
Chapter 1134: Demon Marshall

"Is this the reason why you dare to despise me and disrespect a member of the Ferrers family?" Marshall took a deep breath. The next second, endless demonic energy spread across the basin, as dark as ink, and demons danced wildly.

"You can let me go out to deal with you. It seems that Andrina attaches great importance to you. Yes... you have the qualification to be proud. But this qualification can only look extremely ridiculous in front of the great Ferrers family."

Xu Yangyi smiled: "It seems that Andrina is hiding something from you."

"Oh?" Marshall seemed surprised: "I don't think it's necessary to hide it when facing an ant. If there is, then you must have forgotten to mention it."

Xu Yangyi smiled even more happily: " just 'forgot to mention'. Silian didn't hold on for twenty seconds in my hands."

"Twenty seconds?" Marshall was stunned for a moment, then looked up to the sky and laughed. Before he finished speaking, his figure suddenly exploded, turning into infinite black mist and running around. Right on the spot, there was a shocking loud noise, and the spiritual energy surged for hundreds of meters in an instant. The space is like crushed cheese, fragmented and shapeless.

Compared with Nascent Soul, this move's vision and momentum are greatly reduced, but... the lethality caused by it is completely different. This is a demonstration of the subtle control of spiritual power after Zun Sheng, from simplicity to complexity, and then from complexity to simplicity.

Dragons can be big or small, they can ascend or disappear. If it is large, it will stir up clouds and spit out mist; if it is small, it will hide its form. When it rises, it soars in the universe; when it disappears, it lurks within the waves.

The road is full of illusions, return to nature.

"Spiritual consciousness attack?" Marshall was stunned, as if he didn't expect Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness to be so powerful. However, thunderous laughter soon sounded: "It will only take twenty seconds."

"Tell you, ant, it's in my hands, fifteen seconds is the limit."

"Mortals, don't think that you can get carried away after defeating a Silian. Compared with the great Ferrers family, you are just a drop of water and an insignificant grain of sand. After becoming a saint, the difference in strength is as big as a small difference in realm. Very different."

The moment the last word fell, the void shook violently, and three divine attacks fell from all directions without any warning. The void was shattered layer by layer, like glass raindrops.

"Haha...seeking death!!" Marshall also neighed. Each black mist carried a fragment of its body. Each fragment carried an eye, and each eye instantly shot out hundreds of bullets. Mi Chihong's brilliance is also not within the range of Yuanying's thousands of miles, but... the space in the entire basin has collapsed to the point where it is impossible to see its original appearance!

Demonic energy like a sea wave spurted out from hundreds of Marshall's eyes, pure black, the ultimate black. Beneath this blackness, other colors are completely swallowed up. I can't see my fingers. That ominous, extremely evil feeling filled all directions, and the next second, blood-red cracks split the sky and turned into eyes.

"Stupid maggot!" A majestic voice sounded from all directions: "You should have just been promoted to the saint...the meridians have been initialized, and you haven't had time to learn any magical powers. I admit that your spiritual consciousness is more powerful than I imagined. But, no The amplitude of supernatural power and pure consciousness are just iron bars, you can't twist them into a steel gun!"

"Your desperate struggle can only earn me a little sideways glance. This is the greatness of Tiragandis, which just reflects the fragility of human beings!"

"Come on... let me teach you how to be a human being. See the true face of hell."

In the deep darkness, Marshall's fragments suddenly closed together and completely changed their form, turning into a twisted pillar of flesh. Hundreds of eyes were densely clustered above it, and hundreds of hands were coiled around and opened in unison. Like the Pharaoh's Thousand-Armed Coffin: "False Truth. Eye of Mephisto!"

brush! ! In all the eyes, streaks of blood-red light pierced into the darkness and swept across the entire scene. At the same time, deep rivers appeared in the places where they were crossed. They were rivers of flames and passages to hell.

boom! ! The violent explosion shook the sky and the earth, and a hundred-meter-high hellfire sprayed out from the cracks. Countless evil demons jumped out with a sizzling sound. This is the power of the saints, although their spiritual power has been controlled by them. Within three hundred meters, but these three hundred meters... it is an absolute restricted area, a hell on earth!


In the endless waves of fire, a cold light shines, like the dawn, a ray of light that cuts through the night and day. The fire of hell devours everything from all directions. Only by moving forward, moving forward, and moving forward indomitably can we overcome the thorns and thorns.

Jing, Qi, and Shen are all integrated into one. This is pure swordsmanship without a trace of magical power. However, Yang Sheng uses magical power in his hands. The terrifying spiritual energy instantly splits the endless fire wall in front of him in half. Countless evil spirits are here. With one sword, everything was destroyed.

"No domain? Do you want to fight me with pure spiritual power?" Marshall's Thousand-Handed Pillar seemed stunned, and then laughed wildly: "Yes... yes! There is no magical power... The domain is a process of construction, magical power It must be one of them, your meridians are initialized, and using the field is just a waste of spiritual energy... Why do you have to fight with me!"

"Kneel down! Repent! Bow your head before the great King of Deception!!"

"Repent your sins and convert your faith in front of the magnificent Lord Mephistopheles! Only in this way can you wash away the sin of blaspheming the Ferrers family!"

"Reaper of Souls!"

Hundreds of hands formed countless strange seals in an instant, and a blood-red six-pointed star appeared from them. Within a few tenths of a second, all the eyes and red light in the sky shone on Xu Yangyi. Then, there was a soft sound. There are thousands of waves in silence.

Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly shrank. He saw a black-clothed death god, who appeared in all the red eyes, at least fifty or sixty meters long, with a shadowy body and a sickle in his hand, waving the brilliance of death!

If it weren't for his further consciousness, he could only feel the crazy fluctuation of spiritual energy and couldn't see the true form of this move at all.

"Kill them all!!" Without any hesitation, Yuchang whistled out, a sword that cut through the world, and the death god who broke through the wind, two brilliant lights collided crazily, forming a dazzling explosion.

The light seemed to disappear.

Two half-moon-shaped sword marks, spanning hundreds of meters, tore wildly in the sky. Xu Yangyi didn't even look at it, and rushed straight to the human pillar.

A sword broke through the air, and the sword energy was rampant. As he moved forward, a terrifying crack suddenly appeared on the ground, which was bottomless and more terrifying than a magnitude 10 earthquake.

"Kill!" Marshall screamed sharply, his red eyes shone brightly, and in an instant, a strange emotion rose in his heart.

Extremely negative emotions represent hypocrisy, deception, and all the evil in the world. It almost makes people become the embodiment of sin, worshiping in front of the family emblem of the Ferrers family.

"Desire... any living creature has it. We are in charge of deception. Once this desire is aroused, anyone's actions will slow down..." The Thousand Hands Pillar took a deep breath, and his body swelled up like a ball. His eyes were bloodshot, as if they were about to fall out at any time. And the demonic energy from all directions, like a funnel, quickly rotated towards the center and was swallowed up in an instant.

"And slowness... is the first characteristic of a loser." On the pillar, the face representing Marshall sprayed with all his strength, and with a puff, a pitch-black rib, hidden in the deep black, blew the horn of killing, and rushed towards Xu Yangyi like lightning.

Life magic weapon

The devil rejected other flames. All the devil's magic weapons were condensed from a certain part of himself. This kind of magic weapon has a great backlash when it is damaged, but... no matter the power or speed, it is absolutely incomparable to ordinary magic weapons!

But at this moment, all its eyes widened at the same time.

Ten thousand purple lights appeared from behind Xu Yangyi, making him look like a purple sun. The purple air came from the east for 30,000 miles, and the speed did not decrease but increased!

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and his body turned into a long rainbow. A little cold light came first, and then the sword came out like a dragon. Because the speed was too fast, the friction between the sword and the air turned the sword into a raging fire. And he was like a phoenix spreading its wings, flying in the sky.

Flame God Punishment!

The Desire Talisman was activated for the second time, automatically! It swallowed all negative desires! And... another desire rose up in his heart.


Will to fight!

The determination to win until Loulan is broken!

This strong will actually surpassed his own will, controlling his body like a meteor through the sky, and the punishment from heaven, rushing straight to the demon Marshall!

"How is this possible?!" Marshall was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly screamed.

The most powerful thing about the demon, in addition to the strong body and the terrifying fire magic, is the desire to control people. Now... this person is not controlled by desire! Its desire seems to have added nutrients to the other party? !

Is he a stone!

"Angel?" It stared blankly at the sword in front of it. It has never seen such a weird thing in so many planes. In its memory, only those angels without emotions can do this!

Xu Yangyi only had Marshall in his eyes, but at this moment, a small vortex suddenly appeared in front of his chest, and a black bone spur came and went without a trace, flying towards his heart!

"Little..." Yuchang took a breath of cold air. This bone was too weird. When it appeared, it seemed to carry the screams of countless people, making people fall into hell. It was too late to warn him!

"Heh..." Marshall breathed a sigh of relief. He still won. This kid... was strong enough to fight with several of his magical powers. In other words... his spiritual power reserves were comparable to his own, no... he should be stronger than his own! The other party had just been promoted to the Venerable Saint, and his original meridians had not yet had the magical power to amplify his spiritual power. Even so, he could fight with him on equal terms.

"But... that's useless!" It stared at the scene in front of it: "The winner is me in the end... This! What is this! How is this possible?!"


The ribs had already passed through Xu Yangyi, but his body shook like a shadow and actually passed through his body!

The virtual immortal body is immune to substantial damage, and it is activated!

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