
Chapter 1123: Deal with the Devil

He returned to the Golden Wolf Tribe silently. Countless people had gathered around the edge of the altar where he first appeared.

They were not the same. Although they were all wearing animal skins and had a strong tribal atmosphere, the styles of cutting, tattoos, and hairstyles were different.

A huge bonfire had been lit in the center, and the witch was chanting something, as if he was presiding over some grand ceremony. Xu Yangyi frowned slightly and released a trace of spiritual power. In less than a few seconds, Musavis appeared in front of him like a ghost.

"Greetings, powerful master." It prostrated itself in the air and kissed its toes: "May I ask what can the humble Musavis do for you?"

"Translate it."

"Just a sacrificial text." Musavis answered respectfully, looking down mockingly: "This is the Demonic Sacrifice. Every year, these weak races will commemorate the weak who died with the demons on this day. At the same time, the plane cracks will open, and other planes will come here to trade."

Xu Yangyi asked: "Who opened it?"

"I don't know, it seems to have existed since ancient times."

Without speaking again, a group of people, spirits, demons, looked at everything below with interest, the voice of the great witch became louder and louder, and the flames burned more and more fiercely. The voice actually echoed throughout the Golden Wolf Tribe.

"It's about to end." Musavis reminded carefully and respectfully.

Xu Yangyi nodded, flicked his finger, and a pill he made flew into Mousavis's hand: "Go, ask them who is interested in buying this thing, just barter, use their most precious things in exchange. No people."

Decided to live here for a while, naturally want to make more profits.

"Yes." Mousavis answered habitually, and was about to leave, but suddenly the whole person was stunned, and then... trembling all over.

"Why don't you go quickly?" Yuchang frowned.

"My lord! Respected lord! The omnipotent master!" Mousavis was so excited that he knelt on the ground suddenly, and said in a hoarse voice: "You, where did you get this thing from?!"

"Of course it was made by my father himself? I've eaten a lot." Hongxian said weakly.

In an instant, Mousavis raised his head fiercely, his red eyes staring at Hongxian, full of jealousy. Hongxian trembled, and Yuchang said coldly: "Are you looking for death?"

Demons are demons, and their submission is to the eternal power, but not to themselves.

Mousavis trembled all over, and immediately woke up, and said in a trembling voice: "You... are an alchemist? And... and a great alchemist?"

"Alchemist?" Xu Yangyi frowned.

"It means that you can refine this thing!" Mousavis was extremely excited. It can be seen that he tried his best to suppress the hierarchy, but it was difficult to suppress the excitement in his heart: "Tiragangdis are all called alchemists! Including those who forge magic weapons!"

Alchemy and refining... Xu Yangyi nodded in understanding. Could it be that these two things also have a market in hell?

As if seeing his doubts, Mousavis' voice was floating: "Master... If you are an alchemist, you will immediately become a guest of honor of the major demon kings! Hell has no such talents! Eat as many as you can! And no one will dare to harm you!"

"What's going on?" Yu Chang was also confused: "For alchemy and refining, fire is the first, and demons are the darlings of fire. Are you short of supplies? Maybe not? You have created the Starry Throne of the Eighteen Hells, and you say you are short of supplies?"

"That's not the case!" Mousavis said immediately: "Demons... can't refine weapons! Alchemy!"

"Demons are the darlings of fire Darling, because all the demons are ejected by the furnace, they must pass through the river of fire between the primordial ones. The fire in this river is the fire of hell! It repels all other flames! Demons only know one kind of magic, which is fire magic. "

It can be seen that the sudden excitement made its language organization a little chaotic, and it said breathlessly: "After passing through the river of fire, the unqualified inferior demons will be burned immediately, and the qualified ones have been refined into the ultimate body by this piece of fire! But the price is that it repels all other flames! We will never be able to master other flames in our lifetime! Although we are not afraid, we will never be able to control them!"

Xu Yangyi nodded. No wonder he couldn't make pills or refine weapons.

"Don't you have any magic weapons?" He asked with interest. In the past four months, he didn't find any clues about the super teleportation array. For Tiragangdis, he has gone from being cautious and careful to being full of curiosity now.

"Yes... those powerful lords and demon kings will go to other planes to capture such talents. Master, I will go there in person! And I will only capture people, I will not hurt them!"

"As far as I know, several planes rich in alchemy and refining are already under the protection of Tiragangdis! They..."

"Wait." Xu Yangyi raised his hand, his eyes burning: "You mean... Tiragangdis protects other planes?"

Musaweisi was suffocating, his body had already shown some signs of demonization due to excessive excitement, and he nodded desperately.

Yuchang also took a deep breath: "So, there are other races in Tiragangdis?"

"Of course!" Musaweisi hurriedly said: "Demons occupy 90% of the population, and the remaining 10% are other races... There are many human races with the same appearance as you, all captured from various planes. Specialized alchemy masters! I dare to swear! I can guarantee! As long as you take this elixir to the Western genealogy, it will definitely sell for a high price!"

Xu Yangyi was not happy, but looked at Yuchang with a look in his eyes full of vigilance.

After a short conversation, they had already seen the first danger of Tiragandes.


Demons are not perfect. They are not known as perfect beings like Taichu. The price of their powerful bodies is that they cannot touch the side door. Therefore, they capture various "alchemists" from all over the world at all costs!

How greedy and terrible.

Mousavis was just a low-level person and could not yet see the bloody, violent, and greedy true face of hell, but from the dialogue, he could already imagine what kind of world it was in a world where strength was respected.

"Why do you want to get the Western genealogy?" Yuchang asked.

"I know this thing." Mousavis took several deep breaths and said with his chest rising and falling: "It's called elixir, the most powerful crystallization of wisdom in the Eastern genealogy! Its function is the purification of all the heavenly materials and earthly treasures known so far. The most powerful! However, it is said that when the Soldier came, this little thing caused a big stir! Finally, it attracted the attention of a demon! "

"And... I seem to have heard that this powerful demon went to the soldier master's hometown just to capture the people there, but he never came back."

Xu Yangyi's eyes were hot, and some things were connected.

Once upon a time, he had a misunderstanding that humans and demons were a team and fought together in the Great War, because he saw the corpse of Asmodeus in the Tower of Babel.

But now he knows.


Asmodeus went to Earth in person for the elixir! However, he was killed by Yahweh of the earth!

After that, the Seven Monarchs probably panicked a little, and conducted detection and counter-detection with the Earth for countless years. In the end, they found that they were not strong enough to swallow the Earth, so they finally gave up.

It's a ridiculous reason to contact hell, but it's not ridiculous at all.

"This 'reality...'" Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and smiled: "It came so unexpectedly. It's also so pleasant."

The relationship between demons and humans, the origin of the involvement, was actually told from the mouth of an insignificant low-end demon, the causes and consequences, all the inferences were like a river breaking its embankment, pouring down, completely unraveling, the joy of seeing ancient secrets, I don’t know From where it started, it quickly occupied Xu Yangyi's heart.

It was an indescribable feeling of satisfaction.

Dao heart is firm again.

His pursuit has never changed.

"Master... humble Mousavis begs you, please give me a chance!" Mousavis kowtowed desperately: "Let me take it to Tiragandes, and I will definitely find the best for you. Buyers! Find the strongest allies for you!”

"To be disrespectful..." It secretly looked at Xu Yangyi and whispered: "I can see that you... should be a hybrid of human and demon... I don't mean any discrimination! I swear! Your parents' One party must be a noble devil! No! "

"Your identity is somewhat... inappropriate in hell, but you are an alchemist! Your identity is no longer a problem! I can guarantee it! There will be a truly big family that will accept you! Your works of art will sell for high prices. !”


Xu Yangyi glanced at this rustic. If it saw Mr. Jiang's elixir, wouldn't it burst into tears?

Just imagine, Dubu wants to be in control of the Eighteen Hells, and the one who goes out to capture people is at most Taixu, and there are many planes with Taixu. Any great grandmaster, no, grandmaster is a target of special protection. How many grandmasters can they catch?

I'm afraid that among these 10%, craftsmen are the majority. Moreover, among these 10%, there are too many other races that have settled in the hell plane, who are the real masters?

There should be only a handful of them.

He is in the craftsman realm now, but... he won't be soon. The strength of the Wolf Chief is low, but the richness of the products is staggering.

You can let him practice as much as he wants.

"Can you let me try? Master?" Mousavis asked, already lying on the ground as respectfully as an ant.

Xu Yangyi licked his lips, swallowed dryly with his Adam's apple.

Doing business with the devil...

Moreover, the number of alchemists is so precious, and they are from Western genealogy, so it is definitely not an ordinary family that can afford it. I... really want to make a deal with those greedy, shameless, violent, and bloodthirsty abyss devils?

In mythology, demons always deceive humans. Do you want to be the one who deceives demons?

"When I think about it carefully, I'm really moved..." he murmured.

"Master, the specialty of hell will never make any living thing regret it!" Mousavis struck while the iron was hot: "Did you know...even the rumored natal treasures and equipment made by the seven monarchs are put up for sale. The premise is that, Just bartering, especially for alchemist items!"

"Go." Xu Yangyi finally made up his mind. Wasn't it just a deal with the devil?

After waiting for more than ten years, I will let you tear apart the plane to carry me over.

"If you don't find a real buyer, you won't have to come back." He said calmly: "If you don't come back within ten years, I will crush your soul."

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