
Chapter 1120: Galaxy Palace

"But they do exist... tens of thousands of years ago... two of the seven monarchs and an eastern demon fought a world-shaking battle in the third level of hell, the Blasphemy. Since then... the Blasphemy disappeared... the current Blasphemy was... repaired by one of the monarchs afterwards. Even the old man has not completed the repair. The third level of hell is now the smallest plane in Tiragangdis."

Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "Who? Which two? Who are they fighting in the third level of hell?"

Musavis' body trembled more violently, as if he had a stroke, touching the ground with his forehead, not daring to raise his head, and his voice was completely out of tune, as if it was a taboo to mention it: "Gluttony Demon... Beelzebub, the King of Flies, and Arrogant Demon, Fallen Angel Lucifer... Legend has it that the Eastern Demon is extremely powerful, named the Lord of Soldiers..."

Yuchang and Xu Yangyi raised their heads at the same time, their eyes burning.


Back then... didn't it die in the hands of the Yellow Emperor? But now it has fled to Tiragangdis?

Yahweh is dead... Chiyou is dead... These damn, dead monsters are alive! Which one is true?

"It... seems to have been defeated by someone and found the demon plane. I heard... It is also a powerful demon god, but it was no match for the two demon gods. It was finally beaten out of the Eighteen Hells. Now it lives in a place called Chaos Hell, and it is also at peace..."

Its voice became smaller and smaller. It secretly glanced at Xu Yangyi who was silent and said immediately: "These are all heard! At that time, I was not born by the furnace! Moreover, the demon god level is a long-lasting legend in hell! We can never see their battle! Moreover, because the battle of the demon gods is too terrible, according to a lord, they have sealed the surrounding dozens of light years! No one can enter! And they are all incarnations!"

Silently, Xu Yangyi has stood up and paced anxiously. Mousavis dared not speak again. After a few minutes, Xu Yangyi said, "So, they have been fighting all year round? The Lord of Arms also wants to enter the Eighteen Hells? Or even seize the First Hell?"

"He was not killed by the Seven Lords?"

Tiragangdis is the core of the demon plane. According to Mousavis, it is no secret that the hell furnace that spews out thousands of demons is here. This should be the reason why the Lord of Arms dared to provoke the Yellow Emperor and did not dare to fight here in person, right?

One against seven, Chi You is still alive? These are not seven saints, these are seven Yahwehs! The strongest demon named after God!

"One against seven?" Mousavis was stunned and said cautiously: "My powerful master, but according to rumors... it is six against seven..."

Xu Yangyi stopped suddenly.

Yuchang also looked at Mousavis in disbelief.

Six against seven?

How did the other five come from?

Who dares to be the enemy of Yahweh?

"Who?" Xu Yangyi asked immediately. Mousavis immediately captured the other party's eager killing intention, sweating coldly, and quickly said: "The Formless Hell! It is two hundred light years away from the Eighteen Hells! It is very close! There... there is also a demon god living there, who also retreated there after being defeated by the Seven Lords!"

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth: "Don't let me remind you what you should say, and don't whet my appetite to increase your importance. Put away your little tricks, otherwise, I guarantee that you will be wiped out in the next second!"

"Yes!" Mousavis' heart was pounding, and he said prostrating himself: "Bo Xun! It's called Bo Xun!"

What a familiar name!

Xu Yangyi frowned, Yuchang took a breath of cold air, and said: "Let it talk, don't ask first, I'll tell you later!"

"Yes..." Musaweisi swallowed dryly and said in a trembling voice: "In the east of the Eighteen Hells, the Death Hell, it is said that there is also a demon god, Zhenni."

"One hundred and twenty light years south of the Eighteen Hells... there are three demon gods living... they... are one, Hela, Jörmungandr, Fenrir..."

"They formed an alliance with the Lord of Arms, so they lived in peace. Over the past tens of thousands of years, there have always been many demons ejected hundreds of thousands of light years away by the terrifying eruption of the furnace, so... they have a lot of demons under their command. One hundred light years... actually... actually it is the core of Tiragangdis."

"Let it stay outside." Yuchang said anxiously, Xu Yangyi immediately let the other party go out, and as soon as he went out, he immediately asked: "I just heard these names very familiar , who is it?"

Yu Chang smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid we all got one thing wrong..."

"Hell... I'm afraid it's not just a plane..."

"Don't worry, listen to me, Bo Xun, this great demon god, is even more powerful than the Seven Lords! Have you heard of Mara? This is the only demon king in Buddhism who has fought with Sakyamuni, he is the king of the heaven of the self-free heaven! That war, in Buddhist records, is called the battle between Buddha and Demon, and it is also one of the few traces that clearly record the existence of "demon". It is Bo Xun! Demon Buddha!"

"Speaking of Zhenni, he... is the highest demon in Islam, no, or rather, he is a general term for all demons in Islam. Unexpectedly... it can be integrated into one and become a real thing!"

"Finally, it is Hela, Jörmungandr, Fenrir..."

"You have held Mistydin, didn't it tell you that this is the most brutal and famous "three brothers and sisters of doom" in Norse mythology. '"

"Their father is the famous evil god Loki, but he is a god, at least in the legends of the earth, not a demon. Hela... the exiled god of death, slowly rotted in the death city Niflheim, and eventually turned from a god into a demon. The second oldest, Jörmungandr, the endless serpent, sank into the bottomless abyss. However, even the former god of death Hela cannot compare with their brothers."

"The demon wolf Fenrir killed the main god Odin in Ragnarok. Its strength, even if it is not the highest level, is probably not far away. Now the three brothers and sisters are all... hehe..." It smiled strangely: "All the terrifying existences on the earth have gathered here. Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism... not a single supreme demon god has been pulled down... Is this true or someone is using their names?"

"Isn't Chiyou dead? Huangdi beheaded him personally." Xu Yangyi frowned slightly.

Yu Chang shook his head: "Not really. In fact, if you look deeper, you will find two legends."

"The first one is 'In the battle in Zhuolu, Huangdi killed him, and his body was in a different place, so he was buried separately.' There is another one, which few people have heard of, but it does exist."

He said in a deep voice: "When Chi You was seriously injured and in a desperate situation, a general sacrificed himself to wear Chi You's clothes and hit the cliff to commit suicide for the master. When the pursuers arrived, they identified the clothes as Chi You. So there is Chi You's tomb."

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly.

Some things, even if they exist, even if they are related to one's life and death, are too far away, so you just know them and say "oh".

For example, nuclear weapons.

Now these demons are like this. He doesn't care about life and death, let alone whether someone is selling dog meat under the guise of sheep, although now all kinds of signs show that Yahweh exists and Chaos has appeared. But he only believes in his own eyes. However, if he wants to go to hell to find a way back, he must understand these forces.

First of all, he must know who is the real master of hell.

"And... there is more information in his words." He stood up with the cup in his hand and said slowly: "Senior, have you ever thought about what kind of star field can accommodate thirteen Yahwehs?"

"If they are really Yahwehs, and not someone who is pretending to be powerful."

Yu Chang's eyes suddenly lit up.

That's right...any Yahweh can rule a star field, and thirteen mythical demons gathered together...what exactly is Tiragangdis?

Xu Yangyi called Musaweis in, and the other party was extremely respectful, even if Xu Yangyi did not do anything to it. Because it knew very well that a mere golden elixir, in the hands of the Venerable Saint, was a compliment to itself, and it was more like a big fly.

This was also the reason why he chose to beg for mercy at the beginning, and did not choose to run. Now it seems that this reason is very correct. In front of the Venerable Saint, a golden elixir wants to run away? Isn't it a provocation to the Venerable Saint's strength?

"You should have a map of hell. Take it out and have a look."

"Yes." Musaweisi opened his mouth and spit out a black bead. It was spinning and the surroundings were suddenly dark, completely attracting their minds.

An indescribable breath appeared. Hongxian exclaimed and immediately flew into Xu Yangyi's Dantian, never daring to come out again.

In the black, the picture finally appeared. It was countless stars. Then, the picture quickly zoomed in, faster and faster... Finally, after more than ten seconds, an extremely huge palace appeared in front of the two!

"Is this Tiragangdis? Hell?" Yuchang took a deep breath.

It's too unbelievable. That's not a plane... No! It's a plane, but it's an unimaginable plane!

No plane I've ever seen can compare with it! It can be called a masterpiece of the gods!

Yahweh, and only Yahweh, can create such a place comparable to God!

Countless planets and planes are floating around, like stars surrounding the moon, and a magnificent European-style palace spans this starry sky! Magnificent bridges extend from all directions, golden rainbows and jade belts, and endless hell residents with flames all over their bodies, too big to be called ants, walk around in this plane that occupies the star field.

Every road, in addition to the hell war carriages that never stop flowing in the center, is a city-like house and mountains on both sides. Surrounded by endless void, countless planetary planes, surrounded by streets and bridges.

The bridge spans the galaxy, the palace is larger than the planet, and a river of flames flows out of the central palace and spreads to the other 17 branch palaces. Endless flames emerge from various places. The theme here is always red, and the temperature is always hot.

This is a plane, but it is not a plane.

I don’t know who connected all the planes of this galaxy with amazing handwriting! With them as the cornerstone, this super giant palace of millions of light years was built!

The throne of the starry sky!

This is Tiragondis, a plane collection.

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