
Chapter 1122: No investment, huge profits

boom! ! In the vast sea of ​​trees, there was another loud noise, and the rumbling sound continued, and soon he had swept out a huge open space.

This is still suppressing his own strength. Accompanying the change in his body is severe pain, and every part of his body feels like being scraped with a knife. This kind of pain is enough to drive people crazy.

"Kakaka..." Following the sound of dense bones twisting, two ridges were already looming under the skin at the corner of the forehead. Countless voices were shouting in the body, as if they were about to break through the soul at any time. .

Yuchang watched quietly, and could feel that although Xu Yangyi looked very bad now, everything was under control. A sage is so powerful that half the soul of a mere golden elixir cannot possibly destroy him.

Not to mention, this person is Xu Yangyi.

It just wants to know why this is happening.

Shua la la... Xu Yangyi put his hands on the ground, and endless black demonic energy spread from his pores, completely wrapping him in black. Immediately afterwards, on the demon's right hand, muscles cracked, and strange black talismans spread from the fingertips, quickly covering the entire hand, and actually crossed the connection between the hand and the shoulder, moving towards his right chest. !

"Go away!!" A thunderous shout spread throughout the forest, countless monsters shivered, the wind on the ground was strong, and the huge tree crowns were rustling.

Another piece of more intense black spiritual energy spread from his body and quickly pressed towards the demonic energy. After a long time, the demonic energy finally stopped after the two fought. However, some strange tattoos have eroded away on his right chest.

"Are you okay?" Yuchang asked immediately as he watched Xu Yangyi stand up and breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Yangyi waved his right arm strangely, and countless hell flames rushed up instantly. He said in shock: "Very good...can't be better."

"It's strange. Originally, this hand replaced the Shocking Dragon Hand. There was some barrier. Although it was small, it was a fatal drawback when meeting top masters. But now..."

He waved casually, without using any magical power at all. The huge trees around him were broken waist-high. He laughed and said: "On the contrary, there is no obstacle at all."

"I heard that the devil will assimilate the people it comes into contact with? Or do you devour it?" Yuchang suggested tentatively.

"I don't know... right!" Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up, and with a wave of his hand, the swallowing talisman appeared from between his eyebrows. After feeling it carefully for several minutes, he nodded: "That's it."

"It is true that I swallowed it. I can feel the demonic energy inside. Although it is not strong, it seems to be gestating something? I can't see clearly. It is wrapped in black. Is this already robbing life genes?"

Yu Chang looked at the swallowing talisman cautiously and felt it carefully. Indeed, there was a strong demonic energy in the swallowing talisman. In the center, something the size of a needle tip formed a strange resonance with the demonic energy, and it actually seemed to rotate like the sky, but it was a pity that it couldn't be clearly seen.

It said slowly: "These seven talismans hide a huge secret. If you want to unlock it, you must first go to the world of great struggle. According to Su Xingyao, there should be clues there. However, according to my observation, they They all reach the extreme of a certain part, and it’s up to you to use it. There’s no unified way to use it. The key is the individual.”

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and felt it for a long time. Purple light shone in his heart, and the desire talisman appeared.

"Is this?" Yuchang raised his eyebrows, the desire talisman was different from the last time. It's not that I feel more powerful, but... I feel more alive?

The purple light around it, which was originally calm, was now turbulent, as if it had eaten a delicious meal.

"I'm afraid it's not just the swallowing of the talisman..." Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly: "This guy also carries half of the demonic energy. Let me just say...a demon at the level of a saint can't have so little demonic energy in one arm, and there is still half of it. It turns out to be here.”

"It swallowed the devil? Can it also swallow it?" Yuchang said in astonishment.

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "Don't ask me, I don't know either. The time Su Xingyao got it was too short. We can only discover its magic by ourselves. I have a guess, how do demons become stronger? They are desires themselves. The aggregation of desire talisman can only swallow the devil, because it is the master of desire. "

"The swallowing talisman swallows the body, genes, and emotions, but it cannot swallow it. Therefore, the desire talisman took over the latter part and swallowed all the desires. It completely swallowed a demon, from body to soul, and its genes entered my body. , I’m afraid this is the reason for the mutation.”

Yuchang was silent for a few seconds before saying, "Although it's a bit unbelievable, it's very possible. Can you feel it?"

Xu Yangyi nodded: "I have now devoured Descadripo Valley and Mousavis, and I can feel that there are two desires in it, one is tyranny, and the other is deception."

"The tyranny should come from Descadripo Valley, and the deceit should come from Mousavis. These may be some characteristics of the devil."

He opened his eyes and said, "Let's go. I'll ask Mousavis for more details when I get the chance. Anyway, I'm out now. I just want to see what the specialties of this plane are like, and... is there any possibility of super teleportation?"

After resting for a moment, he walked silently in the air without anyone noticing.

With his consciousness fully opened, he felt like a god walking in the sky. Once he was gone, it lasted for a month.

Everything was recorded in his consciousness. He walked through countless cities, and the city lords always felt as if something was watching him. He searched carefully, but there was no trace.

Day by day, month by month, time flies by, and he has been gone for three months in a short time. At the speed of the saint, he has recorded almost every place on the surface of the Wolf Chief's plane.

On the first day, he released the red thread. The red thread had long been suppressed and he was desperately looking for all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. One person, one spirit, one butterfly, with a cloak that breaks the moon, slowly exploring the world.

The demonic energy never surged again, and on the fourth month, he finally stopped.

With the support of his huge spiritual consciousness, as of today, he has finally explored the Wolf Chief's plane.

"So many treasures..." The red thread was flying and said: "I really want to live here."

"Natural treasure house..." Yuchang's pale face couldn't tell whether it was red or not, but he was a little excited. For four months, they saw too many treasures of heaven and earth to count!

Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and a plane cross-section appeared in the form of aura. Dozens of things had been recorded on it. He used his hand as a pen and wrote softly. In the other hand, he held an ancient bamboo slip and compared it one by one.

The truth of all things.

He did not practice the unique magical power taught to him by Mr. Jiang. This is not disrespectful to Mr. Jiang, but Mr. Jiang did not expect that he would become a saint so quickly! And he is the 31st Yang Sage of the Seven Realms! He had too many choices.

Stepping into the Zunsheng, the meridians return to their original state. If we use the game of the earth to say it, this is a "cleansing" opportunity that a monk only has once in his life. You can choose to activate previous skills again, or learn new skills.

He was still hesitating.

However, although there is no practice, this is the secret technique of a great alchemy master. For them, alchemy is not divided into different families. The masters recorded on it, the alchemy prescriptions of the grand master realm, and various precious medicinal materials are countless.

"The medium-level spiritual plant, the Interpretation Flower, is the main material of the Grand Master's top elixir 'Soul-Moving Pill'... It is unique to Xiao Leiyin in the seven realms. There are only twelve places left, and here is one Grow a big piece... and feed the monster..." After writing, he said with emotion.

"There are natural treasures all over the mountains and plains... that no one knows about. Many of them are highly toxic without processing. No wonder they grow so vigorously." Yuchang looked down at a piece of blue Jie Yuhua, the moonlight The sky is like a blue ocean: "Your master will probably go crazy with joy when he comes here..."

"It's not just him, any alchemist will go crazy. There are inexhaustible treasures from heaven and earth, and there is no need to worry about consumption. Alchemy is a process of accumulation, and only by accumulation can you make small gains. Too many alchemists fall into the trap of not having training materials. Once it's closed, what kind of high-end treasures are worth thousands of dollars?" Xu Yangyi looked at the cold moonlight in the sky and said, "I've decided."

"I'll cultivate my alchemy here first."

From Mr. Jiang, he realized that he had underestimated the side door before. Mr. Jiang's elixirs had almost reached the point where they were reduced to human flesh and bones. This was due to the fact that there were not many Nascent Soul elixirs on hand at the time. As a great master, the real source of wealth is never in the low-level elixirs, but in the high-level elixirs customized by the sages.

But just taking out the elixir suitable for Yuanying from him, the speed at which spiritual power and physical strength can be restored is terrifying.

Yuchang nodded with deep understanding: "It would be a pity to come back empty-handed after entering this kind of treasure mountain. In a time of great strife, you must have your own power. Alchemy is the only way to improve yourself. Yes. Others are the ultimate means of wining over others. Anyway, there are still hundreds of years, not less than ten years for you."

Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded, and glanced at the map fervently. 80% of it was the treasures of Grade A, and 20% were even the treasures of Grade A and above! In Kunlun, they are sold by the pound! There are minerals, spiritual plants, and some other weird items.

He suddenly understood why everyone was so keen on opening up planes. It's really a huge profit, especially if the sage develops it himself, it's hard to meet an opponent. And once you seize a plane, the resources will really be exhausted for hundreds of years!

This is the foundation of the wealth of the Seven Realms, and the reason why they must maintain the million-light-year realm.

With a flick of his hand, a token appeared in his hand.

"Is this?" Yuchang looked at the token with interest: "When you ascended, was the star map sent by the envoy of the Immortal Mountain?"

"It is said to be a star map that has never been explored." Xu Yangyi's eyes were blazing: "When I go back... I will take a look when I find an opportunity. The more this kind of business, the better."


This time, he didn't let the red thread fly back into his body. The other person was curious about everything he saw and kept asking questions. He answered them all with a smile.

Soon, they returned to the Golden Wolf tribe. They were still a thousand meters away. Hongxian fluttered his wings and said, "Dad, look, it's so beautiful."

Tonight is the night of the full moon, and countless brilliance is falling from the sky like a curtain. In the center of the Golden Wolf tribe, a huge bonfire is lit, and around it... at least a dozen space cracks appear!

It is not a simple space crack, it is surrounded by talismans, slowly rotating, turning these cracks into solid passages.

"Planar passage?" He glanced at the Golden Wolf tribe in confusion. It was impossible for a cultivation civilization of this level to open a plane passage.

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