
Chapter 1137: Devil's Ranch (Part 2)

"The body is not enough." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "The first target of the demon's soul must be the demon's body. When it wants to occupy other bodies, it has been suppressed by my subconscious. So, the demonization is completely stopped. After all... I just devoured Descardri Bogu's arm."

Yu Chang's eyes flashed: "You mean, if you devour the body of a saint, you will become a complete demon just now."

Xu Yangyi nodded slowly: "To be precise, it is a demon with self-awareness."

Silence, neither of them spoke again.

I was born to be useful, even demons.

Their bodies are natural body cultivation, they are the darlings of fire, their lifespan is several times, ten times that of humans! There are all kinds of weird innate magical powers.

Su Xingyao is willing to offend Mammon to get the body of the real demon, for the same reason.

From now on, this change is only beneficial to Xu Yangyi, not harmful. But Yu Chang knows him too well, he doesn't show any signs of pleasure.


Xu Yangyi glanced at him, and the demonic energy in all directions instantly boiled, completely enveloping him. When the demonic energy dissipated, a not-so-tall body appeared in the black mist.

The whole body was snow-white, the hair was red, and the flames of hell were burning. Some tiny black lines spread to the hands. Two silver-white curved horns appeared on both sides of the temple.

"The body of a true demon!" Yu Chang took a deep breath. What Su Xingyao had worked so hard to get, Xu Yangyi now also had.

"What do you think of this body? Compared with other demons?" Xu Yangyi spoke calmly.

Yu Chang was stunned for a moment, and then he pondered. After a moment, he said seriously: "Prototype."

"I don't know why, but I came to this point of view. Compared with other demons, such as Su Xingyao's true demon body, your demon body is too simple and not majestic, and the demonic energy is far less terrible than hers. The flames of hell only cover the hair, and the iconic demon wings have not appeared, and even the demon pupils are not there. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a baby."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "I think so too. The consequences of swallowing the demon's body incompletely and then eroding the virtual spirit body are like this now. I think it should be. You have seen the power of this demon body. I dare say that when I decide on the skills and magical powers and pass the Saint Vacuum Period, even if the Saint is perfect, I will not be afraid."

"But this is not the most important thing." He pointed to the center of his eyebrows: "Look here."

Yu Chang looked carefully, but his face suddenly changed.

A very strange symbol appeared between Xu Yangyi's eyebrows.

Above, there is a snake with a head and a tail, and below, there is a string of vague symbols.

"What is this?" Even Yuchang frowned.

"The Endless Snake represents eternal life, eternity, and immortality. You may have forgotten the origin of this mark, but I remember it clearly." Xu Yangyi paused and said solemnly: "This is the Senluo Dao Mark."

"Tenggerbal, the leader of the Taichu Void Legion, planted it for me on Earth. It is said that there is no escape from the heavens and the worlds."

"Is it activated?" Yuchang took a deep breath. Although the two great saints of Guanghan Palace and Bulao Mountain jointly blocked the terrible enemy from the Seven Realms Chain, he never took it lightly.

Xu Yangyi nodded, Yuchang snorted and shook his head, but his mind was so sharp that he immediately took a breath and stared at the Endless Snake.

The Senluo Dao Mark was activated...Tenggerbal did not come!


There is only one answer, it felt danger... fatal danger!

This kind of danger made it dare not cross the line at all!

"You can't make a monster like it feel this way. No one else can leave a mark on you. The only one who can leave a mark is..." It took a breath in shock and said slowly.

"Mammon." Before it finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's face was as dark as water: "The devil eroded the virtual spirit body, and this devil is the incarnation of Mammon. It... I don't know when it left a mark in my body."

"Other creatures can't see this kind of mark at all, only demons can see it. And only when you become a true demon body can you be completely exposed. Mammon is definitely more terrifying than Tenggerbal. Although I don't know whether these legendary Yawes are still alive after more than 100,000 years. However, with its mark, Senluo Daobiao dare not move."

Yuchang didn't feel relieved at all, but felt a chill in his heart.

On the left, there was poison wine, and on the right, there was Crane's Beacon.

Being targeted by two behemoths at the same time, although Deskadri Bogu was one of the incarnations of Mammon, his strength was far, far away from Tenggerbal. The other party was an existence that could shock the seven realms by himself. However, Tenggerbal's bloodline is definitely not as pure as Deskadripogu.

The two demons reached a strange peace in Xu Yangyi's body. This peace is not happy at all.

"The word demon never brings good news." After a moment, Yuchang smiled and said, "What else? Apart from this little thing, is there anything wrong?"

Xu Yangyi looked at Yuchang gratefully. It was obviously the sword of Damocles on his head, but the other party deliberately said it lightly, which was not to add any psychological burden to him.

Just remember the gratitude in your heart. He knows that Yuchang has made great efforts in his demonization this time. When he arrives in Tiragangdis, he will repay this friendship with all his strength.

"Yeah, it's a small problem. We've talked about the depressing things, let's talk about something happy." He also laughed: "I really want to know about your question just now. Is there any other harm in demonization? The body is just an appearance, and I don't care about my appearance. But have you ever thought that once demonization is harmless, then... the huge Tiragangdis..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuchang's eyes were already blazing, as hot as fire.

Too crazy!

Too cruel!

Xu Yangyi's ambition is obvious. It has always been... only demons that erode humans. Now, a human being, under many coincidences, actually has the idea of ​​​​demons!

Once it is harmless, a chaotic place like Tiragangdis is called hell, but it is actually heaven! It is Xu Yangyi's ranch!

Under the guise of a great alchemist, he harvests low-end demons like harvesting wheat in hell! And even Chen Xingjun, Deskadri Bogu who lost an arm... It believes that the other party will never let any of them go!

While making deals with the demons, it opened its bloody mouth to them. It actually had some doubts about who was the real demon?

Suddenly, it took a deep breath, and its voice trembled slightly: "Are you thinking... if there is no harm, you want to completely transform into a demon body? Completely devour the Deskadribo Valley? Right in hell... the demon's base camp? Devour a high-level demon? Or a big demon?"

"You are too crazy..."

"But I admire it."

"You can't live without being crazy." Xu Yangyi licked his lips: "Now... I really hope it has no other harm, Tiragangdis... I will definitely go, once it is harmless... hehe... I hope they will remember a human name... and become the nightmare of the demons."

"And, the mark of Mammon, once We must find a way to get rid of it. Perhaps, only hell has a way. This time bomb must not be left on the body. You and I know the power of Yahweh better than anyone else. " "They will definitely remember it, and it is extremely clear." Just as he finished speaking, a somewhat hoarse female voice suddenly rang around, Yuchang shouted softly, and turned into a cold light surrounding Xu Yangyi. Xu Yangyi raised his hand, indicating that there was no need to worry, and looked around and said lightly: "Are you finally willing to come here in person?" "Dear Andrina Ferrers?" As if responding to his call, the entire space began to tremble slightly, becoming more and more violent and more and more crazy. Circles of ripples, visible to the naked eye, spread out from a point in the air, and the ground rumbled and shook, like a violent earthquake. Countless stones and debris were attracted three feet above the ground by a strange force, buzzing constantly. Swish... a dense demonic energy appeared from the void without any clue. It was as dark as ink and could not be dissolved at all. It was much weaker than Cillian and Marshall, but the degree of refinement was incomparable!

That was the real hell, boundless despair. Xu Yangyi seemed to see countless creatures wailing in it.

His eyes shrank slightly. Is this the pure-blooded demon? The pressure brought by it was even stronger than Marshall! He clearly felt that it was only the great perfection of the Nascent Soul, but it was like facing a prehistoric giant.

"Blood pressure, you are not facing her, but her father, the demon king who controls a layer of hell." Yu Chang said immediately.

Xu Yangyi nodded, and the bold words just now were carefully put away, and a monument of vigilance was established in his heart. Strategically despising the enemy and tactically paying attention to the enemy will always be his only way to act.

Kakakaka... The sky seemed to collapse. With a loud bang, a space crack of about fifty meters in size appeared above his head.

The strong wind blew, rolling up the fallen leaves. In the crack, ten huge fingers slowly stretched out, blue-black, covered with the iconic flames of hell, and then desperately pulled around. With a sound of tearing rags, the crack suddenly expanded to a size of two hundred meters!

A blood-red eye appeared in the darkness, followed by the sound of drums, neat and rhythmic. In the deep darkness, many figures walked in uniform steps, clacking, and walked towards the crack.

"A show of strength?" Yu Chang laughed.

"You have to understand others." Xu Yangyi also laughed: "She has no cards to play. She doesn't allow others to show off their last strength? Believe it or not, even she herself doubts, what's the point of doing this?"

Dong Dong Dong... The first to appear was a row of demons wearing simple black armor, about ten meters tall, with heads like skinned crocodiles, all of whom were in the late stage of foundation building. A knife in one hand, a shield in the other. On the wide shield, a bone sheep roared to the sky, with two olive branches on both sides.

Such a team was very long and neat, marching to the rhythm of drums, like an army going to war. There were about 10,000 people, and behind them, three Yuanying period demons, burning with blazing flames, guarded a huge demon that was tens of meters tall.

The blood-red one-eyed demon carried a small and exquisite carriage on its back. The demon was surrounded by black armor and armed to the teeth guards.

The demon's ceremonial guard.

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