
Chapter 1130: Deterrence

"What's going on!?" "Someone invaded the altar?" "How is it possible? We didn't find anything unusual!" "Look! The devil! That's the devil!"

The great witch looked solemnly at the sky, and was about to call out to the whole clan to be alert, but then, a pressure as vast as the sea that he had never felt before suddenly filled the entire sky!

The billowing demonic energy was all-encompassing, like a drop of ink entering the air, and then covered their entire field of vision. The entire Golden Wolf tribe's land trembled desperately. The great witch took a breath of cold air, his legs weakened uncontrollably, and he knelt down.


What realm is this? Such a terrifying demon! Facing it is like facing a hell full of fire, with no hope of survival at all. If it was this kind of demon that came before, I'm afraid...

"Plop..." As he knelt down, countless people in the entire Golden Wolf tribe knelt down in cold sweat, not worshiping the devil, but worshiping power, the kind of truly powerful power.

At this moment, their minds went blank and they even forgot other things.

However, before they could finish their blanks, in the next second, a cyan aura giant fist roared into the sky, causing ripples on the ground. All the surrounding trees fell back with a crash, and countless people flew backwards screaming in surprise.

The cyan giant stands tall and tall!

"Boom!!" There was a loud noise, and the cyan fist hit Silian directly. A scream came out, and a huge circle of cyan-black ripples swept across the sky. The sky that was still sunny just now was now covered by lightning and thunder, and dark clouds covered it. On that day, strong winds raged across the earth, and shock waves swept across the sky. The faces of everyone below were switching between frightened cyan and shocking white, as they stared at this scene that looked like a natural disaster.

"Mortal!!" Silian broke several bones and suddenly turned around: "You really want to be an enemy of the great Ferrers family!!"

The sound was like thunder, and all the people of the Golden Wolf tribe covered their ears and screamed and fell to the ground. The roar of a saint in crisis was not something they could bear.

At this moment, a gentle force immediately isolated them. The pressure on everyone relaxed. The great wizard, Zuo Shurong and the others were breathing heavily, their hearts beating rapidly, and they looked at themselves in disbelief. hand.

The frightening feeling just now was replaced by a more powerful feeling before it disappeared. They only felt that they were walking in a circle between life and death.

"Oh? Wouldn't the Ferrers family take action for the disappearance of a congressman?"

The giant green hand turned into blue smoke and disappeared, and Xu Yangyi's figure slowly appeared. With his appearance, the sky shook, and circles of cyan, like driving away, drove away countless black demonic energies. In just ten seconds, it turned from jet black to pure blue.

The people below were completely stunned.

The powerful feeling just now has not passed yet. Now, an even stronger feeling than before envelopes the entire world. Everything you look at is cyan, and everything you sense is a completely different power. Their understanding of power was subverted again and again, and finally, it returned to Xu Yangyi.

"My lord...complete victory..." The great witch knelt down tremblingly. Seeing Xu Yangyi's true strength and his earth-shaking majesty, they no longer felt any disloyalty, even though they had never had it before.

" this really a human being?" Zuo Shurong was trembling all over and his throat was dry. This kind of monster...such a monster actually exists in the world. What on earth did they practice before?

"God..." More, there are countless tribesmen who said nothing, and even the thought of kneeling down and worshiping has disappeared. They think of the city lord who used to be revered as a god, and think of the most powerful witch. Now...suddenly feel that there is no such thing. What kind of.

"How dare you!!" The roar of thunder exploded from the air, and Silian was really anxious. The punch just now had no magical power, but it cracked its bones and body, and it was also shocked. How could a human being be able to do this? The point?

Xu Yangyi smiled, he really didn't have any magical powers now. But...someone else has.

"Using the domain to deal with you is a compliment." He slowly stretched out his hand, and with a flash of black light, the fish intestines appeared in his hand with a buzzing sound. Gently brushing Qingfeng three times with his fingers, he said slowly: "Just like you... you can actually be a member of the parliament?"

"Is it time for the Ferrers family to close down?"

Silian was trembling all over, not daring to say a word, and rushed towards the sky. A thousand meters above its head, a huge vortex had formed. It has no idea of ​​fighting back now, and it doesn't dare to be distracted and say a word. It can feel the punch...the gap is too big, just like the devil's Saint Dzogchen facing it!

escape! leave here!

The other party really has the strength to kill it!

It's unbelievable...Tiragondis, the Ferrers family, the original family, a councilor is actually inferior to a savage from a backward plane! Moreover, he was beaten with just one punch and had no intention of fighting. If he hadn't experienced it personally, he would definitely laugh.

The next second, a bright brilliance lit up between heaven and earth.

It's too bright.

So that at this moment other lights were almost dim. The world becomes black and white.

It's too gorgeous.

So much so that everyone worshiped with the mentality of observing a ceremony, and even felt that it would be nothing if they died under this ultimate sword.

This is a sword worth remembering with life.


Unsheathing and re-sheathing, the same voice. There is only a white light left between heaven and earth, cutting across the sky and earth, lasting for a long time.

There is no sound.

A few seconds later, there was a sound of brushing, and there was a silent sound, and the clouds neatly turned into several pieces. Fleeing in all directions. The clouds were light and the wind was gentle, and only a bright sword light remained between the sky and the earth, which lasted for a long time.

Kill them all!

The sword that unblocks the fish intestines.

The strong wind blew Xu Yangyi's clothes and sleeves dancing wildly, like the reincarnation of the God of War. He glanced in the air and said calmly: "If I increase the price by 30%, I'm afraid your Andrina won't be able to afford it."

His figure turned into a stream of light and entered the light curtain, which closed again. At the moment of closing, the bones in the sky, Silian, who was like a demon a few seconds ago, collapsed suddenly.

There were only countless silent people around. This time, no one dared to point at the light screen and whisper.

Even his human identity has faded. Now, Xu Yangyi is a god in their hearts.

True God.

Everyone is still in the sword left by God. The sword opened the sky and the charm was long.

I don't know how long it took before they returned to their work stations in silence and started working quietly without saying a word. Afraid of disturbing the gods.

"I..." A young monk, with dry lips and eyes fixed on the light screen: "When...can we reach this point..."

"Crack!!" Almost at the same time, Sixteen Hells, amidst the violence, on the black streets. Andrina exclaimed, and a fist-sized opal in her hand shattered.

Dead silence, deathly silence.

Andrina jumped up as if she had been stabbed by needles. The black eyes next to her also seemed to have seen a ghost. Their eyes stared out, and the broken opal fragments were suspended in the air. The two demons opened their mouths wide, not daring at all. Trust your eyes.

It stretched out its hand tremblingly and stayed outside the cat's eye stone. Its voice was like a ghost crying: "This is impossible..."

"This is impossible...impossible! This is absolutely impossible!!!"

The last sentence was already screaming. This bone castle located in the deepest part of the black street immediately erupted into a violent flame and trembled.

"What's going on!!" "Defend your lord!" "Someone dares to attack the castle? Provoke the majesty of the Ferrers family?!"

Thank you very much! Waves of roars of hell horses resounded from all over the castle, and screams of demons resounded deep into the dark streets. In less than ten minutes, thousands of demonic troops had gathered in every corner of the castle, just waiting for an order.

However, there was no order.

Andrina shook her head, opened her mouth, flames spurted out of her mouth, and hissed: "Black Eyes... Senator Silian... how long have you been there?"

For the first time, Black Eyes was disrespectful. He looked at the fragments of the cat's eye stone with trembling eyes, speechless: "Eight hours... It took a total of eight hours for it to reach the Wolf Chief's plane..."

" the first few hours, there was no trace of spiritual power the end...the spiritual power suddenly Excellency, it...didn't last for twenty seconds..."

Andrina opened her lips several times, then closed them again, and finally spoke hoarsely: "The opponent is a human being... in history... human beings can defeat demons of the same realm... in what shortest time? No... it's killing... "

"According to family records... I have met Thirty-Two Seconds... that human monk is now serving the Ochufen family of the Seventh Hell... and... and is a member of the House of Lords..."

"You said... is it possible that the other party was setting things up for the first seven hours? And then suddenly attacked?"

"Old slave...I don't know...but...the seven-hour arrangement...will Sir Sirian really not find out?"

Dead silence again.

You can hear a pin drop.

About five minutes later, the faces of the two devils were extremely ugly.

After recovering from the extreme shock, they immediately realized one thing.

I stepped on a hard point...

Steel plate, super steel plate, this kind of person... If he enters the family and completely surrenders to the devil, his status will be higher than it! Choosing to snatch by instinct is definitely a bad move!

I can't kick this steel plate by myself!

"What should I do!!" Andrina immediately turned around, her golden eyes full of panic: "Did I anger him? Do I...should I make amends?"

"The strength is so terrifying, and it's an alchemist... Oh my God... If it joins the enemy demon faction, it will definitely be a disaster! My disaster!"

"Don't worry!" Black Eyes also came to his senses, wiped away the non-existent cold sweat, his heart was beating wildly, and he said hoarsely: "It can't be like this! It can't be like this!"

"This is a sign of weakness to mankind! Even if he makes elixirs for us in the future, he will definitely be superior to us! And... if such a high profile is invited back, we will only become a laughing stock! When did the direct descendants of the Ferrers family even have a savage monk? Can't take it down? We must suppress him! Now that we have started, we must not retreat halfway!"

"Only by letting him know the strength of the devil, the strength of the Ferrers family, and your strength, Miss Andrina, will he be able to join you! Don't you have two more chances? You... can apply for the strongest Congressman! No... I think the other half of Mousavis' soul is in the opponent's hand, and the opponent can communicate his intention at any time! Sir Sirian can do it as long as there is a space gap! The cracks haven’t disappeared yet!”

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