
Chapter 1118: Cat and Tiger

Boom boom boom... a pressure from the early stage of the Golden Core spread out like a tide. Everyone on the ground felt it. After a second of stunned silence, they all looked up at the sky.

"Is it... the city lord?" An old man stared at the sky dully. Layers of demons dispersed, revealing a huge crack in the center. With a clang, the magic weapon fell to the ground.

"It turned out to be... a demon of the city lord level..." A female cultivator in animal skin looked up at the sky and said in a trembling voice.

"God of Heavenly Wolf... Don't you care about your people?" "How could it be the city lord?!" "The cracks will never appear at the city lord level!"

The Golden Core, the pinnacle of the Wolf Chief's combat power, caused a strange phenomenon in the world, and the momentum was like a tidal wave. Stirring up layers of despair, spreading among the crowd like a snake, the next second, a thunderous voice sounded calmly: "Ding Qishier, is this the tribe you said'rich in resources, weak cultivators'? You dare to deceive me... You are really brave enough."

Xu Yangyi opened his mouth slightly.

It was very strange that he could understand the conversation of the demons! And do you think you can still speak?

"City Lord... City Lord!" Ding Qishier almost cried as he kowtowed in front of the hundreds of meters long blood-red vortex: "I promise... I swear! I will never dare to deceive you! It belongs to the wisest city lord! It's just... there was a little accident..."

"Hmph." The voice in the cloud cave hummed slowly, and this sound was to establish its prestige. As the sound fell, a strong wind suddenly rose hundreds of meters below, and the wind and thunder shook beside the vortex.

The entire Golden Wolf tribe was dead silent, and the sad mood of being the fish at the mercy of the devil had crushed all their fighting spirit with the appearance of the city lord.

"Who dares to hurt my subordinates?" The voice stopped pestering and looked around at everyone, like a god inspecting mortals: "Stand up, I will give you a memorable death."

"As a lamb, you must have the consciousness of a lamb, wash quietly and wait for death. Struggling will only make you regret it."

Xu Yangyi couldn't help laughing: "You are the first one who dares to speak to this saint like this."

"Hehe, ignorant human..." The voice laughed coldly, but the next sentence seemed to be stuck in the throat.


Death-like silence.

After a few seconds, its voice trembled and said: " now, said..."


The nearest great witch, Zuo Shurong and others, opened their mouths at once and looked at the vortex like seeing a ghost.

It...A demon city lord actually used a respectful name for this person?

"Didn't you hear it clearly?" Xu Yangyi smiled at the vortex and slowly walked up to the sky step by step: "You are the first one who dares to speak to this saint like this since I entered this realm."

Silence again.

The Golden Wolf Tribe, which had already despaired, looked at everything in the air in astonishment. What was going on?

Between heaven and earth, demons and humans seemed to be completely silent because of Xu Yangyi's two short sentences just now. Without the order of the city lord, countless demons lay on the houses and the ground, and would not move at all. And the people of the Golden Wolf Tribe were completely stunned.

What was happening in front of them was completely beyond everyone's imagination.

The sudden attack was as fast as the wind and as fast as thunder, and it stopped unbelievably, even faster than when it came.

The next second, the light in the cloud cave was shining brightly, and a human-shaped shadow rushed down like a dog/crawling, and the great witch took a breath. The incarnation of the city lord... This is the incarnation of the city lord! The rich power of the golden elixir on his body has already explained everything!

Is it finally going to take action?

He took a last look at the crowd below, which suddenly rose up in despair and looked expectant. He closed his eyes and said hoarsely: "Kill..."

"Greetings, sir! I don't know! I really don't know anything! Please spare my life! Spare my life!!"

"I really don't know! I, I, I am the Lord of Hell in a small earthen city next to me! I'm not even a lord! You see, I'm insignificant! I really have no intention of offending the majesty of the saint! Please spare my life!"

Before the witch finished speaking, his eyes, which had just been closed, suddenly opened again. The old men in hemp clothes around him looked at this scene with their eyes wide open like him.

Bang, bang, bang! There was only one sound between heaven and earth. It was not the sound of gunfire, but the Lord of the Demon City was desperately kowtowing in the void. His forehead was broken, but he didn't dare to stop!

"It's all Ding Qishier! I didn't mean to offend! Please spare my life! I dare not offend the dignity of a saint!"

The hoarse voice of begging for mercy, without caring about face, echoed throughout the Golden Wolf Tribe. There was silence below, then there were whispers, and finally... it turned into a raging uproar!

No blood was lost.

One word defeated the enemy!

Just two short sentences, dozens of words, even in their dreams, the easiest scene of repelling the devil was not so easy!

"My God..." Zuo Shurong took a breath, his heart almost jumped out, his mouth wide open, shaking his head, and unconsciously stepped back a few steps.

A series of fiery eyes were all focused on Xu Yangyi.

"Don't dare to offend?" Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and then, although the voice was not loud, it resounded in everyone's heart, like a yellow bell, a thunderclap!

"How dare you not greet me in person? How dare you ask me to not offend me?!"

"Get off my feet!"

The last sentence was as powerful as thunder, and the sky... tens of thousands of meters in radius shook!

"God!" "Golden Wolf God!" "I have seen the gods!" "Oh my God... what is this!"

A screaming cry resounded through the heaven and earth, and there was a muffled sound on the ground. This sentence was like the roar of a giant dragon. Countless stone debris and gravel actually created a shock wave on the ground, sweeping in all directions. What was even more terrifying was that the huge cloud hole in the sky suddenly spread a thousand meters with this sound! A brilliant sunset glow formed in the sky, and there was no longer any weirdness of the devil.

This is not getting bigger...

But the spiritual power was dispersed by a roar and completely collapsed.

On the ground, all creatures, whether they were monks or demons, all lowered their heads, shivered and panted, and couldn't help kneeling on the ground.

"Did I see it wrong..." A middle-aged man from the Golden Wolf Tribe didn't care about the magic weapon at all. He touched the ground with his forehead and spoke hoarsely and frantically in a low voice in disbelief.

"Oh my god..." A young man, with wounds all over his upper body, also nodded his head and trembled as he spoke: "This... is this a monk?"

Beside them, the demons that had just fought together were now kneeling on the ground, shivering and trembling like them. They were all black and their heavy breathing was extremely loud. Humans were right next to them, but they didn't dare to move at all.


Real terror.

Unfathomable, like the sea, it is gentle and harmonious when calm, but once it gets angry, it will leave no trace of a corpse!

"Hehe... Hehe..." Tianqiong, the nearest great witch, Zuo Shurong and others, also prostrated themselves on the ground, sweating all over their backs. That sound just now was like losing all their souls.

Facing the gods...

With a scream, a huge figure fell from the clouds. The 20-meter figure was covered with bone spurs, most of which were broken, and his skin was blue. Flames were burning from his pores from time to time. He had a green face and fangs, a black vertical eye in the middle of his chest and abdomen, and a scorpion-like tail more than 30 meters long dragging behind him.

"Spare my life! Spare my life!" If he was still confused just now, he couldn't care about it now, and kowtowed desperately: "Please spare my life, senior!"

"Have you seen the saint?" Xu Yangyi said lightly.

"Report to the lord." The huge figure of the city lord was as gentle as a kitten at this moment: "I...late, the junior once followed the lord to congratulate a domain lord...I was fortunate to meet the saint..."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Whose pedigree are you from? Whose subordinate?"

The city lord suddenly raised his head, opened his mouth wide, and looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief.

A human...should be a space powerhouse in the past, and he was unlucky to meet him. As long as he doesn't die, he can come back after the other party leaves. But... he... actually knows the genealogy?

"Taowu... Demon King... Currently..." He suppressed the fear that his heart was about to jump out, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly, it was the Eastern genealogy.

Taowu, Hun Dun, Qiongqi, Taotie, the four ancient evils, are also famous demons in the history of Chinese mythology.

Looking at Chinese mythology, what is the most common?

Gods, and the next is definitely not demons, but monsters, ghosts, demons, ghosts and monsters are not the same thing, but four groups. The records of demons and monsters can definitely be counted on one's fingers. The only real demons that have been recognized are Chi You, the Lord of Arms, the biggest demon in Chinese history, and Xing Tian, ​​the God of War. As for the four ancient evils, they are still behind them.

"Except for these six, there seems to be no famous demons in the Chinese mythology system... As for the seven great saints including the Monkey King, they are the demon clan forces. The more famous one is Nuwa, the Lord of All Demons. Is this the Eastern genealogy? Is it also the reason why the Eastern genealogy was driven to the border by the Western genealogy?" He thought thoughtfully. After all, compared with the small number of Eastern demons, the notorious demon kings in the West are endless.

I thought a little too far and came back to my senses. The scene was silent, and thousands of demons knelt down, unable to speak. He didn't like this atmosphere very much.

He raised his chin and said in the direction of Ding Qishier: "Go. Kill it."

The city lord didn't even hesitate, and stood up immediately. He knew very well that this was a token of surrender. And Ding Qishier lay on the ground, trembling all over, and dared not say a word.

He also knew that the demon law of the hell plane and the unconditional obedience to power, he dared not resist at all.

The city lord walked in front of it, and its huge body was as gentle as a princess when it passed by Xu Yangyi. Even if the other party did not look at it, its huge, killer tail did not move at all. It did not even dare to stretch it.

"Idiot..." The city lord gritted his teeth and looked at the trembling Ding Qishier, with a breath of sulfur gushing out of his nostrils, wishing to slap the other party to death.

If it were not for this idiot, how could he end up in the hands of others!

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