
Chapter 1128: The Ferrers Family (Part 2)

The crutch instantly pierced the chest of the virtual spirit, and with a heart-rending scream, countless blue lights flew, and the two robber virtual spirits were completely wiped out.

Mousavis was in a cold sweat, what to do... what to do! Are you going to die here? He collided with an unknown demon family...and it must be a very powerful demon family! wish has not been fulfilled yet!

It doesn't want to die, not at all! The master is so powerful and is also an alchemist. As long as you give it time, it will definitely grow! could this happen to me! How could an ancient demon faction appear on the underworld? !

The curtain of the chariot moved, and the cloaked demon was obviously a little stunned. He looked disdainfully at Mousavis, who was shaking like a dog: "You, come here."

"Honored Sir..." Mousavis' whole body was trembling and he said hoarsely: "I, I didn't mean to offend you, and it's not me..."

"I say it again, come here." The cloaked demon said coldly: "If there is a third time, I will cut off your limbs, leaving only your tongue that can speak."

Infinite chill rushed into Mousavis's heart. There was no room for rejection and he crawled over tremblingly.

"Follow me." After saying this, the cloaked demon turned around and bowed humbly to the chariot. The team meandered away quietly, and Mousavis followed behind while suppressing his heart that jumped out of his chest.

The speed was very fast, and not long after, a pitch-black castle appeared in the deepest part of the black street, covering an area of ​​at least tens of thousands of meters! It was a fortress made entirely of huge animal bones, with countless lemures swallowing flames that surged out from the animal bones from time to time. The moment Mousavis saw this bone fortress, his heart almost stopped beating.

A family coat of arms was engraved on a kilometer-sized skull. It was only a dozen meters long, but it was extremely clear.

The moment he saw it, Mousavis's heart froze.

There are countless demon families in hell, but... there is a name that all demons, including Tiragandes, must remember clearly.

That is the original family.

This is not a certain aristocratic family. But it’s about the earliest demon family! all!

They have participated in the wars between heaven and hell, they have discovered the existence of the demon furnace, they have witnessed the process of Yahweh's construction of Tiragandes for tens of thousands of years, they have observed the growth of Tiragandes from tens of thousands of demons to the present sign, Even more demonic world.

They are the observers, recorders, and companions of Tiragandes. Only the patriarchs of these families may know whether the Seven Lords still exist.

In order to remember the original eighteen families, Tiragandis was divided into eighteen hells. The top layer is called the original space.

In Mousavis' eyes, he saw a snarling, thin sheep's head family emblem, with countless barbs spreading from the sheep's bones. It was shaking like chaff because it knew that this emblem belonged to an original family!

The Ferrers family.

One of the oldest demonic families...their current patriarch sits in the twelfth hell, between deceptions. They are very low-key, but their ancestors have made great achievements in battle.

Legend has it that the most powerful demon, one of the seven monarchs, the arrogant Lucifer, had several demons following him from beginning to end during the battle between heaven and hell. One of them was in charge of hypocrisy and deception. Its name is Mephisto.

Full name: Mephistopheles. One of the eighteen original families today.

All the information emerged in Mousavis's heart, and his teeth were already trembling with boundless fear. Never would I have thought that a subordinate of the original devil would exist in a place like the Black Street!

The team entered the animal bone gate, which was paved with boundless bones and hung with exquisitely carved furnishings, typical of the taste of hell. Countless flames shot out from below, making this place eternal in flames.

No one told it what to do. After arriving in a luxurious hall, the cloaked demon glanced at it casually, and it immediately crawled to the ground, trembling.

The sound of the team faded away, passing through the passages. In front of a door of bones, the cloaked demon lay down respectfully. A red leg stretched out from the chariot, burning with flames, and a human-sized figure finally stepped down.

There is almost no hair on the whole body, only a few pieces of metal armor with extremely exquisite carvings. Just three pieces in a three-point style actually formed a blue curtain, which shook out bursts of holy power, but the only devil in the light curtain was Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

Its whole body is red, and its red hair is spread over its shoulders. I don't know if it is flames or hair. Golden eyes, two short devil horns on his forehead, golden tattoos all over his body, and two fangs in his mouth.

In her hand, she was holding the jade box.

"Master." The cloaked demon said respectfully: "Why don't you kill this idiot who rushed into you?"

"The Black Street is the territory of the great Ferrers family. You are the queen here. Anyone who bumps into you, I will not mind turning them into dust in the universe."

The female demon slowly played with the jade box, looked leisurely at the bone gate in front of her, and suddenly said slowly: "How many years have I been here?"

"Thirteen hundred years, Master, you are still very young. Full of energy."

"Black Eyes, you have served me for a thousand years. You should know why I gave up the honorable life of the twelve hells and came here." The female demon's voice was a little hoarse, but it was not unpleasant: "To be honest, I don't I like people telling lies.”

Black Eyes hesitated for a moment before saying, "The chieftain has three hundred children... He has lived for too long. Only the strongest children will be given the most fertile land and the richest resources. Your health is not very good..."

"Don't be so tactful. I'm not strong enough." There was no one around. The female demon's hoarse voice slowly echoed in this fifty-meter space: "I inherited the weakest hypocrisy magic. Once those damn demon warlocks from other planes summon hypocrisy, my hateful brothers and sisters always get there first! This way I can never discover other planes! And my resources are not considered More!"

"Without other planes, how can I support myself? Without the side door master, I am really stretched. In the midst of deception, my ceremonial guard is the most rudimentary! Everyone thinks that the direct descendants of the original family are dressed in fine clothes and riding horses, hehe... They don't know how terrible the big family is. As long as they are a little weak, they will be eaten without leaving any bones!"

"So, I came to this sixteenth hell, between tyranny. I didn't dare to enter the main city at all! I can only be the king outside the city! Even occupying the black street has to pay tribute to the scum of the Anthony family! "

"After doing so much... this is why those maggots have given me a favor. How can you give me this small place of 700,000 square kilometers!"

"We are all original families, why!"

Her angry voice resounded throughout the hall, and she lay on the ground with black eyes humbly: "It is the old slave who is incompetent, please punish me, master."

The female demon's plump breasts rose and fell sharply, and it took a long time to calm down. She shook her head and said: "It's none of your business."

"I swore that one day, I would return to the deception world openly, which is the foundation of our Ferrers family... But I lack everything now! There is no side door, and magic power can only rely on my own cultivation! The growth rate is slow, and no one will summon me at all! But..."

She paused, her face raised He smiled grimly: "Black Eyes, do you know what's in this box?"

Black Eyes had a premonition, his single eye was beating wildly, his chest was heaving in an instant, and his voice was hoarse: "Could it be..."

Swish... Without waiting for it to answer, the box was gently opened, and a black round object appeared in it. Black Eyes stood up in an instant, then immediately knelt down, and said excitedly: "Pills...Pills!? This is a pill?!"

It was so excited that it almost lost its dignity, but the female demon didn't care, but was more excited than it, her chest heaving like the waves, as if stroking the pill like a treasure, trembling.

"Yes... it's the elixir... I really didn't expect that here - in this rural wilderness, I could actually see the treasure of the Eastern genealogy - the elixir!"

"Lord Asmodeus disappeared because of it... The Eastern genealogy side door is much more powerful than the Western genealogy. This is something that all of Tiragangdis knows! Any alchemist of the Eastern genealogy, which one of the Western genealogy doesn't offer a sky-high price to win over? That's right, we demons are innate body cultivators and the darlings of fire magic. And the hellfire is stronger than all other flames when used in combat! But... we are also closed to the side door!"

"This is our chance... Black Eyes, I want to interrogate this demon in person and bring it into my secret room. I must know what's going on!"


Soon, Musavis was taken to a fifty-meter-sized room. After passing through countless restrictions, it became more and more panicked. The more restrictions there were, the more bizarre the place it was going to. It didn't dare to think about Xu Yangyi's instructions at all now, and only thought about how to survive.

Kakaka... A door of bones opened, and there was no fire in the room, just a piece of black stone. Rows of bone lamps were embedded in the wall. In the center, there was a ten-meter-long throne. A red female demon, with one leg up, was holding a black bone wine glass and looking at it passionately.

There was no one else, only Black Eyes and the demon woman.

"Greetings to the great, almighty, and omnipotent Ferrers family!" It crawled in. The huge Ferrers family emblem behind the throne gave it infinite pressure. As soon as it came in, it immediately spoke in a trembling voice and kowtowed desperately.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you." In front of the demon woman, the jade box had been opened. It held the pill in its hand, feeling the essence of the medicine and the majestic spiritual energy. It suppressed the excitement in its heart and said, "My name is Andrina Ferrers. Now, immediately, tell me, this pill, where did you get it from."

Musavis trembled and dared not speak. Xu Yangyi was still holding half of its soul. It was not sure whether the other party would tolerate it telling the source of the pill.

Yes, it had decided to tell it a long time ago and look for a powerful family. But...the Ferrers family is too powerful and has already exceeded the most powerful limit it can imagine.

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