
Chapter 1135: Angels and Demons (I)

Marshall was stunned.

If given another chance, it would not be so confident.

It was clear that the other party was immune to my desire manipulation before, so it should be more vigilant, but when it saw that its own magic weapon actually missed it, it was really stunned.

It is enough for masters to exchange moves and determine life or death in an instant.

The Talisman of Desire sounded the clarion call for Xu Yangyi's all-out attack. Purple light burst out like a purple meteor. With a sword, the purple energy came from the east. is less than a hundred meters away!

One hundred meters, for Zun Sheng, that is an incalculable time.

Because it's too short.

"Damn...Damn!!" With a scream, the cold light suddenly flashed, and Xu Yangyi's figure appeared behind Marshall. The flame on the sword finally slowly extinguished, as if he was nirvana from the fire. He stood up slowly and took a look. The coffin-like human pillar behind him said calmly: "Seven hundred and eighty seconds."

The human pillar seemed to be trembling, and after a few seconds, he hoarsely said: "Why..."

Xu Yangyi gently wiped the fish intestines and said calmly: "You talk too much."

"In a total of ten minutes, you said more than thirty words. You don't know..." He held the sword flower casually, fish intestines flew happily in the air, and silver light flowed in the air. He said slowly: "Villain How many words do you always die from?”

boom! ! As soon as he finished speaking, the human pillar exploded completely, and red flames flew across the sky, turning into streaks of flames. Hundreds of hands were broken, and the human pillar more than ten meters high collapsed completely.

The face of despair is reflected in the air, and it cannot accept this reason. Words in battle are not without effect, but are a necessary means to mess with the opponent's mind and dampen the opponent's fighting spirit. It can't figure out why it fails to manipulate emotions? Why is it that when he clearly has the advantage, others immediately counterattack?

The counterattack lasted only a moment, but the result was a sword sealing his throat.

"Tell me..." Its hoarse voice finally echoed in the air: "Why... you are not controlled by the devil's desire... No creature in the universe... can avoid it..."

"At least... there will be a pause for at least a second... and the movements will be slow... you... are not at all..."

"This." Xu Yangyi snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "You chose the wrong method."

"Why!!" Marshall roared with the last of his strength.

Xu Yangyi smiled lightly and turned around: "Secret."

boom! ! There was a violent explosion behind him, and countless flames completely devoured Marshall's body. The demon turned into ashes after ten minutes.

"Bang!!" Sixteen hells, among the violence, in the dark streets. An opal exploded instantly, and Andrina stood up like crazy, looking at the fragments suspended in the air with trembling lips.

Beside him, the black eyes were shaking like a stroke. He stretched out his hand and wanted to touch the cat's eye stone in the air, but he couldn't do it at all.

"Dead?" Andrina's throat was dry, and she looked hoarsely into the air: "Mr. Marshall is dead?"

"This is a must be a lie...the mid-stage sainthood...can't catch an early-stage sainthood...and besides, it's only been ten minutes!"

"This is impossible...impossible! It must be fake!!"

"I do not believe!!"

Finally, she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Not shocked.

Her eyes were red, and now, there were only two words in her mind, desperately looping, endless reincarnation.

Two percent, two percent, two percent, two percent, two percent...

"Crash!" On the table in front of her, the exquisitely carved bone utensils were swept to the ground like crazy. She was really going crazy. One-fifth of the profit... According to the market price of an elixir, the profit was about four times. Now, one-fifth of it disappeared in one breath!

My heart is bleeding!


No, no, no, it's gone. This is its last trump card, which is superficially glamorous and is played by powerful foreigners. Moreover, the death of the two congressmen will be blamed on it sooner or later. It has no more cards to play!

Yes, it can call Taixu, and it is the legitimate daughter of Mephistopheles after all. However, once Taixu arrives, will it be the alchemist's turn to find such a good seedling?

Totally impossible!

"Damn...damn! Damn!!" It screamed like crazy, the essence of the devil swept out from the body, and countless traces of corrosion suddenly appeared in all directions. With its red hair flying, it stretched out its hand, as if to embrace the sky, He smiled miserably and said, "How could this happen?"

Then, it sat on the ground in despair, kneeling next to it respectfully with black eyes, lowering its head and not daring to say a word.

I don't know how long it took, but it stood up tremblingly, holding Black Eyes' hand. Black Eyes' hand was sore from being held by it, but it didn't dare to speak at all.

"What should I do..." Andrina's voice was extremely hoarse, as if she had aged hundreds of years in ten minutes: "What should I do..."

"I don't have the strength to make him bow his head anymore...could it be...could it be that my noble daughter-in-law of the Ferrers family is really going to welcome a mortal?!"

"Bring him back from that lowly and humble plane?!"

Black Eyes was silent for a long time before sighing: "My master...if you really want to form an alliance with him, I'm afraid you have to come forward in person."

There was no talk of subjugation.

To mention these two words now is to insult Andrina's pride.

"I can't do it!!!" Andrina gritted her teeth and stared at the surroundings: "I, the Ferrers family, one of the 18 original families... There are more than 300 brothers and sisters, and I am the only one to greet them. A mere mortal... Do you know that even if I live in a dark street, countless spies arranged by my dear brothers will be around me!"

"What?" Black Eyes was startled.

"I'm not lying to you...I never told anyone! They want me to die in this mudflat forever! I will never be reincarnated!"

"If they see me greeting a human... I... I..." Its lips trembled and it couldn't continue.

Black Eyes also fell silent.

"How about... forget it..." After a long time, it said.

"Impossible!!" Andrina was so entangled that she went crazy and screamed: "This kind of alchemist from the Eastern pedigree! His combat power has almost reached the level of perversion! I need him, my soul is shouting Yes, I need him! I never gave up the idea of ​​recruiting him!”

"He is a saint, and I am the legitimate daughter of the Demon King! Our identities are the same!"

There was unbearable silence again.

Black Eyes understands Andrina's mood very well, such a person... No! The monster is a piece of cake wherever he is placed. Even if the enemy defeats him, the first reaction is not to kill him, but to recruit him. And they will recruit very repeatedly. Andrina's state of not matching the words before and after the words proves this mentality.

"Let Mousavis come over..." Andrina swallowed her saliva and said hoarsely: "I... want to talk to him again..."

"My great master." Black Eyes immediately warned: "Don't worsen our relationship any more."

"I asked you to do it, didn't you hear me!!" Andrina was furious, then her voice became quieter, and she sat weakly on the bone chair: "I... just want to ask him... if he came here on his own. The possibility..."

There shouldn't be... Black Eyes didn't dare to answer. He bowed and was about to leave when his eyes suddenly flashed: "Master! Look!"

The cat's eye stone suspended in the air began to emit a faint light at some point.

Andrina was stunned for a moment, and then her absent-minded eyes burst out with amazing vitality, turning into flames and immediately rushed over, staring at the fragments.

"Demon energy..."

"What a strong demonic energy!"

"The soul stone only reacts to demonic energy. The plane of the Wolf Chief is a low-level plane. There should be no other people around them. This is the war of the saints. Now, Lord Marshall is dead. In other words... …”

" a demon?" Black Eyes gasped: " a demon? A pure-blooded demon?"

Andrina suddenly turned around, her chest rising and falling sharply: "Someone is coming... Someone is coming!!"

"Show off! Use the best guard of honor! The whole army marches to the Wolf Chief's plane!!"


Wolf chief plane, basin battlefield.

"Your strength is actually so strong..." In the night wind, Yuchang sighed with emotion: "You have surpassed Zhuanzhu... You are now... probably equal to the peak strength of the Zunsheng Middle Stage. And... this is still Even if you don't find the technique, once you find it, you can even rival the Great Perfection of the Saint! In the realm of the Saint... you will rarely find an opponent in the same realm!"

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and clenched his fist tightly.

He didn't even expect that he was so powerful. If you find the right technique...

Who else could I be called the number one person under Taixu?

"No." He suddenly stopped. Looking at the stars: "There are three more people."

"Maybe they are the only ones who can compete with me."

"However, I don't believe you are stronger than Su Xingyao."

"In a one-on-one situation, with two talismans in my possession, I have nothing to fear."

Feeling the spiritual energy churning in his chest, the Desire Talisman seemed to be reborn after washing away Marshall's negative power, and began to stir with all his might. But at this moment, suddenly, a severe pain rushed into his brain!

There was no reaction at all, and the pain that exceeded his nerves made him grit his teeth and kneel to the ground with a bang, holding his shoulders with all his strength. At this moment, the spiritual power did not converge at all. With a radius of tens of thousands of meters, the entire earth was like thunder, and the loud roar spread across the sky. Amidst the gunpowder smoke on the ground, terrifying spider web patterns spread quickly from his feet, and then turned into bottomless crack.

When the saint kneels down, the earth will be unbearable.

"What's wrong with you?" Yuchang was startled and asked immediately.

Without speaking, Xu Yangyi lowered his head, his long black hair fluttering in the wind, and streaks of demonic energy rose from his body. Yuchang was shocked, and as soon as he rushed in front of him, Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head. Yuchang gasped and retreated a hundred meters.

That is no longer a human face...

But a demon... a pure demon, I don't know what kind of demon race he is. His skin has begun to turn white, and the whites of his eyes are completely black, and his eyeballs have turned red. His black hair is flying, and his two huge horns are like the most majestic. The antelope, twisting like crazy, is trying to get out from under the skin.

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