
Chapter 1124: The Consciousness of the Gods

/p\u003e Mousavis left in great excitement. Unable to wait, everyone below even saw a flame vortex of more than ten meters appearing in the sky, and the majestic hell flames surged out.

"Tsk..." Seeing it leave, Xu Yangyi muttered: "Who will negotiate for us when he leaves?"

Yuchang laughed loudly: "It's not like you didn't think of it and still let it go."

Xu Yangyi also laughed: "Yes...because I can't wait."

"There are elixirs that never forget, and learning their language can only take a week at most..." He was smiling, but the more he spoke, the deeper his frown deepened. After pondering for half a second, he suddenly raised his head: "Did you listen? To what?"

Yuchang calmed down and listened carefully. Except for the sound of the wind in the night and the prayer of the high priest, there was nothing.

"Did you hear wrongly?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head. This time, neither they nor Hongxian spoke and listened carefully.

There was no sound, Yuchang breathed a sigh of relief: "Indeed..."

Before he finished speaking, the three of them were shocked and suddenly looked up at the great witch.

Second voice!

Dark night, lonely city, burning bonfires, silent crowds, rushing night wind... In the endless darkness, a second voice actually came!

The voice of the great witch.

He seemed to have grown two mouths. Just when he said a certain word, a slow, deep voice seemed to rise from all directions: "Huh?"

Like a response.

"What is this?" Yuchang was also stunned. This picture was too unbelievable. Before he could finish speaking, the third "huh?" voice came again!

It was bigger and louder than before, this time... it even formed a strong wind! Gather all the dark clouds in the sky!

Sand...Xu Yangyi's pupils shrank suddenly, and just after this sound, the sound of the whole world...disappeared.

Completely disappeared, no insects, no crackling of the bonfire, no chanting of the witch, and no roaring wind, they seemed to be pulled into a silent world by this sound!

The fish intestine immediately revealed its true form, and when it was completely unsealed, it erupted into faint black lights, hovering around Xu Yangyi. The soul guard roared out and turned into a long golden river. Anything that dared to enter would immediately be fully attacked by the devouring talisman.

However... nothing.

There is only eternal silence, the kind of deathly silence that can make people suffocate and go crazy.

Sha... I don't know how long it took. As the great witch below became more and more excited, his body had opened his hands, and they finally heard the first voice in the Kingdom of Death.

Just like the spring breeze and night rain caressing the mulberry leaves, at the same time as this sound was heard, a soft moonlight fell above the Golden Wolf tribe.

"Damn..." Xu Yangyi gasped, and without finishing a sentence, he suddenly knelt down on the ground. The fish intestines did not open at all, and fell to the ground with a bang, sticking straight into the ground. The red line trembled all over and fell to the ground.


A ray of moonlight, very soft, about the size of a thumb, shines directly onto the altar. But just this wisp made them suddenly feel as if they were facing the entire universe! The majestic planets are floating around, and countless black holes are opening their mouths. It is the tremor of a person facing the galaxy... It is a strong contrast between the infinite big and the infinite small.

Indescribable, indescribable.

Layers of cold sweat were secreted from Xu Yangyi's body, every cell in his body was screaming, and there was only one word in his mind: piety.

At this moment, he knew what it was.


This is a touch of Yahweh’s will!

It is the gaze cast by the supreme master of this heaven!

"Damn it!" He took a sharp look below. The great witch had already brought up a silver curved blade and pointed it at his arm, as if he couldn't feel it at all.

"This is the Divine Guide!"

"Rumble..." There was finally a second voice in the dead space, like chaos opening up the universe, dull and majestic. In all directions, the line between heaven and earth seemed to tremble slightly, and then quickly blurred, as if the plane was collapsing.

Below, the great witch shouted loudly, cut his wrist with a knife, and sprinkled his blood on the altar.


The sky opened in darkness, and the boundary between heaven and earth disappeared. The chicken skin on his body appeared layer by layer, and he could not retreat at all. He felt that an extremely terrifying... unspeakably powerful existence descended from another world!

The moonlight suddenly shone brightly, and the thumb-sized moonlight instantly turned into gold. There were no more strange phenomena. Except for the terrifying Wei Ya that the Golden Wolf tribe could not feel, but was really filling the world, no one knew about Ya Ya. Wei's eyes have arrived.

It does not cover up its consciousness, nor does it need to cover it up. The golden moonlight that others could not see moved slowly, and finally landed on the altar.

There was nothing there except the blood of the great witch, and the other party was still reciting the sacrificial inscriptions desperately, almost like crazy.

"Heh..." A gentle sigh suddenly echoed between heaven and earth. With a palpable sense of regret.

All this took less than a minute in total, it came and went even faster. The gaze of a Yahweh cannot be fixed on one plane. The moonlight in the sky has begun to gradually dissipate, as if it had never appeared.

Xu Yangyi breathed a long sigh of relief, and his palms were covered in cold sweat. The goosebumps are still rising without will. He understood... The Golden Wolf Tribe was indeed a divine guide, but... they didn't know it themselves!

This should be a hint of Yahweh's will. Its action just now was very much like looking for tribute. The guide of God must contribute something that Yahweh likes! However, the Golden Wolf Tribe did not have it.

So, the other party sighed with regret.

God sometimes comes, and it is beside people. It depends on whether people can seize the opportunity of that moment. It comes silently and leaves quietly.

So, just as the moonlight is getting colder and calmer, and everyone's pounding hearts seem to have returned to their chests, a stream of purple light rushes straight into the sky!

"Are you crazy!?" Yuchang trembled and spoke. This sound should have been an angry shout, but it didn't dare to, and no one here dared to. It could only grit its teeth, its white hair stood up, and it shouted lightly with its soul flying away.

The sound was no louder than a mosquito.

But before it finished, Xu Yangyi's voice, gritting his teeth, had already sounded in the air: "The younger generation heard from a Yahweh that... getting this thing... can get a divine gift..."

What a courage!

Yuchang didn't speak again, his hands clenched tightly, saying nothing would work... Every time he thought the other party's courage had reached the peak, there would always be another peak next time!

He stole the truth in front of hundreds of millions of people, and took the opportunity to steal from the King of the Sea. Now... he actually dared to talk to the will of Yahweh!

Man, want to talk to God.

This idea alone should be buried ten million times!

It didn't see that Xu Yangyi's chest was also rising and falling sharply. He was not like An Lincheng who could still act. Under such a great pressure, any acting skills were useless! This is the sky, the god, the creator god! The real master of this area!

The pressure was so great that his nerves almost broke, and cold sweat was visible to the naked eye. The muscles of his whole body were as tight as stones. The hair stood up. The heart could no longer hear the heartbeat due to excessive tension.

"Swish..." The desire talisman bloomed a bright purple flower in the air, and the area of ​​thousands of meters turned into a purple ocean. At the same time, the moonlight that had almost disappeared stopped.

An indescribable divine consciousness fell on him, and even he was cold all over at this moment. The next second, it stopped.

It was not the other party's divine consciousness that stopped, but... the world stopped!

In the galaxy, the Wolf Chief plane stopped rotating. On the ground, the flames stopped burning. The Great Witch maintained that posture, and so did the people around him.

There was no wind, no clouds, no light, and everything entered a complete stillness.

There was no sign.

The God was staring at him.

His mouth was dry and about to spit fire. I don't know how long it took. When he felt his breath was cold, a hoarse voice sounded in his ears: "The legacy of the Lord of Desire... Traveler from another world. What do you want?"

Very calm, like the whisper of an old man. There was no expected coldness, and no emotion.

Xu Yangyi's almost stagnant heart finally had a little warmth. His mind became blank and humming. In an instant, too many questions and too many demands rushed to his mouth. A short sentence was more terrifying than the Desire Talisman, and it completely aroused his desire.

A skill that can communicate with God... Yahweh must have it! And I am at the moment of "resetting points", this opportunity... I don't know how long it will take for the next time!

The secret of 100,000 years ago... Can Yahweh in this heaven know it?

Or... it should allow me to directly ascend to Taixu! Skip the era of great contention!

The desire in the calm surged, and at this moment, the Desire Talisman in the sky flashed a purple light, and his wild heart instantly calmed down.

Desires faded one after another, and finally, only one was left.

"Respected Creator." He bowed respectfully and said: "Excuse me, there was a Yahweh named 'Chaos'. Did he pass by here? Where did he go?"

The clues of the last two talismans!

The eternal night! Body outside the body!

"These are two questions." This unknown existence's voice did not make people feel a little scared, but instead was like a spring breeze. It was strange that he could clearly feel that the other party had no emotions, but the fear in his heart gradually dissipated with the other party's words.

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth. Such a detailed division... Either of these two questions is extremely important! He was reluctant to give up the other one.

"But, you can ask two." The next words made Xu Yangyi's eyes widen suddenly. He suppressed the desire to look up.

The void seemed to move, and then something flew out of his dantian.

Golden apple!

"You are from the world of no return..." Yahweh's voice seemed to carry a touch of nostalgia, but he did not ask this question, and slowly said: "God's gift is divided into five levels, 'everything', 'perfection', 'legend', 'chosen', and the last 'God's grace.'"

"These two things, the relics of the Lord of Desire can obtain the perfect level of God's gift. The Eden fruit can obtain the God's gift of everything level. But if you give them to me, I will give you the legendary level of God's gift."

"Are you sure you want to give them to me in exchange for two 'legends'?"

(End of this chapter)

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