
Chapter 1136: Devil's Ranch (I)

"Don't go over there." Yuchang said cautiously, and after feeling it, it connected with Xu Yangyi's consciousness again, flew over quietly, and asked a thousand meters away: "Xu Yangyi?"

Xu Yangyi's eyelids moved, and then slowly opened.

"It's me." He breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuchang sighed, this time the demonization was more thorough than the previous one. In fact, the previous one should have been a warning, but no one expected that the demonization was so fast and so domineering.

"What's going on?"

Xu Yangyi looked at his hand with a flickering look: "I don't know."

"Didn't the Desire Talisman devour the devil?" Yuchang asked without getting close.

He snapped his fingers and put on a set of black robes. Xu Yangyi stood up and shook his head: "It's not just that."

Swish... Before he finished speaking, he slowly raised his hands, Yuchang's eyes flashed, and he retreated another thousand meters. The spirit of the weapon held the main body and pointed directly at Xu Yangyi's throat.

Right behind him, two pale, black-tattooed demon wings suddenly rose up, and both hands also turned white, with blood-red nails and talismans wrapped around them, but other parts remained unchanged. The dense demonic energy was almost impossible to dissolve, and it quickly flooded the entire valley with him as the center of the circle!

"Mortal." The wind blew, and Xu Yangyi looked at Yu Chang lightly while his clothes were rolling: "I... was imprisoned for 10,000 years."

"I was driven out of my hometown again..."

Yu Chang's mouth twisted and the sword was put down.

"Now, you dare to set foot in my territory... I forgot the following words."

"You have learned bad things..." Yu Chang sighed, and the close contact with ink is black, which is what people like Xu Yangyi are like. What a good young man, what has he become now?

"And... you are not suitable for such cold jokes... Spare me..."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and his body immediately returned to its original state, shaking his hands, and his left hand kept switching between people and demons.

Yu Chang's mouth trembled, why didn't he feel surprised at all? Is it because IQ has also dropped because I can change demons!

"What's going on!" It couldn't help but speak again, its voice was heavy and its expression was sad. It didn't want to change its master like Mao Ba Er at all, not at all!

Xu Yangyi didn't answer immediately. He looked at the countless inferior demons kneeling and trembling around him. With a wave of his hand, the inferior demons in the whole valley were like sand, not daring to say a word, and drifted away with the wind.

"Good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone, or it can be said that there is no coincidence. I can't predict the direction of this change." Xu Yangyi restrained his smile, looked at his hand and said: "In addition to the demonization of the body, I have something else I want to show you."

Before he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the red line immediately flew over, holding his head intimately.

"Be good, I'll give you something delicious later." Xu Yangyi touched the other party and smiled, "But, let's release the illusion first. It needs a dangerous illusion."

The red line reluctantly left him, spread its wings, and countless talismans filled the sky. In an instant, a magnificent forest emerged.

Vast and magnificent, long in ancient times.

At the same time, a thousand-foot black light burst out from Xu Yangyi's eyebrows. In the center of the forest, a golden talisman soared into the sky and was swallowed by the swallowing talisman.

Formation eye?

Yuchang frowned slightly. Any illusion has a formation eye, which is also the core of the illusion. If it is swallowed, the illusion will never be broken. But I already knew these, which is part of the other party's killing field. What is it doing now?

"Boom!!" A loud noise came from behind it. It looked at it in astonishment. It was a thigh that was several meters thick.

Tick-tick...tick-tick...a little bit of liquid fell on his head, and a huge black shadow had already enveloped it. It raised its head in surprise, and a monster beast that was a hundred meters tall appeared in its field of vision.

On the surface of the bone, there was a huge bird with a mouth full of fangs, and the feathers on its body were like flames, burning fiercely.

"The other side bird. A monster beast of the lower level of the seventh realm." Xu Yangyi nodded in concentration: "Be careful."

Before the voice fell, a sharp whistle sounded, and a piece of thunder with flames fell down!

Yuchang stretched out his hand without knowing why, and wanted to flick away the thunder with a flick of his finger. This was just an illusion. The illusion of the killing field served Xu Yangyi himself. The illusion had no lethality, and Xu Yangyi himself was the knife.

But at the moment of contact, its eyes suddenly raised, looking at the sky in disbelief, and then, the instinct of fighting surged wildly, and the right hand had already picked up the body at a lightning speed, and a silver-white sword light was cut out in a half-moon shape!

As agile as a swimming dragon, as graceful as a startled swan.

Swish! The white light was fleeting, and the huge bird screamed and retreated, with countless red feathers flying, like a torn piece of paper, leaving a huge sword mark, but Yuchang's eyes were already solemn.

It looked at its hand quietly, took a deep breath, and raised its head in disbelief: "Destructive power?"

"The illusion itself... has lethality?"

This is impossible!

No illusion can have this!

Its palm was charred black, and it was burned by thunder. Although it was only a little... a tiny bit, but... it was a qualitative transformation!

How did it do it?

Even with his experience, he looked at Xu Yangyi in surprise at this moment. After he decided on the future magical skills, the killing field was enough to make it perfect!

It is the sublimation from gold to diamond!

"Boom, boom, boom!" Suddenly he remembered several loud noises around him. He raised his eyebrows and saw the prehistoric beasts, all staring at him with saliva.

The middle-level monsters of B, the Purgatory Demon Sheep...the monsters of upper-B level, nine-headed worms...the middle-B monsters, Chaotian Immortal...the monsters of lower-B level, tigers and wolves...

Including the other shore bird, there are five in total.

It actually felt the real breath of flesh and blood!

"How is it possible..." This was not what Yuchang said, but the red line, which was staring down in the sky dumbfounded: "The alive?"

"Creation?" Yuchang couldn't believe it at all.

"Sometimes, what the eyes see is not real." Xu Yangyi snapped his fingers, and suddenly everything disappeared. Yuchang immediately raised his hand and took a look. There was no trace at all!

" are so awesome..." Hongxian flew around excitedly: "I can't even do it!"

Yuchang stared at his hand, puzzled. The hot feeling, the pain, and the fluctuation of spiritual energy just now were so real that even he couldn't distinguish them. Unlike the previous illusion, everyone knew that it was just a formation. The eye is devoured and cannot be broken.

Now...this is a murderous fantasy.

The god of death in the dream is invisible and shadowless.

"It's not that I'm great. I still can't create illusions, so I can only use your illusions as the starting point." Xu Yangyi apologetically snapped his fingers and flew up a pill. The red thread that was easily satisfied immediately started to chew on it, without even remembering that he almost missed it before. Being braised in red by Xu Yangyi, it was a typical example of not forgetting to eat but not to beat.

"This is the magic of deception." He said to the silent Yuchang: "Devils, each has a different faction. I swallowed a member of the Ferrers family, and Mephistopheles is the king of deception. . That’s why there’s this magic.”

"They're very scary, they simulate everything, and you might just see the injuries, and then you feel the surroundings."

Yuchang closed his eyes, felt carefully for a moment, and then opened his eyes with a sigh: "How on earth could it become like this? Stop beating around the bush! I am full of curiosity now. Do you know, Jiang Shang's third generation Zhuge Wuhou , the realm is also an illusion, and he can’t do this at all!”

"For thousands of years, no one has been able to do it, not even Tai Gongwang! How can you?!"

Just now, it felt that in this illusion, there was temperature... there was wind... there was sunshine. This was simply creation!

"This is deception. It is the blood talent of the Ferrus bloodline. It deceives all the senses and distorts all perceptions." Xu Yangyi stopped talking nonsense and raised his hand slightly. The sky in all directions was sealed. As a green light shone, a huge virtual statue appeared. The shadow appeared behind him.

Ethereal Immortal Body.

It still looks the same as before, bound by chains, with streaks of cyan spiritual energy spreading from the body surface, sometimes clearly, sometimes like a projection, flying around. But the strange thing is...its right hand is actually covered with dark talismans!

"The demonization just now was not my own. My body has been transformed into the Void Spirit Immortal Body. This kind of demonization is a corrosion from the foundation, a transformation starting from the soul. From the beginning, it was the Void Spirit Immortal Body and the Void Spirit Immortal Body. The demonic body is fighting for dominance over my body.”

"The Desire Talisman also has the ability to devour... No, it is not so much swallowing as it is conversion. All desires will be gathered in the Desire Talisman. And any demon evolves from desire. It can be said that they are also the same It is an aggregation of desire, but it is far inferior to the Desire Talisman. At least, a demon of the Saint level can swallow the Desire Talisman without difficulty."

"Let me call it the devil's soul. However, any complete living body is composed of both body and soul. Devouring the soul alone is the process of absorbing desire. With the talisman of desire balanced in my heart, there is no possibility of me going berserk. "

"But there is no possibility of demonization." Yuchang got a clue and said solemnly: "So, your demonization just now is already a complete demon, which means that you not only devoured the soul, but also devoured the body... "

It paused and its eyes flashed: "Descadri Pogu's right arm!"

"That's right." Xu Yangyi licked his lips, pointed his finger to the center of his eyebrows, and black light burst out: "The soul seeks the body, this is the way of heaven. After devouring Mousavis' demon soul for the first time, he immediately started the first The mutation was a warning that the soul and body were one, but Mousavis was too weak and I could still suppress it, so this mutation passed quickly. However... Marshall was very powerful and his bloodline was far away. Not like Mousavis.”

"It is no longer easy for me to suppress the souls in the middle stage of the Saint. The souls and bodies of humans and the souls of demons are like water and fire. After being swallowed by the desire talisman, Wuxu's soul is eager to find a new starting point. So, they set their sights on Apart from the Void Spirit Immortal Body, the only one that can compare with the demon body is the Void Spirit Immortal Body.

"That's why the demonization happened just now?" Yuchang thought thoughtfully, and then asked: "Then why did it stop?"

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