
Chapter 1140: Heading to Hell

Xu Yangyi returned to the Golden Wolf tribe and gathered all the important people for the first gathering.

"You want to leave?" When the great witch heard this, he immediately became anxious, but he did not dare to jump up. He could only kneel on the ground respectfully and said hoarsely: "Almighty sir, if you leave... I will provide you with supplies. The Golden Wolf tribe will be torn into pieces.”

Others also looked panicked. As long as Xu Yangyi left, the remaining city lords and other tribes would never let go of the fertile territory of the Golden Wolf tribe.

Xu Yangyi glanced at these people and felt a little hesitant.

Of course, there is no hesitation about whether to go or not. But he hesitated to open a door to practice for these people.

"Be careful." Yuchang said solemnly in his spiritual consciousness: "This is obviously a resource plane, and there is no need for enlightenment. The strategy of fooling the people is a good strategy. Anyway, they are under your protection, they have no worries about food and clothing, and they can live a happy life. That's right. What if you have too many planes in your hands and can't take care of this place, but a powerful person appears here because of the skills you left behind, and even threatens your status? "

It told the truth, but it strengthened Xu Yangyi's determination to become enlightened.

"If I had been practicing for hundreds of years and was still caught up by future generations, then I wouldn't have to practice."

"Just think of me as setting off a whip to spur myself on."

"You... as you reach the later stage of your cultivation, hundreds of years really don't mean anything. Zunsheng is 1,600 years old, Doppo has been nearly 10,000 years old, and there are people who can't make any progress even in hundreds or thousands of years. In the early days, The waveform will slowly flatten out in the later stages. The further you go, the smaller the gap in talent will be. Only those with great perseverance can climb to the top.”

Xu Yangyi shook his head. He had already decided and didn't want to change it.

While everyone was silently waiting for Xu Yangyi's verdict, suddenly, a golden light flashed, and five jade slips appeared in the brilliance. The people below were stunned at first, and then all they could hear was the sound of heavy breathing.


Although there was no word, everyone understood what this was going to do. The other party wants to pass on their own traditions! What the opponent holds in his hand is the magic of the gods!

"Gudu..." Dawu Gan swallowed his saliva and couldn't move his eyes away from the jade slip.

Xu Yangyi ignored all the expectant and blazing eyes and slowly raised his hand. Then, a green and black light erupted into the sky. Hundreds of light spots turned into endless sword rain in the eyes of countless shocked eyes. On the top of every Golden Wolf tribe's city , a green flying sword formed at the entrance of the tribe.

"I will come back once a year." He stood up: "Everyone, take care of yourself."

"'re leaving?" Zuo Shurong asked blankly. At this moment, I finally understood.

He originally thought that if the other party was leaving, he would mingle with them and say goodbye properly. But no, the other party is like a high-altitude god, awe-inspiring and inviolable. However, gods will not have much interaction with mortals.

There was no answer, a green light flashed, and Xu Yangyi's figure gradually disappeared. The great witch's eyes fluctuated sharply. Half a second later, he waved his long sleeves and shouted: "Everyone kneels down and worships."

"Heaven and man have different paths. I send you my best regards to the angels."`

This sound spread out from this room, and then spread wider and wider. Finally, the entire Golden Wolf tribe was filled with the deafening sound of the sending angels.

Xu Yangyi no longer cares about what happened to the Golden Wolf tribe. Even if the wolf chief's plane changes to another owner, he doesn't care much.

This is just a seed dropped by oneself at will. What kind of fruit will grow depends on the farmer's own luck. It's a pity that he doesn't dare to inquire about anything about the earth now, otherwise... he would rather want the earth to return to its former glory.

Not returning to the fairy world, all nations come to court, this is the real name of this ancient planet.

He has come to the basin, closed his eyes and rested his mind, adjusting his energy and spirit to the best to prevent any changes.

Three days passed very quickly. As soon as the third day passed, the billowing demonic energy rose again without any trace, and the sky became dark. After the demonic energy disappeared, a huge demon had appeared in the basin.

It looked like a skinned frog, with eyes all around its sides and burning flames all over its body. It was thirty meters long, with countless small fire pits on its back, but its abdomen was a piece of ice.

"Meet the great master." The devil opened his mouth, and Mousavis flew out from it, kneeling on the ground respectfully: "The humble Mousavis worked hard for you in the sixteenth hell, and finally found the most suitable one. The buyer. The powerful Ferrers family, Princess Andrina, was very friendly and told me that you were very pleasant to get along with.”

Xu Yangyi sneered, and without saying much, he raised his legs and walked towards the devil's mouth.

There was no peculiar smell, and it was very dry inside, neither cold nor hot. As we walked further in, doors appeared. Mousavis opened them in an awkward manner. The luxurious and primitive style inside made Xu Yangyi dare not compliment him.

He sat on the bone chair in the center and asked casually: "How long will it take?"

"Master, this is a very precious space demon, the Tyrus Time and Space Demon. It will reach hell in about one day. But this kind of space demon can only reach hell so fast when the crystal wall system of the opposite plane has been shattered. The Wolf Chief plane has been in the flames of war with demons all year round, so it can be reached so quickly.”

Xu Yangyi nodded and said no more words.

With a slight vibration, the Tyrus Time and Space Demon has begun to sail, one man and one sword, sailing towards the boundless hell alone.

Time passed very quickly. I don’t know how long it took. After another slight shock, Xu Yangyi slowly opened his eyes. Mousavis was like a piece of wood, holding a bottle of the three-color flame wine that is said to be a specialty of hell, working tirelessly. Standing aside.

"We have sailed into the crystal wall system of Tiragandis. We will arrive in about six hours." Seeing him wake up, Mousavis immediately said respectfully.

Xu Yangyi stood up and walked to the window. The Space Demon's eyes opened slowly like a machine window. Immediately afterwards, a shocking scene appeared in front of his eyes.

Flames, flames everywhere, countless flames.

Every star was burning. He saw black holes, white holes in the far distance, countless stars, planes of different shapes, all kinds of weird shapes.

The stars were shining with red luster, and right in the center of all the stars, a huge palace with no end in sight stood in the universe.

It's a bit like an ancient European castle, with a hint of Muslim style, with large pieces of gem-like things shining on it, and countless high towers standing in it. At the highest point, there is a tower that is extremely splendid. There are countless statues carved on it, and groups of demons like black clouds are flying around.

However, no matter how many statues there are, they cannot cover up the seven largest statues with demonic faces. In the eyes of every face, there are streams of flames erupting, some are red, some are yellow, and some are green. Each one is extremely ferocious. Just taking a look at it, it is like facing the abyss of hell and facing the most powerful malice in the entire world.

Seven Lords of Hell!

Burning is the theme here, terror is the truth here, and power is the law here. And the Seven Lords, with their tall and indifferent eyes, will always be with Tiragandis, the city of terror, and the Starry Sky Throne.

"It's so brilliant..." The fish intestines and Hongxian had already floated out, looking at everything in front of them in astonishment. Hongxian did not speak, but lay on the bulkhead, constantly sighing.

You can't feel this kind of shock when you look at Mousavis. It's really not far away from it that you can feel the strong contrast between the galaxy and the unit. That huge and tiny gap creates a crazy feeling of admiration.

The worship of strength.

For the worship of magnificence.

Worship of immortality.

It has nothing to do with the camp, this is the pinnacle of architecture, the art of blood and fire, the holy pilgrimage of sin.

"I don't know how many years it will take to build such a terrifying thing..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and murmured as he looked deeply at the majestic Xingkong Seat and the terrifying city in front of him.

"That is between the original world." Mousavis said with a voice of great longing: "Only the Saint, or above, can walk between the original world, or high-level families, and of course, their servants are not included."

"I heard that there are more than a thousand layers there, and each layer is flowing with the freshest blood and burning with the most obsessive flames. Countless fellow demons are summoned to every corner of the plane every day."

Seeing Xu Yangyi's slight nod, it immediately pointed downwards: "There are the other seventeen hells, between tyranny, deception, hypocrisy, greed, malice, forgetfulness... Master, The first thing you need to know after landing is that every big family in hell must be the devil in charge of hell. We also call him the king. If you can, don't mess with his family."

Xu Yangyi looked at it. It was either a volcano, an ice lake, or a swamp. There were even planes made of countless bones. Planets and planes were attracted by them, floating around, and endless planetary belts and meteorite groups. , combined together, formed a larger crystal wall system, which was a spectacle.

At this moment, he felt an elusive consciousness spread out from the void space, swept around them, and returned to silence.

"Eighteen Demon Lords are scanning the entire plane all the time, Master." That consciousness didn't have any hidden thoughts. Mousavis also felt it and bowed: "It didn't speak, which means it allows us to enter, so ... We'll be picking up speed soon."

Before he finished speaking, the flames on the back of Tyrus Space Demon burst out, and then, his whole body rushed towards the endless throne like a meteor.

Getting closer and closer, you can no longer see the universe as the background at all, only endless walls and countless demonic armies flying around like patrols. Huge buildings cover the sky and the stars, leaving only people with their most direct and primitive senses.

Xu Yangyi looked deeply at the endless walls, infinite cities, and countless groups of demons in front of him. After a long time, he said: "One day, if I can do it, I will also build a Great Wall across the stars for the earth."

"Use the terracotta warriors and horses as guards to guard the huge palace complex that is as long as light years, so that the name that will not return to the immortal world will once again resound in the universe. In the whole world, it is the king's land, and on the shore of the land, it is the king's ministers."

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