
Chapter 1129: The Devil Xilian

The Xiantian Creation Pill is the most difficult pill to make in the Craftsman Realm, and its difficulty is equivalent to the Grandmaster Realm's Xixinghai. There are 147 methods for fusion of medicinal materials, and 99 methods for controlling fire. If one link goes wrong, the whole thing will collapse immediately.

Moreover, the raw materials of the Xiantian Creation Pill are extremely difficult to find, which is why it can be sold for 100,000 spiritual jades. One of them is even ranked in the middle grade. Unfortunately, in the Wolf Chief Plane, there are at least three places where it grows in pits and valleys.

Anything is worthless if there are too many of them. The thumb-sized raw materials are very careful to be refined by the craftsmen, and they dare not touch them easily, but here in Xu Yangyi, there is no such taboo at all.

With a flick of his fingers, the spiritual lines condensed into a net, which turned into a big hand, and at the end it was divided into countless small hands, which lightly pulled up various pills and put them into the pill furnace.

Alchemy is divided into four steps: spirit, hand, fire, and condensation. Only when the four steps meet certain conditions at the same time can the door to the next realm be opened. Ling refers to spiritual consciousness and divine consciousness. Hand refers to how to process medicinal materials, and below the Grandmaster, most of the processing of medicinal materials is done by hand. Fire is needless to say, and the final condensation refers to the condensation of the pill, which combines the medicinal power of all medicinal materials into one. It is one of the most important links in any alchemy technique.

He is very close to the Grandmaster realm, and his divine consciousness has become a thread, covering millions. Hundreds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures boiled up in sequence, and then a rubbing sound was heard quickly. That was the process of the divine consciousness thread processing medicinal materials under his control.

Some need to be peeled and the core left, some need to be cored and the skin left, and some need to be completely cooled at extremely low temperatures. Some medicinal materials are as hot as fire... At his level, he still can't process all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures at the same time. He can only process 70 kinds at most at the same time, which is nearly twice the number of craftsmen of the same level.

He was very quiet. During this period of time, he practiced and cultivated his mind. He sat here every day. Now that the meridians of the Eternal Pill King's Dan Ding were initialized, he could not borrow the Eternal Pill King's alchemy and cultivation. He got up from the first five days to the current one month. He has become accustomed to this almost ascetic way of cultivation.

Soon, the natural materials and treasures were processed, and the four directions were shining like stars. At this moment, his eyebrows suddenly moved.

"Interesting." After a few seconds, he raised his eyebrows, and his mind was all focused on the countless times of refining the Xiantian Creation Pill in front of him.

"Be careful." Yu Chang said in his consciousness: "Someone is coming, very strong, without tearing the plane, using hidden space transmission, the realm of the Venerable Saint."

"It's about time." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "If you want to buy goods, you naturally have to see the samples."

After that, he ignored everything else, and his consciousness was like a gust of wind, staring at the alchemy furnace.

Familiar process, a total of 113 essences of heavenly materials and earthly treasures were roasted by flames, and then emitted a brilliant rainbow of light, which was fleeting. He glanced at the corner of the forbidden area and saw that a corner moved. Then he clearly heard an unbearable heavy breathing sound, and then it was quiet immediately.

Each divine sense followed a piece of medicinal material, watching these medicinal materials being roasted to emit a faint medicinal fragrance, but he did not relax his vigilance, the most difficult step was coming. He had failed here too many times.

Xiantian Creation Pill, 113 medicinal materials, one-third required high temperature, one-third required normal temperature, and one-third required low temperature. If he did not have the two major spiritual fires of the innate and acquired, the probability of failure would at least increase by more than three times!

"Zizizizi..." Some medicinal materials began to curl, and some emitted a trace of burnt smell. He moved his fingers quickly, and blue light flashed within a radius of 100 meters. His skills were close to the Tao, and the blue light bands embellished this place beautifully.

Wanhua Zhenjian Danfa handprint, five fingers open the sky.

After the spiritual power was exhausted, it turned into a faint orchid floating up. This place seemed like the kingdom of alchemy, and it had already shown a trace of the power of the master. Sweat dripped from his forehead. The first time he attacked the realm of the Venerable Saint, his consciousness was consumed too quickly.

An hour later, the whole square had returned to silence, leaving only two flames, one white and one red, flying up and down, and the furnace was blazing. After another three hours, the ground was surging, and a green light lit up from the furnace, like a green sun, getting brighter and brighter, and finally... It turned into a 20-meter-long rootless blue lotus, which actually lifted the furnace and slowly rose while rotating!

The Venerable Saint Elixir, the power of creation, has already resonated with heaven and earth.

A strong and extremely strong medicinal fragrance, far more than before, floated quietly. Xu Yangyi pinched his hands, and there seemed to be a golden shadow looming behind him. With a light shout, he put his hands together with all his strength towards the center.

Swish! This space shook slightly, the blue lotus in the air opened quietly, and the sound of a crane came. But at this moment, the green light suddenly flashed, and turned into countless light spots and dissipated. At the same time, all the light and the green lotus disappeared.

"Heh..." A long sigh came from the corner, as if regretting not seeing the scene of the elixir coming out. Xu Yangyi sighed slightly, but his eyes were more determined.

It's close to the elixir... In the past six months, more than 900 non-stop practice, endless consumption, no one can afford it, I'm afraid that Jiang Lao will have a headache, but... the effect has appeared.

"At most one month, this elixir will be completed. I have a hunch that the day the elixir is completed is the day I step into the master." He licked his lips and said.

As soon as the mumbling ended, a round of applause rang out from the corner: "I really didn't expect that I would see this alchemist showing his power as soon as I arrived. The scene just now is really too unforgettable for me."

"Authentic, absolutely authentic oriental alchemist! Andrina is right, there really is an ownerless alchemist! Her luck is really amazing."

Xu Yangyi shook his sleeves, the ash on his body floated away, and he looked at a place and said casually: "Demons always hide their heads and show their tails? Why is it so different from what I heard?"

"I just don't want to disturb you." A figure quietly appeared in the corner. As soon as it appeared, the whole ground began to crackle, and flames from Tiragangdis gushed out from the cracks in the bricks, making the place immediately hot and red.

It is not too tall, about five or six meters, a skeleton, pure bones, no flesh, a sheep's head and a human body, reversed joints, four arms, a pair of bony demon wings behind, and the demonic energy of the saint is like substance, raging in the air.

"It seems that they don't intend to talk to you properly." Yuchang took a look, the saint was in the early stage, just like Xu Yangyi.

"It just so happens that I don't plan to talk properly." Xu Yangyi smiled calmly: "Negotiation, first of all, both parties must be in the same position. Otherwise, it is not a negotiation. It is a peace talk."

Amidst the flames, the demon slowly flew into the air, staring at him intently, and after a few seconds, he finally spoke: "My name is Cillian, a direct descendant of the Deceitful Demon. The 23,032nd seat in the House of Commons of the Fellers Family."

"I am not interested in your name." Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly: "Make an offer."

"The price is okay, I reluctantly agree to trade with you."

Cillian seemed a little stunned.

Hearing about the direct descendant of the Deceitful Demon and the Fellers Family, this person was actually indifferent?

He was not afraid of hearing about the House of Commons? He really didn't know?

He still dared to bid with the demon?

"I have seen the most arrogant and ignorant humans, but none of them are as stupid as you." Its voice became majestic, and the magic in the air almost condensed into substance: "Listen, given your ignorance, I will give you a free popular science. The Ferrers family is one of the eighteen original families! Each original family governs a layer of hell! Each patriarch is the supreme king of this layer of hell!"

"We govern countless demons and countless planes! There are fifty demon kings in the Taixu realm! There are a total of 72 Taixu in the upper and lower houses, and 20,000 saints!"

" Not to mention... our Demon King, the contemporary head of the Feres clan, can even talk to the Lord Demon! As long as we move our fingers, whether you are an alchemist or not, you will be reduced to ashes! "

"Now, I give you a chance to join our great, powerful, and dominating Feres family in the first layer of hell... As long as you follow me, I promise that you will be treated far better than in the human world!"

Xu Yangyi looked at him coldly: "So, you never planned to really buy my goods from the beginning?"

"Buy?" Xilian laughed up to the sky, his laughter was like thunder , the ground was shaking, as if hearing the funniest joke, then, he lowered his head, stretched out a bone finger and shook it: "Mortal, let me tell you something, you'd better remember it well and clearly in your childish mind."

"Demons, there is never a sale, if there is, there must be a purpose."

"This is the honor given to you by the Ferrers family. You should be grateful for not being asked to kneel down."

"Facing the original family, you are just a poor bug, not much bigger than a grain of rice."

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved, but he smiled: "Is that so..."

"I have one last question. If the House of Commons loses a member of parliament, will the Demon Lord come?"

"The Demon Lord is very busy and has no time to deal with such things. Have you decided? I hope you walk over with your own legs instead of me carrying you by the neck. After all, we will meet again in the future, right? Hehe..."

Xu Yangyi smiled and shook his head: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid there won't be any more."

"From the moment you answered that the Demon Lord wouldn't mind."

The next second, Xilian's laughter stopped abruptly.

A more powerful and condensed aura rose from the ground.

Its expression instantly became solemn. So strong! It had experienced so many battles, but it had never seen such a condensed aura before!

That was the majestic power of flesh and blood, the magnificent sea of ​​spiritual energy. In an instant, the floor that was emitting flames on the ground was actually quiet, and the surging black demonic energy was suppressed in an instant.

"You..." It looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment. This was impossible... From this kind of flesh and blood power, it can be inferred that the other party is also a Yangsheng, but... the physical training is stronger than it! A mere human can be more powerful than a demon! This is simply a fantasy!

"Boom!!!" A brilliant green light suddenly opened up the sky, and a complete green figure appeared behind Xu Yangyi.

"Xu Ling Xianti... close to perfection..." Xilian took a breath of cold air, and then, with a scream, he turned into a stream of light, broke through the ban, and flew straight into the sky.

Xu Yangyi didn't look at it, but looked at his hand quietly: "If I kill you, Andrina will definitely send someone again. I will tell it that if it sends one, I will kill one, until it is willing to sit down and talk."

"Kill one, I will increase 10%. Until it can't bear it anymore and give up."

Bang! ! A punch went straight to the sky, and the green shadow behind him suddenly raised his hand and hit the sky with all his strength.

At this moment, all the people in the Golden Wolf Tribe raised their heads and looked at the mutated altar in astonishment.

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