
Chapter 1139: Yiya Contract

/p\u003e        Since he decided to be a businessman, it would be worthwhile to eat up every last bit of profit from the other party. And the opponent is a demon, so he has no psychological pressure to eat.

The Yi Ya contract, just by listening to the content, you know that this is an absolutely precious thing. It is Andrina's greatest weapon to develop her own power. With it, she can gather demons who want to surrender to her. It is the carrot in front of the stick. Now, he has taken this carrot away.

Black eyes looked at the contract with red eyes. Although he couldn't hear anything now, he was not blind! As Andrina's house slave, he knew the weight of this thing too well. With it, this human can become a guest of honor of major demon families!

Don't think there are no small families in hell, there are many, very many! It also came for the Yi Ya contract, and now it watched the contract appear in front of it, but the target was not itself.

Feelings, this thing, basically do not exist in the demons. When extremely thin feelings meet huge interests, it is just like a bulldozer demolition, and it is instantly destroyed.

"Master... you should think about it. This thing... is too precious... He, he is not loyal to you..." Although it could not hear, it still whispered.

"Shut up!!" Before she finished speaking, Andrina's roar had already roared out, without even looking at the black eyes that were staring at her, and she said hoarsely: "Sign him, from now on, your name will have the three words Ferrus! Rampant in the eighteen hells, not many demons dare to bother you without eyes!"

"But... I hope you can work for me for a little longer! Not long... How about ten thousand years?"

Xu Yangyi glanced at it calmly: "I have a few things I must do. If you agree, I think I can try the alliance."

All the edges and corners of Andrina had been smoothed just now. At this moment, not only was she not angry, but she stared at Xu Yangyi, breathing rapidly: "You said... I can do it, and I will never refuse!"

The great alchemist... the great alchemist! His own wings are right in front of him!

"First, the mark of Mammon must be removed."

"Yes!" Andrina nodded immediately: "Whether the seven monarchs are still alive is a question, and what they left behind are all legends. The real rulers are our eighteen original families. As long as the family speaks up, unless Lord Mammon, who is not sure whether he still exists, speaks in person, there is a way to remove the mark."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Second, I will return to my plane in the future. You must help."

"Can...can't!!" Andrina's voice almost screamed, its wings...its wings are about to fly away...this is absolutely not possible!

"Is hell not good?" It said hurriedly: "Demons are a perfect race! The darlings of heaven and earth! You will know how powerful Tiragangdis is when you see it! We are just content with peace and do not take the initiative to provoke! Everything is available, thousands of light years away, there are countless worlds, and even many upper realms, all of which serve us as the master! You will be satisfied!"

Xu Yangyi looked at Andrina calmly. Perhaps the other party also felt that the words "content with peace" and "not taking the initiative to provoke" were a bit exaggerated. He coughed lightly: "What I mean is that as long as you have money and strength, you will live very comfortably in Tiragangdis. Not to mention, there is also status."

"With these things, I will live very comfortably wherever I go. It's not that I will not trade after I go back. The trade will remain, but I must leave."

Andrina pondered for a long time before nodding stiffly.

"Third, I just became a Saint, and my meridians are in the initialization state. I need skills and magical powers. I need the best, and the best is better. With your status, you can't even get these."

"Okay." Andrina agreed without thinking this time. In her opinion, this is the easiest condition.

After hesitating for a while, she said: "I have to remind you that this is possible, but to obtain the unique magic, you must make a great contribution. To the family. If you do it, I will put the complete magic of the Demon Lord level in front of you."

"It's normal, I accept it." Xu Yangyi nodded and said: "The last one."

Andrina breathed a sigh of relief silently.

Finally, the last one, the previous ones are not difficult to do. It seems that the other party still knows the truth of being a demon and leaving a line of defense so that we can meet in the future...

"I want to kill two demons, one is a sky demon, and the other is an incarnation of Mammon of unknown level."

Dead silence.

Andrina wanted to slap herself, and she had to slap herself hard.

He knows nothing! !

He never considered meeting well!

There is nothing wrong with the demons, you can kill as many as you want. But... did I hear it wrong at the end?

In a light tone, he said he wanted to kill the incarnation of Mammon?

Who is Mammon? He is the Seven Lords of Hell, the real demon god who united seven brothers to keep the other six legends out! Although he exists in legends and has not appeared for many thousands of years, the incarnation of the demon god, even if it is just a title, is it something that a human like him can plot?

"What are you going to do?" Its voice became solemn. This matter is too important, and it cannot ignore it.

"There is a grudge." Xu Yang's words were concise and almost choked Andrina.

"Even if there is a grudge, you must hold it back!" It gritted its teeth and said, "The demon god has disappeared for an unknown period of time, leaving behind many legends. The most recent one was the battle between the two demon gods and the Lord of Arms, but that is also a legend! I remember when I was a child, I asked my father, but he didn't give a definite answer! You know, it is the first pioneer following His Excellency Lucifer. If it is really the demon god Beelzebub and His Excellency Lucifer who took action, it will not fail to feel it."

"Other demon gods, such as the Lord of Arms and Jörmungandr, are all legends. These legends are very authentic, but not necessarily true. However, this does not prevent them from having countless believers. If you dare to kill an incarnation of a demon god, those fanatics will tear you into pieces!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes gradually turned cold. He was not anxious about the appearance of the Mammon mark?

No, he knew the horror of Yahweh better than anyone else, especially after feeling Yahweh's will once.

This is a nuclear bomb, and it is a nuclear bomb tied to the body. Once it cannot be untied, then... it is not surprising that it will explode at any time. As a result, only he will be shattered to pieces, and there will be no other way.

The Great Demon Lian Chen Xingjun knows everything about him. Deskadri Bogu, I am afraid he will be sensed when he arrives in hell. There are only two roads between him and these two demons, life and death, and no victory or defeat.

"I don't ask these, I only ask whether it can be done." Xu Yangyi said coldly: "I asked for four things in total. If you do one, I will reduce the price by one level. In addition, I can refine a designated pill for you alone."

"Yes! Yes!!" As soon as the voice fell, Andrina's extremely excited voice rang out: "Absolutely! Others may not be able to do it, but I, the great daughter of the Fellers family, am sure to do it!"

"Lord Mammon has infinite incarnations, who knows thousands or tens of thousands! It doesn't matter if one dies, not at all!"

"I agree to all these things! But some of them cannot be done immediately. Can I... tell you the method? Then... you can reduce it a little bit as appropriate?"

Xu Yangyi curled his lips: "Let's talk about it later."

Sure enough... For creatures like demons, deception and betrayal are the norm, and the so-called loyalty does not exist at all.

A race that dares to sell out the ancestor's clone for profit, expecting loyalty?


As for whether there is a problem with his demon body, he is not in a hurry. A few requests, there must be some additional terms, right?

"Then... when do you think we will go to Tiragangdis?" Andrina was so excited that she was emitting flames: "I will be waiting for you at any time."

Xu Yangyi looked at its exquisite face with estrangement and had to correct: "It is waiting for you."

Different species, how can they fall in love!

"In short, the great Fellers family welcomes you at any time, respected great alchemist." At this point, Andrina's heart was finally put down, watching Xu Yangyi write with a dragon and snake, signing his name on the Yi Ya contract.

Swish... a strange black light flashed, as if something in the dark looked at this place, and then the black parchment flew into the air, and a few big words appeared after his name.

Yi. Fellers.

What a weird name!

Xu Yangyi complained for no reason in his heart, and saw a black flame rising from the parchment, burning it clean in an instant, but there seemed to be some connection between him and Andrina.

"Meet me here in three days." After saying this, he turned into a stream of light and left.

The strong wind brought by the saint made the flames on Andrina and Heiyan flash wildly. Seeing him leaving, Heiyan suppressed the jealousy in his heart and bowed his head respectfully: "Master... did you really agree to his request? After all, he is just a human being. I still think that giving a human a contract with Yi Ya is too..."

"You talk a lot of nonsense." Before she finished speaking, Andrina turned her head and looked at it, sneering: "Nothing he has to do is easy. He deserves this Yi Ya contract."

"Let's not talk about the last thing. The demon god... hehe... should exist. There is only one way to eliminate the demon god's mark. That is to go to the top of the primordial space and endure the eruption of the hell artifact, the demon furnace. Don't think it's that simple. Every time the demon furnace erupts, the most refined demonic energy and the purest hellfire are great opportunities for any demon clan."

"If he wants to go, he must fight out of the abyss arena, where the red-eyed saints are waiting... The time of each eruption is uncertain, and the family has deduced that the next time Here it is, a hundred years later, there is no way he can pass it. The Abyss Arena... is within a radius of tens of millions of light years, and there are countless top saints in our planes. "

"A Yang Saint with initialized meridians must make significant contributions to gain the favor of the family. He also needs to practice new magic, a hundred years? Enough?"

It smiled confidently: "The next eruption may be ten thousand years, or tens of thousands of years later. Don't forget that the last eruption was thirty thousand years ago. These two time points don't match at all, which is a condition he can't fulfill."

Although Heiyan didn't understand all the processes, his eyes lit up when he heard this, and he flattered: "Master, you don't plan to let him contact the family and make contributions? Just an alchemist is not worth signing the Yi Ya contract, right?"

"Of course he should be allowed to contact!" Andrina sneered: "This is his own request. He has a paradox, so it's not my fault. "

"I just didn't remind him, it doesn't count as a violation of the contract. "

Then, she frowned: "What I am curious about is the Mammon Mark... If I were not in the original family, I would not recognize that this is the Mammon Mark. How could something that has not appeared for tens of thousands of years appear on him?"

(End of this chapter)

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