
Chapter 1126: My Plane

Hmm... It seems that I was stupid and posted the wrong chapter again. The one at noon has been revised... Fellow Taoists should have been able to see the PC version by now. Fellow Taoists of the APP will probably have to wait for a while, as the Zongheng APP and PC are not synchronized...


Xu Yangyi finally remembered what a boundary anchor was. Then he looked at the box with fiery eyes.

Boundary anchor and star chart are inseparable. He knew this as early as Kaiyun Realm. Never seen it though.

Yuchang explained slowly. He finally understood that the boundary anchor was a token. The monks buried the token here, and by holding the token where they were, they could fold the space and connect each other.

It is also the monk's eyes, which can clearly see everything happening here. And it is also a shield, rejecting everything that is not allowed by itself.

"So that's it, the Seven Realms use world anchors to control other planes?" He thought thoughtfully, and once again thought of the star map of the Immortal Mountain. Those should be planes with no boundary anchors but only star maps. Only by inserting one's tokens and boundary anchors onto those planes can one truly occupy them.

"Ha..." He looked at the starry sky with a smile. He was still worried about the spiritual jade. A top-notch existence waved and gave away a plane with rich products...

Suppressing the heat in his heart, he immediately asked: "How to use it?"

"Its usage is very simple, but its production is very difficult. You should know that the magic weapon of all space and time is the most precious. This is related to weapon refining, which is different from elixir refining. Because of the limitation of spiritual roots, what spiritual roots does the master of weapon refining have? You can only create magic weapons with spiritual roots, and spiritual roots are related to principles, that is: wood spiritual roots-the principles of wood-wood magic weapons."

"And the Boundary Anchor is a magic weapon that combines space and time."

Yuchang smiled and said: "Have you thought of it? Why is the boundary anchor so precious?"

Xu Yangyi nodded with emotion, how could he not understand? In other words, only the great masters of the Space God Code and the Time God Code must work together to create a boundary anchor.

Maybe the materials are not precious, but the conditions are too harsh.

If he hadn't met Su Xingyao, he had never heard of the holders of the two major divine laws. Only if both of them are refining weapons and both of them are high-level can it be created!

It’s no exaggeration to say it’s priceless!

"It's a pity... I didn't plan to give the golden apple away, but it silently increased my spiritual energy throughput by at least one-third in my body." He regretted.

"According to your guess, if you don't give it away, you will die, and it may not be irreplaceable. Okay!! A plane is in your hands! You must refine it quickly! Then put it down immediately! It takes time for the boundary anchor to take shape, up to five Ten years from now, this plane will be your private property! Zhuanzhu didn’t have such good luck back then! It’s so easy for you!”

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, scratched his fingertip, and a drop of blood flew out. Suddenly, a burst of light burst out from the square box, countless cracks appeared, and after a few seconds, it turned into a golden seed.

"Don't be surprised, there are many kinds of world anchors. I even heard that there are animal world anchors. Although they are made by refining weapons, they need a carrier. It doesn't matter what the carrier is." Yuchang explained.

The blood spread along the tip of the seed, and soon, blood lines appeared on the seed. Xu Yangyi sat cross-legged and meditated, carving his mark into it.

Yahweh's dealings are indeed fair, without any traps. The sun rose and the moon set. Three days later, Xu Yangyi slowly opened his eyes. The seeds in front of him had turned dark red, like crystal gems in the sunlight.

As his eyes opened, the seeds turned into a red light and fell below. There was nothing strange about it. Ten minutes later, a crooked young vine emerged from the ground.

"That's it?" Xu Yangyi was stunned.

"It's it, you can feel the power of the divine law on it. Don't look at the boundary anchor with your eyes, just look at its essence. There are many strange boundary anchors."

Xu Yangyi withdrew his gaze regretfully and looked below. The Golden Wolf tribe was still full of people. They have been sitting cross-legged in the sky for the past few days, and they have also refined the boundary anchor, but no one seems to have seen it.

To them he is Yahweh.

"Let's go." Xu Yangyi stretched and looked at the surrounding land with warm eyes: "This is my first plane! I can't wait to show off my ambitions here!"

"In one week, I will learn their language. In the following time, I will learn the true secret of Wanhua! Get all the elixirs above!"

The body turned into flowing light, and below, the great wizard, Zuo Shurong and others were already waiting for him respectfully.

Time passed very quickly, and only a week later, the people of the Golden Wolf tribe cheered because... an extremely powerful existence promised them to be the protector of this place.

"Greetings to the respected Lord Wolfbane!" In the largest house, the great witch led everyone to kneel down to Xu Yangyi, who was sitting on a tall animal bone chair in the center, with a side of soft white wolf skin surrounded by animal bones. Totem, thousands of purple lights emanate from his body, like the rising sun, and like purple energy coming from the east. Make the ceremony look sacred.

Outside the house, countless young tribesmen looked excited. They didn't know where this person came from, but they knew that this person was very strong! Very strong! As long as he is here, the devil will never dare to come again!

What is Longque City? Even the city lord has to walk around when he sees the Golden Wolf tribe!

"May the sun and moon always shine on you, may you always be like the eagle on the mountain, always as strong as you are!"

"Golden Wolf God bless us!" After hearing this, tens of thousands of people in the entire tribe shouted in unison, then prostrated themselves on the ground and knelt for a long time.

Xu Yangyi stood up, looking through them, and saw the fertile land in the distance, as well as countless spiritual plants and open-pit mines on it.

He had his own ideas about being the patron saint of this weak tribe. He would definitely return to the Seven Realms, and he needed an agent here.

The Golden Wolf Tribe was good, and he was too lazy to look for others. As for whether the other party was loyal or not... did it matter?

There were still many people who could be replaced.

"I will not interfere in anything in the tribe, but I have only one request." With a wave of his hand, a huge map appeared in the 100-meter-wide meeting hall, and everyone was shocked.

"Leave half of what I marked, and take back the other half!" Xu Yangyi excitedly punched the map: "From today on, your mission is to expand, expand, and expand again! I will protect you! If anyone refuses, I will make them belong to the Golden Wolf!"

"Take everything I marked! Don't be afraid of the devil. From today on, there will be no devil. Don't mind those city lords. Do you understand? Answer me!"


A few seconds later, inside and outside the big tent, there was a cheer of landslides and tsunamis.


This is the most attractive word in any era!

Before, they didn't dare to expand because they didn't have a solid backing. They were not the opponent of the city lord. Now, their thighs are terribly thick! The Golden Wolf Flag is destined to be planted all over the Wolf Chief Plane!

"My Lord will win!" "The Golden Wolf God wins!" "May the sun shine on you forever!"

"Very good." Xu Yangyi sat down with his chest rising and falling slightly, looking at everything in front of him with satisfaction. Yu Chang took a breath of cold air: "This... is too terrible..."

"It is indeed terrible." Xu Yangyi licked his lips: "But now I am the user."

In his palm, the Desire Talisman emits light little by little. This is its most basic method of use, mobilizing everyone's desire.

Greed, without thinking, these people will hardly consider what the purpose of doing this to him is. As long as he is here, these people will not have the heart to resist!

Fortunately... this kind of thing was taken from Su Xingyao, otherwise, hundreds of years later, the other party would come with several planes of death, that would be really troublesome.

On that day, the flag of the Golden Wolf tribe was raised for the first time, representing the war horn of conquest. Regardless of men and women, they brought their most powerful magic weapons, and the tall herding beasts took steps that made the earth tremble, rushing in all directions like a tide.

A day later, a dozen fat beasts of burden came after traveling hundreds of miles. Countless natural treasures were dumped in the square like garbage. The raw materials that had to be cleaned and processed in the Seven Realms and placed in top-grade jade boxes were all over the ground, piled up into a small mountain.

In the center of the square, Xu Yangyi was alone in charge of the Golden Wolf Tribe. A five-meter-high furnace had already stood here. The Nanming Lihuo licked the bottom of the furnace happily, and the flame had already turned red. The Holy Flame of Refining Spirits was suspended on the side. With so many materials, how could he not try to fuse the two?

Do I need to worry about the consumption of materials?

In the spiritual consciousness, more than a hundred beasts of burden, like dwarf camels, twenty meters long and five or six meters high, were slowly crawling towards here.

"Let's start..." When the moon was at its zenith, he took a deep breath, and the Wanhua Zhenjian opened in the air, like a green tide, and started the battle of the alchemy with all his strength.

The first pill, Grandmaster-level, Xiantian Creation Pill.

Seize the innate energy and nourish the acquired roots. There is a chance that the spiritual roots will mutate. It is specially designed to deal with the "reset point" that the cultivators have to do once in their lifetime when they just reach the day of the Sainthood.

If other spiritual roots mutate, everything will have to be rethought. This is also the only chance for the cultivators who did not build a good foundation before to make a comeback.

In the Seven Realms, the price is always 100,000 spiritual jades per piece.

The days passed quickly, and a month later, countless golden wolf flags gathered and brought back countless prisoners of war. On the same day, the sky of Longque City was filled with golden light, and the city lord attacked in anger and never returned.

In the second month, Longque City fell. After that, the golden wolf flags flooded all directions like a tide, and the entire tribe was repeatedly repaired and expanded.

The square in the center of the tribe is a forbidden area, and no one can enter. Xu Yangyi is like a giant spider, wantonly weaving a large web of wolf poison on his own forbidden plane. Insert his roots into every corner.


The speed of time is relative. For Xu Yangyi, this period of time was very comfortable and pleasant. After planting the boundary anchor, he devoted himself to breaking through the bottleneck of the alchemy path. But for Musavis, it was not like this.

"Gedda, Gedda..." The loud sound of horse hooves passed by on the road. Four huge hell war horses, three people tall, were burning with flames and rushed past Musavis quickly. The flames were extremely smelly, which made it grind its teeth fiercely.

This is an indescribable road.

Wide... There is no language to describe it. The width of a plane is probably not as wide as it. It is the plane.

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