
Chapter 1133: Alchemy Master (Part 2)

Swish... As his handprint fell, the rootless green lotus in the furnace shone brightly, shining in the moonlight, and it was lifelike.

This is the first flower.

Then, the light under Xu Yangyi's feet gradually rose, and the petals unfolded layer by layer, like a golden lotus on the Buddha's seat. This is the second flower.

There was no excitement, no trepidation, he just felt it was natural now. At the stage of condensing the pill, there was no change. He was determined to succeed this time and was full of confidence.

One person, one furnace, silently rotating, the sun and the moon shine together, and the flowers bloomed. It was like a Tai Chi rotation. Just a few seconds later, a green light lit up from the furnace, surpassing the brilliance of the two, and a smaller spiritual flower formed in the center of the furnace.

The three flowers gathered together, the most advanced method of condensing the pill in the Wanhua Zhenjian.

Condensing the pill, at this moment, the medicinal power of the pill has been integrated and unified, but it still lacks a layer of skin. This layer of skin must seal all the spiritual energy. Once successful, the pill is completed. This is condensing the pill.

The thing that seals the power of the medicine is also spiritual energy, all the spiritual energy around. Use spirit to seal spirit.

The smallest green lotus is the most dazzling. As it shines, the spiritual energy that was originally as vast as smoke within 300 meters is gently shaken. Then, the sky dragon absorbs water, the river rolls, and the elixir seems to become a sea eye, rotating and whistling. The vision is 300 meters, swallowing all the spiritual energy!

"Heh..." Changbo looked at this scene in disbelief. Everyone can feel that this is not a magical power, but... How can something that is not a magical power lead to a greater momentum than the city lord?

"What is this thing...?" Several great witches have stopped practicing. This scene is unique in their lives. They think they will regret it if they practice. Moreover, all the spiritual energy has been absorbed by the elixir, and there is no more spiritual energy to swallow and spit out.

"It's really unimaginable..." Someone said in astonishment, "It's too incredible..." "Since I saw you, I feel what I have practiced before?" "This is practice, studying the great way of heaven and earth, this is the truth!"

This is the saint.

Every move they make is enough to enlighten a low-end plane. Because they themselves contain the way of heaven.

They lost their voices for a moment, and then returned to silence in an instant. No one spoke, only a pounding heart remained. No one dared or wanted to disturb this scene that could be remembered for a lifetime.

Swish, swish, swish... As the spiritual energy flowed into the sea, finally, the blue lotus in the furnace bloomed with infinite light, a blue light suddenly flashed, and then a crane cry came from the sky, all the fragrance of the elixir was withdrawn, and the light dimmed, as if it had never appeared.

The furnace is still the furnace, the people are still the people, the night is still the night, everything is so peaceful.

"Success? Failure?" Countless people below stared at the scene in front of them, like the light of the river and the sea. This is a door opened by the saint. Even if they don't know what it is, they want to see the new world behind the door.

Xu Yangyi stared at the furnace, and at the moment when the blue light dissipated, he clearly saw that in the center of the furnace, a blue pill was spinning. Without a single flaw, flames swept across the surface.

Xiantian Creation Pill, the pill is done.

He was not excited, it was strange, at this time he had only one thought in his mind.

It was destined to be like this, who else but me.

The next second, the Golden Wolf tribe members who were watching the ceremony below exclaimed in unison. In the dark night, thousands of golden lights suddenly fell within a radius of 100 meters. Xu Yangyi was tightly surrounded.

Pieces of golden talismans appeared from the void, like flying golden butterflies, spinning around him desperately, and then rushed into his body like a tide.

These talismans poured into his body, not strengthening his body, but strengthening his consciousness. He felt that his consciousness rose again, at a very fast speed. In his sea of ​​consciousness, all the talismans that had sunk into his body gathered here. Originally, there was a cloud and mist here, but now... this cloud and mist faintly emitted a trace of golden light from the mountains, like the rising sun, shining on the earth.

"40% more than ordinary people... No, maybe even more..." He slowly closed his eyes, feeling the drastic changes in his consciousness. In the past, his consciousness was like a thread, ethereal and uncertain. Now, the appearance remains unchanged, but there is a faint light flickering in the sea of ​​consciousness. But his consciousness slowly solidifies, like a whip. He even feels that it can be used to attack.

Ten minutes later, the golden light went out, the talisman disappeared, he opened his eyes again, his heart moved slightly, the people below only felt a gust of wind sweeping in all directions, even the trees in the distance were rustling.

The consciousness radiated, as if it was real.

One hundred thousand meters... 130,000, instantly rushed through the shackles of 160,000, and approached 180,000! Still going!

Everything was encapsulated in his eyes, extremely clear, the earth passed by like a fast lens, even the monsters hunting at night were seen in every detail.

It was as if he was the eye of God, overlooking the earth, and he could stop wherever he wanted his vision to stop.

However, just like before, only a thousand meters in radius is the absolute forbidden area where spiritual energy can be sensed. Beyond a thousand meters, it is only the mighty power of the saint, and defense cannot be sensed.

He did not stop, letting his spiritual consciousness spread rapidly, he wanted to see his limit.

Two hundred thousand, two hundred and twenty thousand... still extending rapidly!

Finally, it was fixed at two hundred and forty thousand!

Two hundred and forty thousand meters, with him as the center, he was truly in control of the situation and won the battle thousands of miles away. This feeling of controlling everything, this feeling of being like a god on earth, made him feel extremely fulfilled.

Heaven rewards hard work, earth rewards kindness.

Humanity rewards sincerity, and industry rewards excellence.

"This feeling... is really fascinating..." He took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and stared fiercely at the five thousand meters away with his eyes like lightning.

Instantly, all the spiritual power in his mind boiled. The white clouds rolled, and the next second, a thunderous sound broke out wherever he looked! Thunder suddenly appeared in the air, and a huge 50-meter-wide cemetery appeared on the ground.

"What's wrong!" "What happened?!" "What, what's going on?"

Five thousand meters away, just at the edge of the Golden Wolf Tribe, a cry of surprise came in the wind, and there were countless anxious reports. With countless "God's punishment! This must be God's punishment!" "The gods are angry... Did we do something wrong?" "Explosion out of thin air... There is no sign of spiritual power!" Similar voices.

"God's punishment?" Xu Yangyi slowly retracted his gaze: "The so-called gods, even Yawei, are just stronger cultivators."

"There is no god in the world, and mediocre people worry about it."

"That's right, respecting gods but not believing in them seems contradictory, but in fact it is completely unified for cultivators. When practicing, you should be fearless in your heart." Yu Chang said with a twinkling look: "When you practice to a certain level, you are a god. For example, here now."

Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded indifferently. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The alchemy furnace hummed and opened. A green pill flew into his hand, like a small sun. Just one look was enough to make people intoxicated.

This is a work of art, not just a work of art. The alchemy patterns are extremely eye-catching, and now there are four patterns.

One pattern, alchemy apprentice, two patterns, alchemy master, three patterns, craftsman, and four patterns, master symbol!

It is extremely clear, like waves, layers of light curtains that seem to exist and disappear are faintly emitted, floating on Xu Yangyi's palm, as if the whole void is shaking gently.

"Congratulations to the Guardian God for his great power!" A voice finally came from below, as if waking up from a dream. The Great Witch prostrated himself, respectfully, enviously, and excitedly shouted: "Congratulations to the Guardian God!"

In an instant, the entire Golden Wolf Tribe was filled with congratulations, like a landslide and tsunami.

Xu Yangyi took it calmly.

"While the elixir is not cooled, carve your own mark on it." Yu Chang nodded casually to the dark crowd below, and said to Xu Yangyi: "You are a master. Believe me, there are definitely not many masters, and any master must have his own mark. When you learn to make elixirs in the future, you will carve it on it. In this way, it will form your unique mark, and others cannot imitate it."

Xu Yangyi nodded, thought slightly, and his fingers were like pens, and the pen moved like a dragon. In an instant, a small leaf appeared on the elixir.

It was like the finishing touch. With this leaf, the elixir has a unique charm.

"From now on, this is the mark of my master of wolf poison."

"Congratulations, sir!!" "Congratulations, sir!!" "Your master has unparalleled magical powers! Invincible in the universe!!"

The endless congratulations, the collapse of mountains and the tsunami, even those monks who were far away were startled. But when they saw Xu Yangyi sitting cross-legged in the void, they roughly guessed what was going on. Suddenly, the entire Golden Wolf tribe, old people, newcomers, conquered, and surrendered, all knelt on the ground at this moment, and shouted in unison: "Congratulations, sir!!"

The sound spread a hundred miles, and all the birds were startled. They flew up in the dark night, as if the heaven and the earth were celebrating together.

Xu Yangyi waved his hand casually, looked around the audience, and suddenly said: "I found that you all like to peek. Is this a special hobby?"

The cheers of the collapse of mountains and the tsunami filled the whole venue, but were clearly suppressed by one person's voice. Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what he meant.

Xu Yangyi didn't care. As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and rushed into the distance.

The demon that came was very strong, a middle-stage Venerable Saint. Although he had concealed his spiritual energy very well, Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness was radiated just now, and he immediately found the suspicious points.

In the duel with the middle-stage Venerable Saint, he didn't want to destroy the Golden Wolf Tribe. After all, there were too many natural treasures on the altar.

He had just left, and before the people of the Golden Wolf Tribe could be puzzled, just two kilometers away, a fiery red light rushed out of the darkness and chased Xu Yangyi.

The speed of the Venerable Saint was so fast that shrinking the earth into an inch was not enough to explain it. In just a few tens of seconds, the two figures flew into a basin. Almost at the same time, the flames of hell spread, and a figure walked out slowly: "I just don't want to disturb you."

"I really didn't expect to see the birth of a great alchemist... If Andrina and I didn't have a soul contract, I really couldn't help but snatch you back to hell."

Swish... Flames shot out, and a tall figure walked out. It was a demon about two meters tall, with a hideous face, bone spurs all over the body, bloody skin, large and small eyeballs all over the body, and two huge horns on the head, one of which was cut off by something unknown.

"My name is Marshall. The 8,740th seat of the House of Commons." It actually performed a polite gentleman's salute.

"The last one who said he didn't want to disturb you has turned into dust. Are you the second one?" Xu Yangyi said lightly.

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