
Chapter 1119: Hell World

"You damned bastard..." Its huge hand grasped Ding Qishier's head, and its black and red teeth were grinding and clacking: "Stupid pig!!"


Ding Qishier's head exploded, and then the city lord sucked it into his stomach, chewed it fiercely for a few times, and countless flames gushed out of its seven orifices.

The scene was still dead silent. It would not be an exaggeration to describe the scene as terrified and timid. Xu Yangyi glanced at the city lord: "Change your appearance."

A black cloud immediately surged around the city lord, as docile as a dog in front of the door. After a few seconds, a dark-skinned, tattooed man walked out of the black cloud and prostrated himself with great respect.

"Follow me." Xu Yangyi turned into a stream of light and shot straight to the ground.

The black light was like a silk thread, still without any spiritual energy, but when it fell, the crowd below separated silently. Like Moses' water-dividing rod.

No one spoke, the level was too high, and they had no mentality to talk at all. Just a nearly fanatical gaze, sent Xu Yangyi into the room.

"Da..." The door closed, at the same time. The space in all directions seemed to tremble slightly, and the next second, everyone raised their heads suddenly.

No sound...

However, the demons around them collapsed instantly!

Tens of thousands of demons were turned into ashes at the sound of the door closing! The red blood spraying all over the sky turned into a stream of fire, floating in the air in full view of everyone.

"My... God..." The middle-aged man who saw Xu Yangyi before stared blankly at the sky, as if he couldn't believe that the precarious situation was solved so quickly and so strangely. But immediately, he immediately prostrated himself.

The head was raised and buried, and the space around the house was rippled, and then it returned to silence. For a full minute, the scene was audible. No one dared to stand up. After a full three minutes, someone finally quietly raised a little nod from the ground, his eyes red, and panted and scanned the circle. Then, more and more people raised their bodies, and tens of thousands of people's chests rose and fell sharply. You look at me, I look at you, and then a thunderous cheer resounded throughout the Golden Wolf Tribe!

The huge shock made them share it crazily. This is a scene that you can never see or think of in your life!

"Did you see it! Did you see it!" "Of course! Of course I saw it! What realm is this!?" "The city lord... That's a city lord! The demon city lord, the pinnacle of the plane! I thought I was dead today, but I didn't expect..." "It's unbelievable! This, this is a realm above the city lord?!" "Too powerful... Where did the Great Witch recruit the senior from? He should be seven or eight hundred years old!"

Above the clouds, watching the cheers of the Qi training monks below, the Great Witch and Zuo Shurong looked at each other, and finally, all smiled silently.

Not at the same level...

Just like the clouds in the sky and the mud on the ground, the gap is so big that there is no thought of comparison.

"Before... I only knew he was strong... I didn't expect him to be so strong..." Zuo Shurong stared blankly at the luxurious house allocated to Xu Yangyi below, and the younger generations around him were excitedly worshipping him. He murmured like a dream: "Is this above the golden elixir?"

"We... should we notify Longque City?"

Before he finished speaking, the Great Wizard slapped him in the face: "Do you want to die!"

Zuo Shurong was stunned and covered his face in surprise. The Great Wizard had already stood up and his eyes were red: "So strong... so terrifying, can destroy the existence of the plane, if he doesn't tell you, who dare you tell!?"

"You think he is easy to talk to!? Idiot! He didn't even make a move at the beginning! He just watched coldly! Watching us fight to the death! For them who are really A true old monster, life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are determined by heaven! He doesn't care who wins at all! Because it has nothing to do with him! Here, in this plane, even in the plane led by Lord Yahweh, which we can contact, no one can withstand a finger from him! Do you understand! "

"He is cold-blooded and hard-hearted! If Ding Qishier hadn't suddenly attacked him, he wouldn't care whether we live or die! Do you understand!"

After he roared, he stared at the people around him and gritted his teeth and said, "From today on, this matter is all sealed! Discuss a countermeasure to deal with Longque City! It is impossible for us to be unscathed when a city lord comes. But what's even worse is... we can't say anything about this person even if we die!"

"Changbo!" he shouted.

"You say." Another old man replied.

"Let everyone forget that he took away a demon city lord! I don't want to hear any voices in the tribe to execute the other party! Not even a little bit! Even if the other party and we have a blood feud! At least... before the person who is more terrifying than the devil speaks, there must be no voice!"



"Send the best things in the tribe over! Whether it's items, supplies or women! As long as you see the other party frowning, change them immediately!"

Shannu is another taciturn old man. After a moment of silence, he said: "The Demon Festival is coming... The gift of the gods, the plane trade crack is about to open again. It's also very hard for us to collect those things. Do you want to leave some? Otherwise... This demon disaster is very hard to endure."

More than hard to endure?

The great witch sighed to the sky: "Don't waste the supplies, send them all over. I know what you said... But... If he is not happy, the whole Longque City will be buried with us!"

"He made the demon lord surrender with just two words. Think about it yourself, which city lord can do it?"


Xu Yangyi didn't care about their arrangements at all. When the big man breathed, the little man was frightened. He knew it, but did he need to comfort him?

As a high-ranking person, in the true middle three realms, there are only 5,000 people within a million light-years radius of the seven realms. It is time for him to learn some of the mentality of a high-ranking person, be kind to them, use force when facing them, and keep a distance. This is also the advice of fish intestines.

At first Yuchang was worried that Xu Yangyi would not be able to do it, but he soon realized that his worries were in vain.

Some people are born with the temperament of a superior person. When you reach the appropriate state and have this strength, your temperament can no longer be concealed and becomes clear.

"Perhaps I am relatively indifferent to begin with." Xu Yangyi said with a smile: "After practicing for a long time, I have killed too many people and seen too many dead people. It is inevitable that my heart will be as solid as stone."

"Because I know very well that when thousands of people are fighting to cross the river, there is no mercy. In the mortal world, other boatmen will use their poles to stop you, but in the spiritual world, other boatmen will cut your throat with swords. Mercy does not control soldiers. , the same goes for righteousness and wealth.”

I poured a cup of fruit juice for the fish intestines, which was a little emotional. There was no tea here, so I had to make do with it.

The city lord knelt in front of them, without saying a word and bowing to the ground.

"Name." Xu Yangyi asked after taking a sip.

"Lord of Yanxue City..." Before he could finish his answer, flames burst out from the demon's body. It suddenly screamed.

Even though there was nothing around it, it seemed to have seen the thing it was most afraid of. It backed away covered in sweat, and after a few seconds, screamed like crazy.

The red line was just above its head, and it was waving its wings gently, but it was a pity that it couldn't express its contempt. Dad finally allowed himself to play with it just now, but... this monster couldn't help but play with it.

"Sir! Stop! Stop! Please!" "Tell me where I went wrong! I will definitely change it! I will follow your footsteps forever!"

Xu Yangyi snapped his fingers, and the red line finally stopped. Lord Yanxue lay on the ground, panting like an ox. But he didn't dare to call out at all.

"Don't try to play tricks." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "I'm asking about your real name. Your real name."

The Lord of Yanxue City trembled all over. The devil's real name... must not be told to anyone. Once told, the other party can summon him at any time. If summoned in a Jedi...

Xu Yangyi smiled, he had never been kind to demons.

He likes devils with strong bones, and he came here thanks to the devil.

A bit of cold pale fire rises from his fingertips. This is the holy flame of soul refining. After becoming a saint, he can also mobilize the holy flame of soul refining that is swallowed up by the talisman. But I haven't figured out how to use it yet.

"No... no!! I, I say!" Seeing this fire, the Lord of Yanxue City instinctively felt a piercing killing intent and immediately said: "Mousavis! My real name is Mousavis! grown ups!"

"Western genealogy." Xu Yangyi flicked his fingers and the flames went out: "Ding Qizhu is an Eastern genealogy. Tell me how the genealogy is divided. Why are you with the Eastern genealogy?"

Betrayal is the devil's instinct. As long as it starts, it will never stop. Mousavis thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said: "Of course, my master."

"The plane of hell...Tiragondis is divided into eighteen layers. too huge and ethereal. According to legend, the ancestor of all demons, the Demonic Furnace, is between the primitives of the first layer. Each floor is guarded by a demon king, and the demon king..." It paused and said hoarsely: "They are all in the Doppo realm..."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath in his heart.

Eighteen Demon Lords...Eighteen Doppo...these powers alone far exceed those of the Seven Realms!

He didn't kill Mousavis, he just wanted to know the situation in hell. This was his last move.

Su Xingyao left him a difficult problem, what exactly is the world of great strife? have what? Why can't we make any further progress if we don't enter the age of great struggle?

He had to return to the Seven Realms, but... the Wolf Chief's plane was not like a plane capable of ultra-long-distance teleportation.

If there is none, hell is his second choice.

"What else?" He lowered his head, looked into the other person's eyes, and said word by word: "For example... the Seven Lords?"

Mousavis trembled all over, as if he heard the taboo, the flames on his body were extinguished, and he gasped and replied: "I don't know..."

"Don't know? I don't want to hear lies."

"No! It's definitely not a lie! Sir! The Seven Monarchs... are the supreme existences in the entire hell! They... they are said to have lived for hundreds of millions of years. They are the first to erupt from the devil's furnace at the top of the primordial space. Blame the devil! No one knows where they are, not even the Demon Lord!"

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