
Chapter 1131: Andrina in a Dilemma

Soon, Mousavis was brought over, and his face was very strange.

"Speak." Andrina wanted to kick the demon to death, but she couldn't. She gritted her teeth and said, "Did he say anything to you? If you don't want to die here!"

Musavis swallowed his saliva, his forehead was full of cold sweat, crazy... too crazy! The master dared to bid the devil! Bidding the original family!

It wanted to run back immediately and tell the master how terrible the original family was! It didn't want to be a sandwich that could die at any time!

"My Lord..." It trembled and lay on the ground, extremely respectful, and timidly said: "Master... He, he said..."

It didn't dare to say it.

"Speak!!" Andrina really wanted to burn the other party to death with a ball of fire. She slapped it with a slap, and the bone chair broke into pieces. She shouted almost hoarsely.

"Yes! Yes! He, he said... one person... add one layer..."

One sentence made the hall silent.

Andrina stared at Mousavis like a cannibal. Her whole body was shaking violently because of excessive anger. Her plump chest rose and fell. Because she was too angry, the air she exhaled turned into flames.

It wanted to roar, but the greater feeling of disgust and nausea had filled its heart, and it couldn't say a word.

"You mean..." It gritted its teeth, and a trace of uncontrollable flames spewed out from its teeth, staring at Mousavis: "He said he wanted to increase the price? I sent someone over... If the negotiation was not successful, he would increase the price? He actually increased the price... Talking about a deal with the devil... He even dared to talk about a deal with the original family!? Who gave him the dog guts!!"

At first, he tried his best to suppress it and not explode, but in the end, he couldn't help but roar.

Otherwise, it would not be enough to vent his anger. It swore that if this person was in front of it now, it would definitely pull out the other party's tendons and bones, and throw his flesh and blood into the river of fire to turn into charcoal!

Once the emotions erupt, it is difficult to control them. In the empty secret room, Andrina's furious roar echoed, shocking the eardrums: "I only have three chances in my life..."

"In each realm, I can seek the help of the next realm's councillors... but it was you... by you!! By you, the damn... alchemist..."

It started with a roar, and the word alchemist was said with incomparable tenderness.

The emotions were ups and downs, painful, but not happy. But it could not stop it from imagining the happiness it would get after obtaining such a powerful alchemist.

The secret room echoed with its heavy breathing and heavy steps, and it was in a mess. After more than ten minutes, it turned its head with gritted teeth and said coldly to Musavis, who was kneeling on the ground and trembling: "Open your soul."

"You... what did you say?" Musavis was stunned.

Don't ask why it was stunned, the other party is going to have a soul call. But... this is the Ferres family... the eighteen original families. It has heard someone call it a princess, but this, this is the child of the devil!

The child of the devil needs to talk? Need to talk to a human being on an equal footing?

The other party mercilessly killed its messenger and made such an absurd request, no... it was even slapping it in the face. At this time, shouldn't it immediately invade in a large scale, tear the other party into pieces, and sign a unilateral contract with the devil?

Why is it so weak now?

"Pah!!" Before it finished thinking, a loud slap hit its face. Andrina's devilish face was already in front of it, and her huge body was lifted by the other party's slender hand. Andrina's face was distorted because of the dilemma, and she said hoarsely: "What are you thinking about?"

"My order, I don't want to say it a second time!!"

Musavis didn't understand Andrina's situation at all.

It was too shocking. Councillor Sirian was killed as a warning to the monkey, but in just twenty seconds... She was not sure if sending someone else would have a better result.

What if it didn't succeed?

What if the other side was not overwhelmed?

Then... 20%

As a demon, and a demon with pure blood from a big family, it knows the price of alchemists' works. 10%? If the other party talks, it will have to take out tens of thousands of magic crystals!

Moreover, it knows its position even more clearly. Among the 372 children, it is not the best or the worst, but... often only the best and the worst can be remembered. In short, it is not favored.

Therefore, the councilors it can contact are not too strong. Cillian has been carefully selected by it. Unexpectedly, the careful selection has brought a loud slap in the face.

Others are not much stronger than Cillian. Only Marshall, a demon in the middle stage of the Venerable Saint, can be considered. If it succeeds, everything will be fine, and the other party will be subdued. If it fails... I dare not think about the consequences!

"No, I dare not! I dare not!" Musavis was so scared that his soul flew away. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. A gray vortex spun in his chest, and Andrina rushed in almost frantically.

Burning with anger, it was in a dilemma. It knew that negotiating with others was not the way of a pure-blooded demon, but it had to do it.

In the Wolf Chief Plane, Xu Yangyi looked directly at the alchemy furnace. The alchemy this time was going very well so far, and he was looking forward to the moment when the elixir came out of the furnace.

It was quiet for a while, but immediately, the exclamations outside suddenly emerged and continued.

He frowned. According to the situation just now... no, no one dared to disturb him. The reason why he was shocked just now and used the sharp knife to cut off the mess was to let them know that he was insurmountable. Now he actually dared to do it. Yelling near the altar?

Before he could finish his thoughts, all the light curtains erupted into a golden brilliance, and the next second...a demonic energy that he had never felt before enveloped the entire Golden Wolf tribe.

It is said that I have never felt it before, not because it is powerful, but because it is essence.

Just like gold mixed with sand and pure diamonds, Mousavis's demonic aura is simply incomparable to the magnitude of this demonic aura.

It is like the origin of evil. When facing it, you face evil itself.

Kakaka... The light curtain trembled slightly, and then turned transparent with a bang. Xu Yangyi didn't even raise his eyelids, and his heart was filled with unknown ghosts. He came to cause trouble when he was in good condition? No matter who you are, I'm too lazy to give you face.

"Here comes a big guy." Yuchang looked at his face and smiled.

Xu Yangyi sneered twice and looked up.

A huge cloud hole has been opened above the head, and countless souls are surrounding it for hundreds of meters. A gray ocean was formed, and in the center, the flames of hell were roaring, condensing into a feminine face.

"Human." After a few seconds, the condensation was completed. With a red face, typical devil short horns, golden pupils, and flame-like long hair, Andrina's 100-meter-long phantom came to dominate the Golden Wolf tribe, her gaze shining through the light. After the scene, he directly saw the calm Xu Yangyi in the center. After two words, he had nothing to say.

It was so angry that it was a wolf and a tiger behind. It had never thought that a human would force itself to this point with just a few words. It adjusted its mentality for several seconds, suppressed the violent desires in its heart, and hoarsely said from between its teeth: "I Named Andrina Ferrers, the 231st legitimate daughter of the Demon King Mephistopheles."

All the members of the Golden Wolf tribe had their legs weak, but they did not kneel down.

After seeing the real power, when you see someone who is not as powerful as that, you will only feel that it is mediocre.

Xu Yangyi didn't look at her at all, but raised a finger. Andrina instantly felt her anger rushing towards Tianling Gai.

That means 10%.

He personally took action, the famous name of the Ferrers family, how dare the other party remain indifferent?

Suppressing the rage in its heart, it gritted its teeth and said: "The power of the Ferrers family cannot be provoked by one or several planes. My father followed Lord Lucifer all the way through the thorns and thorns, and now sits in the twelfth hell. Our power is It’s far beyond your imagination. As usual, you dare to kill the member of the Ferrers family, Andrina’s messenger. You are provoking an existence that you cannot imagine!”

"However, we are also tolerant. I promise that as long as you come to me, we will forget the past. Let those small unpleasantness disappear and let us start from scratch. Even... I can recommend you to enter the clan and join the House of Lords and the Lower House. Get The guidance of the Demon Lord and even the Demon King!”

"I give you the choice. I give you the time to choose. Now, put down your finger. Mortal."

"Demons actually talk about tolerance? What a joke." Xu Yangyi finally spoke. He glanced at the huge red demon shadow in the sky indifferently: "You may not know yet, but there will be so many dimensions opened here. I must be taking good care of you. , just catch any demon, they must be willing to run errands for an alchemist."

"How dare you!!" Andrina's face was distorted. How many years have passed... Those who dare to speak to her like this are all direct children of the Ferrers family, with the same father and mother. Others heard Ferrers Who in the family's name dares to speak like this? This person did this, but he still had nothing to do with the other party.

After provoking again and again, its rage finally reached its extreme. Suppressed by the remaining shred of reason, it roared out: "Do you know the power of the Ferrers family? Mortals... I can be generous. I won’t argue with you, or even sign a contract with you! As long as you work here for a thousand years, I guarantee that I will give you unimaginable rewards!”

"Treasures from the devil's plane, all kinds of wealth you can't imagine! Status, fame, cultivation! It's all there!"

"As long as you come, I won't care about everything before!"

"Hahaha!" Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi flicked the hem of his robe and looked at the sky coldly: "Are you lying to a child with your words?"

"Only those who are not strong enough will lower themselves."

"Besides, I'm very dissatisfied that someone dares to use this kind of attitude."

"A total of 110%, no less than 10%. Secondly, if you want me to come over, you must sign a soul contract. Now, you can get out."

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