
Chapter 1127: The Ferrers Family (I)


The color of hell is always fiery red, and in the surrounding nothingness, you can see the chaotic celestial bodies outside. This endless road is divided into countless small roads by the endless buildings on both sides, but the smallest one is also two hundred meters long and wide.

Mountains and lakes are all located on this road, and Musavis is located right in front of a mansion that covers at least tens of thousands of meters. The family emblem of a skull and sheep head in front is extremely eye-catching. Although the mansion is huge, it is not eye-catching compared to the wide road in the plane.

"There are many demons who want to see Mrs. Samuel, but you don't have the qualifications." A demon who looked like a shriveled sheep and was covered in black walked out of the carved iron fence door, burning all over his body. He said to Mousavis calmly: "You are not of any bloodline, nor are you a descendant of any family. There are too many demons who recommend themselves. If everyone wants to see it, the Samuel family will not have to live. Leave here, otherwise, the guards will tear you to pieces."

"My Lord!" Mousavis crawled on the ground: "Give me a chance! I really have something very important to give to Mrs. Samuel! If she doesn't see it, she will definitely..."

"Bang..." The door was closed mercilessly.

The ruthless figure walked into the fence, and Mousavis' eyes were red with anger. But there was nothing he could do.

"If I can establish my own family in the future... I will definitely devour you! You ignorant fools!!"

Without any background, it is impossible for it to meet the leader of a family, but it dares not give the alchemist's work to others.

It has already visited several families, but has not been summoned once. The patience of the demon is not very good. It knows very well that if it continues to entangle, it will be killed immediately. The seemingly impolite words of the Samuel family steward are already very educated, at least in the demon group.

The huge body walked on the extremely wide road like an ant. Several humanoid creatures with bandages all over their bodies and a ball of dark blue gas inside, as if wrapped in stars, came and went in a hurry and accidentally bumped into it. Cursed a few words and walked away.

"Stupid virtual spirit." Musaweisi hated this kind of parasite very much. Plane merchants, virtual spirit planes, no one knew where they were, only that there was nothing they couldn't buy. Whether it was elixir or human life. A collection of killers and merchants. However, the price of any item was much higher than outside.

Various strange buildings slowly retreated on both sides, and Musaweisi suppressed the rage in his heart and walked forward. The demon was not unaware of fatigue, it also felt tired. It was obviously leading a thousand-mile horse, but there was no Bole. This feeling made it feel anxious, and it wanted to rush into those demon families to make it clear.

Only by stroking the pill could it calm itself down. It once again touched the bottom of its scales, but this time, it immediately broke into a cold sweat.

Where is the pill! ?

The pill was gone!

The flames all over its body immediately rushed up several meters high, and each scale stood upside down. Its huge tail waved in extreme fear, desperately searching its body.

No... No! Still no!!

"Damn maggots!" Its eyes instantly turned red, staring at the end of the avenue, where two ethereal figures had already brought a blue light and rushed quickly.

"I'm going to tear you into pieces!!" With a roar, Musavis roared madly and rushed over like crazy, bringing a hot flame on the street. The demons on both sides made way as if they were used to it.

Red and blue formed three light bands. Musavis was furious and roared continuously. A series of strange demonic words were chanted in his mouth. Then, the devil's breath spanned more than 100 meters and rushed forward.

The figure of the virtual spirit was very light. With a slight turn, he avoided the attack. In the pursuit, the distance did not shrink, but became larger and larger!

Musavis's heart was already burning with red flames. It was not a speed-type demon, but the virtual spirit was good at speed. It had no hope of catching up with the other party.

"No... This thing is the capital of my rise! How can you humble parasites get it!!" Getting farther and farther... It finally couldn't help it. After a loud roar, the flames on its body turned silver and its speed increased sharply, almost forming a meteor and rushing over.

Burning life.

The two virtual spirits were shocked. They didn't expect this demon to be so crazy, but because of this, they were more determined to catch the fat sheep this time. They looked at each other, turned their walking route, and immediately rushed towards a small road.

Black Street.

This is the darkest part of the street. Any worst things happen here. Deception, abduction, kidnapping hostages from other planes, responding to the call of the demon warlock... Everything you can think of in the plane is here. Those who live here are also some of the most vicious demons.

Mousavis is too big, which is a manifestation of low-level blood. The demons of high-level blood are getting smaller and smaller. With its size, it can only be torn into pieces if it crashes into the black street.

"Damn... Damn!" Mousavis was stunned for only a second, then screamed wildly, and rushed in as carefully as possible, and the speed was obviously much slower.

The two virtual spirits were obviously very familiar with this place. Turning left and right, they were already filled with joy. Although it was difficult, it would never find them again in half an hour at most.

brush! The speed increased again, and a ten-meter wide path appeared in front of them. The two ethereal spirits were ecstatic and rushed over without thinking.

"When it gets here, it has no hope anymore." Before the corner, an ethereal voice spoke hollowly.

"Yeah... I can't wait to see what this is. To make a demon at the Golden Core stage go so crazy, it must not be a mortal thing." Another virtual spirit was so excited that he took out a red jade box and said hoarsely .

The moment they rushed through the corner, they felt dizzy, as if they had hit a huge wall. With a muffled sound, the two of them were ejected more than ten meters.

"Damn..." A virtual spirit covered its head, blue light overflowed from under the bandage body, and stood up unsteadily, but before it could stand up, a black shadow flashed, and something pierced its chest. There was a shrill scream, blue light sprayed out from under the bandage crazily, and in a moment, a pile of old bandages were scattered on the ground.

Kill instantly!

"It's disrespectful to rush into the master." A cold voice said dryly, and the black shadow rose again. At this moment, a female voice said calmly: "Wait a minute."

Brush... Another virtual spirit had just woken up from dizziness. When it regained its vision, it suddenly discovered that a bone crutch was less than a centimeter away from his chest.

"You..." It was about to scream, but the next second, it became quiet. Then, trembling all over, he humbly prostrated under the tip of the crutch.

In front of it, an old demon with green skin, a mouth full of fangs, only one eye, a beard on his chin, wrapped in a cloak, and a skeleton was pointing condescendingly at its chest with the crutch in his hand. , a trace of Nascent Soul level spiritual power lingers around the tip of the crutch.

From behind the cloaked demon, two demons walked out, all red. They are only human-sized, which is proof of their bloodline.

They wear heavy armor, with a little aura floating on it, and the dazzling patterns outline wonderful talismans. But it didn't end. Behind them, red demons came out one after another. Their fiery bodies, dark armors, and silent auras were like spears lined the streets.

There was a lot of excitement just now, and countless demons stretched out their heads to look at the bustling black street, which was instantly dead. Then, I don’t know who started it, the first person knelt down with a plop, and then, the second...the third...the tenth! In less than ten seconds, all the creatures a hundred meters away were kneeling on the ground in darkness, trembling and not daring to raise their heads.

High-level demon!

Mousavis was sluggish. Before his thoughts could reflect, Mousavis suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, his body like a mountain trembling. In a place like hell that refuses any side entrances, even the guards wear demonic armor. Such a family... is definitely more powerful than the Samuel family! Even...even belongs to an upper-class family that can be recorded in history!

The roots go back a long way!

Swish, swish, swish... The silent guard team was still walking out silently. With the sound of gold and iron horses, a five or six meter golden chariot was carried by four strong demons, walking on the ground. . Finally slowly walked out of the alley.

Xu Ling was shaking so much that his whole body was radiating with blue light. The ancient could a person from the ancient clan appear here! And... and judging by his appearance, he is definitely an important member of the clan! is this possible!

A total of forty demonic guards stood proudly on both sides of the street, with an indescribable majesty and solemnity that fell on this block like a mountain and sea.

The curtain of the chariot was gently pulled up, and a red hand slowly stretched out. A jade box above it rotated, and then quietly retracted, without a word from beginning to end. The cloaked demon glanced at it, and in the scene where a pindrop could be heard, the first words finally rang out: "Whose thing is it?"

No one answered.

A crutch gently pierced Xu Ling's chest. Suddenly, a heartbreaking scream sounded. Countless blue lights flew from the piercing point. Xu Ling shouted sharply: "It's it! It's the biggest one here." Of the devil! We just got it by accident! Master!”

"Not yours?" The cloaked demon's one eye shot out the light of fire, and he said hoarsely: "I give you the last chance. If you tell a lie, I will devour you immediately."

"No! It's not! It has nothing to do with me!!" Xu Ling was so frightened that he screamed in reply.

There was a faint hum in the curtain of the golden chariot, as if he disliked it being too noisy, and the cloaked devil nodded: "That's it..."

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