
Chapter 1132: Alchemy Master (I)

With a flick of her robe, Andrina's face disappeared with a roar in the sky. The people around were stunned.

So domineering...

One word drove away the demon before, and the next one killed the enemy with one move. Now... this seemingly strong demon actually gave way.

In the demonic plane, Andrina screamed and exited the soul of Mousavis. As soon as she came out, she let out a crazy roar: "Idiot who doesn't know how to live or die!! Maggots in the river of fire!! The lowest level of excrement!!" I will make you regret talking to a direct descendant of the Ferrers family!"

An extremely angry roar echoed in the hall, and Mousavis shivered. It had no idea what the master had said to make the direct descendants of the Ferrers family so angry?

He, does he know what the word Ferrers means?

"Use the second chance!!" After roaring enough, Andrina lowered her head, gritted her teeth and spoke, spraying flames out: "I will ask Congressman Marshall to take action... The mid-term saint! I don't believe it, he A mere human being can withstand the majesty of the mid-term!”

After saying that, it also felt a burst of sadness. It glanced at Mousavis, who was like a kitten, and the anger in his heart miraculously subsided.

These low-level demons... may never know the meaning of the word "Ferrus".

It was a struggle, a slaughter, fighting for resources dozens of times more ferocious than ordinary demons, and killing the same kind. The big family is not as glorious as it seems. Every glorious page is dyed red with blood.

It probably never imagined that in its eyes, it was so high and mighty that it was actually stretched thin and had reached a dilemma.

"If..." Black Eyes said anxiously: "If...Congressman Marshall..."

Andrina took a deep breath, with an extremely complicated and wonderful expression on her face. After a few seconds, she gritted her teeth and said, "First... let's see if Senator Marshall can succeed..."


Time passed very quickly. This period of time can be called the golden time for Xu Yangyi's alchemy since he started practicing. No one disturbed him. The treasures of heaven and earth were piled up in mountains. He couldn't use them all in one month, and they were shipped again the next month. The Golden Wolf tribe occupies one-third of the entire Wolf Chief plane. It is said that the remaining tribes have formed an alliance to jointly resist the Golden Wolf tribe.

However, no one dared to go to the Golden Wolf tribe to assassinate.

It’s not that they haven’t been here before, but that they have been here many times. When the three late-stage Jindan City Lords went together, no one came after the spiritual energy disappeared at the same time in less than five seconds.

Occasionally, Xu Yangyi would take a break and take a look at the boundary anchor. The seedling had grown up and was inconspicuous in the grass. He still blessed several restrictions and then left with peace of mind.

There is no creature that can threaten him in the Wolf Chief plane.

A month passed quickly. After Andrina came once, she seemed to disappear. Xu Yangyi was not worried at all about the other party inviting a Taixu-level councillor. He has already seen through the fact that Andrina is strong on the outside but strong on the inside.

It would be foolish for him to show mercy to a wizened demon with no title.

When you take advantage of your power, you have to bully others. This is his consistent style.

At night, the moon shines like a wash, and a bright moon hangs high in the sky. He has been sitting quietly in the light curtain for forty days. In front of him, the alchemy furnace rotates slowly, and green spiritual energy forms a whirlpool with a radius of twenty meters. Dots of spiritual energy hover in it, like the Milky Way in the Nine Heavens.

The 970th time of refining the Innate Good Fortune Pill.

This elixir covers one-third of the medicinal materials and techniques that can be processed during the period of being a saint. These few months of hard training have made him one step closer to the edge of being a master.

Divine consciousness turned into threads and divided into millions. Behind him, countless spiritual threads were intertwined into light hands holding flowers one by one. Each spiritual thread gave birth to more hands, with him as the center of the circle, handling all situations quickly. Under the control of the huge spiritual consciousness, two points of flames, one red and one silver, whirled around both sides of the alchemy furnace. When viewed from the air, they looked like green Tai Chi.

Opening his eyes gently, he breathed a sigh of relief, and Yuchang said softly: "Failed?"

"No." Xu Yangyi looked at the stars in the sky. So far, everything was calm, as calm as a lake, without any waves. This time, there were no emergencies.

"This time, it will succeed."

"I don't know why, but I have this premonition."

Yuchang looked behind him with emotion and said in a deep voice: "Divine consciousness turns into threads, and spiritual branches are divided into thousands. It is the sign of a master. You... only need a branded elixir representing the master to appear, and you will truly step into the realm of the master. Realm. Mr. Jiang’s weapon spirit told me that you are not far from the master, but in order to prevent you from aiming too far, Mr. Jiang always said that you have not been a master of craftsman for a long time.”

Xu Yangyi did not answer this sentence, and said quietly: "In the past few months, my cultivation has not improved, but I clearly feel that my spiritual consciousness has become much stronger. Although it was very strong before, it was scattered. Now, it has condensed into a shield. But...when it comes time to succeed and officially become a master, my mood doesn't fluctuate much."

"Any success is the result of continuous hard work. Passion is consumed by perseverance, and in the end it will come naturally. This is just letting nature take its course, God rewards hard work, and of course there will be no fluctuations." Yuchang smiled and said: "Here we go. "

As soon as the voice fell, the green vortex around the furnace in front of him trembled and rushed into the furnace frantically. The furnace, which was wrapped by the two groups of spiritual fires, seemed like a bottomless pit at this moment, desperately absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy. After a few seconds, there was a crisp sound, and the spiritual energy of the entire altar was actually absorbed! The light curtain he set up shattered layer by layer.

Swish... A thousand feet of green light rose from the bottom of the furnace, forming a rootless green lotus, exactly the same as last time, slowly holding the furnace and flying into the air. It turned into a green sun in the dark night, extremely dazzling.

In the center of the ancient furnace, a green spot flashed and squirmed, like the universe was just formed and Hongmeng was opened up. Endless spiritual energy spots surrounded it, and the green night stars.

The holy elixir, and one of the most difficult to practice, can already resonate slightly with the heaven and earth. Although it can't be like Xixinghai, a pill is born and shines in the sky, but it is already a spectacle.

As the green light spot rotated, a faint medicinal fragrance drifted out from the alchemy furnace. Although it was very faint, it strangely lingered in the wind, and soon it had filled the entire Golden Wolf Tribe.

Xu Yangyi looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, and his heart was as calm as water. The blue and black light flashed at the side of him at the same time, and he sat cross-legged and slowly rose to the sky.

His mind was extremely unified at this moment, and was completely fixed on the alchemy furnace.

This elixir, the elixir will be accomplished tonight.

The indescribable fragrance became stronger and stronger, and finally turned into streams of flowing white mist, filling the territory of half of the Golden Wolf Tribe. The area of ​​300 meters around the altar was full of fairy mist. And within these 300 meters, there were also many cultivators meditating.

"Zizi..." The great witch was sitting in the room, his nose twitched slightly, and his brows frowned. Within a radius of 300 meters, all the powerful people of the Golden Wolf Tribe were here. This is the safest and most core place. At this moment, not only him, but all the monks within 300 meters did the same action.

So... comfortable.

The feeling of comfort that penetrated the heart and spleen, I don't know what it tasted like, but it actually made tens of thousands of pores on the body open up. It was as if swallowing clouds and eating clouds, standing proudly above the clouds, extremely moisturizing.

The great witch was very hesitant. He didn't know whether he should open his eyes to take a look. The monks meditated, one Zhoutian one round, one round of power. If he opened his eyes, then this round of small Zhoutian would be useless. Small Zhoutian usually takes four hours, that is, eight hours, and now it's only two hours. He was very reluctant.

If it was before, it would be nothing. But... Xu Yangyi is here. After everyone witnessed his god-like figure, now at night, all of them practiced quietly. No one proposed to speed up the practice, no one proposed a new charter, it was completely silent and spontaneous under the encouragement of the goal and idol.

Outside the altar, there were thousands of people sitting in meditation. They were some young monks. They stubbornly believed that the closer they were to the gods, the faster they would practice.

The Great Witch tried hard to suppress the surging desire in his heart. The wisps of fragrance seemed to hook his heart. Ten minutes... twenty minutes... twenty-five minutes later, he suddenly opened his eyes and rushed out in one step.

No more!

What a good fragrance! This smell is not pure fragrance, but the fragrance of spiritual power! It's just... it's like smelling it can make people ascend to heaven in one step!

For their mere foundation-building and saint-level elixirs, even if the medicine is not suitable, the majestic spiritual power is not an exaggeration to say that it can ascend to heaven in one step.

Rushing out of the house desperately, the doors of the houses in the rows next to it opened almost at the same time. Zuo Shurong, Shan Lao, Shan Nu, Shan Chang, and some other tribal leaders who voluntarily surrendered, and other tribal witches, rushed out almost at the same time. Everyone's eyes were a little red, breathing rapidly, staring at the sky.

"This is..." The Great Witch just took a look and couldn't help but gasp.

Two stars shine.

Fang Dan Ding, like a green sun, Xu Yangyi like a dark blue moon, one after another, you and I shine together. I don't understand what he is doing, but just by looking at it, I can feel a long-lasting Taoism.

Skills are close to Taoism.

"Heh..." The head of the mountain looked down in shock. The entire altar and its vicinity were shrouded in a white mist. Just a sniff would make you feel relaxed and happy, almost like a day of practice!

"What on earth is this?" A great witch who surrendered from another tribe looked at the sky in astonishment: "The secret treasure of the gods? Just the scattered spiritual energy emitted can benefit an area of ​​300 meters? This... is this still practice?"

No one answered his question. Just around the altar, countless cultivators had strange expressions, as if they wanted to open their eyes and look at everything in front of them with all their strength, and as if they wanted to close their eyes and practice hard, not to miss this hard-won opportunity to practice.

The tangled mentality caused many people to practice, and their expressions on their faces were also very strange and absent-minded.

The great witch and others took a deep breath and could no longer care about anything else. Dozens of foundation builders suppressed the joy in their hearts and turned into streams of light and rushed straight to the edge of the altar. Without saying a word, they immediately sat in meditation.

Swish, swish, swish... a breeze blew, and Xu Yangyi finally opened his eyes.

The time has come, a voice in his heart said to him. It's strange, when he can know the next step of the elixir with his eyes closed, everything seems to be connected.

He raised his hands slowly, and then moved quietly, obviously not quickly, but a handprint was left on his side.

Wanhua Zhenjian Condensing Pill Art. Three Flowers Gathering at the Top of the Head.

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