
Chapter 1121: Demonization

No wonder... No wonder they are so erratic. All planes have gravity, and hell... can take all planes with it!

"Heh..." Even Xu Yangyi couldn't help but take a breath this time.

It's too big... too magical, too... amazing.

What realm can achieve this?

Move the planes, connect them into one, form eighteen hells, and connect them to each other... Yahweh, is it really so terrifying?

Is he really the creator god?

He and Yuchang's shocked eyes passed through the picture. The eighteen hells, as well as other small hells, are secluded in thirteen Yahwehs... This is the devil's nest. The source of all the nightmares of the universe. The most terrifying and evil demons that can be found and heard of are all here.

Tiragangdis, the nest of all demons.

Only this kind of aggregated plane can accommodate these legendary demons.

"It's amazing..." After a few seconds, the light curtain disappeared again. Yuchang felt the emotions fluctuating due to excessive surprise and said slowly.

"You, the powerful master, should also know the classification of Tiragandis. Inferior demons, servant demons, demons, heavenly demons, high-level demons, great demons, demon kings, demon lords, and demon gods." Mousavis said cautiously.

Xu Yangyi came back to his senses and nodded. It was different from what he had heard before, but he was more willing to believe Mousavis.

"The center of Tiragangdis is the central palace. In the original space... all of our demons erupted from the demon furnace inside. Every eruption is a wonder. And the demons I just told you about, if they really exist, are said to be living in seclusion around Tiragangdis."

"Every few hundred years, the lords of the demons have to fight for territory. It doesn't matter to us, whoever wins is the same. Moreover, no one has ever seen a demon, and no one knows whether this is the demon's intention. And this time... my Yanxue City happened to be taken down by the faction of the Lord of Arms, so... I am now in the Eastern Genealogy Camp."

It stopped talking, its heart pounding, now he dared not have any reservations, this is the chance to decide whether it will survive.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and recalled everything the other party said. He had a general understanding of Tiragangdis. As for the more detailed, such a huge plane aggregate itself occupies an unknown number of light years. Even if Musavis is a local native, his understanding is just the tip of the iceberg.

Countless ancient demons, countless intertwined families, the power distribution map here is definitely more complicated than the seven realms. For an alien race, this is hell. A living hell. Not to mention... the strength on paper here, eighteen peaks of the middle three realms, eighteen unique and arrogant, who dares to provoke such a powerful plane?

"Do you want to live?" After a long time, he opened his eyes and asked.

"Please give me a chance to follow you, Saint Lord!" Musavis immediately answered hoarsely, crawled forward, and kissed Xu Yangyi's soles: "Musavis will serve you with endless life! Become your spokesperson in hell! The most loyal servant!"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows slightly. The other party actually wanted to be his servant sincerely, and he was not so stupid as to not even hear this.

His expression was the imperial decree of Musavis, and he immediately said sincerely: "Hell... is a chaotic world. There is no other law in Tiragangdis, there is only one, that is... always submit to a power stronger than you."

"All demons have experienced the devouring of inferior demons, the summoning of servant demons, and step by step eating the waste of the same period, opening up their spiritual wisdom, and coming to this day. These are the real demons. However, it is far from enough to survive in Tiragangdis, the nest of all demons."

"We need a backer, we need a big tree. Saint, you don't know that demons without big trees live worse than the red bone fish in the river of fire! Because the nature of the demon will make it succumb to a stronger one than it. All the powerful forces, too many people have followed it, no one will want it anymore. And the big tree... at least the Nascent Soul stage!"

"Nascent Soul?" Xu Yangyi was a little surprised: "It's also called a big tree?"

"Call!" Musaweisi said respectfully: "Tiragangdis is too big... The life of the demon is endless, even I have a life span of thousands of years. This has caused a phenomenon. There are many low-level demons, such as Duke demons like me. And the demons who can really reach the Grand Duke... No, Nascent Soul, are very few. Even if there are many, you have seen the vastness of Tiragangdis. There are still too few in it. "

Xu Yangyi nodded clearly. High-level cultivators are always rare materials in the cultivation world. It is not difficult for one person to raise the flag and occupy the mountain as the king. If he wants, even if he doesn't practice now, he will be rich for life when he returns to the Seven Realms, with all kinds of natural materials, treasures, materials and beauties.

The cultivation structure of Tiragangdis may be a little different. Other planes are pyramid-shaped, and here... I'm afraid it's a cylinder. Starting from the Venerable Saint, each realm has about the same number of people.

"And the princes... that is, the saints, are even fewer. Looking around the Eighteen Hells, I don't know if there are 50,000 of them, and each of them governs a territory. We are neither mutant demons nor have good bloodlines, so we can't curry favor with them at all."

Musavis kissed Xu Yangyi's fingers deeply: "Master, please believe me, I am willing to be the vanguard of hell for you."

Xu Yangyi frowned and retracted his hand. It was not that he didn't like Musavis's respect, but the way he expressed respect was a little difficult for him to accept.

"Go." At this moment, fish intestines floated out. Mousavis was startled, but wisely did not say a word.

Xu Yangyi did not speak. He is calculating the gains and losses.

"You should go." Yuchang looked at him deeply and said sincerely: "Hell... This is also a reality. Not to mention this, coming to such a powerful plane... Eighteen people are alone... Every Anyone who goes out is the master of the plane, which is of great benefit to your worldview and values ​​in the middle three realms."

"Practice is never just about cultivating strength. Those who are only for strength will never reach the peak. You should know this truth. Cultivation is about fighting against heaven, earth, and enemies. Only when you cultivate a Taoist heart that is exquisite and flawless can you walk to the final peak.”

"Walking through hell will be extremely helpful for your handling of things as a saint, for your self-positioning in the realm of saints, and for your future conduct. And don't forget that your current meridians are primitive meridians. , at the beginning of your life, you still have to decide which technique to use! The top technique in hell is definitely a big deal! This opportunity is rare.”

Xu Yangyi nodded and said he was not moved? No, his Taoist heart is to see the reality of the universe. This is the hub and core of all demons. All the demons that jump out of the summoning circle from any plane come from here. If you say you don't want to go and see it, that's a lie.

Yuchang was right. He didn't know how long it would take before he could return to the Seven Realms. Could it be that he wouldn't meet any enemies during this period? Not fighting?

He needed to arm himself as soon as possible.

The eighteen unique Tiragandes are undoubtedly a huge treasure trove!

But it is also extremely dangerous.

"Master, how could you be in danger?" Mousavis looked at his expression and said respectfully: "A demon with noble blood like you will definitely not be in danger as long as you don't get into trouble with a more terrifying existence. Hell is strictly forbidden to devour more than Devil in the realm of demons. This is probably the second law.”

"Me?" Xu Yangyi laughed and pointed at himself: "A noble devil?"

Mousavis was also stunned: "Isn't it... you?"

It's not like he was joking... Xu Yangyi blinked, and suddenly his eyes lit up. As the spiritual power was flowing away, the demonic energy rose, and a right hand covered with flames and scales appeared.

Right hand from Descadripo Valley!

Mousavis trembled all over, and immediately knelt on the ground, trembling all over. For a devil like him who had just advanced to the devil realm, the majesty coming from this arm was too terrifying. It was like a mountain weighing down on the top, and he couldn't even look at it directly. arrive.

"It's true..." Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly, and he realized that he really had the identity of a noble devil.

"Hand over half of your soul and stay here." He stood up and looked outside the room.

Mousavis shook and murmured: "Master...the devil's loyalty never requires this..."

"So, I never believe in demons." Xu Yangyi interrupted and said in a cold voice: "Hand over your soul or die."

Mousavis only hesitated for half a second before opening his mouth and spitting out a hexagonal crystal.

"Devil Essence...the core and soul of all demons..." It gritted its teeth, looked at it for two seconds, and then suddenly swung its claws. The demon essence had been divided into two halves. Xu Yangyi swept away half of it and swallowed it without politeness.

Suddenly, a black energy filled his face, and he twitched slightly. Yuchang looked at it in astonishment, but said nothing.

"Stay here." When he spoke again, Xu Yangyi's voice actually had a thick accent, as if two people were talking together. Before Mousavis could answer, he turned into a black light and rushed out.

boom! ! The surging black aura instantly engulfed the house. Mousavis looked at the horizon in shock. He didn't know why the owner was so anxious.

Black energy filled the sky, and many people from the newly quiet Golden Wolf tribe rushed out again. The great witch took the lead and said in a voiceless voice: "What a terrifying evil spirit!"

However, a trace of suspicion immediately appeared on his face. He looked carefully and asked doubtfully: "It's not demonic energy... this is... demonic spiritual energy? Both?"

Swipe... On the horizon, Xu Yangyi has turned into a stream of light, moving at an extremely fast speed. In front of him is a dense virgin forest. His eyes are a little red, and he rushes down like a meteor falling to the ground!

"Ah!!" He screamed to the sky, and his completely demonized right arm appeared again, sweeping across with a claw. With a loud rumbling sound, dust flew, and an open space of hundreds of meters appeared in an instant, and countless towering trees collapsed in it. .

"Are you okay?" Yuchang revealed his true form and asked in a deep voice.

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, he gritted his teeth, the veins on his forehead were beating wildly, and what was even more frightening was that the muscles under the skin were bulging one by one. Wandering like a living creature.

"It's okay..." A few seconds later, Xu Yangyi's seven orifices erupted countless black mist, and he gritted his teeth and replied.

Just now, after the demon essence entered the body, the spiritual power boiled rapidly! It was as if a chemical reaction had occurred, but he didn't go crazy. He was always within his control.

What’s surprising is not the aura…it’s the physical body!

His body... is being changed by an invisible rule! Although it is very light, it is really happening!

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