waved its claws, and endless black rain meteors fell from the sky.

"Start the formation!" The great witch flying in the air shouted loudly, and all the hemp-clothed people were in the sky. After the order was given, spiritual light shone from all directions. Xu Yangyi watched the formation with leaks everywhere with cramps in his eyes, and forced himself not to stretch out his fingers to poke it.

Sure enough... the side door of this plane has not developed at all. Yes, it is indeed on the route map of hell, facing life and death crisis every moment, everyone is constantly practicing, who has the time to figure out the three side doors.

The spiritual light and the black shadow are the same color, and suddenly, within a radius of one kilometer, the light is radiant, and the talismans are flying across the sky. Groups of demons are killed alive on the shield of the Golden Wolf Tribe. Countless red flames flow through the transparent protection, as if the sky is dyed red.

However, the demons are simply endless, and the shield of the Golden Wolf Tribe below is shaking again and again, and it is on the verge of collapse again and again, but it is forced to stand up again under the unity of the people below. It’s just that the tribesmen under the shield are already full of tension. Too many young faces, their chests are rising and falling sharply, but they hold the magic tools in their hands tightly.

The black tide is like rain, and this scene is like the sky pouring ink, crashing into the water. Half an hour later, with a loud bang, the shield turned into endless light and flew in the air.

"Kill!!" The horn sounded resoundingly, and a burly man wearing a white wolf skin shouted loudly. Countless swords, spears, and halberds stood in a row below. At the moment of the intersection, countless demons were blasted into ashes by the magic weapons, but more rushed like a tsunami. There were at least hundreds of people who were grabbed by the screaming demons' feet, flapped their wings and flew into the air, and immediately disappeared in the sea of ​​demons with screams, blood raining down.

The battle lines of both sides intersected at the same time, demons and humans merged into one, and the shouts of killing were endless. Xu Yangyi stood quietly in an inconspicuous corner, watching this scene calmly, and black shadows fell around him one after another.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." A strange sound came from behind him, with the dripping sound of saliva falling to the ground and the sound of the wings spreading.

There was a large battle group a hundred meters in front of him, dozens of people were surrounded by hundreds of demons, and in the middle was a strong man wearing colorful fur, with a flying fork magic weapon flying left and right, commanding with a thunderous voice. A group of people advanced and retreated in moderation, and actually defended.

He was a little confused. There were so many people in front of him, but the demon didn't go to him? Was he really too quiet?

"Defend!!" The man in the battle group in front of him shouted, and the big shield of animal bones flew with flowing light. More than a dozen magic weapons inside stabbed out. In the interlaced light, his eyes suddenly widened. He saw... Behind a man who did not participate in the battle, there was actually a group of demons bigger than the ones besieging them, spreading their wings and looking at this man with red eyes.

"Hide..." He took a breath of cold air, and before he shouted the word "open", the demon had already bitten him with the sulfur breath of hell.

However... before he could close his eyes in pain, a scene that made him dumbfounded appeared.

The demon's teeth were less than one meter away from Xu Yangyi, and then its eyes suddenly widened, and then its whole body trembled. In less than half a second, the huge body suddenly retracted, like a mouse encountering a cat, and knelt on the ground with a thud.

The broken demon wings had completely fallen to the ground, the shadows dissipated, and the tall body trembled like a child, as if seeing unspeakable horror, a horror more desperate than hell.

"Is it the instinct of living things?" Xu Yangyi looked at the scene of blood and fire in front of him indifferently: "I thought the demons were stupid enough to be fearless."

Before he finished speaking, the demon behind him made a light bang and turned into fragments in an instant, and the red blood splashed in the air and turned into streams of fire.

In the huge battlefield, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The middle-aged man opened his mouth wide and looked at all this in disbelief. What happened? What happened just now?

"Submit..." His heart was beating wildly, his pupils shrank, and he trembled and said: "The demon... surrendered?"

Dang! Before he could finish his thoughts, there was a violent vibration around him, and endless demons swarmed up. He was in extreme shock and forgot to command for a moment. The whole formation was shaken by the impact.

"Shanzhang! What's wrong!" "What should we do next!" "You give the order!!"

Nervous shouts came one after another, and the middle-aged man forced himself to look back. He was dazzled just now, he must have been dazzled! Even the city lord can't make the demons surrender! No one can do it!

Xu Yangyi calmly retracted his gaze and walked towards the house. The middle-aged man didn't see that behind him, there were at least a dozen demons, dancing wildly, and no place could be spared, but... no one dared to say a word!

All of them were like the most respectful ministers, lying on the ground obediently, trembling all over. As Xu Yangyi passed by, all the demons collapsed and exploded.

"Eh!" The middle-aged man didn't see it, but the demon leader in the sky did. Now it was pitch black below, with dark clouds covering the sky. Suddenly, a white dot appeared, and a monk was strolling leisurely. From his perspective, it was extremely conspicuous.

"I was wondering why the Golden Wolf Tribe suddenly resisted so strongly..." It was stunned for a moment, then laughed at the sky: "It turns out that helpers have come."

"But, no one of you can help!!"

Swish! Before it finished speaking, it screamed and turned into a black cloud and shot down.

"Get out of the way!!" No one expected that the demon would suddenly abandon the battle group with the others. The Great Witch and the others didn't care whether Xu Yangyi could understand or not, and shouted immediately.

"Too late!!" The demon laughed loudly: "Fresh blood food... Look at his clothes, he must be the nephew of an important person! Hehehe... Come on! Your flesh and blood must be very tender! It's your luck to be swallowed by me, Ding Qishier!"

The black light was like a tide, and the turbid waves were emptying. The four great witches in the air were originally besieging it, and it was just a draw. Now it is determined to leave, and no one can stop it.

Closer, closer... Ten seconds later, a terrifying scream enveloped the earth, and the rolling demonic energy raged like a human face, covering a radius of hundreds of meters, and madly swallowed Xu Yangyi.

Sand... The rushing great witches stopped immediately, looking at all this in doubt.

"Do you want to save..." Zuo Shurong panted, staring at the black fog.

The great witch hesitated in his heart, and finally shook his head. Just as he opened his mouth, the hundreds of meters of demonic energy in front of him suddenly exploded wildly!

"What's wrong?" "What happened?" Everyone immediately resisted, looking at the disintegrating demonic energy in astonishment.

In the center of the layers of black fog, a figure appeared vaguely, and they all clenched their magic weapons. However, the scene that appeared made them all stunned.

"This... How is this possible?" The Great Witch gasped and took a few steps back unconsciously: "Is he a monster?"

"How did he do this..." Zuo Shurongya stared at the black fog in amazement. Several people around him also stared at this scene in a daze, with their mouths wide open and their heads shaking unconsciously. This was a self-denial belief. They didn't dare to imagine that this scene was real.

It was not the devil standing in the black fog, but the man.

He calmly held the devil's throat, and no one knew when and how he made the move. Just now, for a total of two or three seconds, the devil leader was like a chicken with its neck pinched in the other's hands.

Not only them, Ding Qishier himself couldn't believe it. He clearly didn't feel the other party's aura before! And he didn't feel it now! However, he didn't dare to move when the other party held his throat!

It was so scary...

It was like a lion biting his throat, and he was the antelope in the lion's mouth. He didn't use spiritual energy... The other party used only physical strength to make him unable to move!

This is a demon... a monster a thousand times more terrifying than a demon!

Before he could finish his thought, its entire body exploded, and flames and blood sprayed all over the sky. Xu Yangyi ignored it. In the red, a black gas rushed into the sky. With a terrified voice, he screamed: "Help... Help!"

"Lord City Lord! Save me!!"

As its last word fell, black clouds spread, red light filled the ground, and cracks in the air burst into thousands of rays of light. A spiritual power that was extremely powerful for the Wolf Chief plane had already poured out like a tide.

Middle Jindan!

"City Lord... They actually have a city lord!" The Great Wizard gritted his teeth and watched the top of his head turn into a hell in an instant. His heart was already cold.

City Lord... The Jindan realm is higher than the foundation building realm! The top combat power on this plane!

"City Lord!" Zuo Shurong gasped, his heart sinking to the bottom, and trembling, "How could a city lord... come here?!"

"Is it too late to ask for help from Longque City now?"

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